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A/N: This is cringey and gross I'm sorry
Richie Tozier couldn't take his eyes of Y/N Y/L/N. Not tonight, not ever. He was always staring at her. Stealing glances whenever possible. She never looked back at him. Why would she? I mean sure, she didn't really look at anyone, but it still stung. She wasn't fond of speaking, didn't have that many friends. Just a couple of fairly average girls who were in the middle of the social status. Even they barely spoke to her. Beverly vaguely knew her, would occasionally wave at her, but they weren't that close. He highly doubted she even knew he existed. Even if she did, she'd never think of him how he thought of her. She would never fake phone calls confessing her feelings when she was home alone. She would never imagine grabbing his wrist, spinning him around and kissing him in the corridor. She would never—
"Richie!" The kid was snapped out of his thoughts at the sound of Stan Uris's voice.
"Huh?" He said, eyes still glued on the girl across the room who was stood leaning against the wall, crossing an arm across her body and tightly clutching a red plastic cup.
"Are you listening to a word I'm saying?" Stan raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah, yeah, of course I am!"
He wasn't.
Stan followed the gaze of his friend and rolled his eyes when he realised what was going on. "Oh I get it. Y/N's here. You never listen when she's around."
"What?!" Richie managed to drag his eyes away. "That's so not true!"
"Yeah! It is! Whenever she shows up, you go all spacey and don't listen to a single fucking thing!"
"Hey guys, what's going on?" Eddie pushed through the crowd towards them.
"Richie's ogling at his lady love." Stan replied bluntly.
"Hey Eds." Richie smiled weakly.
"Don't call me that!" Eddie protested.
"Ugh, you guys, stop being boring!" Beverly pushed all three of their shoulders into the lounge. "We're about to start spin the bottle."

"Y/N Y/L/N." Heather Lipton smirked evilly, completely loving dominating her party.
The girl looked up from her spot against the wall. "Huh?"
"You've been very quiet." Heather stood up and walked over to her, stepping up close, her waist pressed right up against Y/N's.
"Come on leave her alone Heather." One of the girls Y/N was friends with stepped forwards and tried to pull Heather back.
"Oh hush Izzie!" Heather snarled, then turned back to Y/N, placing a hand on her cheek and leaning extremely close to her face. "Would you like a go sweetie?"
The entire room was silent. All that people could hear was the ticking of the clock, the slight sloshing of punch and shaky breathing.
Y/N gulped, "I-"
"Oh come on." Heather styled the girl's hair with her fingers. "It'll be fun!" She leaned even closer to her face, putting a finger onto the girl's lips. "We all know how much you want to cure those virgin lips of yours."
There was a collective awkward silence as everyone stopped and stared. Even Henry Bowers was silent. Suddenly, Y/N was kissing Heather. Richie's breath caught in his throat and he felt his heart physically stop. But something made him carry on looking. Something made him watch the way she squirmed in her bully's grip. Something made him stare at the joint female lips.
Heather eventually pulled away, gasping sharply and jumping back. "Ew! Ew she kissed me!"
Y/N eyes were wide and her lips were parted in shock. The cup fell from her hand and onto the floor. She began to shake her head quickly, "N-no. I-I-I didn't!"
Murmurs to friends turned to speaking to the person behind them, and pretty soon, there were shouts all across the room of "IS SHE GAY?!" , "OH MY GOD SHE'S A LESBIAN!" and "EW!"
Richie stared silently at the red liquid spreading across the white carpet. The stain grew, looking like blood pooling at the feet of the fallen. The two girls were stood bare metres away from him.
Y/N looked around the room in horror: her life as a no one was over. She looked back to Heather. "Why would you do that?"
Heather shrugged, taking a huge step so she was close to her again. "It had to come out at some point."
With that, she left. Y/N walked out of the room quickly with her head down, Richie shortly heard the door slam. Beverly pushed out from behind him and rushed out the room after her, but not before stopping in front of Heather and grabbing her fur jacket. "You are such a bitch."

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