Amara's Niece

By Edenwinchester02

136K 3.4K 555

Sequel to Chuck's Daughter Eden is the first creation. She's The goddess of life and creation. She is now ac... More

Amara's Niece
Goddess of truth
Clap Your Hands If You Believe
Oh Death
French Mistake (Part 1)
French Mistake (Part 2)
Wedding bells
Time after time
The Prophet Kevin
Hunteri Heroici
First Born
Mark of Dean
Back in Black
Welcome Home Dean
Ready or NOT
Fan Fiction
Teen Dean?
Dear Dad
First fights are the worst
The Horn of Joshua
Hi Daddy
Family Reunion
Take Down Amara
Auntie Amara
The Queen is Dead
Atomic Bomb
Long Live the Queen


2.9K 101 9
By Edenwinchester02


"That was... intense." I said as I shut the motel room door behind me. The bar connected to the motel almost acting as a lobby area. Dean looked at me smirking, "I shoulda ripped his damn arm off." Dean said confidently. "What you jealous or something?" I said only partially joking. Dean just shrugged his shoulders as he walked closer to me. "Who was the blonde waitress? Friend of yours?" I asked genuinely curious. "Now look who's jealous." Dean smirked pressing me against the door. He place one hand on my hip and on above my head. I was use to physical affection from Dean but this was different. This was lustful rather than protective. He better thank Dad my brothers aren't around. "Why are you here Eddie?" Dean asked. "Your boyfriend Crowley sold you out. Sammy probably isn't far behind me so I thought I could try talking to you. But I got a feeling you're no longer a talker." I said. Dean smirked moving impossibly closer. "You're not wrong. I missed you Eddie..." 

Dean's hand followed the curve of my body from my hip all the way to my neck. His touch was soft and careful. His hand finally came to rest on my cheek. He pushed a lock of hair out of my face and behind my ear. "I ever tell you beautiful you are baby girl?" Dean asked leaning closer to my face. "This isn't you talking Dean." I said leaving his touch in exchange for more personal space. "That's where you're wrong sweetheart. It's all me. Every desire, every thought of you, everything I wanna do to you... That's all me. It has always been me. Even before this damn mark it was all there. Now i'm just more... vocal about the undeniable sexual chemistry... It's all me baby, the same old Dean-o... Just with a few minor upgrades." Dean says as his eyes turn black as coal. His eyes were no longer the light green but rather a void. Filled with darkness. His eyes clipped back to normal as he once again pulled me to him by my waist. Before I could get another word out Dean grabbed the back of my neck and forcefully pulled my lips to his. The kiss was passionate and forceful. A fire erupted in me that I had never experienced before. He backed me into the wall and continued to kiss me. No matter how much my brain objected, my arms flew around dean's neck and pulled him closer. His hand slid under my shirt and I was snapped back to reality. This is not dean. Not my Dean. This is the product of the Mark. A demon. This is not Dean Winchester. I pushed him off me with such force he flew across the room and into the far wall leaving a dent in the plaster. I felt my eyes glow a bright blue as I touched my lips. With that I retreated and stormed out of the motel room back towards the bar slamming the door behind me. 

That was my first kiss. My first real kiss. 

I stormed into the bar trying to contain myself. I held my head down so that no one could see that I had yet to gain control over my glowing blue eyes. I knew Dean probably wasn't very far behind me. I must have looked like I was crying because Matt (the bartender Dean beat the crap outta) Grabbed me by the arm. "Eden are you alright? Did he do something to you?" Matt asked with concern. "I'm fine matt." I finally got my eyes under control and looked up. He had a black eye, a split lip, and bruises decorating his face. Even though he looked like hell, I could tell Dean was holding back. I reached my hand up to touch his bruise. His hand still holding onto my arm. "Are you?" I asked referring to his bruises.  Before he could respond I heard a furious growl come from behind me. "GET. YOUR. FILTHY. HANDS. OFF. HER." Dean's low growl vibrated through clenched teeth. He slowly pulled the first blade from behind his back. "I. WON'T. ASK. TWICE." Dean growled again. "Just leave her alone man." Matt said. Dean lunged at Matt but I caught his arm and twisted. A loud snap echoed through the nearly empty bar. Dean grunted in pain but before he could do anything else I grabbed him by his throat and dragged him through the back exit and into the alley way. 

I threw Dean down onto the ground and he side across the concrete and into a (now dented) dumpster. He grunted as he stood back up and stalked towards the door to go back after Matt. I flicked my wrist  and threw back into the brick wall of the building next door. "What is your Problem!" I yelled. As Dean stood back on his feet and dusted himself off. "I should rip his throat out for even looking at you!" Dean hissed. "WHY DO YOU EVEN CARE!" I yelled. Just as the words left my mouth dean had sped over to me and pushed me against the fire escape. His eyes went black and mine glowed their bright blue. "Because you are MINE!" Dean barked. My fingers melted the metal of the fire escape as we stared at each other. I tore my gaze away from Dean and over his shoulder. There stood Sam Winchester with a needle. As quick as lightning I grabbed onto dean's arms. "I'm sorry..." A look of confusion crossed his face then Sam plunged the needle into Dean's neck. I grabbed onto him before he hit the floor. 

It's time to get our Dean back. 


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