Books To Be Posted Soon

By Gotta_Luv_Nikkie

661 11 14

These are just some books that are in the making that will hopefully some day be on wattpad. You can check th... More

Books To Be Posted Soon
Dear Brother, Dear Sister
Hiding In The Shadows
Hiding In Center Field
Fairmont Academy: Where The Best Go
Everything Changes
The Alpha and The Hunter
Family Ties
Unrequited Love: My Brothers Best Friend
Till We Say Goodbye
The Alpha and The Omega (Name For Now)
Nightmares In Life
Strike Me Deadly
The Wolves of Oak Ridge

Forever Doesn't Have To End In Always

33 0 0
By Gotta_Luv_Nikkie

Summary: Kristen (Kris) Holland is a normal girl all she wants to do is graduate from High School and get the hell out of dodge, or in her case New York City. Two months before graduation she is beaten to the brink of death by three men.

Her own personal knight in shining armor comes to save her, well in this case a man in a black hoodie. Her life is thrown into a downward spiral. Her knight in shining armor isn’t all she has him cracked up to be. He might just be the person to bring her more bad than good. All she knows is this story won’t be a fairytale happy ending of a life she’s always dreamed of.


“Kris I need you to run to the store for me. I need something for dinner. Here take this,” my mom said stopping in front of me and blocking the tv from my view. I looked up at her. She held out a grocery list, and twenty bucks towards me.

“Okay,” I said shutting off the tv. I stood up taking the list, and the money from her. Slipping on a light sweatshirt, and my shoes. I stepped outside. Although it was spring, the air still held a slight chill of winter as the sun set in the sky at night. Probably the facts that we were as far away from the equator as you could get. New York wasn’t exactly the warmest place to live. If you wanted warm you’d move to Florida. Not New York. 

I headed down the sidewalk glad the grocery store was only a couple of blocks away. I really didn’t want to walk the streets at night. Although New York City was considered the city that never sleeps, only few people knew that happened in the streets during the night. Plus my neighbor hood was small, and full of older people. Most of the lights were shut off at eight. Besides the flashing of a tv in the windows every once in a while. The neighborhood was quiet.

There were two gangs in the city. There was the poor gang. They called themselves the Night Shooters. They lived in the smaller part of the city. The place with the smaller house that only consisted of one, or two bedrooms. The smallest houses, also the place where it cost less money to live. Along with the Night Shooters. 

Than their were The Black Dragons. They were the rich gang. They lived in the part of the city where everybody lived in penthouses with the fancy views. The places where apartments consisted of penthouses, and you got everything wanted at the snap of your fingers. Then there was where I lived. The middle class. Where there were apartments but they weren’t very big. Not like the penthouse. The houses were bigger then the poor part of town.. The middle ground between the two gangs.

No mans land.

It was also the place where the most gang battles took place.

I knew all about the gangs. When I was a Sophomore, Levi Collins took over The Black Dragons. Somehow everybody found out about it. It’s not like Levi tried to hide it anyway. Always bossing the people around that everybody knew was in The Black Dragons gang. Two years after he’d graduated people still talked about it. It was just a little bit insane if you asked me. It was like the guy was a celebrity or something. That he didn’t kill people for a living.

| He | Saved | My | Life | 

Reaching the door to the grocery store I let out a breathe of relief. I’d safely made it to the grocery store without any problems, or seeing anybody out of the ordinary. I hurried inside grabbing all the items from the list before checking out and leaving. I was safe to walk home without jumping at every single noise. Worried that one of the gangs would jump out of nowhere and grab me. That was so not going to happen.

 After all I was just a normal High School girl. What would they want with somebody like me? I wouldn’t say I was ugly. With my long curly black hair, and grey eyes with tan skin I knew I was pretty. That didn’t mean I was so hot I had guys pawning over me anywhere I went. I mean that would just be ridiculous. I don’t get why guys do that anyway.

I’d thought to soon when all of a sudden somebody grabbed my arm pulling me into a dark alley, another hand covered my mouth. Stopping me letting go of the scream that was building up at the back of my throat. “Please don’t hurt me. I’ll do whatever you want. You can take my money. Please don’t hurt me.”

“Oh don’t worry little girl we’re not going to hurt you. We’re just going to have a little bit of fun,” Somebody said stepping out of the shadows in front of me. The two guys held me by my arms to face the other guy, I don’t think my version of fun, and this guys were the same. Our ideas are of fun were two completely different planets. His type of fun I knew I wasn’t going to like.

 “Let go of me please. Let go of me!” I screamed thrashing. All of a sudden my arms were twisted behind my back, and a hand was flung across my cheek. I whimpered at the stinging pain, and the taste of blood in my mouth. Falling to the ground, my knees scraping on the concrete. Tearing the skin off, my shorts leaving no coverage to protect them. I forced myself back to my feet to look the guy in the eye.

“Now, now little girl I’d be very careful what you do. Whatever you do will only cause you pain.” I kicked out hitting the guy in the nuts. The two guys pulled my arms tighter and I cried out. Dropping to the ground on my knees again. Tearing the skin on my knees even more. I could hear the popping sound from both my arms. My arms hanging limply at my sides as they let go. I knew that both of my arms had been dislocated.

I looked up  just in time to see a foot flying towards my face. Hitting me in jaw, and sending me sprawling backwards on the ground. Then there was pain in my ankle making me scream as somebody brought their foot down on to my ankle. Hard! The beatings got worse as they went. I was kicked, punched, and stomped on. Each hit brought more pain to my body then I had ever felt in my entire life.

| He | Saved | My | Life |

After thirty minutes one of my eyes had swollen shut. I could feel the other swelling up. After an hour I could barely breathe, I was just barely staying conscious. I was sure that one of my ribs was broken. Maybe even a couple of ribs. Both of my eyes were swollen shut. I couldn’t even see anything anymore. I was happy for that. I wouldn’t have to watch anymore of the beatings they were going to give me.  All of a sudden there were voices yelling at each other. Then the sound of flesh hitting flesh.

Then it was quiet except for the sound of feet running away, and another pair of feet crunching the gravel, coming close towards me. I wanted to do something. To get up, to fight, to runaway. Anything but just lay there, and take what was going to happen to me next. I couldn’t do anything though. Even breathing was becoming a challenge right now. There was nothing I could do to ward off the person coming towards me. Cool hands were on my face. A voice was saying something. It sounded grumbled to my ears. Like I was underwater. I tried focusing to see if I could make out what the person was trying to say.

“I need your name. I need to know your name. Please tell me your name,” the voice said to me.

 “Kris,” I rasped out. I didn’t even sound like I was saying anything.


“My name is Kris Holland,” I said. He must have gotten it that time because he repeated it to somebody. I guess he was on the phone, or somebody else was their with him. I didn’t hear anybody else with him though.Which means that he was probably on the phone.

“I’m bringing her in. She needs help,” he said before he stopped talking. Then he spoke again. He was angrier this time. “I don’t care what you think. I’m not just going to leave her here to die. I’m not letting something like this happen again.” I wanted to flinch at hearing him say that. My body wouldn’t allow me to do much of anything if it involved moving though.

“I’m going to pick you up. I’m sorry if I hurt you. I’m going to get you help though. I’m going to make sure that you get better,” I forced myself to nod fighting back the groan of pain the movement brought me. Everything I tried to do. It hurt to breathe, and it definitely hurt to breathe.

I felt arms go behind my back, and then hooking around my knees. I was lifted into the air groaning as I was jostled around. I groaned, and cringed as my head rested against the persons warm, hard chest. In the person's arms I felt safe. Which was heavenly compared to what I’d just gone through.

“Thank you,” I said taking a deep breath. “You saved my life-,” he shushed me before I could say anymore.

“It doesn’t matter now. Your safe, I won’t let anything happen to you.” I let out a breath of air. My body was tired of fighting to stay awake. I went limp in his arms, and welcomed the darkness that beckoned to me. Welcoming me into its clutches as I welcomed it’s warm embrace. Thankful to finally stop fighting for just a little while.


This story is kind of a Love and Gangs story. I know there are a couple here on wattpad. I've read like two of them I think. I think I have another one in my reading list I have yet to get to (it will probably be a while before I do). 

I kind of like the version of made of Love and Gang stories. I think it's just a little bit more different. Plus as always it has my own little twist on it.







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