Forever Doesn't Have To End In Always

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Summary: Kristen (Kris) Holland is a normal girl all she wants to do is graduate from High School and get the hell out of dodge, or in her case New York City. Two months before graduation she is beaten to the brink of death by three men.

Her own personal knight in shining armor comes to save her, well in this case a man in a black hoodie. Her life is thrown into a downward spiral. Her knight in shining armor isn’t all she has him cracked up to be. He might just be the person to bring her more bad than good. All she knows is this story won’t be a fairytale happy ending of a life she’s always dreamed of.


“Kris I need you to run to the store for me. I need something for dinner. Here take this,” my mom said stopping in front of me and blocking the tv from my view. I looked up at her. She held out a grocery list, and twenty bucks towards me.

“Okay,” I said shutting off the tv. I stood up taking the list, and the money from her. Slipping on a light sweatshirt, and my shoes. I stepped outside. Although it was spring, the air still held a slight chill of winter as the sun set in the sky at night. Probably the facts that we were as far away from the equator as you could get. New York wasn’t exactly the warmest place to live. If you wanted warm you’d move to Florida. Not New York. 

I headed down the sidewalk glad the grocery store was only a couple of blocks away. I really didn’t want to walk the streets at night. Although New York City was considered the city that never sleeps, only few people knew that happened in the streets during the night. Plus my neighbor hood was small, and full of older people. Most of the lights were shut off at eight. Besides the flashing of a tv in the windows every once in a while. The neighborhood was quiet.

There were two gangs in the city. There was the poor gang. They called themselves the Night Shooters. They lived in the smaller part of the city. The place with the smaller house that only consisted of one, or two bedrooms. The smallest houses, also the place where it cost less money to live. Along with the Night Shooters. 

Than their were The Black Dragons. They were the rich gang. They lived in the part of the city where everybody lived in penthouses with the fancy views. The places where apartments consisted of penthouses, and you got everything wanted at the snap of your fingers. Then there was where I lived. The middle class. Where there were apartments but they weren’t very big. Not like the penthouse. The houses were bigger then the poor part of town.. The middle ground between the two gangs.

No mans land.

It was also the place where the most gang battles took place.

I knew all about the gangs. When I was a Sophomore, Levi Collins took over The Black Dragons. Somehow everybody found out about it. It’s not like Levi tried to hide it anyway. Always bossing the people around that everybody knew was in The Black Dragons gang. Two years after he’d graduated people still talked about it. It was just a little bit insane if you asked me. It was like the guy was a celebrity or something. That he didn’t kill people for a living.

| He | Saved | My | Life | 

Reaching the door to the grocery store I let out a breathe of relief. I’d safely made it to the grocery store without any problems, or seeing anybody out of the ordinary. I hurried inside grabbing all the items from the list before checking out and leaving. I was safe to walk home without jumping at every single noise. Worried that one of the gangs would jump out of nowhere and grab me. That was so not going to happen.

 After all I was just a normal High School girl. What would they want with somebody like me? I wouldn’t say I was ugly. With my long curly black hair, and grey eyes with tan skin I knew I was pretty. That didn’t mean I was so hot I had guys pawning over me anywhere I went. I mean that would just be ridiculous. I don’t get why guys do that anyway.

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