The Alpha and The Omega (Name For Now)

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Summary Reagan Sanders has always been the butt of everybody’s joke in the pack. She was the runt, the omega, the weak link of the pack. Everybody made sure she knew it too. She was always getting picked on, always bullied, and tortured by the higher up wolves in her pack, who were her age. It’s how it’s always been. 

It didn’t help that her name was Reagan. She was the a tomboy, and she had a boys name. She wasn’t as weak as everybody made her out to be. She’s been training to be on the elite tracking forces of the pack, along with elite fighting forces. She’s been training her entire life, and all she has wanted to do is prove to her pack she’s good enough to belong. That she’s not the weak and she can hold her own in any fight.

Till she walks into school one day on the Alpha’s son eighteenth birthday. She is in for one hell of a surprise, and a wild ride.


“Did you know that it’s Knox’s birthday today?” My friend Arabella asked from next to me. She was human, while I was a werewolf. She was the only friend I had though. Nobody in my pack liked me. In fact they all hated me because I was the omega. Claimed to be ‘weak’ and ‘a runt’. The people who were my age, with the higher status always picked on me. They always have. It didn’t matter to me.

I knew that if I ever wanted to fight with them I would easily win. I’d been in training to become of the packs elite fighting, and tracking group. The only person I probably couldn’t beat was the Alpha, and his son Knox. Knox Archard, the golden boy of the pack. Of course he was the golden boy. He was the Alpha’s son. He got whatever he wanted. Why shouldn’t he? 

He’s also my worst nightmare. He was the one who led every little torture meeting between my pack members and me. I never understood what I did wrong. Why they hated me so much? I never found out, but I guess it didn’t matter. I got over it. 

Werewolves found their mates at the age of eighteen, of course it was Knox’s eighteenth birthday today. Two packs went to our school. Our pack The Blue Moon’s, and The Blood Moon’s Pack. I guess you could say we were alliances, in school though. We all hated each other. Of course it was mostly just the guys, being guys. The alpha’s son of the Blood Moon Pack Zane Corson thought he was high-and-mighty. So did Knox, so they both clashed heads.

Somehow every one of the guys that went to school in our pack, and theres hated each other. It just made me shake my head every time I thought about it. The boys in the two packs were acting like little testosterone controlled boys. If you asked me it was stupid.

Who would ever want to ask the omega what they thought though? Definitely not the people from my pack. I was friends with the Alpha’s Daughter from Blood Moon. She was a sweet girl named Arden. I know she has the biggest crush on Knox in the world.

It wouldn’t surprise me if Knox was mates with her, or if the Alpha made Knox reject his mate, and then strike a deal with the Alpha from Blood Moon to mate his son, with Blood Moon’s Alpha’s daughter. It wasn’t very known. That’s how our pack was known though.

“You know I don’t care if it’s Knox’s birthday Arabella, I could give a shit about who’s birthday it is.” I said as I walked in with Arabella behind me. As I turned around to face the hallway water was thrown in my face. Wetting my hair, and making the shirt I was wearing completely see-through. “What the hell!” I shouted as I looked at the blond bimbo who had thrown the water in my face.

She was from my pack, and her name was Chelsie, as you could probably tell she was a normal blond bimbo, popular bitch. Her name was Melissa, I stepped forward my eyes flashing gold. I was so tired of this girl. Everday her, and her friends trapped me in the bathroom. They always kicked me, and beat me. Treating me like the worthless nobody they thought I was.

 “I don’t know what you are doing slut. You wouldn’t dare lay your hands on your future Alpha Female would you?” 

“You are not a Luna, you are not anybody. If anybody in this pack is nobody, it’s you. You are nothing but a selfish bitch who thinks that she is everything, and she will be everything. When really she is nothing, you will never be anything, never amount to anything.” 

“I wouldn’t be so sure about that omega,” my back went straight at the sound of that voice. I looked around to see that pack members were around us. People from our back, from Blood Moon’s it doesn’t matter. Only wolves were around us right now, and most of the teachers, and the principle, were wolves that were part of the packs.

“Yeah I am sure, you really want to tell me you’d have a selfish bitch such as her lead a pack. She’d lead the pack straight into the ground, right alongside you.” I said turning around and letting my canines elongate. Baring them at him, and letting out a low growl. I looked him in the eyes and immediately my wolf started howling, and whining.

Knox seemed to look just as surprised as he looked into my eyes. Letting out a growl he turned away from me. “It’s better than having somebody like you. Who would ever want to mate with a lowly, weak, omega such as yourself. You are nothing omega, and you dare stand up to your Alpha.”

I straightened my back, and fought against my wolf. Making my canines elongate again. “I will stand up to my Alpha if that’s what is needed. If it is the right thing to do I will stand up against you, and anybody who is trying to run the pack into the ground.”

“You don’t have much of a choice. Stand down omega,” my wolf let out a whine. I could fight the Alpha command in his voice. Bowing my head my teeth went back to normal. My eyes going to their original green color. I could hear him stepping closer to me. He bent down next to me so he could speak into my ear. That way nobody would hear him. “I would never want somebody like you. I reject you.” 

My wolf out another long, whine. It was filled with pain, and heartbreak. I knew she was trying to call out to his wolf, but his wolf wasn’t listening. His wolf had rejected us too. Standing to my feet I ran out of the school, hearing the laughter of the two packs ringing out behind me. 

All the while my wolf was screaming out at me to turn around, screaming at me to turn and run back into the school. I fought against her though. Running until I hit the woods. Running a few yards in before jumping into the air. Shifting as I did so. Feeling the familiar burn as my body changed into the shape of my wolf. Fur sprouting across my body, my face elongating into my muzzle, my tail growing out behind me. 

I landed on the ground on all fours, taking off into the woods at a full out sprint. My wolf was a smoky grey color. I had black socks going all the way up my legs on the front, and they only went to my knees in the back. My face was a midnight black color, and the tip of my tail was midnight black. The rest of me was smoky grey, with parts of my coat that were lighter, and darker. It just depended.

I sprinted through the woods dodging trees, jumping over rocks, and fall trees. My feet barely touching the ground as I flew through the forest. I was one of the fastest wolves in the pack. Which was why I was training to become apart of the elite tracking forces. I was also one of the best fighters, which is also why I was training to become part of the elite fighting forces.

The farther I made it through the woods. The closer I got to the end of pack territory, the more my wolf yelled out at me. The more my wolf’s heart seemed to break, and the whines got worse. The entire time I was running away from my nightmare of life the more my wolf was screaming. She was only saying one thing though. One word was ringing through my head the entire time I ran away from every nightmare I’d ever known.



Yet another one of my new werewolf stories. Except this one I actually have the whole rejection part. Normally I don't put that part in there. Where the mate rejects the other person. Normally I have them except each other, or run away from each other.

I've never really done a werewolf story from the whole 'rejection' side. So I'm seeing how this will go. I'm hoping it works out. I kind of like this idea. Just hope it's not completely horrible.







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