Strike Me Deadly

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The first memory I had of vampires was when I was ten years old. I didn’t grow up with a mother, or father. Instead I grew up in the orphanage in the nearby city of my hometown where I was born. I’d been outside with some other people from my orphanage. We’d been having a picnic in the backyard of the orphanage that day. I remembered it as clear as day.


I was resting at the table with my friends. They were all talking over their food as they ate. One of my friends, Katie, was playing with my hair. She was always playing with my hair. My long brown hair fell down to my hips. I’d just gotten it cut. It had always grown at an accelerated rate. I didn’t know why, but my hair had always grown quickly. Not that I minded. I liked my long hair. I think it suited me.

My brown hair, blue eyes, tall, thin frame. “Charlie are you listening?” Another girl at the table said. Her name was Joanna, she was always yelling. Sometimes it annoyed me. I never said anything though. The lady who ran the orphanage, Ms. Franks, always told me if I didn’t have anything nice to say I shouldn’t it at all. So I never said anything.

“I’m sorry. What were you saying?”

“We were talking about school. Did you know Charlie Stanson has a big crush on you?” She said sticking her nose in the air. We were only in second grade. Joanna was always focused on getting the attention of boys in our classes though. I don’t know how she could do it, since we didn’t have very nice clothes here at the orphanage.

“I didn’t know that. Are you sure he has a crush on me?”

“Yeah he’s always staring at you. I don’t know why he would date somebody like you. Who wants to date a girl who has the name of the boy, and just so happens to be the same name as you?” She said a smirk on her face. The other girls at our table laughed. Except for Katie, she didn’t say much. In fact she hardly said anything at all.

In all the time I’d known her she’d only said a handful of words to me. Not that it ever really mattered to me. We had one of those friendships where we could look at each other and know what the other one was saying. “My name isn’t Charlie. It’s just my nickname. My first name is for adults. I’m not an adult.” I said standing up for myself. I stood up from the table.

“Not that it really matters. You have the name of a boy, and you act like one two. It’s not really surprising when you don’t grow up with your parents. They actually teach you manners, and how to behave right. Instead of acting like a wild animal all the time.” I glared at her, before I knew what I was doing I winded my hand back forming it into a fist. I pushed it forward as hard as I could into Joanna’s face. Hitting her in the nose.

She cried out, reaching her hands up to cover her nose. Dark red blood started flowing from in between her fingers. I smirked at her, until the smell of blood reached my nose. My nose twitched, enjoying the smell of blood. As I looked at the blood. Watching it flow between her hands I wanted to taste it.

“Charlotte what did you do?” Ms. Franks said as she hurried over to us. Looking at Joanna’s bleeding nose.

“She hit me. I was just sitting their, and all of a sudden she punched me.” Joanna said. “WIld animals should be tamed, or put down. Charlie’s not human. She’s a wild animal.” Joanna cried out as Ms. Franks looked at her nose.

“Oh hush now Joanna. Charlie is just like you, and me. We need to get this checked out. I think it might be broken.” She said as she led Joanna inside. Her friends following behind her like ducklings. As soon as they were out of sight I looked around. Finding everybody’s eyes on mine. I met each one of their eyes, and each pair of eyes turned away from me.

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