The Wolves of Oak Ridge

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Summary: Oak Ridge Diner is a small diner in a small town. With a population of about three hundred not a lot goes on in Oak Ridge, Wisconsin. In a town where everybody knows everybody not a lot goes on without people noticing. So when new people start showing up in town and a lot of things start happening.

Catalina Enlee has been working at the diner since she was fourteen. She's been attending the same school since she was in preschool, and she knows everybody in town. So when the new kids in town show up to school she’s captivated.

They stay close together always moving everywhere together. Sitting together, talking together. They were all friends with each other. They all followed around one boy though. He was the leader of their little group. Everytime he said to do something, they did it no questions asked.

Asher Reed was somebody my friends always warned me to stay as far away from as I could. Yet somehow no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t. Somehow I’d caught his eye. He was persistent. Every time I tried to stay away from him he came right back.

I didn’t know what he was. I knew he had secrets, but who didn’t. There was just something about him. Something that was darker than the rest of the people around me. When I found out that secret though. I didn’t know how much it would affect my life, and put my life in danger just as much.

Chapter One

“Welcome to Oak Ridge Diner. How may I help you?” I said as I walked up to my next table. I smiled as I spoke and they all looked up at me.

“Hey Catalina. How are you today?” The lady said to me. Her brunette hair already starting to get strands of grey in it from her aging. Her name was Anna she had been coming to the diner every day since she moved to the town. She now had a small little boy, and another child on the way. Her husband was gone a lot for work. Traveling for his work at a local law firm in the city just a couple of towns over.

“I’m good Anna. Can I get you anything to drink? How about you Jacob?” I said smiling at the four year old boy sitting in the high chair that I was standing next to.

“I’ll have an ice tea, and Jacob here will have some chocolate milk.” I wrote down their drink orders on the order sheet.

“I’ll be right back with your drink orders,” she nodded as I gave her one last smile heading back to the kitchen. I grabbed a small cup and a lid putting some chocolate milk in it. Then grabbing another plastic glass and filling it with ice tea. I picked them both up and headed out of the kitchen again.

I dropped the two glasses on the table with a smile. “Now what can I get you two to eat?” I asked them.

“He would like some chicken strips with ketchup, and I’ll take a chef salad.” She said putting down her menu.

“Okay your waiter will be out with that in a minute. Now if you don’t mind I have to go. I’m late for school.” I said to her smiling. She laughed as I hurried off towards the staff area. I took off my apron, and brushed my hair over my shoulder braiding it quickly. It fell down past my boobs, and I grabbed my backpack off the table in the staff area.

I ran out the back exit waving at the cooks as I climbed into my blue ford focus. I backed out of my parking space, and sped towards the school. Glad when I made it there five minutes before the first bell. I grabbed my bag from the passenger seat. I was hurrying. Trying to grab my book and my notebook for my first class while I was running.

It wasn’t surprising when I ran head first into somebody. My papers that were jammed into my notebook, my book, and my bag went everywhere. Somebody grabbed me by my lower arm to keep me from falling. Shocks were running up my arm. “Oh my gosh. I’m so sorry. I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going. I really didn’t mean to run into you.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2015 ⏰

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