Fairmont Academy: Where The Best Go

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Reece Taylor is just like every girl she's average. She's had her fair share of hard times. She's a completely horse crazy girl. When you first meet Reece she's like every normal girl. Until you get to know her, and you know the pain she's been through, the hardships she faced. Every rider dreams of showing, and winning the Maclay National Championships. The Maclay's was Reece, and her father's dream, when she gets the chance to do it. She never expected that she'd win, or her dad would die at the show.

He'd been fighting cancer for many years, and it finally proved too strong, and took her fathers life with it. She loses her father, and the one person who taught her everything she'd ever known. The person that shared every dream she had, and helped her achieve it every step of the way. After her father died her mother was never the same. She feels like she's lost her way in the world, and she doesn't know how to find her way back.

It feels as if riding is the only thing that's keeping her father close to her, it was always a passion they'd shared. After everything that had happened at the Maclay's she still finds the strength to ride, and train harder than she ever has before. She doesn't feel like she can achieve her dreams anymore though. Not without her father cheering her on every moment, there right next to her side.

A month later, and she's still fighting. Trying to get over her fathers death. She puts everything she has into her riding, every spare moment, every tear, every emotion. It all helps her continue on. It all seemed to change though when she got a letter from Fairmont Equestrian Academy.

Dear Reece Taylor,

 My names Director Boardman from Fairmont Equestrian Academy. The instructors and I at the academy have been watching you for quite a while. We would like to offer you a full scholarship to our academy. Fairmont Equestrian Academy has been labeled as one of the best riding schools in United States. We train some of the best riders in the country. We would love if such a talented your rider like you would join us.

I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your father, people here at the school would have loved to meet him. He was the one who sent us the video of you a few weeks before your winning at the Maclay National Championships. He had very strong hopes for you, and we hope to continue on his hopes. We would love if you would join us, and come and ride for us here at Fairmont. It's a wonderful school, and with the help of some of our top training instructors. We think that we can help you reach your full potential.

This is a wonderful offer that most riders such as you don't even get a glimpse of. Come and join us here at Fairmont Equestrian Academy. We would love to have such a talented rider join us, and help reach your full potential. We want to help you achieve your dreams, that your father knew you could. Please join us at Fairmont Equestrian Academy. We hope to see you soon.

Until Then,

 Director Boardman.

My father had sent them the video of me riding, he was the one that wanted me to go to this school. He knew I dreamed of going to this school, I thought it would be the only way to achieve all my hopes and dreams. I wouldn't turn this offer down, not if it's what my father wanted. I had to take it, it's what he wanted. I don't know if it's what I still wanted though.

Reece Taylor won the Maclay's at the age of seventeen. She lost everything she possibly could that day. Except for her riding, even then she can't seem to find the strength to stay in the saddle. She has to overcome her fears, and get over the next obstacles if she wants to become the best, and to be the best you might just have to go to school.

[] Fairmont | Academy: | Where | The | Best | Go []

"It's Reece Taylor with the final score. Reece Taylor is the winner of Maclay National Championships." I threw my hand up in the air as the crowd started cheering as I did my victory lap around the arena. My three year old Hanoverian gelding Rambo was tossing his head up, and down as if he could sense that we had won. He was soaking up the cheering as we ran around. Holding his head high, and lengthening his stride. He was showing off, he always knew when we'd won. He always enjoyed it. 

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