The Alpha and The Hunter

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Summary: I was never the type of girl that bowed down to power. I was the girl who faced it head first. I was trained to kill. I didn’t kill humans though. I wasn’t a murderer, or an assassin. No I was trained to kill something much more powerful. I killed an animal that was unknown to the human world, except for the few people welcomed into their world.

These animals were human, and a wolf. A thing that a human would call a werewolf. A paranormal animal that only existed in books, and fairytales. I’m suppose to despise werewolves. So why would my so called “soulmate” be exactly that. A wolf.

I am a Hunter.


Power was assigned to me at birth. People looked up to me for guidance, and bowed down to me when I spoke. I was the leader of a pack. A pack of werewolves. A creature that stays hidden from the human world. Except for the people are allowed into our world, because there mates are a wolf.

Every wolf from a young age is taught to fear the group called Hunters. Taught and trained to kill my kind. So imagine what happens when I found out that my mate is the one thing that I’m suppose to fear. No matter what I have to protect my pack, and I can’t help but think by accepting my mate I’m putting my pack even more at risk.

I am an Alpha.


Every person has this instinct. It’s called fight or flight. When faced with a scary situation you decided in a second what you're going to do. Your either going to fight back, or you're going to run away from your fears. I was taught to face my fears though. Trained from a young age to face my fears down without even blinking, like they were nothing to me.

I’d faced tons of my pain, and my fear in my life. The most pain that I will ever fear though is the day my mom was killed right in front of me. It was a normal day, or at least I thought I was. I guess back then I was just young, naive, and stupid.

[/] Flashback [/]

My mom decided we should do a girls day. You know got out have fun, go shopping, grab some lunch. Then head home with bags full of new clothes. I should’ve noticed how jumpy she was. Always seeming to look over her shoulder. She just wasn’t herself. I just didn’t seem to notice the way she was acting. So closed off, and so scared.

We’d stopped to grab something to eat, and then took some home for my dad to eat. We were on our way home on the lone dirt road leading to our house when we were hit from the side by another car out of nowhere. I was thrown from the car landing a few feet away painfully.

I swear I’d broken something. I couldn’t move. Everything I did was a challenge. Even breathing was hard. I couldn’t do anything. I was able to roll myself over in the grass with a cry of pain.

I could hear voices heading towards the car. The crunching of shoes as it stepped on the glass from the windows that had broken sending glass everywhere. I moved my head to see my mom still sitting in the car. She was leaning over, her head resting on the top of the steering wheel. I could see blood from a wound on the side of her head, streaming down her face.

I saw the men as they started towards the drivers side of the door. They were talking silently. “Is this the woman the boss wanted?” One man said to the man that was standing next to him.

“Yes she is,” the other one said as the man reaching into the car. Touching my mother's neck. Most likely checking for a pulse. “She’s still alive. The boss will still want her brought in even if she was dead.” The man said as he looked around. He didn’t spot me though. Not yet.

“Are you sure there wasn’t another person in the car?”

“I don’t know it’s a car. Why are you asking?”

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