Books To Be Posted Soon

Por Gotta_Luv_Nikkie

661 11 14

These are just some books that are in the making that will hopefully some day be on wattpad. You can check th... Más

Books To Be Posted Soon
Dear Brother, Dear Sister
Hiding In The Shadows
Hiding In Center Field
Fairmont Academy: Where The Best Go
Everything Changes
The Alpha and The Hunter
Family Ties
Forever Doesn't Have To End In Always
Till We Say Goodbye
The Alpha and The Omega (Name For Now)
Nightmares In Life
Strike Me Deadly
The Wolves of Oak Ridge

Unrequited Love: My Brothers Best Friend

61 0 0
Por Gotta_Luv_Nikkie

Summary: Felicity Cover has been in love with her brothers best friend since she was fourteen. Roman wasn't exactly the sweet kind of guy. He'd been living with Felicity's family since she was thirteen. When he was taken in after her parents found out Roman was abused by his parents. He'd been living with them ever since.

Felicity though everything was going to be okay because her brother, and Roman were off at college. She thought she had time to get over him. Time to move on, and find somebody else to fall head-over-heels in love with. 

When her sister is unexpectedly getting married. It's a family renuion in her own house. Her golden firl sister is coming home with her fiance, her brother his coming home for college, and so is Roman. All Felicity has to say is....

Unrequited Love Sucks!


I was the youngest out of my siblings. My two brothers and my sister were always watching out for me. My youngest brother Jared was also my twin brother. he was only five minutes older than me, but he loved to rub it in my face every chance he got. Then their was my second brother Chase. He was two years older than me. 

He finally had the youngest sister her he always wanted to watch out for. Considering the only other sister he had was three years older than him. He couldn’t exactly watch out for her. Her name is Chasity. She’s was captain of the cheerleading squad. She was also part of the High School’s dance team. Considering she’d been doing dance since she was six she was really good at everything she did. 

She was the golden girl of the family. There was one more of us though. He wasn’t exactly family though. I wasn’t related to him in anyway. He was my brother’s best friend his name is Roman. He’d been part of the family ever since my parents found out about his home life. He’s been living, eating, and sleeping in the same house as me since he was thirteen.

 He came from a bad part of the city. His parents drank, and were into drugs. Some times it was so bad he ended up being beaten. It was bad pretty much all the time at his house. He had the scars from the beatings all over him. I never minded them though whenever I saw them. To my eyes it made him look strong. Like he could handle anything whatever the world threw at him. He looked so brave to me.

 The way my heart would race when he looked at me.  The way I would stutter when I was talking to him. I think I first found out I was in love with him was when I was fourteen. It wasn’t some silly crush. You could call it that though, and judge me however you wanted. I know how I felt about him. I knew he’d never notice me though. He was going to college in a couple of years, and he was always dating different girls. Plus I was his best friends brother, he probably only saw me as his annoying little sister considering he was part of my family. Always had been.

I knew I would never catch  his eye. To him I was just the annoying little girl. Then Roman went off to college with my brother. I didn’t see him for another year. I knew that if I never saw him again I’d be okay with that. I needed to get rid of that stupid crush I had on him. I knew that with him at college I wouldn’t have to worry about him, or my feelings. Considering I wouldn’t be seeing that much of him anyway, 

Boy how wrong was I. 

| My | Brother’s | Best | Friend | 

“Felicity it’s almost time for dinner. Come down here and set the table. Get your brother too,” my mom called up the stairs. I grumbled as I pushed myself up off my bed. Leaving my room, and heading across the hall to my brothers room. I could hear his music playing loudly on the other side of the door. 

My twin brother Jared was going through a faze he was always blaring music everywhere he went. Tapping along with the beat of the music as it played in his ear. It annoyed the crap out of me. My parents didn’t seem to mind though. I don’t know how they put up with it all the time. They seemed to manage just fine though. So I just ended up having to put up with it.

“Jared,” I said knocking on the door before pushing it open. He was laying on his bed staring at the ceiling. Tapping the beat of the music that was playing on the thigh of his leg that was stretched out across the bed. I walked over shutting off the stereo. Jared jumped up, glaring when he was it was me who had shut off his music. 

“Mom wants us downstairs to set the table. It’s almost dinner time. She told me to come and get you.”

“Okay we better not keep her waiting then,” Jared said pushing himself off the bed running his hand through his brown hair. He kept his hair cut close to his head so there wasn’t much for him to run his hand through. We had the same colored hair. The chocolate brown color contrasting with our eyes. He had gotten my fathers light green eyes though, while I got my mother's grey eyes. He followed me out of his room and downstairs. My mom was standing in the kitchen cooking dinner for tonight. My father would be home any minute from his work at the hospital. My mom had stopped working after she had Jared and me.

My mom offered us a smile as she grabbed the chicken out of the oven. Jared and me grabbed plates out of the cabinet and heading into the dining room. We started setting the table without speaking to each other. We worked in silence. Both of us waiting for the front door to open. Signifying that my father was home at the same time just like every night.

 Just as I’d finished putting the last plate on the table I heard the door open. My father threw his keys on to the table next top to the door. There was a small little white bowl their that everybody put their car keys in when they came home. I looked at the clock. It was 7:30 on the dot the same time he came home every night. I smiled as I went to greet my father at the door.

Five minutes later and we were sitting at the table eating the meal that my mother had prepared. Chicken with corn, and peas. Jared and me were being asked about our day. My father wanted to know about my gymnastics practice after school. My mom was asking about the cheerleading team. I was the captain of the team just like my sister. 

“Jared, Felicity. Your father and I have a surprise for you,” my mom said from her spot at the table. A smile was stretching across her face. Showing off her white teeth. 

“What is it?” I asked curious. What had my mom smiling like it was the day she was getting married to my dad all over again.

“Chasity is getting married. She’s coming home for the wedding,” my mom said squealing in excitement. Well that explained why she looked like it was her wedding day. She was telling us that Chasity was getting married. “Also Chase and Roman are coming home. their staying till the wedding since they’re on Spring Break. They’ll be here on Friday.” It took all I had not to spit out the water I had just finished taking a drink of. My appetite was officially ruined. I got up excusing myself from the table. I hurried up to my room. 

Closing and locking the door behind me. I jumped on my bed burying my head into the comforter. My head was a jumble of thoughts. I couldn’t make out anything except for two things that were circling my head.

Roman was coming home, and I still hadn't found somebdoy else to love. I was still head-over-heels in love with my brothers best friend.


Well this story I have to say is a really good idea I came up with over the summer. Well it was a set of three stories that I came up with over the summer. I have to say I'm totally in love with the three stories, and I think they are some of my best ideas yet.

I just haven't gotten around to posting them on here yet. So here is the first one.







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