Dragon Prince- Various x Read...

By PutNameHere225

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The Dragon Prince is a Netflix original about two groups that are in war with each other. The humans and the... More

Introduction and rules
1: Soren X Reader- Fluff
2: General Amaya X Reader- Fluff
3: Aaravos x Female!Reader- Lemon
4: Viren x Female!Reader- Smut
5: Runaan x Reader- Angst
7: Aaravos x Female!Reader- Lemon
8: Aaravos X Reader- Spooky Fluff
9: Runaan X Female!Elf!Reader- Lemon
10: General Amaya X Reader X Janai- Fluff
11: Aaravos X Female!Elf!Maid!Reader- Lemon
12: Soren X Female!Reader- Angst/Lemon
13: Aaravos X Reader- Fluff

6: King Harrow x Reader- Lemon

4.8K 65 17
By PutNameHere225

Today I am travelling with my beloved King to a Food ceremony in Duren. I'm his bodyguard and he had asked me if I wanted to be his plus one and join in with the festivities.
At first I was going to say no... until I learned about the kinds of food and drink I will be trying.
Duren Whisky and traditional handmade cheese. How could I say no?

"We will arrive in about ten minutes my King." I alert him, he had been gazing out the window of the carriage, thinking about whatever was on his mind... Much to my dismay.

'I thought this was going to be a trip together, why is he ignoring me?' I think to myself as the King jolts from his thoughts.

"Oh wonderful!" He smiles as the carriage slows to a stop. I hop out first and hold out my hand to the King to help him down.
"Don't be ridiculous (Y/N) I'm not an old man!" He chuckles, I feel a pang of hurt but I brush it off.

'No need to feel down when you are on a trip with the King...' I tell myself, I watch as many staff members appear to greet us and show us our rooms.

"I'm sorry your majesty but it seems like we only booked one room for you both." The man at the counter says.

"You have to be kidding! Do you know who he even is? What kind of service is this when you can't even serve a king the correct boarding?!" I tell him off, before I continue on my rant I feel a warm hand on my shoulder.

"Stand down (Y/N), he isn't here to kill me." The King says, he looks... Embarrassed by me.
That's not what I was meaning to do.
"We will take the room."

"O-of course! Here's your key!" The man shouts, clearly terrified. I grumble as the King takes the key and follow behind him with a hard glare. We've only been here for five minutes and everything is already going wrong.
We end up at the room in quick pace, I peer over the King's shoulder to see the bedroom.
'One bed?!' I let out a silent gulp, if I annoy the King anymore today he might just leave me here...

"Can't be helped!" He says cheerfully as he lays his suitcase onto one of the sofa cushions, I place mine on the other and stand by the sofa in wait as he gets his items collected together.
"Ready to go (Y/N)?" I nod in reply and he turns to leave the room with me following behind once more. We enter the foyer when another well dressed servant arrives to show us the way to the Whisky Experience. I can feel my insides go giddy but I hide my excitement in the smallest of smirks. We both sit down next to each other and I take a peer down at the table. A plate sits in front of me covered in a silk cloth, cheese sits underneath in ordered rows along with four shot glasses of various Whisky flavours. I'm excited now!

"You seem happy." I hear a deep happy rumble come from his highness. I clear me throat and hold back my emotions once more.
'Stupid! How could you let him see weakness, you're his bodyguard for Christ sake!'

"Sorry your Highness, I won't let it happen again."


"Welcome everyone! Lovely to see so many faces here for our whisky ceremony today." The speaker arrives finally and I remain rigid, the King looks displeased at best.
'I hope he isn't too angry with my breach of wanton list for this event.'
"Now we are going to go over the basics of wine tasting. I want you all to have a smell of whisky number one and tell me what you get." I do as he says and pick up the first whisky so the left.

"It smells sweet." Says someone in the audience.

"Quite right, now I want you to take a quick sip of number one before taking another and letting the liquid warm in your mouth." I follow his rules and let a sliver of the burning liquid run along the flat of my tongue and down my throat.
"Now notice how it covers your whole tongue? We will get to that later." I warm up the liquid and sure enough it does taste fairly sweet for a whisky.
The night follows through with those steps, including the consumption of different cheeses with their respective beverages. By the last one I feel the heat rise in my cheeks and Harrow seems to feel the same way.
"Now back to when I said how the first whisky costs the tongue, I want you all to find out how the others work. Every whisky hits the tongue in a different way, much like how a drop of water changes the taste drastically. I take a sip of the final remains of each shot glass and take notice of the strange phenomenon.
Number one coated the top.
Number two hit the back of the tongue.
Number three focused more on the tip of the tongue whereas number four went straight down, leaving a smoky aftertaste.

"Why do the whisky's target different areas?" I ask the man, he seems almost surprised. It has been Harrow who had been asking questions the whole time.

"This is because of the density and age of the whisky, the older and denser the liquid is the longer and more space it lingers on." I nod in thanks, I watch from the corner of my eye as a grinning Harrow eats his last piece of cheese.
Not long after does the party disperse and I walk with Harrow back to the room.

"Did you enjoy yourself?" I hear him ask me quietly. I nod in silence.
"Why don't you talk to me?" He asks, I look at him in shock.

"What do you mean? I do speak with you." He shakes his head at my words.

"No... Not really. You treat me like your king." By this time we had arrived at the room. I tilt my head.

"But... You are my king?" I question, what's happening?

"Call me Harrow." He says, turning to look me in the eyes.

"Sir I-"

"Please..." I let out a heavy sigh before nodding.

"Harrow." He grins at me, almost looking surprised.

"Finally!" He lets out a happy a sigh as he moves to the corner of the bed to sit down.
"I really enjoyed myself today, I'm glad you came with me." He tells me, I let out a small smile.

"Thank you for bringing me... Harrow." His smile is that akin to the sun, brightening the room and myself.

"I just wanted you to loosen up a little. You're always so... Sad looking."

"... Sir?"

"What did I say about calling me that?" He reminds me, his deep voice sends tremors down my spine.

"Sorry... Harrow. Are you ok?" He nods and looks away before turning back again in indignation.

"You know what no." He stands up and walks over, I take a few steps back until I feel my back press against the wall.
"I have an issue with you."

"With me?" I almost feel a pang of hurt blossom in my chest. He must see this because his stern eyes waver for a fraction.

"Why are you always so closed off?"

"I was trained that way Harrow." He shakes his head.

"Then what does it take to get you to notice me." I tilt my head in confused silence. I'm noticing him right now...
"I invite you to dinners, balls and other various romantic places only to have you acting like my bodyguard!" My voice is quiet as I look down.

"That's because I am your bodyguard..." My volume picks up.
"And might I also remind you that a relationship between a king and his servant is forbidden."

"I know! That's why I made you my bodyguard, so that you could be close to me instead of Viren's boy working as a soldier."

"But... why?" I ask, he grows quiet.

"I... Like you. No I love you. I want to be with you, not just as your King." I feel my cheeks flush.

"I never thought... I'd love to see this day." I reply.


"I always thought that I'd tell you how much I love you on my deathbed or something after jumping in front of an arrow. This isn't quite what I expected." He lets out a deep chuckle before his arms wrap around my waist.

"You love me?" I nod, his grin widens as he leans forward to press a soft kiss on my lips which I happily reciprocate.
I grin as it gets heated and I start to lead Harrow towards the bed. He falls onto it and I kneel down in front of my King, placing my hands on his knees. He sits up sharply and watches as I undo the belt on his trousers and pull down his boxers to gain access to his sceptre. It's already semi-hard with a little bit of precum on the tip. I lick my lips to make a statement and he gulps, knowing what's in store for him. I grin and look up, an idea on my mind.

"Take a sip quickly... Then savour the taste." His blush deepens as I mumble out the Whisky man's instructions.


"What tastes am I going to find?" I ask him, leaning in to lick off the bead of viscous fluid on his tip. His breath shudders as we hold each other's gaze. My grin and pull back.
"Pretty smoky." He barks out a shuddered laugh at that, moaning out as I finally take all of him in. I bob up and down, my chin growing wet from my own spit. I enjoy his taste and his loud moans from above. I chuckle, causing vibrations to flow through his manhood and it causes him to twitch.
Still not ready. I reach up a hand and take a hold of his balls to help with the intense feelings he's having. This pushes him over the edge as his final cry sounds. A final twitch from his dick sends his cum coating my throat in ribbons.
I make sure to swallow all of it for show. I wink afterwards, leaving his ecstasy on a parting comment.
"My favourite one yet."

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