Make it burn

By Sarah_Mey

516 140 20

ENGLISH VERSION OF POR SU FUEGO Italian with gray eyes and dark hair. It sounds good, and any girl with eyes... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 5

10 14 0
By Sarah_Mey

"None, I've already told you."

A soft breeze came to the place, making the skirts of the uniforms rise slightly. The two girls ignored Veronica's words before sharing a look.

"It sure will be the blond"

"No, I think it will be the one with dark hair. It's more her type"

Eva put a hand in her head.

"Oh, come now! Didn't you notice how she looked at the blond?"

Veronica snorted as she looked around. They had destroyed a large part of the entrance to the high school.

" It would be better that we enter." she said, ignoring the two girls who, as always, did not stop arguing. In the background, it was perfectly listened the director voice's sending all the student to the inside. They should already be in class. They hurried to enter into the gray and dull building and go upstairs. The stair were too small and unstable for all the people who stepped on them. When they were in the second floor of the high school, Paloma separated from the other two girls. They were not together in the same class, but that did not mean they weren't seen each other between classes and in the recess.

"Then I smell you." Smiled the black-haired girl.

"Until then." responded the other two, funny and thinking that they had nothing to do with the rebellious attitude of Paloma.

They arrived at the classroom on the corner, the A4, where a large group of children spoke outside. They were not going to enter until the teacher was inside. That rule that says the students should wait for the teachers within the classes was not good for the young people of that high scholl. The light of a window gave a nice backlight to the hall.

-Good morning.-the smiling girls greeted.

-Hello.-Some corresponded to them with a sleepy voice.

The morning was calm like any other but the fact that three boys had entered to the high school the way they did and had almost set fire to the garden and run over the gardener gave other sensation to the place. It was no longer the typical center where the biggest possible comment could be that girl who had cheating on her boyfriend, or that other girl who had sex with someone in a higher course. No, in that moment the biggest comment was about that three boys, and the rumor was getting bigger and bigger and each person brought it new information, real or not.

Curiously, only Veronica was still thinking about that wink, with a distracted hand on her cheek as she looked out the window and saw a huge green tree.

What was his name? She had three possible names to call that boy. For a second, She imagined herself calling him by his name. It was too typical on her imagining things that would never happen... because it would never happen, right? That doubt crossed her mind at the speed of light. She smiled delicately as she listened to her French teacher, a middle-aged women named Begoña. The whole class was ignoring the por teacher. Begoña wore glasses and her blond hair was red. She tried to explain the past tense of the verb "aimer", but few paid attention to it. It was the last hour and it was almost five minutes before the bell rang.

Eva stood beside her.

"What happen to you today?" she asked in a normal voice, aware of everyone were speaking and ignoring the teacher.

Veronica did not react, kept looking out the window at the same time she sighed.

"Vero" Eva called her.

The girl reacted at last and looked at her, inquisitive.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Veronica answered.

Maybe too fast.

" You have been all the mornign with a dumb face" complained her friend. "Do not tell me that nothing happens".

Veronica smiled at her, within knowing what to say. The other girl interpreted her silence.

"Don't tell me you really liked one of those stupid?" Eva was scared.

"Of course not, and please, let me alone"

Eva fell silent for a few seconds to give an answer.

"I saw how he winked you."

The dark blue-eyed girl became tense.


Their eyes met. Veronica had put herself on the defensive way. She hated when Eva interrogeting her.

"Do not flatter yourself. They are womanizers. They like all girls more or less beautiful and they only want them for a night."

"I've guessed it."Veronica replied annoyed ."Thank you for being so nice and tell me that in that fantastic way"

Eva just kept serious.

"I do not want you to be hurt. You are a romantic!"

Silence between them two. Murmurs and obscene comments in the rest of the classroom.

"It's just a whim."

Veronica opened her eyes when she realize that she had spoken aloud and looked at Eva, worried.

"You just confess that you have felt attracted by one of them."commented your friend worried and pursing her lips.

"I ..." She cleared his throat while she reminded about that gray eyes. Eyes that pierced her soul.

"No, you do not. Was it the one who winked at you the way you like it? Do not tell me what that was"

"Do you want to stop scare? I am not dumb"

"Of course you're not stupid, but it's normal in you idealize love in a way that it can not be."

Veronica rolled her eyes in a theatrical gesture. Again that subject. Again contrary opinions regarding love.

"Love reaches the unsuspected limits. That's not idealize" she defended herself annoying and touching her bang.

Eva breathe.

"Love is the biggest bullshit in the world. In the end it always hurts. The lovers are the most irrational people on the planet."

"I just think that love makes you more ... complete."

Veronica doubted about if that was the correct word. Eva took her hands and forced her friend to look at her, tender.

"You are already complete by yourself. If you are looking for someone, it should not be to complete you, but to share with him what you already are."

Veronica remained still and frowned.

"Yes, in that you're right, I may have expressed myself badly, but still I think that love makes you happier. That's all I wanted to say..."

The green-eyed girl pursed her lips.

"Your happiness can not depend on anyone. Even lees in a man. At this age they do not want anything serious, just sex and that's all. Anyway, I repeat as always that you do not need a guy in your life for nothing... Society condemns women to love since birth. Society doesn't let us having a choice, it is an imposition and it should not be like that. If you say that you do not like anyone or you are not in love, they say that you are weird. Why can not we remain single and enjoy ourselves? What about self-love?

Veronica looked at her friend ready to ask her an important question. In fact, the last time they had discussed that subject, Eva had left her without arguments, and that was why she had been preparing this question for some time.

"What will you do if at some point you want to be a mother?"

Eva shrugged, dismissing it as if it was something she had already thought about.

"In that case there is a sperm bank."

Veronica had never considered that she could resort to a sperm bank when she was older. The girl couldn't close her mouth.

"Oh my goddnes..."

They looked each other.

"Love is a present" said Veronica

Eva take a breath.

"The simple fact of being alive, of being able to see, of being able to feel, of seeing the rain fall, of seeing the green color on the trees, of having people who love us, having a house, not missing anything, appreciating what we have, enjoying the little things in life as someone gives you a smile, that's a gift. It is the fact of knowing that right now there is a person who has just lost a member of his family, or someone who has been diagnosed with cancer, or children who have nothing to eat, or a person who has lost an arm in an accident, all these things can happen to us, and we do not value the fact that they do not happen to us. Do you know that everything we have in this life is borrowed? From our parents to our hands, our eyes, our senses or the simple fact of being able to walk. In a moment we can lose everything. All. Life is a present."

"Although I give you the reason in many things, I think the same as Vero. Love is something wonderful."interrupted a voice from the back desk.

Both girls turned and posed their gaze on Beatriz, a beautiful girl with black skin and beautiful brown eyes.

"You see?" added Veronica. "Bea thinks like me. You are too much...."

She did not find the right words.

"Rational" Beatriz finished with a beautiful smile.

Eva prepared to answer when Begoña silenced the entire class. The room remained silent for a moment, but then everyone spoke again.

"That's the way society goes". Eva said sadly, ending the conversation. She believed in love, but not in a insane one.

"Don't get mad." Veronica whispered, worried in her ear.

Eva rolled her eyes and left her friend alone. The bell rang making all the boys leave the class quickly. In less than two minutes there was not a single soul in the class. If it were any other day everyone would have left the school, but that was not a day like any other. Most of the students were on the hall and looked expectantly towards the entrance, where a handsome guy was arguing with the gardener. The boy was so close to the gardener that it looked like they were going to fight in any moment.

On the other side of the building, two girls walked down the stairs smiling as they talked to Beatriz from the last Stranger Thing season and looked for Paloma. In a matter of minutes they reached the front door, where there was a lot more hustle than usual.

Veronica stopped breathing when she saw the hot guy. His voice was something hoarse and guttural, but it did not displease her at all. She loved his voice. It was addictive. She stared at him with a confused face, just like the rest of the students in that center. The boy with brown hair and gray eyes seemed more and more angry and it gave the impression that he was about to hit the gardener.

Someone grabbed Veronica by the waist from behind. The girl gasped and that made the boy turn towards her, as did the others people there. The brunette girl turned and found a Paloma laughing because she scared Veronica.

"I've scared you."her friend laughed.

Veronica turned and realized nervously that the boy was still looking at her with an eyebrow arched with interest. He had begun to ignore the gardener.

"Hey, you!" He said in a voice so loud it frightened her.

The girl looked behind her, wondering if he had spoken to her or to someone behind. Oh, oh, he spoke to her. HE SPOKE TO HER!

"Me?" She gasped, her heart beating so hard it looked like it was going to burst from her chest.

"Of course you" he answered confident and realizing funny that he had made her nervous. In spite of that he remained imposingly serious. "What is your name?"

Veronica hesitated, intimidated and annoyed at the same time. She realized that she was the center of attention. She didn't like that feeling. Everybody looked at her. Many girls looked envious because that boy had noticed her, others with interest and others just out of curiosity.

-"Verónica."answered her.

The young man looked her up and down, slowly. She felt even more nervous. He was a really impressive guy.

"Do not ignore me insolent brat,"interrupted the gardener.

" Hot name" continued the boy. "Something tells me that I will pronounce it more than once"

After that, Veronica felt her heart stopped. The boy just started to leave the high school. He ignored the gardener and leaved the girl without knowing what to say, with her mouth half open and her breathing ragged.

The gardener insisted:

"Stopp immediately. You'll have to pay the high school for what you've done! How can you enter with a motorbike here?! And how do you have the nerve to come back? Have you noticed how you left the lawn? And the flowers? Hey, I am talking!

The boy kept moving forward with the intention of leaving. Unfortunately, the gardener grabbed the boy's shoulder, who turned to him with the face of few friends.

"Stop touching me right now," he said in a voice so calm that was even dangerous.

The gardener raised his chin, proud that he had listened.

"Not until you hear me." He answered seriously "Do you really think you can enter here and..."

He couldn't finish the sentence.

"Well, let's see what you have to say now" interrupted the young man hitting the gardener with a punch and throwing him to the ground.

Then he gave one last look to Veronica and left the center.

"I only came here for a name." he said.

His eyes found Veronica's, and it seemed the whole world stopped.

Thanks for reading. Do you like it? What do you think is gonna happen? Do you want me to translade more?

Ig: itssarahmey

Fb: sarah mey books

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