Twist of Fate- 5sos Fanfic- C...

By Unqualifiedauthor

28.2K 625 49

Hipster. Fangirl. Derper. These are words to describe Raven Taylor. She is an internet kid. A reader of books... More

Twist of Fate- (5SOS Fanfic)
Chapter 2- Why You Do This?
Chapter 3- Turbulence
Chapter 4- The Pristine Beaches
Chapter 5- Protecter
Chapter 6- Jacking Off, Mario Kart, and Wraslin'
Chapter 7- Arrival Of The Derpin' Hooligans
Chapter 8- Just an ANNOYANCE
Chapter 9- I AM A PRUNE.
Chapter 10- Playing Nurse
Chapter 11- Dinner and Potter
Chapter 12- Departure Of Derping Hooligans
Chapter 13 - A Stupid 3OH!3 Song
Chapter 14- The Best Way To Piss Off Any Janitor
Chapter 15- Oh SHIT..... Ooopies?
Chapter 16- Waiting
Chapter 17- Fancy Seeing You Here
Chapter 18- My Idea Of A Romantic Gesture
Chapter 19- The Great Reunion
Chapter 20- Mikey Is Queen Elsa
Chapter 21 - So This Is Love
Chapter 22- Fate, Destiny, A Long Ass Time
Chapter 23- Sacrifices

Chapter 1- Two Years.

1.6K 30 0
By Unqualifiedauthor

In this fanfic, David, Joy, and Mali Koa are not.. existing. XD. Just FYE.


"Calum is coming home TOMORROW!" Jade smiled, clasping her hands together and dancing around the kitchen. "My baby is coming homeee!"

I was sitting on the island, eating my cereal, and trying not to laugh in her face. She acted like was this innocent little ten year old boy. I'm sure that's what she saw him as. Instead of, you know, a yellow-bellied noob. I decided that a nod was a safe answer.

"You could be more exited that you're brother is coming home!"  Her voice was whiney, the same voice I'd heard her give my father when she wanted something and he wouldn't give it to her.

      I choked on my cereal. Coughing into my napkin, I spit out that cheerios that I'd just inhaled. "He is NOT my brother."

        The adopted son of my  father's long term girlfriend. My brother? My father's long term screwing buddy? They weren't even MARRIED. It would be like if I called her mom, and there was about zero percent chance of that happening. "Calum isn't even your son. And you're not even married to my dad. And who the hell knows if my dad is even my dad in the first place?"

        Jade's expression turned dark. "That's ENOUGH, Raven. We are a family, like it or not. Calum IS my son. And you KNOW why your dad and I can't get married."

        "You adopted him, how is that real?" I avoided the topic of why my dad and Jade couldn't get married. The reason, of course, was because my mom and dad weren't technically divorced. My mother left when I was nine. She didn't divorce him, she didn't do anything legally. She just left, after a fight with my dad. We didn't know where she was, we didn't know if she'd ever come back. My dad said that there was always hope, that she would come back for me. But I knew better. You don't come back for someone unless you have a heart. And someone who leaves their nine year old daughter forever, that isn't someone with a heart.

        I looked at Jade, and knew from her darkened, sad expression that I'd hit the wrong place. "I'm sorry, I know that its real. I'm sorry."

        Shaking her head, she walked out of the kitchen, and I watched her huff into her room, closing the door silently. I had a bad habit of saying very true things, at very wrong times. I sighed and continued to eat my cereal.


        It had been almost two years since I'd seen Calum in person. I'd waved from the background when he skyped his mom. I'd seen him on TV. Every time he was at home, I was suddenly gone. It was strange that it happened like that. The first time he'd visited I'd had a school field trip that went over the weekend. Another time I'd had my surgery, and I'd been out while he was visiting. Another time, his mom and my dad were fighting, so he didn't stay with us. Strange, but it just never worked out.

        I can honestly say I wasn't the slightest bit excited to see him. I knew he would've changed in the world. I knew how things worked. He was going to spoiled, he was going to think he was all that. He was going to self-centered and not understand why people didn't gush and scream for him. I knew he would be the center of attention anywhere I went.

        So I can honestly say, I didn't expect the feelings I got when I saw him.


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