Mr. Horan (Student/Teacher...

By NiamForever5x

155K 4.1K 933

Mr. Horan is the new teacher at Wolverhampton High. Catching the eyes of everyone, including a certain Liam P... More

Mr. Horan (Student/Teacher - Niam Horayne)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70

Chapter 53

1.2K 40 10
By NiamForever5x

Hey guys! I can't believe that this story has 50 K! It's just...crazy. I don't even know how this all happened, you guys are so amazing, you know that? I am seriously in love with every single one of my readers and I can't thank you enough if I could but I'll still try! Thank you all so much, i'm actually crying because this is a huge shock to me. Thank you all! I love you!💕

Niall's P.O.V

 Home. I actually missed our little house and with it just being us. Don't get me wrong, I love Ireland and Mullingar and it will always be my first home.But Wolverhampton. It's different and I like it because of that. Also because I meet the love of my life here. Speaking of Liam, I feel his head move on my shoulder. His mouth is open slightly and I can hear him breathing heavy. He fell asleep not too long after the plane left Ireland. I will have to wake him up soon as the air hostess said on the speaker that we aren't too far from Wolverhampton now. But I won't yet. He looks so cute when he sleeps, like a little puppy. So innocent and cute.

When the air speaker says theres only five minutes till we land, I shake Liam lightly, trying to wake him up."Babe, we're home" I whisper into his ear, kissing his cheek after. His eyelids flutter and then I am left staring into his amazing brown eyes which I love so much. He is such a beautiful human. "Already?" he asks, yawning and rubbing his eyes from the sleep at the edge of them. I laugh before nodding. He's so freaking cute and he's happily all mine. Forever and always.

"I could've sworn we just left Ireland though" he says, giving me a confused look. "You fell asleep, that's why it was so quick for you silly" I say, sticking my tongue out at him. "Oh" he says before looking at the ground, a pink shade on his cheeks. I laugh at him while we go out of the plane. The air hostess checks me out before looking behind and seeing my hand intertwined with Liam's. Her eyes widen a bit, properly because of shock but she just smiles at both of us as we leave the plane. We head through the doors into the airport where I let go of Liam's hand and go to pick up our suitcases.

"Do you know what was the best thing about Ireland? Besides the Horans of course." Liam says, smiling at me. "What babe?" I ask him, curious to know what he will say. "Being able to be just us and do what we want. We can't here because people don't know about us" Liam says, pouting and I frown too. "Yeah I know but don't worry babe, we can cuddle and kiss all we want when we get home" I say, hugging him quickly. He nods at me when we pull away before smiling again. "Does that mean a movie day?" He asks, walking beside me wheeling his suitcase." If that's what you want, then of course" I say and Liam nods quickly. I laugh at him, he can be such a big kid sometimes.

Well he basically still is a kid, something I sometimes forget. It just feels like we're the same age but really, I'm a good few years older which makes me sort of a pedophile I guess. But I don't care, that's societies look on our relationship, not mine and I defiantly know it's not Liam's. Love is love, no age is going to come in the way of me loving the boy beside me. Liam gets us a taxi and we put our suitcases in the back of the car before telling the driver where to go. I've missed here while we were in Ireland. I smile at Liam who sits beside me who smiles at me too before intertwining our hands and squeezing my hand. I look out the window at the little snow that falls.

When we get home, I breathe in the scent of my good old home. I missed the smell of it even, as weird as it sounds. Liam runs in by me and I laugh at him. He's been bursting to wee since he woke up in the plane. I hear the sound of a zipper and then Liam peeing. I laugh as I walk into the sitting room and turn on the tv. I look at the movies and see what one's Liam and I could watch. Oh, I know! I quickly get up and go to my bedroom to get the laptop and leads. I'll just go on a website for movies that are in the cinema now and plug it into the tv so we can watch them. I'm a genius, I swear.

When I do all this, Liam walks in and sits on the couch. "No no no lazy bum, get up and get us blankets and sweets while I sort all this out" I say to Liam who groans in response. I laugh at him before pointing out the door for him to go. He gets up but not before pouting at me and flipping the bird. "Oi! What did I do?" I shout to him. "Made me move, Liam don't like moving" he says and I laugh at him before going back to sorting all the wires out. It's so confusing. "Babeee" I say, looking out the door. "Yeah?" Liam asks, popping his head around the corner. "Wanna swap jobs? I think you'd be better with this shit than me" I ask because this is too confusing and I know Liam is smarter than me with this kind of stuff.

"Okay. But you have to kiss me first" he says, sticking out his lips at me. I laugh before getting up and walking over to him. "No problem" I say, pecking his lips quick to tease him. He pouts and I laugh at him before connecting my lips with his again. I pull away after a minute and slap him on his bum. "Get to work now" I say, winking at him before going into the kitchen and getting us snacks. I already hear the popcorn in the microwave so I pull out bowls and put malteasers and jellies in them. I just decide to bring in the big bottle of coke as I know Liam doesn't mind sharing and there is not putting it into cups as we would have to keep coming in and out for refills.

"Done" I hear Liam shout so I quickly pour the freshly popped popcorn into a big bowl and bring it into the sitting room. Liam sits on the couch, a blanket on top of him. I hand him the bowl before going in and getting the other bowls and drink. When I have all, I shut the kitchen door and sit beside Liam. I realize though that I'll have to get up in order to pick a movie to watch. I groan before getting up again and going over to the laptop. "What will we watch babe?" I ask Liam who is munching away at the popcorn. Pig. Cute, adorable pig.

He shrugs his shoulders at me before telling me he doesn't mind. Well that helped. "What about the new movie Annabelle? It looks good" I say, seeing the cover of it. I'm not that fond of horror movies but this one looks really good. "Mmm...I don't know I mean aren't there any other ones" Liam says, biting his lip. He seems..."Are you scared to watch Annabelle, Liam?" I ask, a smile on my face. His eyes widen before he shakes his head. "No, I'm not afraid." he says, although I know he's lying. He's terrified.

"Okay then we'll watch it" I say, clicking play and going over to him. "Uhm Niall..maybe I am a bit afraid of it okay if I hold onto you if something scary happens" he asks, nervously with a blush on his cheeks. Cute. "Of course babe, come here" I say, pulling him onto my lap. He moves around a bit before getting comfy and lying his head on my shoulder.

Anytime Annabelle appeared on screen, I could feel Liam jump on my lap and he would cling onto me, burying his face into my neck which I thought was adorable. We ended up, somehow making out during the middle of it but a scream on tv scared Liam enough to bite on my lip to which I laughed because he wouldnt stop saying sorry and it was the "damn movies" fault. Oh how I love movie days with you Liam.

Or just how I love every day with you Liam.

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