Wishes Can Come True

By Bright-Shine

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Erin Williams has loved The Outsiders ever since she first read it. She can't seem to get it out of her head... More

Make a Wish
Socs, Middle Class, and Greasers
The Start of a Friendship
A Mess
Seeking Help
Fight Song
Truth Can Hurt
You Better Believe It
Fire is Catching
Bad Feelings
Stay With Me
Alive But Not Well
A Fighter

Tell Me, Please

187 13 50
By Bright-Shine

Erin was finally released from the hospital. She had to be on pain medicine, and the doctors told her to take it easy for a couple more weeks. Since Erin was better, they had to go to court and prove their innocence. They all got off easy, and even Johnny didn't have to go to jail.

Once all of that was over Darry made her go to school, just like Ponyboy had said. Ponyboy had been in school for about a week and his grades were dropping. She figured he would be doing better since Johnny and Dally didn't die, but that concussion must have really taken a hold on him.

She had been in Tulsa for four weeks. She has been all around town with the boys. She'll go to the movie with Ponyboy and Johnny, the DX with Soda and Steve, she'll cause mischief with Dally and Two-Bit.

"Ugh!" Ponyboy, Johnny, and Erin were walking home from school since Two-Bit and Steve we're both busy and couldn't drive them. "Mr. Syme's is making me write a paper to get my grades up."

"Oh man. That's horrible. What about?" Johnny asked him.

"Life experience. It can't be made up or already done before."

"Your first trip to the zoo," Erin laughed. Ponyboy stopped. Erin turned around to look at him. "You coming?"

Ponyboy ran up to her and grabbed her shoulders. "Do you know what I write about?" He practically shook her.

"Jeez, calm down. Yes I do. But I'm not telling."

"Please!" Pony pleaded, dragging out the 'e'. "Please, Angel."

"Sorry." Erin pushed him away. "You have to figure it out yourself. I can't tell." She then walked away with Johnny, making Ponyboy very annoyed. He caught up with them and kept begging Erin to tell him.

"Please," He asked as they walked through the door of his house. He did that all the way home. Erin kept responding with a "no" every time.

"Ponyboy," Johnny snapped, turning to face him. "She said no. Stop asking."

Ponyboy groaned and went to his room. Erin couldn't help but let out a small laugh. "He'll have the thing started tonight, I don't get why he's so worked up."

Johnny nudged her shoulder. "He just wants to be a cheater."

"Yep. And I'm not letting him know anything. He does good anyway."

"Yeah..." Johnny trailed off. He looked down, fiddling with his hands before looking back up. "Erin...I need to tell you something. I-" Suddenly, Two-Bit burst through the door.

"Hey! Anyone home!" He yelled, interrupting Johnny. He turned his attention to the couch when he noticed them. "Oh, hey." He smiled and gave them a small wave. "What's happening?"

"What are you doing here?" Johnny said through grit teeth. "I thought you were busy." He wanted to so badly to kick Two-Bit out of the house. To tell Erin how he really felt. But now he had to wait.

"I was. I'm not now, so I decided to drop by. Where's little Curtis?"

"His room. I think he's mad at me for not telling him what he writes about for his theme." He's not the only one who's mad, Johnny though.

"Eh, he'll get over it. So what are we going to do today." Johnny wanted to take Erin to the lot. But he wanted everything to be perfect, not him still being mad at Two-Bit while he walks there. And Erin would know something would be bothering him. So, again, he is going to have to wait.

"I don't know." Erin shrugged her shoulders. "I do know that I'm starving." Erin stood up and walked into the kitchen. She rummaged through the fridge, looking for anything to eat. "Do you guys want something to eat?"

Johnny stood up, about to speak before Two-Bit said, "Nah, I've got cake in the icebox." Erin rolled her eyes as she heard the TV come to life and Mickey start playing.

Johnny cleared his throat, making Erin look up at him. "Uh...I have an idea." He smiled at her. "Do you wanna go to the Dairy Queen or something? Ya know, just the two of us," He said loudly, making sure Two-Bit heard him.

Erin smiled. "Yeah, sure. I'd like that." She shut the fridge and walked back into the living room with Johnny. Johnny held the door open for. "Why thank you kind sir." She grinned. Johnny chuckled and blushed.

They walked down the street talking about school. "I can't wait for our science project to be over. My partner, Kaleb, tried to flirt with me! He kept doing it all day! I was this close to slapping him." She gave him a hand sign. "I told him to stop it but he wouldn't leave me alone."

"Kaleb Davidson?" Erin nodded. Johnny scowled and clenched his fists. No one should treat her like that, and he wanted that guy to know it. He doesn't even know this guy and he already hates him. But there's one thing he does know about him. When it comes to girls, he's a big flirt. Like Dally.

"Johnny? You all right?" Johnny looked mad as ever. He didn't even respond. "Johnny?"

"Y-Yeah..." He finally spoke. "Just a little mad."

"Why?" She has no clue why Johnny would be mad. It's not like Johnny likes her back. Of course, she was so wrong about that. "He's just being dumb."

"Yeah, but you don't deserve to be treated like that. Not by some guy who's acting up for attention."

"Well it's not like I like him. And I don't intend on talking to him after this." A thought popped in Erin's head. "Hey, Johnny, didn't you say once you liked at girl from school?"

"Huh?" Johnny looked puzzled for a minute. Then he remembered exactly what she was talking about. "O-Oh...yeah, I do." The first time he said he was lying. He thought Erin was real pretty then, and figured she would end up going to his school. Now that she does it's technically not a lie anymore. "Why do you ask?"

"I was just wondering."

"You want to know who it is?" He smiled, and before she could respond, he said, "I'll tell you later."

They finally arrived at the Dairy Queen. Johnny held the door open for her again. They sat down at a booth and waited for the waitress to come. After a few minutes, they finally ordered. "What does she look like?" Erin spoke up.

Johnny smiled. "Why do you want to know so much?"

"Because I'm curious." She put her hand on her chin and propped her elbow up on the table. "Please tell me!" Like Ponyboy, she dragged out the 'e' in 'please'.

Johnny's smile grew a little bigger. "You're just like, Ponyboy. Soon you'll be acting like Two-Bit."

"I won't be that crazy." That made them both burst out laughing.

Once they stopped, Johnny spoke again. "I'll tell you one thing about her." Erin leaned in and listened closely. "She has green eyes."

Erin sat back in the seat. "Oh my gosh. That could be anyone!"

Johnny, who was still smiling, shrugged. "You can guess all you want."

"Ugh!" She put her head down on the table. "I'll just wait."

"All right. Suit yourself."


After they got done eating they both went to the movies. At one point Johnny yawned before putting his arm around Erin. She only smiled at him, leaning her head against him. Erin's mind has been somewhere else almost the entire night. She was trying to figure out a who has green eyes.

Erin did guess that it might be her, but she thought back to what Johnny said. This girl went to his school long before she did. It made her sad, knowing that it wasn't her. But with all Johnny was doing, she couldn't help but have a little hope.

The night was gettin later and later as Johnny and Erin walked to the lot. "Hey, What did you want to tell me earlier? At the Curtis house?"

"Oh...it was actually who I like," Johnny admitted.

"Really? You were actually going to tell me? Well why are you waiting now?"

"I...well I have my reasons." They finally arrived at the lot. They both sat down on old car seat. "Did you ever guess?"

"No...wait..." A girl popped in her head. And she knew Johnny knew her. "Cherry has green eyes. Oh gosh, I hope it's not her."

Johnny shook his head repeatedly. "No. No. It's not her. She's got nothing on Cherry Valance. She's way prettier." He smiled just thinking about her.

"What does she look like?"

"Well..." He went on describing the girl. Describing Erin. But Erin had no clue what he was saying. Before he started talking, a wave of dizziness washed over her. She felt like she could pass out. "Erin? Erin , are you okay?"

Erin could hear a faint voice saying "When I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the movie house, I had only two things on my mind: Paul Newman and a ride home." right before she passed out.

"Erin! Erin!" Johnny screamed. He had no idea what happened. He didn't even know if she had heard him. Erin was unconscious in his arms again. Johnny though for sure it had to do with her getting stabbed, but then her body started to fade away. "What the...Erin!" He screamed again. "ERIN!" Her body was fading away more and more. Finally, she was completely gone.


When Erin woke up next she was at home. She woke up in her own bed. "What the..." she rubbed her eyes before realizing what happened. Was it a dream? No, it couldn't have been a dream. She threw the covers off of her to see she was still in the same clothes she was wearing in Tulsa.

Her eyes widened. She lifted up her shirt with a shaky hand. The scar was still there. She then grabbed her book, flipping open to a random page. Her name was there. She threw the book down with a smile. She really did change the book.

A/N That's the end of Wishes Can Come True! But don't worry, there will be a sequel. I will have it up soon. I've already started on the first chapter, I just need a cover. Hope you enjoyed!

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