A Dragon's Mermaid

By GreenEyedKoneko

220K 7.7K 664

Book 1 in The Beasts Mate Series. This book contains 18+ content, so readers must be 18 years of age or older... More

A Dragon's Mermaid
Chapter One 🌊
Chapter Two πŸ‰
Chapter Three 🌊
Chapter Four 🌊
Chapter Five πŸ‰
Chapter Six 🌊
Chapter Seven πŸ‰
Chapter Eight πŸ‰
Chapter Nine 🌊
Chapter Ten πŸ‰
Chapter Eleven 🌊
Chapter Twelve πŸ‰
Chapter Thirteen 🌊
Chapter Fourteen 🌊
Chapter Fifteen πŸ‰
Chapter Sixteen 🌊
Chapter Seventeen πŸ‰
Chapter Eughteen 🌊
❀️Chapter Nineteen 🌊
❀️Chapter Twenty πŸ‰
Chapter Twenty-One 🌊
Chapter Twenty-two 🌊
Chapter Twenty-three πŸ‰
Chapter Twenty-four 🌊
❀️Chapter Twenty-six 🌊
Chapter Twenty-seven 🌊
Chapter Twenty-eight πŸ‰
❀️Chapter Twenty-nine 🌊
Chapter Thirty πŸ‰
Chapter Thirty-one 🌊
Chapter Thirty-twoπŸ‰
Chapter Thirty-three🌊
Chapter Thirty-four πŸ‰
Chapter Thirty-five 🌊
Chapter Thirty-six 🌊
❀️Chapter Thirty-seven πŸ‰

Chapter Twenty-five πŸ‰

2.9K 130 7
By GreenEyedKoneko

Pink and orange rays of light shine into my office. The day has passed, and the sun is setting. Footsteps and hushed voices pass my office. it seems that everyone is retiring for the day, and I plan to stay an hour or two more. Avalon sent me a text, and let me know that her last client arrived. She is holding to finish in about two hours, and I will pick her up. She does not own a car, and the den is rather far. I am planning to surprise her, and take her shopping for a car. While I love driving her around it will not always be practical with our schedules.

Papers are scattered around my desk, yet I pay them no mind. The clacking sound of a keyboard echos in my empty office. A few minutes ago I received an email from a good friend. Ambrose is a Master vampire that leads a rather large coven. We became good friends about two hundred years ago. Ambrose sends powerful members of his coven to act as security when my kind meets. An occasional fight breaks out, and he sends coven members that are hybrids. They put up a fight for the hatchlings, since they always get into fights. His message is rather simple, and simply states to call him. Why did he not just call me himself!

I close my email and take my phone out of my pocket. It takes me a moment to locate Ambrose's number before I press call. The phone rings three times before he answers.

"Vulcan, I am glad that you called my friend," says Ambrose.

His tone is low yet deep. It seems that he does not want to be heard.

"Good evening Ambrose, I wanted to call you before it got too late," I said as I lean back in my chair. I may as well take this time to relax.

He chuckles as I hear small sounds in the background. "Thank you and I apologize for the odd message. My coven is having issues with a group of Fallen Fae," he says.

I raise an eyebrow in surprise because I did not expect that. Ambrose does not have any business with Fallen's, and has a treaty with a nearby group . Why on Earth would they suddenly attack him?

"I thought your coven was on decent terms with the nearby Fallen's," I state in an attempt to clarify the situation.

Ambrose sighs softly,"We are and I am attempting to aid the family. They are having issues with rogue demons".

"I see and what are these rogues doing exactly?" I ask.

"They are making a mess of both our borders. They have not passed mine, but recently got onto their land. It seems they are trying to obtain their flowers," he says.

Flowers is the term Fallen's use to refer to their omegas. Fallen's names their omegas this because of the brightness omegas bring to them. They are the only supernatural species that does not use their term. Well aside from the mer, and minimer are considered a subspecies. Avalon explained that is because there are some differences their species. Omegas in all species are treated with care and respect by their community. This is due to the fact that they possess powerful magic, and have a high fertility rate. Also, anyone who comes in contact with them can or help but love their sweet personalities. The several omegas in my clan are adored by everyone. The hatchlings adore them the most because the omegas play with them. Everyone wishes to protect their omegas, especially their families and mates. Their mates are typically powerful supernaturals that can protect them.

"Why would the rogues want the flowers?" I question.

Ambrose sighs on the other end of the phone. "We are attempting to get more information," he says.

"I will keep my eyes and ears open for anything I hear," I tell him.

"Thank you for agreeing to help Vulcan," he says.

I am aware of the family he is referring to, and they are good people. The Fallen are viewed rather poorly due to their pure black wings. Humans believe them to be Fallen Angels. While, in reality they had Fallen from the Fae Kong's good graces. He curses them to lose their colorful wings, and not be able to return to their homeland. I am willing to help because their are omegas on the line.

"What will the family leader do to protect them? They managed to pass his borders, and it is a matter of time before someone is captured," I say.

"For the time being Lachlan, the family's leader, is planning to send flowers to reside with me," says Ambrose.

That is rather surprising since Ambrose does not have guests over. It was an honor when he invited me to dinner with his coven. I believe I am one of the only regular guests in his home. However, it makes sense considering they have not managed to pass his borders. For the time being his home is the safest place for these omegas.

"I see and that is a rather good plan. If you and Lachlan need assistance please call me. We can meet in your home to discuss things," I tell him.

We speak for a few more minutes before saying our farewells. Ambrose needs to speak with his coven, while I need to complete my paperwork. I place my phone on my desk, and focus on the pile in front of me. My eyes scan the documents, and I sign where it is required. I decline several proposals, and leave a note for that sections manager. They will give this information to their team to make corrections. I receive a text message in the middle of working from Avalon. She informs me that Ember picked her up, and they are on their way home. I make sure to contact Ember, because I do not recall her being in the city today.

"Ember, did you pick up Avalon from work?" I ask her through our family bond.

"Yes I did big brother, and we are on our way back home," replies Ember.

I wish them a safe ride home before returning to work. Once I am done with my paperwork I file them in the correct place. Afterwards, I lock my desk and shut off my computer. I make sure to lock my office door after stepping out. I walk across the dark and empty floor to my personal elevator. My palm presses against the keypad, and the elevator arrives quickly.

It does not take me long to get into my car, and begin my drive home. The city passes by in a blur of bright colorful lights. Before I know it I am driving down a quiet Forrest road. It will not take me much longer to return to the den. Once I return I will change my clothes, and run a patrol before training. I would love to spend time with my mate, but my duties have to come first. Perhaps after we settle into our roles we can take a small vacation. We could go somewhere that has a nice beach where Avalon could swim.

After changing into a pair of black shorts, and sneakers I head outside. My team should be waiting for me on the patio near the garden. Hopefully, I will see Avalon since it is one of her favorite spots. Mother would not tell me where she and Avalon are. If I wanted to I could easily track her down, but I do not. Patrol starts in a few minutes, and Avalon should focus on her own task. She has been starting to take over duties from mother, and has almost completely settled into her role. I am very proud at how quickly my mate is progressing.

Qullian laughs as he pats one of the newer warriors on the shoulder. "Thing will get easier Lahar, so do not worry," says Qullian.

While he may appear to be a jokester Qullian can be serious. He enjoys mentoring the hatchlings that are transitioning to be warriors. The teens like him because he can be fun yet strict. He also makes it competitive by starting friendly contests with rewards the teens want. I chuckle at the last context where two teens almost flew into a tree. They were fighting to see who could get an extra hour on the PS4.

"Good evening everyone," I say making my presence known.

"Good evening Leader Vulcan," greet the warriors in unison.

Qullian grins as he runs up and hugs me. "Good evening big brother of mine!"

I chuckle at his antics as I return his hug. He groans as I crack his back with the force of my hug. "Good evening little brother,"
I chuckle as I set him down.

"Inform Aeric that when you are both done with your patrols to meet me," i inform him.

He nods in understanding, "We will meet you at the usual spot".

I nod my head in approval before walking away. It does not take me long to reach my patrol group. They greet me in unison, and I return their greeting. I quickly go over the patrol plan, and then begin to shift. My bones begin to move and crack, but there is no pain. My human body transforms into my large dragon form. Wings keep me propelled in the air. My wings move as I fly across the Eastern section of the territory. Two warriors follow behind me while others patrol beneath us. They are hidden between the trees in case someone is foolish enough to hide there.

"Brother, my patrol group and I found a trespasser on the Western border," says Aeric.

"Were got able to capture them?" I question as I continue to fly.

"Yes and I am dropping her off with Dion. She cannot go anywhere with an injured arm, and  leg," he says.

It is rather odd that someone was able to get onto our lands, especially with injuries. "Keep her with Dion and stay with him. I will be there once my patrol is over".

"Understood brother. We will see you soon," he says.

I shut off our connection, and then concentrate on my patrol. We patrol the border another hour before returning to the den. The patrol ran later than usual to make certain the territory is safe. I do not want an unwanted being on my territory. It is rather shocking that she managed to mask herself. My connection to the clan would have allowed me to sense an intruder. After we land near the patio I transform back to my human form. Clan members greet me as I walk through the garden, and into the den. I acknowledge their greetings while I hurry to meet Dion and Aeric.

My feet carry me to the sun room, which is above the patio. The room is easy to access after patrol and training, which is why this became our meeting place. Of course, if we need to discuss private matters we speak in my office. Aeric and Qullian have an office as well. Roark and Dion share an office, because their duties are connected. It is more efficient for them to plan and strategize when sharing a work space.

The sun room has large ceilings with dark wooden beams. The floors are made of a light beige tile, and a small cream rug is at the entrance. An L shape wicker couch and two matching arm chairs are in the room. A large gray stone table with a fire pit is in the center. A petite woman with pale skin lays on the couch. Roark and Aeric stand beside her with worried expressions. Dirt covers her clothes and skin. There are tares on her shirt and pants. Her long light brown hair is is knots, and hides her face. Bruises and scratches are scattered across her skin. She hides her face between her palms as she trembles.

"Dion is on his way from training. I will leave after to find Nerri ," says Roark.

"Thank you for staying with Aeric and the girl for the time being," I said.

"She woke up a few minutes ago, and has not gotten up from her spot. She is rather frightened to speak to us," says Aeric.

From her scent I can tell that she is a Fallen Fae. Fuck! She may be connected to the Fallen family Ambrose mentioned. For the time being I will talk to her before contracting anyone. I walk up to the couch, and stop when I stand across from her. She does not look up at me, but she can sense me. Her body begins to tremble more after I approached her. I smile at her and decide to use a soft voice to tone down my presence.

"Hello my name is Vulcan, and I promise that you are safe here," I say softly.

Her hands move away from her face and her eyes look over to Aeric. My brother smiles at her, and despite the situation she blushes. Her eyes focus on him as a shy smile appears on her face. Does this mean that my brother has found his mate? If that is the case she will remain here under our protection.

"Aeric is she your mate?"  I ask him through our bond.

"She is and was too frightened to look at me until now. Can I sit with her Vul?"

"Congratulations brother, and of course you can. Your presence might calm her down enough to talk," I tell him.

I smile as I watch my brother walk over to his mate. We are close in age, and I am happy that he found her. Aeric has been wanting to find his mate as well, and the only hesitant sucking is Qullian. He will come around in time, and will accept his mate when they meet. Ember wants to meet her mate, yet a part of me wants to shield her from the world. I am aware that it is not realistic, and this is particularly because of how distraught she was after father's death. When Ember meets her mate I will be happy for me, and make sure her mate treats her well.

Aeric approaches the girl slowly and smiles at her. She moves her hands from her face, and reveals golden eyes. She returns his smile, and attempts to sit up. Aeric rushes over to her, and gently picks her up. She whimpers in pain as Aeric holds her. He carefully holds her against his chest, and sits down on the couch. She rests her head on his chest, and wraps her arms around his neck. Aeric growls lowly which makes her hum softly. 

"Hello mate, my name is Aeric. Can you tell me your name," says Aeric.

She looks up at him with big eyes. "H-Hi....My name is Willow," she says while looking at Aeric.

"Can you tell us what happened to you Willow?" Aeric asks as he rubs her waist.

"I...I was attacked while taking a walk by demons," says Willow.

Aeric bites back a growl while I sign. Fuck so far it seems that it is related to my conversation with Ambrose. Willow bites her bottom lip as she struggles to continue her tale. The door opens which makes Willow hide into Aeric. Dion and Avalon walk into the sunroom together. Roark says his farewells as he leaves the room. Dion raises an eyebrow in question while Avalon rushes to us. She sinks down on her knees in front of Willow.

"Hi Willow, my name is Avalon and I am Vulcan's mate," says Avalon in a soft voice.

It seems that Avalon was able to hear our little conversation. Willow smiles as she leans closer to Avalon. "Um... it is nice to meet you. I am really sorry about trespassing on your land, but o have no idea how I got here".

Avalon smiles,"That is fine sweetie because from the looks of it you are Aeric's mate".

"How did you get onto our land? We are rather far from another territory by foot," I question. If Willow ran here she would have been on the run since last night.

"Half way through I lost the feeling in my legs. I was able to use my wings, and fly until exhaustion set in," says Willow.

I nod my head as I process everything. Her family must be worried about her, and I should inform Ambrose if the situation. Considering Aeric is mated to a Flower he would want to help protect her family. "Would you like to contact your family? They must be worried about you".

"That would be lovely Vulcan. I am sure that my father and our family leader are worried sick," she says.

I take out my phone, and then hand it over to Willow. A surprised expression comes on her facd, and then dials. The phone rings before Lachlan, the family leader, answers the phone,

"H-Hi Uncle Lachlan," says Willow.

"Willow! Why are you calling me from this number" questions Lachlan.

Willow looks up at me, and moves the phone out. I assume that she placed the phone on speaker. "Lachlan it is Vulcan," I inform him on my presence.

"Vulcan it is good to here from you. Can you please inform me why my niece is with you".

"My brother Aeric found her injured on our territory," I tell him.

Lachlan curses softly, "I apologize for my niece trespassing on your land. Would we be able to pick her up?"

Aeric's eyes glow as he holds onto Willow. Clearly he is not thrilled about the idea of being separated from his mate. "She has some injuries, and my healers will look at her. My brother Aeric happens to be her mate," I say.

"Willow sweetheart is that true?"

"Yes Uncle it is true, and I am being treated very well," said Willow.

Lachlan sighs. "Alright sweetheart. It is rather late and I will speak to your father. Please rest, and  call us in the morning".

"I will Uncle I promise, and please tell dad that I am ok," says Willow.

The exchange goodnights , and then hang up the phone. Willow hangs up before giving me back my phone. She thanks me for letting her use it to call her family. I did not think that Willow would end up being Lachlan's niece. Willow whimpers in pain as she sits back against Aeric. Avalon touches Willow's injured arm. Her  hands begin to glow softly. Avalon's hands glow as she traces her palm against drops of blood and scars. The blood and scratch marks slowly begin to disappear. The skin slowly repairs itself, and then Avalon moves into her leg. Willow winces when Avalon touches her leg, but I cannot tell how it is healing.

"I was able to heal your arm, but your leg is still injured," says Avalon.

"Thank you so much! Are you a healer?"

Avalon shakes her head as she laughs softly. "No I am able to do a little healing," says Avalon.

After she stands up I wrap my arms around her waist. She rests her head on my chest, and I kiss her forehead. I am proud of my mate for taking care of an injured clan member. Willow is not officially a clan member, but she will be soon. My mate is already acting like a true female clan leader.

"As the female clan leader you will be able to increase your healing abilities. You can talk to my mother about it," I inform her.

She smiles at me,"Oh I will have to speak to her about that. Healing as never been my strength".

"You did an excellent job my treasure," I tell her.

Aeric stands up and carries Willow in his arms. "It is rather late, and we should go rest. I am going to the Healers for pain medication," he says.

"We will see you tomorrow morning then brother," I say.

Avalon smiles, "Have a good night and we will see you at breakfast".

Avalon holds onto my hand as we follow Aeric. Dion follows behind us until he turns left. While it is late Dion is going to patrol the border. Aeric says goodnight as they enter the Healers room. There are several healers within the clan, and at least two of them are there at night.

When Avalon and I reach our bedroom we take off our clothes. I remain in my boxers while Avalon goes into the closet. She comes back our wearing one of my white t-shirts. After that we go through our night routine before getting into bed. Avalon cuddles to my side, and I hold her close to me.

"Today has been a long and interesting day," says Avalon.

I chuckle since I can agree with her. "It has and I found out about the Fallen's situation earlier tonight," I say.

"How did you find out about it?" She asks while tracing her fingers on my bare chest.

"Ambrose, a friend and coven leader, informed me of the situation. The Fallen's are an alley and they share a border," I tell her.

"Oh wow, well this is going to be interesting. Do I get to meet them?"

"I will have to set up a meeting, but you can meet them".

I chuckle because our lives are going to get rather interesting. My life has never been boring. We can deal with demons if needed, yet I am hoping it does not end up in a war. I suppose that only time will tell, and we should enjoy the peace. Avalon giggles and places kisses across my face. My hands grip onto her waist, and pulls her down. I am laying on top of her, and press my body into hers. She wraps her arms around my neck, and presses our lips together. Our lips touch and we kiss slowly. The kiss is slow and passionate. Her fingers dig into me as I grip her waist. Avalon wraps her legs around my waist, and moves her hips. I rock my hips against her, which makes her moan. Oh I am going to have some wicked fun with my treasure tonight.

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