How to kill Peter Parker

By Starliss_Ember

434K 15.8K 11.4K

[COMPLETED] Deadpool, a mercenary, has been assigned to kill Peter Parker. When he uses Spiderman to get cl... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Author's Note

Chapter Six

15.5K 572 323
By Starliss_Ember

12:16 A.M

Once I reach the wedding reception, the partying only seemed to get worse. Inside the building were flashing lights and loud music and many drunk people dancing. I ran my fingers through my hair, hoping it didn't smell like I just stopped a robbery. 

I take in a breath and look around for the suspicious guy from before. I make my way to a table with cake. I had a little bit of ham and salad earlier but man am I hungry. I took a large slice of cake and walked over to a round table with white chairs and white table cloth.

I grabbed my fork and dug into the yellow cake.

1:51 A.M

After I drove a drunk Aunt May home and laid her down for bed, I made my way to my room. I changed into a blank white t-shirt and some sweatpants, and sat on my bed turning on the T.V. 

"Just a few hours ago we saw Spiderman at the scene of the robbery, tying up the bad guys like always. But what really surprised us was he wasn't alone! Deadpool- the mercenary who kills for pay- was there at Spiderman's side! We aren't sure if they're working together or what, or if this was a one time thing. Thanks for checking in on Brooklyn News Channel 9, back to you Chad.

I shut off the T.V and rub my face with my hands. I get up from my bed and walk into the kitchen to grab some orange juice. But something wasn't right. 

I felt a cold breeze and whipped around to see my balcony door was open, and a figure was outlined by the moonlight. My eyes widened and I stepped back, slowly placing the orange juice container on the shelf next to me. 

"Hello, Peter Parker."

I gulped at the unrecognizable voice. This one was deep and harsh, like none I've ever heard before. 

"What the hell do you want?" I threatened, putting my fists up defensively. Based on the figure, all I can tell is that he's wearing a large hood and leather armour, with a large blade in his utility belt. 

"Glad you asked," He began, walking in further. I backed up as far as I could, my back against the counter. He was now only a couple feet away from me. "This one dude wants me to kill you. I didn't want to cuz you're only 19, but I get 15 grand from it, so of course I'm gonna do it." He says, and I tense up, looking around for a path to take if he goes after me. "Peter Parker. 19. Works at the Daily Bugle. Has no parents- oh poor you, you have no mommy!" He mocks, and I can barely see his figure mocking someone wiping away tears. 

I narrow my eyes at him.

"Hmm lets see... graduated from school at 17, became Spiderman at 18-"

"Wait h-how do you know about that?!" I exclaim.

"Haha, you think I don't know? I've had my suspicions. But don't you worry your head, scarlet spider, I won't let your secret out. At least not right now." He says. 

"You're out of your mind. You're crazy!" I say, and he turns to me. He starts laughing as he begins walking towards me. I start crawling on the wall and cabinets backwards to get as far as possible from him. 

"You think you're sooo cool as a superhero. But under that mask you're just a weak, scared little child whose attempts to make the world a better place don't matter! 

Alright, I've had it. 

I grit my teeth as I jump for him, headed straight for the neck. He trips back against a counter but quickly regains balance and grabs me by one arm and throws me against a wall. I cough up some blood and I think I felt something stab into my leg. Before he can hit me again I shoot a web to the opposite wall and slide across the floor. 

"Peter? What's going on? Everything okay?" A voice says as a light turns on. Aunt May. 

"Until next time webs." The man says, and I get a glimpse of his suit. It's all black leather and some metal. He's out of the room in a dash and I'm left bleeding on the floor, barely able to move. 

"Peter what happened?!" Aunt May worriedly exclaims and quickly runs up to me, holding my head in her arms. I cough up some blood but tell her I'm fine and I just fell. 

"You just fell? You expect me to believe that? Peter please tell me what's going on."

"Nothing Aunt May I really just... fell..." I begin, but I drift off to unconsciousness. 

8:39 A.M 

"Aunt May?" I ask as soon as I crawl back into consciousness. 

"Oh Pete." She says, and gives me a kiss on the forehead, then I hear her leave the room I'm in. I slowly get up and look around, and realize I'm in my room. Thank god she didn't take me to the hospital. 

I slowly start to get off the bed and shake my head into focus. I walk over to my closet and take a clean t-shirt and jeans. After I put them on, I walk into the kitchen to see Aunt May at the small wooden table sipping coffee. 

"So you're telling me," She began, taking another sip of coffee, "That because you fell, you got bruises on your back, you're coughing up blood, you have a wound on your leg, and you have multiple scratches on your body?" I bit my lip and looked away.

"Just forget about it Aunt May I'm fine now." I say quickly, and rush out the door before she can say anything. I feel a lump in my throat but I keep myself from getting emotional. 

I need to figure out who that guy was last night. And there's only one person I can think of that might be able to help me. He's the only person I kinda trust that has connection to the dark world. 


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