Chapter One

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1:24 P.M

"FIRE! FIRE! STAY AWAY FROM THE BUILDING!" Someone with a megaphone yelled.

"My child's in there!" A man cried, tears streaming down his face.

Come on... just a couple more feet and I'm there. I thought, swinging from web to web making my way towards the building.

"IT'S SPIDERMAN!" A woman shouted, and I busted into the window on the third floor.

The heat instantly stung my face through my suit, and I jerked back when the heat of ashes burned on my feet. I scanned the area and decided to swing above the ashes to make it to the child. 

I heard a little girl coughing and screaming for help in the room to the left of me.

Carefully stepping over heated ashes and flames, I found a little closet where the little girl's screams were the loudest. I opened the door slowly and saw a little Latina girl with a pink flower in her hair staring up at me. She looked only 4 or 5.

"It's okay sweetie, I'm gonna get you out of here." I said trying to calm her. She turned her head the other way in fear. I sighed and reached my hand out to her. "I'm Spiderman, I'm gonna get you out of here. Please just take my hand and you can see your dad again." I tried to convince her. 

Finally, she took my hand. I pulled her to my chest and held onto her, while swinging out of the building. When I was almost fully out of the building, one more swing to go, I noticed something.

The floor had collapsed below me. Before I had enough time to stop myself from landing, I let go of the web and me and the little girl were sent straight down. 

Quicky, I shot a web to the ceiling. But we were still plummeting down.

Finally, just before we hit the ground, our momentum stopped when the web clung onto the wood ceiling. Looking around, I noticed the flames were worse down here. Red and orange flames seemed to cover every corner of the floor. Doing a 360, finally I found a path. This might hurt a little.

I held onto the little girl and told her to hold her breath. 

I ran.

1:43 P.M

I pulled my sweaty, burnt mask off my head and ran my fingers through my hair. Taking a breath of the non-intoxated air, I was relieved to finally feel the fresh, crisp air filling my lungs.

Until I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand.

I quickly forced the still-hot mask back on my face and turned around to see a figure on the building with me.

"Hey Spidey-boy." A man in a red and black leather suit said. I raised an eyebrow he couldn't see.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked.

"I'm none other than the famous mercenary, Deadpool." He chirped. 

Now I recognise him.

"What the hell do you want?" I spat at him. I'm not very fond of Deadpool if I do say so myself.

"Just wanted to congratulate you on saving that kid from the burning building." He said.

"Uh-huh. And that's it?" I asked.

"Yes. Well... no." He sighed. I rolled my eyes.

"What?" I said sternly. "What could you possibly want so badly you have to bother me and my work?" 

"I need your help." He said.

"Like I'm gonna help you. You reckless, suicidal murderer." I said.

"Just hear me out. I'm looking for this guy named P-" 

He was interrupted by an explosion nearby. 

"What the hell was that?! Sounded like my blind black mother just had diarrhea in her-"

"Shut up Pool." I said angrily, shooting a web towards the explosion to investigate it. 

"Wait sweet cheeks, we never finished our conversation!" Deadpool called after me. I rolled my eyes again and kept swinging to the explosion.

6:38 P.M

"Hey MJ!" I said happily, answering the phone. 

"Heyyyyy Peter..." She said nervously over the phone.

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

"Um, no not really! I've been taken to a-" the phone shoots out some weird noises and I hear someone else speak. "Hey there Petey Parker. I got your girlfriend Mary Jane here... If you want her alive, I suggest you follow the address I've sent you." A recognizable voice demands. 


"Okay, okay, I'll do it! Just don't hurt Mary Jane!" I say worriedly. The call ends.

6:57 P.M

Finally, I make it to the address Deadpool-or whoever that was- sent to me. Of course the destination is an old abandoned warehouse hidden in an alleyway. What better cliche place is out there? 

"Spidey? Where the hell is Peter?" Deadpool asks, walking out the front door of the abandoned warehouse.

"He sent me to get Mary Jane. Why do you have her, you're supposed to be a hero, not a villain!" I yelled.

"Ughhhhhhhh SPIDEY! You ruined everything... I'm just trying to... uhh... have a little fun?" He said, not being very convincing.

But I don't care, convincing or not, my goal is to get Mary Jane. So I'm going to do that. 

"Pool, this is your last chance. Hand over Mary Jane and I won't have to force my way in." I warned. He didn't move a muscle. 

I sighed and shot a web to the second floor, smashing through a window. I hear Deadpool curse under his breath as I web my way down to the first floor, where I'm hoping MJ is waiting for me. 

When I make it to the first floor, MJ is tied to the chair in the middle of the dimly lit room. The wood building up the warehouse is mossy and creates a wet, yucky smell. 

Deadpool's nowhere in sight.

"Mary Jane!" I call, shooting a web to the ceiling to swing over to her. But something stops me.

"Not so fast sweet cheeks!" Deadpool calls, throwing a katana my way, purposely not hitting me though. I'm stopped in my tracks.

I let out an angry groan and shoot another web, this time to her chair trying to pull her to me.

I see she has tape over her mouth, which explains why she's not loud. 

"It's okay MJ I'm gonna get you out of here." I say, untying the strings restraining her to the chair. She lets out a muffled cry, her eyes widening at something behind me.

Before I can react, something hits me in the head and I'm sent to the ground.

"What the hell Spidey?! Why are you even here?! How did you find out about this?!" Deadpool asks angrily. Before I reply, I roll from my back to my stomach and heave myself up. 

"Why-" I begin, "Why are y-you doing th-this?" I ask, my voice trembling from being dizzy after the fall. 

"I'll explain it all later sweetie." Deadpool says angrily, hitting my head one more time before I go unconscious. 

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