Chapter Thirty One

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5:42 P.M
Wade's POV

Like I said before. I made my choice. I just wish the last thing I'd ever hear come from Peter's mouth wasn't a scream. I close the door and let out a breath.

{Done and done}

[Peter's safe now]

{Safe and sound}

[He'll find his way home, right?]

{He's Spiderman, of course he will!}

I walk back into the room with the murdered guards. I suppose I should kill the operator and set a new destination for the plane, so nobody else gets killed with these chemicals. I step over a dead body and come across Peter's mask. I grit my teeth and step over it too, finally making my way to the door.

I bust it open.

"Who the-"


The bullet hits him square in the head. I've never operated a plane before, but I suppose I could take my best guess. I walk over to the dead body and heave it off the chair, taking the seat of the spinny chair. If I was with somebody, I would make a joke about it. I would be pretending everything's okay, not like I was about to end my life or anything. But my expression stays blank.

I roll up to the controls and look up to a screen on the top right above the panel. I sigh and click a few buttons, punch in some coordinates far away from here, and hit a button I was hoping was the autopilot. The plane wasn't crashing yet, so I suppose that was a good sign.

[Stop procrastinating and lets go!]

{Weak fuck}

[Gross loser]

{Get on with it already, nobody wants you here anyways}

I roll my eyes and exit the room. I pick up the knife I had dropped in the main room.

[Were you actually going to kill him?]

"Of course not!" I yell. Not like anybody could hear me anyways. I sigh and continue into the room with the chemicals.

5:44 P.M


I doubted he could hear me. The roar of the plane was too loud. I clung to the side of the plane once again. My fingers kept slipping and I was slowly getting dragged backwards, towards the motor blades...


My body shook violently against the wind. I was going to lose my grip soon, then I would be shredded to pieces. I forced my head up against the wind and found a row of windows. If I could get up there, there might be a chance I could see Wade, to get his attention or something. I look behind me; the spinning blades were only feet away. Suddenly I'm yanked back and I quickly shoot a web to the side of the plane before I'm thrown off. My whole body was burning, this was taking so much effort. Too much effort.

It's getting awfully hard to breathe. I grit my teeth and hold onto my web with both hands, climbing it like a rope. I don't make it to the side of the plane before my web unsticks.

Now I was flying back, flailing my arms like I could grab onto something. I screeched as I watched the plane passing through my vision.

Suddenly, I feel a strong jerk against the straps on my chest, and I wince as my chest feels like it was compressing. My parachute had opened-but I was still right next to the plane.

Then I saw why. The parachute opened as I was flying back, but it had gotten stuck on the left wing. I was still right next to the plane, flying behind the wing, held on by the straps of the parachute connected to the wing. I wasn't dead! There's still a chance to save Wade.

But, there was a slight problem.

One of the straps had come loose and was wrapped around my neck, pulling me to a sideways position in the air. 

I tried pulling it over my head, but it was too tight. The rest of the straps couldn't be undone or else I would fall.

I can't breathe.

5:43 P.M
Wade's POV

{Was that-?}



"Oh fuck off!" I say, rolling my eyes. I had already entered the room with the chemicals and picked up a canister. I was certain the boxes were playing tricks on me somehow. 

[Wade we aren't lying!]

{Someone's still alive!}



"Shut the fuck up!" I say, popping open the chemical canister. They had to be stalling. Maybe they didn't want me to die after all, and those cruel comments they made were just there to tear me down. Either way, it doesn't matter. I was worthless anyways.

I'm bringing the chemicals to my mouth when I hear it. 

A scream.


I lower the chemicals and my eyes widen. The boxes weren't lying. I could tell by the volume of Peter that he was outside. Was he clinging to the side of the plane for dear life? What have I done? I quickly screw the cap back on and throw it on the ground, rushing to the front door to search for him.

I spot him. Or rather, his parachute. The large red and yellow material spread around the wing of the plane. Peter must be being pulled behind it.

"BABY BOY!?" I call as loud as possible, poking my head out the door. The speed of the plane was faster than I thought, and the winds must be practically whipping Peter's skin. 

"Wade?!" I hear a distant cry.

Oh my god he was out here! He's okay!

[No he's CLEARLY NOT! He's hanging by a couple strings attached to a parachute-which was getting more and more ripped by the second- he's not okay dumbass!]

This comment turns my attention to the parachute stuck on the wing. Surely, the parachute had a large hole in it, probably caused by the wind, and the gap was growing tremendously.

I swallow my worry. "Hold on Peter!" I call out. I looked around for how I was going to get over to him.

[Wade! This is all your fault you dumbass!]


I do the most logical thing I can think of and pull out two combat knives.

I stick them into the side of the plane and start climbing.

How to kill Peter ParkerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora