Chapter Four

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Hey guys I just want to say sorry for not updating! I have a lot going on and stuff and I just needed time to clear my head, but now that it's summer time hopefully I'll be updating more! 

Also... almost 400 views?! Holy crap! I'm mega shook. 

Anyways, enjoy the chapter :P

4:58 A.M

"Why would you do that? I told you not to kill anyone!" I scold the merc.

"Oh chill out about it, Spidey. It's just one body!" He replied. I made an angry sigh and looked out the window, watching us slowly approaching land as the sun emerges over the horizon of the waters- and I must say, it's a beautiful sight.

"Don't fall asleep, we aren't even in the city yet." Deadpool says to me. I realize I zoned out while I was watching the gentle waters crash up against the approaching beach.

"I'm not, thank you." I reply.

"How old are you anyways?" He asks me, "I mean, you said something about it being the weekend... you don't still go to school do you?" He laughs.

"It's none of your business, Pool." I reply.

"I'll take that as a yes. College? High school?" He asks.

"Shut up about it! It doesn't matter." I yelled. "We're here anyways. Goodbye Deadpool."

3:14 P.M

"Peter? Hey Peter, wake up." I hear a calming voice whisper. I feel warm hands shaking me awake.

"What's up Aunt May?" I ask sleepily.

"Peter it's Sunday. We have a wedding, remember? Hurry up and get a shower, we'll leave in a half hour, okay?" She said. I sat up in my bed and made a slight nodding motion. She stood up from the foot of my bed and headed towards the door, closing it behind her. Before I could even stand up, my stomach growled for food.

I haven't eaten in over a day.

I guess work can really distract me. I'll just eat at the wedding I guess. I stand up and walk to my closet, opening the sliding mirror door to reveal nothing more than a clothes rack and piles of clothes on the floor. I stood on my tiptoes and reached for the shelf above the clothes rack where my nice suits were. I pulled out a classic tuxedo with a red stylish bowtie.

I grabbed some nice dress pants and everything else I need, and head to the bathroom to take my shower.

3:32 P.M

"You ready Pete?" Aunt May asks as I walk out of the bathroom all dressed up.

"Yes I am. Who's getting married again?"

Aunt May laughs, "Peter! Alexa and Oliver. Oliver your cousin? Remember?"

"Ehh not really, but okay. I haven't been out anywhere fancy in a while." I say. She laughs a bit.

"Yeah, you're always in your room doing god knows what. You barely spend time with me anymore..." She trails off and my smile fades. I look down to the ground in shame and she shakes off the sad expression on her face and motions us to the door.

4:00 P.M

After the 20-minute drive, we arrive at the place the wedding is going to be held. The scenery is outdoors, with a pavillion on the right decorated in flowers. Directly in front of us is where the vows with most likely be exchanged, and to the left there's a small building I can guess holds the food and drink.

"Well Peter, we'd better go sit down and wait for the bride and groom." She said smiling, although I swear I saw sadness behind those eyes.

"Okay." I reply, and we both make our way to the groom's side of the long brown benches that remind me of a church's. The bride begins down the walkway after the flower girl showers the path with pedals. The bride walks up to the groom, and the couple exchange their vows.

I hear a couple "I do"s, and then they kiss. I smile as I watch the way they look at each other... it's beautiful. I never really realized love can go two ways: Happiness and success, and sadness and loss. But like my Uncle always said... you can't have love without loss.

After everyone makes their way to the building for dances and such, I make my way to the bathroom. I push open the men's door and walk to the mirror, my smile fading.

Weddings are supposed to be beautiful, a time of union. But all it makes me think about is MJ... how good we could've had it before...

"Oh, excuse me." I hear someone say as they walk in. I wave them off and leave the bathroom while they find a stall. I walk up to a table and grab a cup of punch. Being 19 can suck sometimes.

"Hey!" I hear a guy say in my direction. I look up and see a guy all dressed up but I didn't recognize him. And his face... I've never seen a face so scarred.

"Oh, uh, hello." I say in the friendliest tone I can pull off. He walks up to me with a smile.

"You're Peter Parker, right?" He asks.

"Uh, yes, do you need something?" I tense up. This guy seems suspicious. I don't know it's just something in the way he moves, it's like he's always prepared for someone to attack.

"Hey no need to get so tense, I'm not gonna hurt ya. I just wanna talk that's all. I knew your Uncle Ben... he used to talk all about you and how you're such an amazing child and stuff. He would always gush about how you were so good in school." He said with a slight smile on his face.

I zoned out after he mentioned my Uncle Ben... I didn't snap back into reality until he noticed I wasn't paying attention and said something.

"Oh... sorry. Um, it was nice meeting you but I must be going." I said turning around. But I felt a tight grasp on my wrist. I looked back and he was staring me in the eye with a look I saw no trace of before. But it wasn't anger. I just couldn't pinpoint exactly what it was, but it made me more suspicious because it didn't seem friendly.

"Wait, Peter, I wanted to say something." He said. I yanked out of his grip and stared at him with anger and distrust.

"What?" I said harshly, making him aware I didn't appreciate the way he grabbed my wrist.

He just plastered another smile on his face and told me nevermind. I narrowed my eyes at him then turned around shaking my head. This man was suspicious, and I don't plan leaving before I know what's up with him. 

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