Chapter Fifteen

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4:10 P.M

Finally, I make it back to my apartment. But I don't get much rest from crime there.

"We have reports of massive gunfire down by the river. A bunch of masked people and who appears to be Deadpool are having a very large gunfight on the docks. Police are taking longer than expected-"

"Come on, I've been home for two seconds." I sigh, putting my mask back on my head and jumping out the window. I swing along the buildings and find the nearby river, already hearing the faint gunfire in the distance. 

As I approach, I see Deadpool crouched behind a cargo box, the people in masks still firing at him. I perch on the top of a building next to the masked people, and nobody seems to see me. I shoot a web at one of the people and pull them up. They drop their gun and scream as they're lifted off the ground. When he finally meets my level, I pull him to me with a web and punch him in the face, then knee him in the stomach, causing him to fall to his knees. I punch his head and he falls over. The masked people are now looking around them, trying to figure out what happened to their teammate. I web up another person.

This time it's a lady, and she shrieks long and loud, gun still in hand. I dodge the rapid bullets using my spidey sense. When she reaches my level and has to reload, I strike. I grab her wrist and pull her forwards, then swipe my leg under her feet, making her lose her balance. I reach down and yank the gun from her hand, and throw it to the side. 

"Fuck you Spiderman." She says, right before I knock her out with a punch to the head. 

"It's Spiderman!" A man says from below, and the three that are left down there make a run for it the other way, scrambling off the dock. I swing right in front of them.

"Nice try." I say, then web the middle man to me, knocking him out on the first punch.

"Where have you been Spidey? Vacation?" A woman with bright red lipstick says, her lips and eyes cut out on the mask like everyone else. 

"Not exactly." I say as she shoots the pistol. I duck and web her gun out of her hand. I throw the gun behind me and web it to a lampost. The other person aims their revolver at me, but I'm too quick. He shoots and I do the limbo to barely miss it. He shoots another shot and I jump to the right. I grab his gun and web it to the ground. They both try turning around and running, but I web them both back. I push them down to the ground and leave them webbed there. 

"Feels good to be back." I say out of breath. I step over the people and make my way to where Deadpool was. 

I peek behind the cargo box. But he's not there.

I raise an eyebrow and look around, but he's nowhere in sight.

"Gee, how nice of him to leave me to fight off criminals myself." I say, adjusting my web shooters to the right angle. I take one last look at them before swinging back into the city. 

4:25 P.M
Wade's POV

"Holy shit holy shit holy shit!" I whisper from a rooftop in front of the docs. I'm crouched down, observing the scene in front of me.

[Wimp! You left Spidey to fight all by himself!]

{He's looking for you behind the cargo, Wade.}

"I'm not blind thank you." I tell the box. 

[You know, seeing Spidey, or Pet-]

"Don't say his name please."


"Shut the fuck up!" I cry, pounding my head with my fists again. 

[As I was saying,] the other box starts when I'm done pounding my head, [Seeing Spidey should make you feel better. He's okay, Wade. Why are you acting like this? He's better.]

"Better? I shot him! How can I be happy he's out of the hospital when I'm the reason he was in there in the first place!?" I sob, putting my head in my hands. "I bet he has a-a scar or something from me. From me. I hurt him. Every time I see anything resembling him I'm reminded of what happened. Every newspaper, comic, picture, article, toy, even mention of him, I can't help but think what would've happened if I had aimed a little higher..." 

[Wade stop. What if he forgives you?]

"FORGIVES ME FOR KILLING HIM?!" I shout, thankful Spidey was already gone, "Yeah, yeah that makes sense. 'Oh it's fine, you just shot me and put me in the hospital for three months, no biggie. Everything's fine and we're best buddies again hardy hardy har!'" I mock, then roll my eyes. "I can't believe he hasn't tracked me down and... confronted me about it yet." I say, standing up from the crouched position. 

[You miss him]

"Hmm how could you tell?" I say sarcastically, pulling out my katanas. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have some assholes to unalive." 

5:15 P.M

"A date? Tonight?" I ask into the phone. 

"Yeah, it's been a while and I think we should catch up." MJ tells me. I bite my lip. 

"Okay, sure. What time?" 

I can about hear MJ grin into the phone. 

~ Later ~

I scramble around my suitcases, trying to find my fancy tux. Me and MJ are going to a fancy restaurant called Yummos. I've never heard of it before, but she said it's good. I yank out every shirt from my blue suitcase, but one catches my eye. 

One has a hole in it, right where my bandage is covering...

I was shot?

I get up and run to the bathroom. I pull off my shirt and look at my bandage. I'm sure it's better by now right? I think, and try peeling the white bandage off my skin. But I can't. I grab a pair of scissors and pull up a flap on the bandage, then cut down the middle. I keep cutting and pulling until the rest of the bandage is off. I continue with the others until I'm at the last one. 

I take in a deep breath, and yank the last one off. I wince and my eyes automatically close. After a second, I open them.

"Holy shit..." My hand comes over my mouth and I gasp. "I was shot." 

There's stitches on my stomach, and I can just tell they closed up a bullet wound. I run my fingers over the stitches. I guess this is a part of me now. 

"Who... did this?" 


Thank Jay for the early update uwu 

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