Book of Requested Entitlements

By BatProductions

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Information. :)
Today was a Fairytale ~Zuko Oneshot~
Dangerously in Love ~Gin Oneshot~
Daddy's Little Girl ~Harry Potter Oneshot~
Criminal ~Hidan Oneshot~
Savior ~Draco Malfoy Oneshot~
Best Friend's Brother ~Nick Jonas Oneshot~
Even More ~Zak Bagans Oneshot~
The Everlasting ~Jacob Black Oneshot~
The Only Exception ~A Remus Lupin Oneshot~
Paparazzi ~A Nick Jonas Oneshot~
Maybe Someday ~Edward Cullen Oneshot~
Ghostbsters ~A Zak Bagans Oneshot~
No No Bully ~Sirius Black Oneshot~
Jealousy ~Zak Bagans Oneshot~
Werewolf ~Remus Lupin Oneshot~
Girl on Top ~Nick Jonas Oneshot~
Secret ~Blaise Zabini Oneshot~
Little Secret ~ Draco Malfoy
Magic ~Seth Clearwater~
Assassin ~Sasuke Uchiha~
Take My Breath Away ~Stiles Stilinski~
Fallen Angels ~Andy Sixx~
We Got Family ~Sasuke Uchiha~
Wonderwall ~Sesshomaru~
She Got Her Own ~Paul Lahote~
Bewitched ~Jayy Von Monroe~
She Ain't the Cheatin' Kind ~A Kiba Inuzuka Oneshot~
She Will Be Loved ~Seth Oneshot~
Rebirth ~Jasper Hale~
The Lonely ~Seth Clearwater Oneshot~
Gravity ~Zuko and Carlos Garcia~
Always Summer ~Ralph Macchio Oneshot~
Running Back to You ~Paul Lahote Oneshot~
I'm Still Here ~Hidan Oneshot~

Nobody's Hero ~Andy Sixx~

35 1 0
By BatProductions

Name: Angel Rose Love

Age: 18

Birthday: Nov. 15,1993

Height: 5'0"

Personality: Sweet, kick ass, Cowgirl, in touch with her roots, Nice, hyper, bossy sometimes, great friend, caring but keeps to herself until you get to know her, has a hard time letting people in

Hair color(s): Blond on the top & Dark Brown on the bottom

Eyes: Olive greenwhenI cry they are Emerald green.

Hates: clowns, snakes, heights

Loves: to sing – screamo, rap, pop, hard rock, and rock hip-hop – and I have aFacebook

Back story: She keeps her feelings bottled up but although she has a tough exterior she's sensitive, and doesn't handle being hurt well. Her boyfriend is abusive and she has ligature marks on her neck from when he tried to strangle her. About a year ago she was in a car crash with her Grandpa Jeffray, He died but she was in a coma for 3 month when she come out, she went to a Black Veil Brides show and meted Andy. Good with kids. Does very good with other people. Andy helped her out when he find out 'bout she’s in a danger because of her boyfriend

Family: None, they had left her to die, and live with her abusive boyfriend.

~A Year ago~

Running. That’s what I was doing. I had to get away from him. Getting away from him was the most important thing at the moment. I ran for ten and a half blocks before I collided into someone.

"Ouch! I'm so sorry!" a female voice exclaimed and when we looked at each other we were taken aback. We looked the exact same! The only difference was that she didn't have the same injuries that I had but she had been crying. "Ummm, I'm Nicole, and you are?"

"Angel," I said as she helped me stand up. "Well...thanks...and sorry. I should get going now..."

Before I could go anywhere she grabbed ahold of me. "Wait!" I didn't resist mostly because she was gripping a bruise.

"Okay...Okay! Just PLEASE let go," I demanded rather than begged.

"What is wrong?" she asked suddenly sounding like a mother. I just shook my head. It's not like I want to talk about it, I thought and I heard her sigh. "You're running from someone aren't you?" she asked and all I gave her in return was silence. "We...we look so much alike, you know. What if...what if you take my place and I take yours. Continue your running, that is. You seem kind of tired..." she trailed off and I slumped down.

I didn't realize that I had been crying until Nicole sat down next to me and wiped my

tears away. " don't have to tell me I'm running, I already know that!" I exclaimed harshly. She rubbed my back to comfort me. "You know...I think you'd make a very good mother," I told her with a smile.

She laughed. "The truth is that's the reason I made the offer. You see, I want to get out of the celebrity spotlight because I'm pregnant. I don't need the press to make up stories or cause any drama for me. I tried other options, I did. I tried to ruine my career as a singer. I tried anything I could to get out but my manager is stubborn and wouldn't let me. If you take my place...I doubt she would notice the difference. Actually she booked me on a tour with Black Veil Brides," that sparked an intrest.

"I can long as you can stir clear of my ex...I think we can do this," I said, accepting her compromise.

"I will. I'll be taking enough of my money to get me started. We'll keep in contact and I'll even send you pictures," she told me, excited.

I smiled, "I'd like that. A lot."


"Oh, come on Nicki!" Andy shouted as I bounced away from him. I giggled as he tried to capture me in his arms.

"Nu-uh! I don't think you can have me back that fast," I told him as I hopped the couch.

"Oh, trust me Nicki, I will be getting you back in that bed that fast," he said and I was so caught up in the moment that he caught me. "I told you," he told me with a smirk on those handsome lips of his.

I squealed in response and when he tried to drag me back into the bedroom of our appartment my phone rang. "I gotta get that!" I exclaimed as I tried to get him to let me go.

"Nope. Let the answering machine get it," he said as he picked me up and tossed me onto thw bed.

"Really, Andy? What if that's my manager? You know how she gets when I don't answer," I argued back and he sighed. He kissed my nose before he let me go. I scrambled up and answered my cellphone befrore it could pass over to voice message. "Hello, Nicki, here," I said answering the phone.

"Really? You're letting everyone call you Nicki? There is a reason I introduced myself as Nicole ya know," a overly sarcastic but motherly voice said into the phone. I beamed.

"What are you doing calling me?" I asked overly shocked.

"Can't I called my stand in stunt double?" she questioned back with a laugh.

"Oh, yeah, you can since, ya know, I owe ya a lot," I said and glanced at Andy. "But you have the worst of luck ya know. I was in the middle of somethin..." I told her and she laughed.

"Oh! So you're doing some foreplay, huh?" she questioned and giggled. I sighed with a pretty obvious red tint on my face.

Andy noticed it and raised an eyebrow at me. I sighed and shrugged. "It doesn't matter, but I am busy. He's in my bedroom afterall," I said, and she laughed.

"Oh, that's right! You and Andy Sixx got together after the tour ended. You both really moved in together?" she questioned and I grinned.

"Yeah, we did. How's that baby? He looked so cute in the pictures!" I squealed and she laughed.

"He's good, hard to believe he'll be a year soon," she told me and I laughed. "You sound happy, Sis," she added and I looked back over at Andy.

"Yeah, I am..." I trailed off in a daze befroe asking, "So, what about you? How is my wonderous Sis doing?" I questioned.

"I'm good, actually, I started over on my music but I'm going about it differently. I decided to go country instead of the music I gave ya," she said and I felt guilty. Why did she have to make me feel that way? She left me uneasy when she called my a stunt double and now she's making me feel guilty for taking her amazing life away. But on the other hand she gave it to me to start hers over again.

"Yeah, well, I have to go now, call me later! I can't wait to recieve more photos of the little man!" I exclaimed quickly into the phone and after she said goodbye I hung up.

"Are you okay?" Andy asked me when I had slid down the wall onto the floor.

"Yeah..." I said but it didn't even have assurance in it.

Andy plopped down next to me and engulfed me into his arms. "I know you, Nicki, which means I know you aren't. Not even in the slightest. Do you want to talk about it?" He asked me as he held me in his arms.

"NO!" I exclaimed without thinking. I was wide-eyed and very much panicky about this. And the fact that he called me someone else's name did not help. I would only have reassurance if he knew about everything. But what would I say? I couldn't just tell him. I knew him by now and he would be angry that I wasn't honest with him. Once he finds out it's goodbye good sex.

I sighed and leaned into him. "I didn't mean that... It's just that this is something between me and her," I said with some disdain. Since when did she deserve my disdain? That's right, never. I'm just worried she'll want her life back and take away the love of my life. But who was I kidding? She would never do that. I rubbed my face and smiled up at him. "I'm fine. It's fine. I'm just bein' a worry-wort."

"Why don't we go out to lunch?" Andy asked as he helped me stand up.


I plopped down on the couch and Andy stared down at me with concern. "What?" I asked as I looked up at him.

He chuckled. "You know, I never would have thought that I'd have gone back out with you again," he told me and I sat up. Andy and Nicole dated?!

"Yeah?" I questioned uneasily.

Andy took a seat at my feet. "When we broke up I told myself that I would never date you again because you were a control freak. You wanted to control everything and you hated it when anyone called you Nicki," he said and he looked distant like he was remembering it as he was saying it. Then he chuckled and continued, "But you changed drastically and I'm happy that you did. You stopped trying to control everything and stopped being a bitch. You even made our sex enjoyable!"

I started to tear up. I don't want to hear this! I don't want to hear this! I got up before the tears started to fall but he noticed the look and froze. He stood up as I started to walk away.

"Nicki! Wait! Are you okay?" he called out to me and I froze. Don't call me that! "Nicki," he called out again.

"Don't..." I said softly.

"What?" he asked as he went to touch my shoulder.

I shrugged him off and spun around. "DON'T CALL ME THAT!" I exclaimed and then ran into the bath room. I closed and looked the door.

"Nicole! Nicole! What's wrong? Will you tell me?" he called out as he banged on the door a little.

I slid down the door to sit down and I cried harder. "Don't call me that!" I shouted at him. "Just...! Just go away!" I screamed out and covered my ears. My eyes closed soon after and I slumped over to press my flushed face onto the tiled floor.

"Don't you dare get up!" my drunken boyfriend shouted and pushed me further into the floor. It wasn't like I could go anywhere. "Whatcha gunna do, Angel?" he taunted me and I cried even more. "You're just a big baby!" he called out and bashed a bottle right next to my head. I got a cut on my cheek and ear from the glass.

"...Stop..." I gasped out after he had started to kick and punch me.

"What?" he asked in bewilderment. "Whhat did ya just say to me you little bitch?" he questioned and he grounded me even more into the floor.

"I...said stop!" I exclaimed as I kicked my leg out and hit his calf. I scrambled up but before I could run I was falling to the floor again.

"Oh, no you don't! If you're still THIS rambunctious then you must have enough energy to be my sex slave, right?" he taunted me as he started to unbuckle his jeans and pull my panties down...

I gasped as I woke up. I wasn't in the bathroom anymore. I looked around as adrenaline pumped though my veins. It wasn't familiar at all. "You're awake," a familiar voice said and my head shot to the door. In the doorway Nicole and Andy stood, they were both concerned.

"Wha-" I got cut off.

"I called you again and Andy picked up. He seemed rather concerned so I decided to stop by. Of course I had to explain to him about our situation. He seemed to understand," Nicole told me and I sighed.

She left Andy and me alone. "Care to explain what happened at the appartment?" he asked me and I sighed.

"Can my answer be no?" I questioned back at him.

Andy sighed and took a seat next to me. He engulfed me in a hug and told me, "I don't care that you aren't Nicole. I love you for you. Nicole was a bitch when we dated. You. You are so much more different than she is! Angel, I love you just as every bit as much as I did before. Doesn't that count for something?"

I heaved a strangled cry and held onto him. "You're right, it does count for something. I'll tell you everything from the beginning, okay?" I questioned and he nodded. So, I went on explainning to him about how the only family member that cared for me died in a car crash that I should have died in too. Then, then how I was left to stay with my boyfriend who is abusive and a sexual assaulter when he is drunk. I explained how I got fed up with it and devised a plan to run away from him. I explained how I ran into Nicole who was pregnant with her married lover's baby and we gave each other a chance to live different lives. "She went on to have her son and get out of the spot light. I...I got the life I always wanted to have. Or that's what I thought, but I got tired of being called by her name. I got so fed up with having the man I love call me someone else's name and I got scared that she might want her life back; and take away the only man who has ever done me any good. Andy, I didn't know that the two of you had a thing until you brought it up...and frankly I got jealous. I didn't like you calling me her. Then, when I locked myself in the bathroom...the banging on the door brought back the first time my ex got drunk..." I explained to him and his eyes widened with shock.

"Oh, Angel, I'm so sorry that you had to go through all of that! But, you know what the two of you can do?" he said and I cocked my head to the side, listening. "The two of you can go to court and legally get your names changed. You can get your name changed to your full name and so can Nicole. That way you two can keep the lives you have right now but at the same time have your original name," he exlained and I cried. Happily, of course.

"You're a genious Andy!" I exclaimed and gave him a hug and a kiss.

"Well, ya know, I try," he said with a tender smile and gave me a kiss as well.

~A Year Later~

"Do you think it's coincidence that Nicole Sparks changed her name right before another Nicole Sparks rose as a country singer? Do you think they conspired this or even know eachother?" I laughed at what a talkshow hostess was asking. If only they knew.

"What?" Andy asked as he came into the living room and sat down next to me with some popcorn.

"Ah, it's just this lady was asking questions about me and Nicole. Like: was it a coincidence that we had the same name, do we know eachother, and was it planned? Things like that. I just found it funny," I told him and snuggled up into him.

He chuckled. "Well, if they only knew, right?" he questioned exactly ehat I had thought and I smiled up at him.

"Exactly," I told him and gave him a kiss.

"Everything turned out just fine though," he told me and I nodded as Andy kissed my stomach. I was a month and a half along, not even enough to tell I was pregnant but Andy didn't seem to care.

He was just happy to know it was his baby. Not that I've done it with anyone except him for nearly two years now but that seemed besides the point to him. He was a proud expecting father and I was a proud expecting mother. Everything fell into place and I even heard that my ex was given a life sentence. Things couldn't have turned out any better if I had anything to say about it. "Woof!" I heard and rolled my eyes. Oh! And I forgot to mention I had the most wonderful guard dog ever.

Well...more like guard wolf. See, Andy and I love wolves so much that instead of getting a puppy for our one year aniversery we got a wolf. Of course I named him snowball because of his white fur. He was really the best anyone could ask for, he is protective yet friendly, and he can even sense danger. Oh, how I love my family.


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