Book of Requested Entitlements

By BatProductions

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Information. :)
Today was a Fairytale ~Zuko Oneshot~
Dangerously in Love ~Gin Oneshot~
Daddy's Little Girl ~Harry Potter Oneshot~
Criminal ~Hidan Oneshot~
Savior ~Draco Malfoy Oneshot~
Best Friend's Brother ~Nick Jonas Oneshot~
Even More ~Zak Bagans Oneshot~
The Everlasting ~Jacob Black Oneshot~
The Only Exception ~A Remus Lupin Oneshot~
Paparazzi ~A Nick Jonas Oneshot~
Maybe Someday ~Edward Cullen Oneshot~
Ghostbsters ~A Zak Bagans Oneshot~
No No Bully ~Sirius Black Oneshot~
Jealousy ~Zak Bagans Oneshot~
Werewolf ~Remus Lupin Oneshot~
Girl on Top ~Nick Jonas Oneshot~
Secret ~Blaise Zabini Oneshot~
Little Secret ~ Draco Malfoy
Magic ~Seth Clearwater~
Assassin ~Sasuke Uchiha~
Take My Breath Away ~Stiles Stilinski~
Fallen Angels ~Andy Sixx~
Wonderwall ~Sesshomaru~
She Got Her Own ~Paul Lahote~
Bewitched ~Jayy Von Monroe~
She Ain't the Cheatin' Kind ~A Kiba Inuzuka Oneshot~
She Will Be Loved ~Seth Oneshot~
Rebirth ~Jasper Hale~
The Lonely ~Seth Clearwater Oneshot~
Nobody's Hero ~Andy Sixx~
Gravity ~Zuko and Carlos Garcia~
Always Summer ~Ralph Macchio Oneshot~
Running Back to You ~Paul Lahote Oneshot~
I'm Still Here ~Hidan Oneshot~

We Got Family ~Sasuke Uchiha~

53 0 0
By BatProductions

Name: Hikari Aino

Age: 15

Personality: sweet, kind, caring, innocent, a little shy (around her crush), nice, sometime lonely, and friendly.

Looks: black hair front hair is like Hinata but a little longer. Her hair is to her mid back and wears blue ribbons on both sides of her hair, wide, brown eyes and very pale skin. She has an hourglass figure. Her height is 4'9 and is very lightweight

Outfit: a short blue kimono with black shorts under it with ninja shoes (like Hinata’s in shippuden)

Likes: watching nighttime (moon & stars), helping others and training

Dislikes: fan boys and perverts

Ninja?: yes

Rank: medical nin

Village: leaf

Chakra type: fire, ice, water and healing

Kekkei Genkai: In Aino clan, each of them have the abilities of using healing but much stronger than other people.

Weapon of Choice: Katana

Extra Info: Past: Hikari is part of the Aino clan which was the strongest clan in the snow village. When she was 8, the sound ninjas came to their village and killed most of the clan while she was hid and saw her mom and dad get killed. She ran away to find some place to live safely from them but couldn’t because she was overcome with grief. Two leaf ninjas found her and brought to the village to live there. But she doesn’t know who killed her clan.

Other: Can u put Prologue about her past in the beginning, Can you put some flashbacks (like how she met sasuke or something) and an epilogue when they are adult?

Crush: Sasuke Uchiha

~10 Years Ago~

My mother’s lifeless body hit the ground, her face turned at a perfect angle for me to see. Her eyes had blood coming from them almost like red tears. Not long after, my father fell next to her. Both dead before they even made impact with the floor. The sickening laughter of the men rang out as they set fire to my parent’s bodies.

My eyes burned as did my throat but I got up anyway and ran. I ran as fast as I could away from my family. My home. Everything I knew. I wondered around for three days before their death had finally struck me and grief set over me.

It felt like years just lying there on the ground bawling before someone had actually come. I was too delirious to pay any attention to what they were saying. But I did notice that one of them had picked me up. He had coal like eyes with lines under them and jet black-ish hair. If I hadn’t been so petrified I probably would have been fawning over him.

"T-thank you…" I said to the man before slipping into an intoxicated slumber.


I smiled slightly as I completed my attire with the blue ribbons in my hair. I walked out of the Uchiha compound and towards the hospital (A/N: That IS what they call it right? I never really paid attention to that small detail…). I’ve lived here since I arrived to the village ten years ago, the man who had saved me was none other than Itachi Uchiha; the other man was Kakashi Hatake, also known as my sensei.

"Hikari!" Sakura shouted as she ran up to me and I smiled at her. "Lady Tsunade needs us right NOW!" she exclaimed. I lost my smiled and started running towards the hospital at full speed, Sakura was right behind me.

"We’re here!" I exclaimed as we came to a stop right behind Lady Tsunade.

"Finally! I need you to take room 216, Hikari, and I need you to take room 213, Sakura." she ordered and I nodded as I took the file from her hand.

I knocked on the door in for the patient’s awareness before coming. I looked up from the file and stared at my patient. "S-Sasuke?" I questioned in shock. He tried to get up but only ended up getting a pained expression and falling back onto the bed. "It’s okay, just stay still," I told him calmly and then started on his serious wounds. "Naruto finally brought you in, huh?" I questioned to myself softly with a small smile.

"Hn," He said as he grunted in pain.

~Next Day~

"You wanted me, Lady Tsunade?" I asked as I walked in and then noticed that Sasuke was here as well.

"Yes, I did, your own personal mission is to make sure Sasuke does not try anything while in the village. Since you live in the compound it should be a fairly easy task for you," she ordered and I nodded.

"Yes, of course, Lady Tsunade but is it beneficial to let him know we’re watching him?" I questioned as I motioned towards the man who was sitting in the chair across from her.

"Well, I would hope so! He is the one who chose you to keep a close eye on him for," she said and my eyes widened a bit. He chose me?


I looked up at Itachi, my savior. He wasn’t any older than maybe sixteen or seventeen years old and yet he was making an adult decision. Why? Why would he do this for me?

He looked down at me and smiled as he gave my hand a squeeze. I gave him a small smile back and then looked back up at his parents. His father scares me…but if Itachi wasn’t afraid of him then I shouldn’t be either.

"Are you sure you can take care of her? Where are you going to live?" his mother questioned him like an interrogator.

"I’ve bought a small house within the compound and, yes Mother, I am capable of taking care of Hikari," he said in a manner that I’d never would have used with my parents.

"Then I guess we can’t stop you," he mother said and before his father could argue the door to the right of my opened up.

"Mama, Papa, Ita-san I’m home!" a little boy exclaimed and I put to memory that he looked like a younger version of Itachi.

Their father and mother’s attitudes instantly changed once the boy had come in. "How was school, Sasuke?" their mother asked him and he grinned at her.

"It was good, I learned a lot!" he exclaimed and their father chuckled.

"Keep up the good work, Son," the man said with a smile on his face as he patted Sasuke’s head.


I turned off the shower and wrapped a towel around myself. "Crap! I must have left my clothes in the laundry room!" I exclaimed to myself. I walked out of the bathroom and down the hall to laundry room. I passed by a door way, froze, and then walked back to the door way. "What are you doing here, Sasuke?" I questioned with a sweat drop and a faint blush on my face. He just smirked and continued to eat an apple.

I rolled my eyes at his slightly irritating behavior and then started towards the laundry room again to get changed. Once I was done I walked into the living room where Sasuke was and sat beside him. "How close were you?" he suddenly asked and I cocked my head.

"With who?" I questioned.

"My brother. He took you in and even moved into this house to raise you. How close were the two of you?" He asked me and my eyes widened slightly.

"I won’t lie, we were pretty close, Sasuke. Why do you ask?" I responded.

He ignored my questioned and asked me another, "Did you know about…the clan?"

My mouth opened in shock. Was he trying to find out if I knew Itachi was ordered to kill them? "What about them, Sasuke?" I asked.

He got a slightly infuriated look on his face. "Did you know why Itachi killed my clan?" he demanded more than asked now.

I bit my lip. "Yes…" I said a bit hesitantly. I thought back to the day I found out.

~Flashback~ (FYI: she’s telling Sasuke all of this)

"Ita-sama, I’m hungry!" I called out over and over again as I searched for him. I stopped upon his room. He told him never to go in…but I’m so hungry, I don’t think I’ll get into that much trouble, I thought as I opened the door. The room was fairly tidy and Itachi was sleeping on the bed with some papers strewn around him.

I signed and decided to collect his papers and put them on the night stand before leaving him to rest. The tittle of one of the papers caught my eye. Mission: Annihilate the Uchiha Clan. My eyes widened and I glanced at the other papers. They’re all about secret Uchiha meetings to cross the Leaf Village! I was so shocked about this that I didn’t even notice that Itachi had woken up.

"What are you doing in here, Hikari?" he questioned it wasn’t a hard tone like he had used to many times with his parents but the tone he used when Sasuke was kind of bugging him.

"I-I’m sorry! I was hungry and I couldn’t find you so I…I broke my promise and came in here. When I saw all of these papers scattered around I figured it would be bad to lay on them so I was just going to move them to the night stand…" I trailed off as I started to tear up.

Itachi kneeled in front of me and hugged me. He whispered so low that I hardly heard what he said. But I heard it alright. I’m sorry, Hikari… He must have meant for what he’s going to have to do, for having to leave me alone. I didn’t really know what he meant but I didn’t question it. I just nodded and held onto him as I cried.

It wasn’t until a week before the ‘due’ date that he let me know what he planned on doing. It reminded me too much of my clan’s murder but he served the village and so he had to do it.


I smiled sadly and sighed. "What else do you want to know about?" I questioned as I got comfy on the couch while hugging a pillow.

"Did you know about…his sickness?" he asked and I nodded.

~Flashback~(Telling this to him)

I was sleeping soundly in bed until I heard a loud crash. I hesitantly got out of bed and walked cautiously towards the kitchen. I gasped when I got there and found Itachi on the floor with several broken dishes scattered around him.

"Ita-sama!" I exclaimed, worried.

He grunted and rubbed his eyes. After blinking for a couple of minutes his glassy eyes turned back to their original onyx hue. "I’m fine, go back to bed, Hikari," he said as he painfully got up.

I gave him a grimace before staying and helping him clean up the broken plates. "Ita-sama, are you going to get worse?" I questioned sadly. He stayed silent and I grew fearful of the answer to my question. I placed Itachi’s face between both of my palms and told him with a happy smile, "One day I’m going to be the best medical ninja and I’m going to be able to cure you. I promise."

He smiled and gave him a tight hug. "Sometimes you act too mature for your age, Hikari," he commented and I giggled.

"So I’ve realized Ita-sama," I replied and then fell asleep in his arms before we even made it back to my room.


"That’s why I became a medical ninja over everything else," I explained and he nodded. "What do you want to do today?" I questioned.

"Hn," he said then asked, "Don’t you have work?"

I sighed. "No, I never work when I’m on a mission. As Lady Tsunade stated this is a mission, I’m off for a bit," I explained. I then froze and shyly asked, "Why are you so conversational? I don’t think you’ve ever talked this much with anyone else before…"

He sighed as well. "You know what I’m going through…" he said simply and I frown slightly.

"No, not really, it may have been similar but I know that if my clan’s killers knew where I was that day that they wouldn’t have given me mercy. Because they weren’t attached to me like Itachi was to you. He loved you, they didn’t even know me," I argued and then froze. I’ve never done that before but it kind of felt good to relieve some of the weight on my shoulders. "I’m sorry; I shouldn’t h-have-"

"No it’s fine, you’re right. Our pasts may be similar but there are parts in it that make it harder for one of us than the other, depending on our view points. I heard that after my clan’s assassination that Kakashi Hatake offered to let you stay with him. Why?" he asked and if I didn’t know any better I would have said that he was jealous.

"He was Ita-sama’s partner when they rescued me and brought me here. Ka-sama just thought that it’d be right to take me in, for my sake more than anything. But I told him I was fine where I was. I grew attached to this house, you see," I said and smiled as I looked at the walls around me.

It was silent for a bit and then I flashed him a bright smile before standing up. I think we should go visit Ka-sama!" I exclaimed happily and Sasuke just stared at me. I sighed and grabbed his hand to pull him to Kakashi’s house. "Ka-sama! Open the door!" I shouted as I banged on the door. When it came to this man I get easily aggravated.

"Alright, alright, just don’t break my door down again," Kakashi said in a dull voice.

"You’re a very lazy yet neat person, Ka-sama," I told him as I closed the door behind Sasuke.

Kakashi then noticed Sasuke and I could see the smile on his face, in his eyes as well. "Sasuke, it’s nice to see you again!" he exclaimed cheerfully and then patted Sasuke on the back.

I helped Kakashi over to his couch and sat down beside him, Sasuke took the chair. It was silent for a while until Kakashi’s stomach growled in deprivation of nourishment. "I’ll make something for us to eat," I said while getting up and then questioned, "Why don’t the two of you ketch up?"

~2 Weeks Later~

It’s been two whole weeks since I got this idiotic mission to watch over Sasuke. Really he’s been the one who’s been watching over me but no need to get into details. I consider myself and Sasuke very close and he ended up making my worst fear come to life. It’s a really stupid fear but…I was afraid of liking him again, this time it’s much more complicated than that. I’ve fallen in love with Sasuke Uchiha.

"Hey~! Hikari!! Sasuke!! How have you been?" Naruto shouted as he walked down the dirt road, same as us.

"Hn," was Sasuke’s reply.

"Good, it’s nice to see you’ve made a smooth recovery, Naru-kun!" I exclaimed sweetly and he nodded.

"Yeah! It’s really great to be able to move around and-" he got cut off by a pinkette.

"Naruto, you idiot!!! Get back here right now!! You shouldn’t be moving around just yet!!" Sakura practically screamed.

I raised an eyebrow and when he was about to make a move to run off I grabbed him. Sakura thanked me before dragging him back to the hospital. I shook my head in disappointment. "Where are we going, Sasuke?" I questioned as he dragged me somewhere.

"You’ll know when we get there," he responded softly. I sighed and let him drag me to where ever.

"Are we there yet?" I asked from behind him and then bumped into him when he stopped. "Sasuke?" I questioned, worried.

"Look," he said simply and I peered around him. I gasped when I saw where we were. I haven’t been here in a long time, not since Sasuke and I were little…

"I can’t believe this! I haven’t been here since… Well, you know…" I said in astonishment as I looked at the small creek ahead of us.

"…Neither have I…" he admitted and I looked up at him, shocked.

"Really?" I questioned and he nodded. I grasped his hand and pulled him over to our spot by one of the biggest trees I’ve ever seen. "Hey, Sasuke?" I asked to get his attention.


"I…I have to tell you something," I said as I peered down at him lying on the mossy ground. His eyes were closed and he almost looked like he was sleeping except for his fast rhythmic breathing letting me know he was awake. "I like you," I said shyly and I knew I was blushing a lot.

His eyes opened slowly and he smiled up at me. I was frozen by the site of the radiance that he gave off. Unknowingly, he placed his hand on the back of my head and pulled me into a kiss. It didn’t click in my head until his hands rested on my hips. I smiled and kissed him shyly back.

"Sasuke?" I questioned in a daze when we pulled away to breathe. He just smirked and pulled me back into another kiss. I’ll make you say it sooner or later, Sasuke, I thought with a smirk of my own.

~10 Years Later~

I smiled as I woke up to the birds singing and the sun’s rays seeping through the curtains into the bedroom. I slowly got out of bed making sure I wouldn’t put myself in an awful situation that would cause me to be injured. After all who wants to have a possible miscarriage?

My smile – still on my face – only grew at the sight of little Itachi getting ready for his first day at the academy. "Sasuke! Sasuke get your butt down here!" I shouted up the stairs and winked at my son who giggled at my childishness.

"Hn," he responded as he came raggedly down the steps.

"It’s Itachi’s first day at the academy," I reminded him as I made Itachi’s lunch along with our breakfasts.

"I can’t wait to go see, Jyri!" Itachi exclaimed and I smiled.

"You see her every day, Itachi," I informed him and he smiled.

"I know, but she’s my best friend!" he claimed and I smiled while giving Sasuke a wink.

"We better get going," Sasuke said once he was done with his food.

I nodded and we all headed off to the academy. Itachi grabbed my hand and Sasuke wrapped his arm around me. I sighed in contentment, my family was almost complete. I rubbed my eight month old belly with my unoccupied hand as we walked. I grinned when I saw all the familiar couples.

Naruto and Hinata stood with their daughter, Itachi’s best friend, Jyri. Shikamaru and Temari were warning their son, Hitoshi, to behave. Kiba and Ino stood with their twins, Luna and Ookami, Luna being a girl and Ookami being a boy. Neji and TenTen stood together with their daughter, Genie – who only had two years of school left – and their son, who was in his first year as well. I looked around some more and then finally spotted Shino and Choji together making idle chit-chat as their wife’s gossiped. Their sons were plotting to pull a prank on Shikamaru but I knew it wouldn’t work.

"Bye Mommy, Daddy!" Itachi exclaimed as he ran off towards Jyri and then they disappeared into the building.

I cuddled into Sasuke’s arms and said, "I think he’s going to do just fine, he’s a strong boy. He reminds me of someone…" I trailed off and giggled when he swept me into a kiss. "I love you," I said once we broke apart.

"I love you as well," he responded and I grinned. Secretly I was thinking, I knew I could get him to say it!


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