Book of Requested Entitlements

By BatProductions

2.9K 12 2


Information. :)
Today was a Fairytale ~Zuko Oneshot~
Dangerously in Love ~Gin Oneshot~
Daddy's Little Girl ~Harry Potter Oneshot~
Criminal ~Hidan Oneshot~
Savior ~Draco Malfoy Oneshot~
Best Friend's Brother ~Nick Jonas Oneshot~
Even More ~Zak Bagans Oneshot~
The Everlasting ~Jacob Black Oneshot~
The Only Exception ~A Remus Lupin Oneshot~
Paparazzi ~A Nick Jonas Oneshot~
Maybe Someday ~Edward Cullen Oneshot~
Ghostbsters ~A Zak Bagans Oneshot~
No No Bully ~Sirius Black Oneshot~
Jealousy ~Zak Bagans Oneshot~
Werewolf ~Remus Lupin Oneshot~
Girl on Top ~Nick Jonas Oneshot~
Secret ~Blaise Zabini Oneshot~
Little Secret ~ Draco Malfoy
Assassin ~Sasuke Uchiha~
Take My Breath Away ~Stiles Stilinski~
Fallen Angels ~Andy Sixx~
We Got Family ~Sasuke Uchiha~
Wonderwall ~Sesshomaru~
She Got Her Own ~Paul Lahote~
Bewitched ~Jayy Von Monroe~
She Ain't the Cheatin' Kind ~A Kiba Inuzuka Oneshot~
She Will Be Loved ~Seth Oneshot~
Rebirth ~Jasper Hale~
The Lonely ~Seth Clearwater Oneshot~
Nobody's Hero ~Andy Sixx~
Gravity ~Zuko and Carlos Garcia~
Always Summer ~Ralph Macchio Oneshot~
Running Back to You ~Paul Lahote Oneshot~
I'm Still Here ~Hidan Oneshot~

Magic ~Seth Clearwater~

63 0 0
By BatProductions

Brigit Taylor


Race/Species: Half Vampire (Doesn't Have To Drink Blood. Only Has Speed, Beauty, and Strength. NO SMELL, BLOOD DRINKING, ABILITY, OR POWER!!! I Can Sleep Too and EAT.)

Okay! So Basically When Emmett and Rosalie went on one of their many honeymoons 16 years ago they found this one vampire that can create a child for vampires.So Rosalie asked for one, because you know she always wanted to be a mother and Emmett, being Emmett, went along with it.

So That right there, is how Emmett and Rosalie had ME.

personality: Stubborn, Short Tempered, Kind, Creative, Athletic, Smart but can be very ditzy. Caring, Motherly, Animal Lover, Friendly, and A Good Listener yet also talkative.

Family: Esme - Grandmother. Carlisle - Grandfather. Alice and Jasper - Aunt & Uncle. Rosalie and Emmett - Parents. Edward - Uncle.

Friends: Her Family, The Pack, Emily, Claire, and The Denali's.

Enemies: Bella. Sneers whenever she's around and is flat out bitchy. ( I Got That From My Mom)

Likes: Sports (Track, Swimming, Tennis) The Forest, The Beach, La Push, Bacon (Yum) Sleep, Shopping ( I Go Frequently With My Aunt and Mother) And Cars. ( I Fix Up Cars With Jake and My Mom - Rose)

Dislikes: Clowns, Flirty People, Betting, And When Dad Calls Me 'Shortie'

Crush: Seth Clearwater

Looks: Wavy ( Like When You Take Your Hair Out Of French Braids Wavy) Golden Brown Hair ( Literally The Color Of Gold) With Dark Blonde and Auburn Highlights. Forest Green Eyes With Gold and Black Flecks in Them. Really Pale Skin ( Like Vampire Pale) Short - 5'5 1/2. Skinny but Curvy. Small Feet - Size 6 . Has Light Freckles On Face.

Background - I grew up with the Cullens at human pace. I've lived in Canada, Alaska, and Forks. One day I decided to meet the werewolves. We all instantly clicked despite the whole natural enemies thing. I am frequently hanging out with the pack. I am in love with Seth - I'm His Imprint.

2nd person 'you smiled quickly before walking outside'

You walked down the stairs at a human pace while rubbing your eyes. You had just woken up and were about to eat whatever food they had made for you this morning. It was fun for both sides. You got to try new foods and they got to cook, which they never got to do before you came along.

"Morning." You greeted your family as you walked in.

"Morning, Brigit." Esme and Carlisle responded as Rosalie and Emmett said, "Morning, Honey." Then Alice and Jasper greeted with, "Morning Brig."

You smiled as you sat down in front of a plate of pancakes, eggs, and bacon. "American, today?" You questioned and they nodded. You squealed and said, "I LOVE BACON!! Thank you!" As you stuck a piece in your mouth you gave each family member a hug and a greasy kiss on the cheek.

Jasper smiled and that made you even happier because away from home he has so many emotions pounding into him he can’t be at easy. But at home he has less and can act himself. You decided that Jasper being himself was a good thing.

You sat at First Beach and grinned as you watched the pack cliff-dive. "Are you going to do it today?" Paul asked you and you gave him a glare in response.

Even if you were nearly as indestructible as a full-fledged vampire you were still scared of heights. "Heck no!" You exclaimed and he smirked.

"I’m sure Seth would go with you, if that makes you feel better." He said and you stared at him.

"No thank you." You said and Seth sat next to you looking uncomfortable and nervous.

"I can though." Seth said and you turned to him.

"I don’t like heights." You explained and he nodded.

"Right…" He trails off and you smile at the slightly dorky look on his face. He was just so adorable. "So…tell me about yourself." He started and you smiled.

"Okay, what do you want to know?" You asked him and he thought about it for a second.

"How are Rosalie and Emmett your parents?" He asked and you smiled.

"By magic, I guess." You said and explained by his confused look, "About sixteen years ago they came across a vampire. Because the vampire – Camilla – was unsociable and a loner no one really knew she existed. Anyway, they stumbled across her and my parents found out that her gift was to create children. Since my mom wanted a child and my dad would do anything to make my mom happy, Camilla created me."

Seth’s face contorted. "So you aren’t….real?" He question, confused.

"No, I am, but I was born differently. Instead I was conceived through the mind and Camilla brought to life the baby my mother had brought up so many times in her head. I’m part vampire but I seem mostly human. I don’t drink blood, I can eat and sleep, and I basically only inherited a vampire’s beauty, strength, and speed. I don’t even have a vampire smell, do I?"

Seth shook his head. "No, you don’t. You smell like roses."

You nodded. "That’s because I’m in my rose garden a lot." You explained.

"What about your age?" He asked. "How long have you been 16?"

You smiled. "I age at a human speed, Seth."

Seth grinned and the two of you scooted closer together. He brushed some of your golden colored hair out of your pale, lightly freckled face and stared into your forest green eyes that had black and gold specks. You stared back into his deep chocolate brown eyes and as you two got closer a wolf whistle made your jump apart.

You shook yourself from the daze you were just in. Were the two of you really about to kiss? Did he like you? How could he? Things like that were running around in your head. "I have got to go. Bye." You said softly and then ran home through the woods.

You shut the door to your room without talking to any of your worried vampire family. You went out to your balcony and spent your time caring to the need of your roses. When you were done you just sat against the glass and thought about everything except what had just gone on with you and Seth.

You finally decided to go down stairs when your stomach growled its complaint. "Are you alright?" Your mom asked you and you nodded.

"What’s for dinner?" You asked and she smiled.

"Chinese." You sat down at the table and started to eat your orange chicken. She sat down next to you and asked, "Do you want to talk about it?"

You shook your head and said, "I’m going to go out into the woods." You excused yourself and headed out the back door which happened to be closer to you. While you were aimlessly walking around the woods you found a beautiful bird. It was small and very colorful. "Hello." You greeted it and it whistled back. "You are very beautiful." You told it and then you heard a rustling sound. "Who’s there?"

There was more rustling and then a man’s silhouette appeared. You growled slightly and pounced at him, instantly knocking him over and pinning him. When you finally saw who it was you froze. "Seth?"

"Hey Brig." He replied sheepishly.

You hit him and then got off him. "You scared me!" You exclaimed and he chuckled.

"I’m sorry." He apologized.

"What are you doing here?"

"I needed to talk to you…" He explained.

You raised an eyebrow. "About?"

"That I’m sorry. I think I hurt you earlier and I never meant to hurt you."

"Oh, well, it’s okay, really." You replied, unsure.

"No, it’s not. So how can I make it up to you?"

"Well…" You trailed off.

"What is it?"

"There’s a zoo in Seattle…"

"Okay?" He questioned insure of where you were going with this.

"I’ve never been to the zoo. Okay? I really want to go, though." You explained and he grinned.

"How have you never been to the zoo?" He questioned.

"My family is a bunch of vampires who have eaten just about any type of animal and I doubt they’d be comfortable being surrounded by people and animals." You explained your logic and he nodded.

"Okay then, how about tomorrow?" Seth asked.

"I’d like that." You said and smiled.

At the Zoo

"Oh my God! You’re so adorable!" You told the tigers.

Seth laughed. "You haven’t seen a tiger before?" He questioned.

"On TV and in pictures but never in real life!" You hugged Seth. "Thank you SO much."

"Always." Seth said and then started fidgeting. "I have to go to the bathroom."

"Ummm, okay, there’s one over there." You said pointing to it. "I’ll just wait here."

"Okay, I’ll try to be as fast as possible." He started to walk towards the bathrooms.

"Don’t forget to wash your hands!" You shouted after him and some of the adults around gave you weird looks.

"Hello, beautiful." You spun around to see a cute guy – a jock, maybe.

"Hello…" You trailed off unsure if he was trying to flirt with you or just being friendly.

"Are you alone?"

"No, I’m with my friend. He’s in the bathroom…" You said motioning to the bathrooms.

"Well, how about you ditch him and join me and my friends." He suggested as he motioned to a group of jocks that were mocking the orangutans.

Your face scrunched up. "No thanks, I’m good just hanging with my friend. Besides I don’t hang out with flirts." With that said you turned on your heel and walked towards Seth once he came out of the bathroom.

"What’s wrong?" He questioned.

"Nothing, let’s go." You said and started towards the penguin exhibit.

"Alright…" He said confused. You grabbed his hand and smiled at him.

"Thank you for doing this." You said and he flushed.

"Anything for you." He replied.

You smiled not thinking anything about it.

"Hey Seth?" You questioned as the two of you lay on your bed.


"I’ve gotta tell you something…"


"I think that jock today tried to flirt with me…" You said and looked at him upside down.


"Yeah, but I had fun today."

He grinned. "Great." He started to fidget. " Maybe…"

"Maybe what?"

"Maybe we can do that again…"

"Yeah! That’d be awesome!"

"I don’t think you know what I’m trying to get at." He said and you gave him a confused look. He sat up and his face hovered over yours. "I’m asking you out, Brigit." You were shocked. "You’re my imprint, Brigit, ever since that day you came onto the reservation to meet the pack. Since then–" You cut Seth off.

"I love you too, Seth." You said and leaned up to kiss him. It was a small kiss but it left the both of you smiling.

"Finally!!!" The both of you heard Alice exclaim from down stairs and you both laughed. Life just got a little bit more interesting and fun.


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