Book of Requested Entitlements

By BatProductions

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Information. :)
Today was a Fairytale ~Zuko Oneshot~
Dangerously in Love ~Gin Oneshot~
Daddy's Little Girl ~Harry Potter Oneshot~
Criminal ~Hidan Oneshot~
Savior ~Draco Malfoy Oneshot~
Best Friend's Brother ~Nick Jonas Oneshot~
Even More ~Zak Bagans Oneshot~
The Everlasting ~Jacob Black Oneshot~
The Only Exception ~A Remus Lupin Oneshot~
Paparazzi ~A Nick Jonas Oneshot~
Maybe Someday ~Edward Cullen Oneshot~
Ghostbsters ~A Zak Bagans Oneshot~
No No Bully ~Sirius Black Oneshot~
Jealousy ~Zak Bagans Oneshot~
Werewolf ~Remus Lupin Oneshot~
Girl on Top ~Nick Jonas Oneshot~
Secret ~Blaise Zabini Oneshot~
Magic ~Seth Clearwater~
Assassin ~Sasuke Uchiha~
Take My Breath Away ~Stiles Stilinski~
Fallen Angels ~Andy Sixx~
We Got Family ~Sasuke Uchiha~
Wonderwall ~Sesshomaru~
She Got Her Own ~Paul Lahote~
Bewitched ~Jayy Von Monroe~
She Ain't the Cheatin' Kind ~A Kiba Inuzuka Oneshot~
She Will Be Loved ~Seth Oneshot~
Rebirth ~Jasper Hale~
The Lonely ~Seth Clearwater Oneshot~
Nobody's Hero ~Andy Sixx~
Gravity ~Zuko and Carlos Garcia~
Always Summer ~Ralph Macchio Oneshot~
Running Back to You ~Paul Lahote Oneshot~
I'm Still Here ~Hidan Oneshot~

Little Secret ~ Draco Malfoy

64 1 0
By BatProductions

Name (Pleas include last name, and middle name if you have one): Jessica (Jessi) Rockelle Thompson

Hair (length, color, texture, etc.): short dark brown pixie cut. If you want maybe you could throw in some white tips if that's something you'd like

Eyes (color)and lips: wide catlike hazel eyes that often freak people out because of the unwavering stare...though it's purely unintentional on her part. Big bee stung looking lips.

Body (hieght, build, skin tone, etc.): a little chubby not much but a lil...more curves than anything. Tall around 5'9''. Long legs. Average skin tone maybe a few freckles if you'd like. A ¾ sleeve tattoo of a peacock on her left arm.

Personality: very chill and laidback. I see her as very Luna Lovegood of her era.

House: Well when I think Jessi I think Hufflepuff but if you'd like to place her somewhere else I'm good with that.


Age:18, like how Angelina was 17 in her sixth year. You know what I mean? Her birthday just fell short I guess.

Blood (pureblood, halfblood, muggleborn,): Halfblood. Mother-Muggle, Father, Pureblood. I'll explain family a lil better in just a minute.

Boggart: Hmm...let's c. I honestly thing Jessi's biggest fear is people losing their humanity. She fears that we lose our compassion for each other more than anything. You may work that in whichever way you like.

Amortentia (your favorite smell): Wow that's an interesting word. Learn something new everyday. Let's see maybe Bananas, Pineapple, and Coconut...haha I guess that's kind of like a Pina Coloda.

Home (where you live): She's originally from Gatlinburg, TN located in the States.

Family (brothers, sisters, mother father,): Six olders bros. I see her very Ginny Weasley in that aspect. Mother is not in the picture for whatever reason (death, left or just mean, you can pick however u want it) Father (whom I picture as Gerard Butler) is gay and remarried to a man named Nicholas (whom I picture as Nikki Sixx)

Friends: Well I think she'd get on rather well with Luna's dad, you know. I won't try to spell his name because I'm afraid I'll absolutely butcher it. Maybe Arthur Weasley. I could see her as friends with Sirius if you'd like because I see Jessi as very chill and not really bothered by the playboy and maybe if Regulas if you'd like some sort of twist.

Enemies: Hmm I don't think she'd get on with Bellatrix because I see Bella as very smarmy and dramatic and I never picture Jessi as one to like drama.

Love Life (your crush and who you dated in the past): Well crush is Remus. Maybe she dated James in the past if you'd like or maybe Arthur. Maybe Lucius if you'd like and think you could work with him. I don't know...he's seems to snobby but you have to admit....the man has great hair, haha.

Quidditch (your posision, if any): Hmm. I don't really see Jessi as much of a quid ditch person. Maybe she'd watch or just fly around for kicks.

Hobbies: Hmm...I don't know something with the arts. Music, art, literature. I don't see her as terribly insecure but I don't often picture as one to just dart up the stage to sing...maybe a coffee shop singer if you'd like. Art could be very odd and whimsical like Jessi I suppose as well as literature. You can take that wherever you wish.

Background (how you grew up): Hmm well like I said before she grew up in TN with her older bros and her dad and his bf. Her mom was around for a lil while but her dad kept the fact that he was a wizard and that he was bi/gay/whatever until after Jessi was born. All of his children never shown any signs of wizardry until Jessi came along.

When things started to shake on the shelves and burst into flames for no reason he had to tell her. Of course having her husband lie to her all theses years tore her apart along with their marriage. Then of course when Jessi was eleven she got the letter from Hogwarts and her mother freaked out that her child would be away from her for a year. Growing up the south her mother wasn't fond of sending her child off to a 'boarding school' of sorts.

Her father tried to explain to her mother that it was necessary for Jessi to go so she could learn how to use her powers but her mother wasn't hearing it and it put even more stress on their marriage until it finally broke apart one night when they were trying to work things out. Her mother insisted that he be completely honest with her about everything and so he did along with the confession that he primarily liked men until she came along. That was the last straw and they split and her mother left leaving him to take care of his seven children.

But Jessi has had a happy childhood. She's loved by her older brothers and her father and is happy that he has found love in Nicholas. Though sometimes she does miss her mother and wishes that she still had her around for certain things a girl needs her mother for.

But she realized that her mother just couldn't handle it and she's ok with it which I think is why she hates drama. After having something like that happen to you....trivial things just don't seem worth worrying over.

Deepest Secret (that no one knows): Hmm...let's c. Well if you want you can make her bisexual. Or maybe that she volunteers down at St. Mungo's to read in the childrens ward when Dumbledore let's her. You can pick either one or both if you'd like. I tried to give you a sweet option and an edgy option. That way you go have creative flow either way.

Other (anything else I need to know about you): Hmm I don't really think there's anything else you should know about her. Man I've never really thought out all this information for a character before. Basically for Jess I'd just got up the basic looks and personality but this was good for me. It'll help me develop her a little more, haha.

Ending (happy, sad, curious): Well I'm gonna say happy...I know terribly predictable of me but I'm out of my sad, dark mood and I'm looking for a little sunshine, haha.

Mood (happy, depressed, dark): Again I'm gonna say happy but like if you wanna start dark and depressed and angry I'm ok with that too.

Era (The Golden Trio, Maruaders, etc.): Well I'm gonna say Maruaders but if you want Remus to be older than Jessi that I'm ok with it being Golden Trio. All you'll need to do is message me and I'll adjust some things for you.

The book it is set in: I don't really know what you mean by this. Like a specific part of the book? I don't really care. You have creative liberty to go wherever you want to with it.

Any event you want to happen in your oneshot (opional): Go nuts! Do what you want, haha. I trust you with it.

I walked through the corridors of Hogwarts, this year I was definitely not going to let HIM ruin my year. HE always does something that either pisses me off or makes me miserable. I wasn't paying attention to the people around me so it surprised me when I ran into someone and my things went all over the floor.

"I'm so sor- oh..." I started to apologize but realized that it was only Draco.

I bent down and started to pick up all my stuff. "Let me help." Draco offered and started to pick up the splay of papers that were scattered everywhere.

"Just my luck, now I have to reorganize those." I grumbled when I saw how out of order they were.

"What's it for?" He asked and I looked up into his gorgeous eyes. I looked away so I wouldn't get lost in them.

"It's nothing." I lied and he gave me a look that said he knew I was lying. "Okay, fine, it's just some sheets of music." I admitted.

"What? Is there a class for that here?" He questioned and I shook my head.

"No, there's not. I just enjoy music." I replied and started walking towards my house's dorms.

"Jessi!" I turned around and saw the Golden Trio trying to catch up to me.

I stopped and waited for them to get to me. "Hey guys." I greeted them each with a hug. I glanced over at Draco who gave me one last look before scoffing and leaving. "How are you guys?" I questioned.

"Good, or as good as it can be with all these death eaters around." Harry said and I frowned slightly.

"I wouldn't know I was in Tennessee and there weren't any there. I think they're concentrating on Britain, though, and then move on to the rest of the world. That is, if they make it that far." I said and smirked a little at the end.

"Yeah, we know." After that was said we changed the subject to Ginny's new boyfriend.


I ran down the stairs as fast as I could. I had to get to Remus's class. I couldn't be late. Remus was my favorite teacher even if he was a werewolf. Yeah, I knew about that. Him and my father had been friends back when they went to Hogwarts along with Harry's parents, Lily and James Potter. It's too bad that they were killed and Harry and to go live with his evil aunt, uncle, and cousin.

"I'm here!" I exclaimed and then the bell rang.

Remus smiled and said, "Well, have a seat and then we will get started."

I looked around and noticed that the only open seat is next to Draco. Why did it have to be next to him? I mean yesterday he wasn't that bad but...I'll just see how this turns out. "Hey." I greeted softly as I took a seat.

"Hey." He murmured back. I smiled slightly and paid attention to Remus. "What are you doing tonight?" Draco said in such a low voice only I could hear it.

"Nothing, why?" I replied and glanced at him.

"Meet me at the lake." He told me and I nodded.


"Ms. Thompson. Mr. Malfoy. Can I please have your attention directed back up here." Remus stated more than asked.

"Sorry Mr. Lupin." I said, Ron and Harry turned to look at me.


"I don't even know when I was supposed to come here." I muttered as I kicked rocks along the shore line.

"You're here. I didn't think you'd actually come." I turned around and saw Draco coming up to me.

"Why'd you want me to come?" I questioned and he sighed.

"We roll in different groups and - even if you don't seem to fit exactly into Potter's group of friends - I know how much you care about their opinion." He started.

"So?" I questioned, confused.

"So, I've never felt this way about someone before!" He exclaimed and I flinched a little. "I just want some time for you to get to know the real me. The me that no one can see because they won't try to see." He told me and I froze.

I was shocked. "You like me?" I questioned and smiled a little.

"Yeah...I mean we can keep this a secret from our friends and all..." He proposed.

I smirked. "Alright then, this will be our little secret."

Fight with Voldemort

I watched as the war went on, I had promised my family that I wouldn't get involved in this but it's hard when your secret boyfriend is on the enemy's side. As I ran I dodged curses and jinxes and tried to find that one person, Draco. He wasn't a bad guy, he only joined because his father became a death eater and his mother stayed close to him. He's loyal to his family even if he doesn't exactly agree with everything that Voldemort advocates.

"Jessi, duck!" I heard Draco shout over the noise of warfare. Instead of ducking I turned towards the direction his voice had come from. That's when I got hit.

I held my side as I fell to the ground. I hadn't been hit by a curse or a jinx. No. That would have been too simple. Instead something sharp pierced me just above my diaphragm but below my lungs. A ringing started in my ears and I watched as my blood came pouring out making my wound hurt all the more.

"Jessi!" Draco exclaimed as he dropped to his knees beside me. "Hang in there, Jessi. Please stay with me." He said as he picked me up and carried me away from the war and towards hit parents. I buried my head into his chest.


"Don't speak, okay? Try to save your strength." He told me and he kissed my head.

"I w-want you t-to know that I l-love you." I shakily got out.

"I love you too, Jessi, don't worry you're going to be alright."

19 Years Later

Third Person P.O.V

Harry, Ginny, Hermione, and Ron were all talking when they noticed Draco with his son. "So that's little Scorpius," Ron said under his breath. "Make sure you beat him in every test, Rosie. Thank God you inherited your mother's brains."

"For Heaven's sake, Ron-" Hermione started but got cut off.

"Harry? Ron? Hermione? Ginny? Is that really you guys?" A woman questioned. She had dark brown hair with black tips that reached her chest in the front but was at neck line in the back, her eyes were cat like with a molten gold color that used to be hazel, her bee sting lips were pulled into a huge grin, and her thin frame was supporting her next baby.

"Do we know you?" Ron asked her and she laughed.

"I at least look familiar, don't I? It's only been 19 years." She exclaimed. Draco and Scorpius came up to her. She grinned. "Hello Handsome." She greeted Draco and kissed him.

"I don't think you do." Ginny replied as she gave them a skeptical look.

"Mom, it's almost time for me to go." Scorpius said.

She leaned down and gave him a hug and kissed his cheek. "Good luck and be nice. No one wants a bully as a friend, got it?"

Scorpius nodded. "Okay, Mom, I won't be mean to anyone." He replied and she smiled at him.

"Good boy." She pushed him towards the train. "No get going. Oh, and I heard Remus Lupin is going to be teaching there again. Tell him I said hello." She told her son before he got onto the train. She turned back to her old friends with Draco's arm around her shoulder. "Come on, Harry, at least you remember me right?" She questioned and stared at him.

"Jessica Thompson?" He questioned and she grinned.

"It's Malfoy now but yeah, it's me." She said grinning.

"Since when did you have a thing for Draco? No offense Malfoy." Ron said and Draco shrugged.

"We actually secretly started dating our last year of Hogwarts. During the war I got injured and almost died which led to us confessing our love for each other. He proposed to me the day I was able to leave the hospital. Anyway it's been a while." She stated.

"Yeah, it really has." Hermione said. "So what do you do now?" She wondered.

"I actually write music for several American bands. It gives me an excuse to go and see my family." Jessi said and grinned.

"We should get going soon. You've got a doctor appointment at 4." Draco said and squeezed her shoulder.

"When are you due?" Harry asked her.

"About 3 months from now, I can't wait for her to be born." Jessi stated and then sighed. "Draco and I need to get going but we should get together soon and catch up. You guys have adorable children." She told them before leaving with Draco. 


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