My Hero Academia: All Might's...

By Altaru

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All Might has a sister going to attend UA along with Izuko Midorya. Shes in for a long ride against villians... More

The Making of a Hero
UA High
Combat Training
Class Rep
Attack on the USJ
All Might
The Aftermath
The UA Sports Festival Pt.1
The UA Sports Festival Pt.2
The UA Sports Festival Pt.3
The UA Sports Festival Pt.4
The UA Sports Festival Pt.5
The UA Sports Festival Pt.6
Hero Names!
Hero Internships
The Hero Killers Last Stand...
Back to school
Pool Day
My Hero
Roaring Upheaval
Their hideout!
The Battle Ahead
Developed Feelings
Ultimate Moves
New and Improved Suit
The Liscensing Exam Pt.1
The Liscensing Exam Pt.2
The Liscensing Exam Pt.3
The Liscensing Exam Pt.4
Aftermath of the Liscensing Exams!!!
Midoriya VS. Bakugo
A Season for Encounters
Two Heroes Special
The Scoop on UA Class 1-A
Girl Meets...
Fighting Fate
An Unpleasant Talk
Suneater of the Big Three
Unforseen Hope
Infinite Power
Bright Future
Smoldering Flames
Win Those Kids' Hearts

The Wild Wild Pussycats

784 16 3
By Altaru


Aizawa- UA High has finished its first semester and started summer vacation. However.... Those of you trying to be heroes will not receive days of rest. At this summer training camp, we'll have you aiming for even greater heights for "Plus Ultra"!

Uraraka- Deku, its finally time for the training camp in the woods, huh?

Midoriya- Y-Yeah, thats right, Uraraka!

Uraraka- Whats the matter?

Midoriya- Well, um....

Hmm why are they both always red when they talk to each other..

Uraraka- I-its time for training camp! Training camp! Training camp!

Rio- Hmmm

Todoroki- Whats look observant. 

Rio- Im just wondering why Uraraka is always so flustered around Midoriya.

Todoroki- You really are an airhead.

Rio- Hey! Whats that supposed to mean!

Todoroki- But then again everyone is oblivious to the situation..

Rio- Dont ignore me!

Todoroki- Im making observations as well.

Rio- Oh dear...looks who's coming..

Monoma- What? There are people in Class A taking extra classes? Does that mean you had people who failed the finals? What? Isnt that weird? Isnt that weird? Even though they're supposed to be way better than Class B? How can that be?

At that very same moment Kendo came and hit Monoma making him pass out.

Kendo- Sorry!

Midoriya- Oh, its class B

Tokage- We kind of met during the sports festival, but nice meeting you, Class A.

Kendo- We're getting on the bus!

Mineta- Not just the girls from class A but the girls from class B will also be there! It'll be like a buffet we can pick and choose from!

Kirishima- Thats about enough out of you.

Iida- Class A's bus is this way! Line up in seat order!

And like always I sat next to Shouto.


Aizawa- Everyone, the bus will stop once in about an hour. After that--

Kaminari- Lets play some music!

Everyone was just chatting not paying attention to Mr. Aizawa.

Aizawa- Oh, well. This is the only time they will be able to plat around.


We had finally reached the rest stop.

Aizawa- Theres no point stopping without a reason.

Uraraka- Huh?

Mineta- Wheres the bathroom?

Mandalay- Eraser!

Aizawa- Long time no see.

Mandalay- Lock on with these sparkling gazes!

Pixiebob-Stinginly cute and catlike!

Mandalay and Pixiebob- Wild, Wild Pussycats!

Aizawa- These are pro heroes who will be working with us during the camp, the Pussycats.

Midoriya- They're a five person hero team who set up a joint agency! They're a veteran team that specializes in mountain rescues! This year will be their twelth workin--

Pixiebob- Im 18 at heart! At heart..

Midoriya- Y-You're 18!

Rio- It sounds like your trying to hide your age isnt it.

Pixiebob- Hahaha why would you say that......Im 18!

Aizawa- Greet them everyone.

Everyone- Nice to meet you!

Mandalay- We own this whole stretch of land here. You all will be staying at the foot of that mountain.

Everyone- So far!

Uraraka- Huh? Then why did we stop here?

Rio- I think we all know the answer to that....

Tsuyu- Could this mean...?

Sato- No way...

Sero- Why dont we get back to the bus, huh? Fast.

Kaminari- Yeah. Lets do that.

Rio- Guys lets face it were screwed.

Mandalay- Its 9:30 A.M. right now. If your fast.... Maybe around noon?

Kirishima- No way...guys.....

Ashido- Lets get back to the bus! 

Kirishima- Hurry!

Mandalay- Kitties who dont make it by 12:30 wont get any lunch!

Aizawa- Sorry Ladies and Gentlemen. Training camp.....has already begun.

Pixiebob then used her quirk sending us of the cliff.

Uraraka- Wh-What is this?!

Midoriya- The ground is rising up?!

Mandalay- Hey! Since its private land, you can use your Quirks as you wish! You have three hours! Come to the facility on your own two feet! After getting through the beasts forest!

Midoriya- "The Beasts Forest"?!

Kirishima- That name sounds like it came right out of Dragon Quest!

Rio- Its their land, they probably named it.

Jiro- UA does stuff like this way too much.

Kirishima- Its no use complaining.

Rio- Yea but they didnt need to through us of a cliff!

Kaminari- Yea thats too harsh...

A monster then came out of nowhere in particular.

Everyone- Its a beast!

Koda- Calm down, Kind beast! Stay back!

Mineta was almost crushed but Midoriya came in and saved him. Koda'a quirk, which is supposed to subdue animals, didnt work? Dirt clods started falling out of it. Wait....A dirt clod..... I get it! With Pixie Bobs Quirk.... Shouto then froze its foot. Iida then kicked him.

Iida- Reciproburst!

Kacchan then attacked.

Bakugo- Die!

I then make a big spike out of the earth and shoved it through the beasts stomach..

Midoriya- Smash!

Midoriya then smashed it to pieces..

Sato- You guys defeated that beast in an instant?

Ser- You did it!

Mineta- You did it...and I did, too.....

Kirishima- You're amazing, Bakugo!

Bakugo- Not yet!

Rio- This is going to be a long day.

Kaminari- How many of them are there?

Ashido- What should we do? Run away?

Sato- This is no joke. If we dont make it to the facility by noon, then we dont get lunch.

Rio- Then we have no choice we have to fight!

Iida- All right.Lets go, Class A!

Everyone- Yeah!

Shoji- There are three up ahead!

Jiro- Seven total. They're coming!

Sero- All right, here I go!

Sero had tied the monsters wings making it fall to the ground.

Sero- Sato! Kirishima!

Everyone kept fighting the creatures back and forth.

Shoji- more have appeared!

Todoroki had frozen it and Bakugo had hit it with all he had.

Bakugo- Dont get in  my way, Half and Half Bastard!

Todoroki- Im not in your way.

Rio- Lets go Midoriya!

Midoriya- Okay! 

Seeing as I could keep up with Midoriya's speed we keep running at the beast. I had frozen it to the ground. Midoriya had punched it and I finished it off by roasting it with my flames.


Pixie Bob- Oh, your're finally here, meow!

Mandalay- That took quite some time.

We all came out of the forest already at our limits.

Kirishima- What do you mean, three hours?!

Mandalay- Thats the time it would've taken us. Sorry!

Sato- You were trying to boast about how much better you are? Thats mean...

Kirishima- Im hungry...Im gonna die...

Pixie Bob- But honestly, i thought it would have taken longer. You guys didnt have as hard a time beating mu earth beasts as I thought you would. You guys are great...Especially.. You Five! 

She was pointing at Iida, Midoriya, Shouto, and Bakugo..

Rin- Were you able to act without hesitation because of your experience?

The Pro hero Rin from the team of five in the Wild Wild Pussycats then grabbed my hand and kneeled down kissing it. While this was happening Pixie Bob was Fawning over the four boys.

Rio- Um

Rin- Your as pretty as you are powerful..

Rio- Um thanks..

Rin- Your are just my type! Im looking forward to where you'll be in three years! I call dibs! And Ill make you mine!

Pixie Bob- I call dibs on these four.

I took my hand away but Rin was still fawning over me.

Rio- Oh dear.

Iida, Midoriya, Todoroki, Bakugo- Stop that! Get away!

Rio- Yea get away from me!

The rest of the class was shocked by what was happening to me and the four boys.

Aizawa- Mandalay.....Were Rin and Pixie Bob always like this?

Mandalay- They are both a little desperate, since he and she are about the suitable age for, you know...mating.

Midoriya- Speaking of suitable age--

Rin and Pixie Bob- What about it?

Midoriya- I-Its been bothering me for a while....Whose child is that?

Mandalay- Oh, not one of ours. He's my cousins kid. Come on, Kota. Greet everyone. You'll be with them for the next week.

Midoriya- Oh, um, Im Midoriya from UA Highschool's hero course.

Rio- Hi and im Rio!

He then punched Midoriya in the place that hurts the most for guys.

Rio- Hey are you ok!

Iida-Midoriya! You brute of a nephew! Why would you do that to Midoirya's scrotum?!

So thats what were calling it.

Kota- I dont intend to hang out with guys who want to become heroes!

Iida- Intend? Just how old are you?!

Rio- Why would you hate heroes so much?

Bakugo-Precocious brat.

Todoroki- Isnt he kind of like you?

Bakugo- What? Not at all! Anyway, shut up, you GG bastard!

Aizawa- Enough with this charade. Get your stuff off the bus. Once you've put your bags in your rooms, we'll have dinner in the cafeteria. After that, you'll bathe and go to sleep. We'll start for real tomorrow. Now, move quickly.


We were now seated eating the biggest feast of our lives.

Midoriya- Thanks for the food!

Everyone was eating like monsters/

Pixie Bob- Anyway, todays the only day we'll be doing stuff for you, do eat as much as you can.

Mandalay- Oh Kota.Can you bring those veggies?

Why doesnt he like heroes......


I was with the girls in the hot spring.

Ashido- So has that Rin guy left you alone.

Rio- Yea actually! Thank goodness! Besides he's here to train us.

Yaoyorozu- Mr. Aizawa said that the real thing will begin tomorrow.

Hagakure- Yea that kind of worries me.

Ashido- I love the fact there are hot springs here.

Rio- Wait do you hear something.....Like if someone is climbing the walls.

I then heard Kota talking to someone.

Tsuyu- Mineta really is the worst, huh?

Ashido- Thanks, Kota!

And then he fell backwards.

Rio- Oh no!

Tsuyu- That looked like a nasty fall.

Rio- Im going to go check on him...Someones probably taking him to the building Manager Office.

I put on a rob and went there.


I saw Midoriya taking Kota inside.

Rio- Is he alright I saw him fall.

Midoriya- Im taking him to see Mandalay.

Rio- Ill come to..


Mandalay- He just fainted from fear at the fall. Thanks. I heard from Eraser that there was an embodiment of lust among the boys, so I just had him there keeping watch.

Rio- Yea thanks for that.

Mandalay- These days, girls develop quickly, dont they? I mean just look at you..

Rio- Well um...

Midoriya- Anyway, Im glad he's okay.

Mandalay- You must've hustled to save him.

Midoriya- Kota has a negative view of heroes, doesnt he?

Rio- Yea its like something tragic happened and hes running away from them.

Midoriya- For me, I've always been surrounded by people who wanted to be heroes me included...

Rio- Ive been surrounded by heroes my entire life.....Hell even my brother is a pro...

Mandalay- All Might Right?

Rio- Yea. But its unusual for a boy of his age to feel the way he does...

Mandalay- Thats true. Of course, there are many people in society who dont think well of heroes.... If he had been raised normally,maybe he would've admired heroes, too.

Midoriya- Normally.

Pixie Bob- Mandalay's cousin. Kota's parents were heroes.

Rin- But they were killed in the line of duty.

Mandalay- Two years ago...protecting citizens from a villain.... For a hero, it was a respectable way to die, an honorable death. But. But a child barely aware of what was around him couldnt understand that. His whole world had revolved around his parents. "My parents left me behind". Thats what he said. But society kept praising them, saying it was a good thing for heroes...a wonderful thing. He doesnt seem to like us much, either, since we're also heroes. But it like he's just here because there's nowhere else for him to go. To Kota, heroes are a kind of human he cant understand and finds unpleasant.

Rio- In a way I know where he's coming from......If I lost All whole world would come crashing down...The same With Gran Torino and even Sir Nighteye....If any of them died then......


Training Camp- Day 2

Good Morining Ladies and Gentlemen! Today we will begin training camp to increase your strength in earnest. The goal of this training camp is to increase everyone's strength and with that, for everyone to obtain their provisional licenses. It is to prepare you all to face hostilities that are becoming more real by the minute. Proceed carefully. So Bakugo, try throwing the baseball again.

Bakugo- This is from the fitness test..

Aizawa- Your previous record, from right after you started school, was 705.2 meters. Lets see how much you've improved.

Ashido- Oh, we're checking our progress?

Sero- Since a lot has happened these past three months. huh?

Kirishima- Do it, Bakugo!

Bakugo- Then...... Here I go.... Go to hell!

Go to hell? He has some serious problems.

Aizawa- 709.6 meters.

Kirishima- Huh? Its less than I thought....

Aizawa- Its been about three months since you started high school. Through various experiences, you all have definitely improved. But that improvement has mainly been at the mental and technical levels, with some increase in stamina. As you can see, your Quirks themselves have not improved that much. Thats why we will work on improving your Quirks starting today. It'll be so hard you'll feel like dying,But try not to actually die...


Hope You enjoyed..............................AUTHOR OUT!!!!!

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