The Band Geek


189K 7.1K 494


Band Practice- Edited
Clique- Edited
The Found Mate
Operation Ethan
Love This Feeling
Now I Know
Meeting The Parents
All Night
Summer's Turn
I'm Not Cute
Football Game
I Love You
Getting Started
Screams From My Mouth
Endings and Secrets


8K 355 9

My fingers move across the keys pressing them as I go. The sound produced is beautiful. Piano is the first instrument I learned to play. Then the guitar. Then all the other instruments. Piano will always be my favorite though. The reason being is that my father taught me. Dad couldn't play every instrument like mom could. They met at one of mom's concerts, she was a composer, dad the pianist. Even being a famous composer, she fell for the clumsy and awkward boy. They were made for each other. They were soul mates. They couldn't live without each other.

When they had me, mom used to tell me stories of dad, how no matter what he did everything for mom and me.

Even as I small child, I saw the love my parents had.  There was never words of anger spoken. There wasn't a day where they were apart.

The day mom and dad died was the worst day of my life. Even after 10 years I still hear it, now at 18, I'm still not over it. I can still hear the screams, the shattering of glass, the bending of metal.

I could see it now.

"Mommy can we leave now, we're going to be late for my concert!" I whine pulling my giggling mommy. My daddy stands off to the side, smiling lovingly at us.

"Daddy! Tell mommy to hurry up!" I plea with my daddy, pouting at him.

"Honey I think our little boy wants to leave." He playfully smirks down at me mommy giggles again.

"Let's go munchin!" Daddy takes my hand walking with me out to the car. Buckling me in my booster seat, daddy and mommy get in the front.

Daddy pulls out the driveway. About 15 minutes later, mommy screams out. The car swerves. The tires makes aloud noise against the road. The car crashes into the guard well. The bending of metal penetrates the air. My body slams forward. Glass and metal flies into the car enbedding my skin. Mommy screams, then there is silence.

I look to daddy. His head is on the stiring wheel blood gushing from his forehead and neck. A piece of metal in his neck.

"Daddy!" I scream but he doesn't answer me. Turning to mommy I see the guard well went through the car into mommy's chest. Blood flows down staining her dress. I scream for them. But they never answer me.

The sound of sirens could be heard in the distance. But I never stop screaming for them. I beg them to wake up. But they never do.

When the sirens came, they get me out, covering my eyes from my parents. But it was no use I already seen their dead bodies.

I'm put in the ambience. They pick the glass from my chest, I didn't feel any pain. I wanted my parents.

Getting to the hospital, Jennie and David, are there. Seeing me they run over to me crying. They apologize. They didn't have to tell be why they was. I knew my parents were dead.

I feel hot tears run down my face. Wiping them I stop playing. Everytime I play the piano it remains me of my parents. The day they died, was a day of my concert. My first one actually. But I never made it. I still do concerts, because I know my parents would want me to. When I play I feel them beside me. They wouldn't want me to stop playing, and I won't, not ever.

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