My Crazy Lover Boys (Yandere...

By Kloplove63708

105K 1.6K 880

Yugi and Yami are just two regular high school boys living regular lives. Famous duelers who shared the same... More

Brotherly conversation of love
A Sweet, Lovely Dream
Late for school and a dream... come true?
Follow our Kouhai to her house
The Diary of our Beloved Kouhai
We must get rid of you... for her sake
Go on a date with... all of you?!?
The Threat
Have a Sweet Dream
Our Beloved Shrine
It's time... for your punishment
A Cruel Torture
Smile For The Camera
Spend the day with our Kouhai
Domino City Shopping Mall
The Second Popular Boy
Kouhai's Angelic Song
Rumors... of the dead
Hope you're ready for this....
Unwanted company
A forgotten bento
A bento... just for you, Kouhai
Kouhai's bento
It's sweet but now... it's bitter
It was you...?!?!
Someone... help me!
Hospital Visit
She's cured
How to clean out blood... properly?
He's... a yandere?
Helios' story (part 1)
Helios' story (part 2)
Helios' story (part 3)
Helios' story (part 4)
Helios' story (part 5)
Helios' story (Final part)
Sleep Tight, Kouhai~
Sudden Messages
Surprising News
Who needs a person like you...

Time To Say Goodbye

2.3K 42 33
By Kloplove63708

At night Yugi and Yami head to their home and change their clothes so one will suspect them... again. They wore the same clothes on the same day when they killed Y/n's father.

Once they were done, they left the house and head straight to the warehouse where Mithica is waiting for their arrival, along with Aryana's dead body. Luckily, they left their supplies in the warehouse so that way, no one will suspect them. But for now, they need to continue their business and give Mithica a real lesson for her actions.

Inside the warehouse, Mithica had her head down as she refused to see her friend's lifeless body that was all covered in blood and all the stabbing marks on her.

Mithica: Why did they do this? What did I ever do wrong?

Yugi: You still don't know, huh?

Mithica froze as soon as she heard Yugi's voice. Yugi walks up to her while Yami makes sure the door is locked so no one could get in and see what they're doing. Mithica was so terrified as Yugi grabs her cheeks with his hand and forces her to look at him.

Yugi: I hope you missed us... and I hope you enjoyed your day...

Yami: We know we did, it was wonderful~ We got to spend the day with Kouhai... just her and us only

Yugi: It was suppose to be perfect but then... some guys try to take our Loli away... without us... noticing

Yami: But... we'll make sure that we take care of those two but... for now, let's continue where we left off, shall we?

Mithica was already terrified as Yugi released her cheeks while Yami walked next to him and stared at Mithica with disgust.

Mithica: Why...? Just why...? Why do you guys prefer her... over me?!? What does she have that I don't?!?

Yugi and Yami were both silence as Mithica waited for them to answer her question until they both replied at the same time.

Yugi and Yami: Our heart...

Mithica: Huh?

Yugi: She has our heart... and we have her heart... she's everything to us! She's our world... our delicate flower... our girl~

Mithica: What makes you think that she's better than me?

Yami: We knew we were meant to be together... we knew we were meant to be hers and she was meant to be ours... just ours and no one else's!!

Mithica: And...?

Yugi: And everyone wants her, but not in the same as we want her... no one can appreciate her the way we do

Yami: No one doesn't deserve her but us... she belongs to us... alone! We want no one else but her only~!!!

Mithica: So what? She has nothing but I do! I'm rich! I have everything! I have such beauty that no girl ever has and you should appreciate my looks and accept me as your lover

Yugi: We don't care if you're rich or not... we don't care if you have so many things that Y/n doesn't have... and your looks don't interest us

Yami: In fact, why should we date and waste our time with a brat like you when we could be in bed... cuddling our Kouhai in our arms~

Yugi: After all, we want to have a lovely family with her~

Yami: And a better way to do that and have so many children~

Mithica couldn't believe what she was hearing from them... they prefer to be with Y/n instead of her which that made her really angry. She wanted them all to herself until she ended up snapping at them.

Mithica: NO! UNACCEPTABLE! You guys belong to ME! ME ONLY! AND NO ONE ELSE! NOT EVEN THAT PESTY Y/N!! I can get my dad or my mom to get you guys to go on a date with me and there's NOTHING you guys could do to-

Mithica was all of a sudden interrupted when she got slapped in the face again like last night but this time it was Yugi and he slapped her really hard that left a huge red mark on her cheek.

Yugi: I see you haven't lost your spirit yet...

Yami: Not one bit after watching your friend suffer in our hands but don't worry... you'll be joining her

Mithica: What...?

Yugi; You heard my brother... you're gonna be joining with your friend which is perfect... our precious Y/n will be safe from you~

Mithica: You wouldn't dare...!

Yami pulled something out of his pocket but the small object he was holding turns out to be a knife he was carrying.

Mithica was really frightened by it as she watches Yami walking up to her with a psycho look on his face. Once Yami was closer to her, he place the knife on her throat which terrified her as Yami and Yugi smirked at her.

Yami: Remember this? How you threaten our beloved Y/n like that... well guess what? It's. Your. Turn!!

Without warning, Yami stabbed Mithica in her right upper arm as she started to scream in pain while Yami pushes the knife deeper. As Yugi watches Yami push the knife further, he couldn't help himself but smile of how his twin brother is giving Mithica her penalty for what she did.

Mithica: (Thought) Is this how Aryana felt... when she was stabbed... to death? If it is... make it stop, please!!!

Once Yami pulled the knife out of her right upper arm, he lifts her face up and forces her to look straight at them. Her eyes were filled with rage but also filled with pain due to being stabbed in the arm. Yugi and Yami smirked evilly at her as they saw her impression.

Yami : We're gonna make sure you don't come near her.... I'm sure you know how we're going to do that, right?

Mithica: No... I don't

Yami stabbed Mithica in her other arm as she scream her lungs out when she felt the pain again as tears formed in her eyes. Yugi laugh in a cutely, psycho way as he watched his brother making her suffer for her actions.

Yami: Now you know?

Mithica: ........

Yugi: It's a shame, really... you shouldn't have been with your group instead... and if you did, you wouldn't end up here now, right? Right?!?

Mithica: R-Right... now please... let me go...

Yami and Yugi: Huh?

Mithica: Let me go... I just... want to be back home... with my mom... and dad... they must be worried... about me...

Yami: Aww, is that so? Well, I'm sure they are worried about you but I wonder... are they worried about your attitude that lead you to this?

Mithica didn't said a word for a moment until Yami slapped her in the face to get her to respond.

Yami: Answer when someone is asking you a question!!

Mithica: O-Okay...

Yugi: Do you know what sins you're guilty of? Do you know how we felt when we heard our Loli pleading for her life?

Mithica: Mom...

Yugi: Huh?

Mithica: Dad... mom...

Yami: That's right... it's best if you cry for your mommy and daddy. Just by crying, your parents would come and rescue you. But you know... you're parents aren't your saviors... they're just. Like. You!!

Without hesitating, Yami placed the bloody knife close to her face as Mithica's eyes widen up in fear as she saw the knife all covered with her blood in it. She wanted to look away but she couldn't for she fear that she might receive another one but, she was wrong. She was all of a sudden, stabbed in the leg and this time, it was Yugi as he continued to stabbed her until he stabbed her on the other leg as she kept screaming until she no longer lets out another scream.

Mithica: Stop.... please... make it stop....

Yami: Plea all you want but just so you know... your parents won't be there to save you... besides... it's time to say farewell

Mithica: No! Please don't do this!! I promise I'll change!! I'll do whatever you say just please!! Anything but that!!!

Yugi: Do really you think we buy your lie that you're going to change or tell the police?

Yami: How are we supposed to believe a girl like that?

Yugi walked closed to her while holding his bloody knife as Mithica tried to struggle herself out from this nightmare but she couldn't until she saw Yugi placing the knife at her throat. Mithica pleadingly cries as she tried to convince them to spare her life.

Mithica: I will! I promise I will change! And I promise that I won't tell anyone or the police, I swear!

Yami: We'll see about that... once you're gone

Yugi: Time to say goodbye, hehehehehe


Everything was silence as Yugi and Yami watched Mithica die slowly but also watched her blood slide down from the throat after Yugi stabbed her. They both smirked as they were glad that they got rid of their Y/n' threat and hoping no one will ever harm her.

Yami: We did it... we got rid of her for good...

Yugi: I guess she wasn't gonna tell anyone about this, after all

Yami: Y/n is now safe~! Safe from her harms~

Yugi: For now... we don't know if there's more out there that will... harm our delicate flower

Yami: You're right... but now we need to get rid of her body.... and hers

Without wasting time, they remove the chains and the buckles from Aryana and then remove the ropes from Mithica as they stuffed them up in a black garbage bag.

Then, they left the warehouse and dragged the bags with their bodies in it and place them inside the dumpster. Once they were done, they head back home and wash off the blood from the knifes to remove the evidence; once they were done, they went to their room and fell asleep while dreaming of their future lover, Y/n.

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