Tomorrow, Today (COMPLETED)

By trashquility

52.8K 1.5K 326

Park Jinyoung has cancer and his friends help More

Feeling Unwell
Hospitals Suck
Getting Ready
Lymph Nodes
Moving Out
First Cycle
The Help
Time Off
Hard Carry
Falling Stars
Set Back
Switch Button
Final Sprint


1.6K 38 11
By trashquility

"I'm going to piggy-back you to the car. Fans like it when we act like boyfriend-dol", Jackson instists, "you won't make it to the front door in your state, let alone to the car".
Jinyoung slumps in the toilet, he just had another bout of vomiting. Dr Song was right though, it's better to have your stomach filled with something before letting it out. It's really painful to retch when the stomach is empty, Jinyoung already experienced a painful episode of vomiting before he got to eat anything. His stomach felt really hurt it burned. The cramping was so bad Jinyoung couldn't even move his body because every movement sent a thousand knifes .
GOT7 just finished another schedule for a commercial shooting. Jinyoung realized a big chunk of work just went missing from his schedule, he believes JYP PDnim had changed his schedule. He's not complaining though, he's still lucky to have a job. Eventhough it's just a mild one like this. Only shooting for a short commercial. Just a few hours and they are done. As much as the jobs is really distracting his mind, it also gives a big toll on his body. He barely survive everyday. The first two days after the chemo was the hardest. He managed to act like nothing happened, but when in the car he couldn't even hide the shivering. Blankets are all set in the car, whenever he comes in, his friends are ready to wrap him with layers of blankets. Youngjae brought warmer pad from his house and give it to Jinyoung who always says thank you and sorry. And everytime, the other members would just tell him to shut up.
Today is no exception, Jinyoung could barely stand up after he had the vomiting episode. Jackson who accompanied him to the toilet is now sitting beside him. GOT6 never let Jinyoung to go to the toilet alone. They always make sure they take turn to accompany him practically everywhere. Jinyoung is pissed but also grateful.
"Come on, we need to get you home. People will be worried if we stay too long here", Jackson says again.
Jinyoung nods weakly.
"You put your mask on so people won't see your face. I will not wear mask so people can see me laughing, hopefully they will think that we're not serious. There are fans outside, they will be thrilled to see Wang gae Park gae couple. And keep smiling like usual, okay. You can do it, Park gae".
And just like that, Jackson carries Jinyoung out of the toilet. Other members suddenly notice how weak Jinyoung is to be carried by Jackson, but they play along with him. Jinyoung feels like crying in Jackson's back but he gotta be strong, in a moment the fans will see them and he doesn't want the fans to know the truth, not yet. He tries very hard not to lean too much on Jackson so no one would notice his pain. Once they open the door, The fans are waiting for them with cameras, they squeal once they see Jackson backpiggies Jinyoung. A wave of dizziness hit Jinyoung, so many people here.
Fighting, Park actor.. you can't collapse here. Ahgases are your light and not the contrary. They are your soul, they are the reason why you keep doing this on the first place. Jinyoung keeps giving motivation to himself. Jackson really plays it well, he laughs and makes Wang gae Park gae jokes, Jinyoung pushes himself harder to laugh along Jackson, smiling wider, and shouting to make it more realistic. Few minutes trip to the car feels like eternity to him. His stomach rolling when some of the fans are too close chasing them with cameras. Mark thinks faster holding Jinyoung hand, blocking the fans. Apparently he is acting jealous. Jinyoung laughs as he lifts Mark's grip, showing it to the fans, "someone is jealous", he says.
When they finally arrive to the car, Jinyoung's world spinning so fast he feel like passing out, Mark tightens his grip to keep Jinyoung conscious. JB is already in the car, getting ready. Thick blankets are hidden in the back, away from fans sight. Jinyoung can't remember how Jackson finally gets him inside but he assume they make it somehow because he can hear fans squealing how cute Wang gae Park gae is. Once Mark closes the door and the car starts running, hyung line wrap Jinyoungs body with blankets. He's shivering so hard like a newborn kitten. Beads of sweats falling down like crazy.
"Hey, do you think we should take him to the hospital?", Jackson asks while JB gives Jinyoung water.
"No..", Jinyoung says, his voice is hoarse and shaking, "I'll be fine.. please.. no hospital".
"Your hands are cold", Mark rubbing Jinyoung hands, he puts warmer pad from Youngjae in Jinyoung's stomach.
"C..cold is better than fever", Jinyoung tries to speak with his shaking voice.
"Okay, lets get you home... ", JB pulls Jinyoung closer to him, Jinyoung's head nestles in the crook of JB's neck. JB's wide shoulder stretches holding Jinyoung's body tight, giving Jinyoung warmth he desperately needs.
"Close your eyes Jinyoung ah, try to get some sleep. We'll arrive in no time".
JB strokes Jinyoung's hair softly. JB can't say outloud that his heart is in a wreck, he can't stand seeing Jinyoung so weak. But he knows he has to protect him. Not only he's the leader, but Jinyoung is his little brother. He must take care of him at all cost. Eventhough his heart breaks, he's not going to show it to Jinyoung. He has promised himself he would be Jinyoung's strength. Little does he know that both men sitting in front of them also feel the same. Eventhough Jinyoung is always the one who organize everything, but in reality he's the maknae of hyung line. So when he's weak, all of his big brothers instictively want to smother him.
While the hyung line is busy taking care of Jinyoung, Maknae's line car is really silent. The usually hyperactive Yugyeom and Bambam are quiet. They are all occupied in their own mind. Younjae is closing his eyes but he's not really sleeping. Yugyeom's  sniffing breaks the silence, Bambam turns his head to check on him and he realize that his chingu is crying.
"Gyeom ah", Bambam calls him.
Youngjae who sits alone in the back opens his eyes immediately, he leans his body forward. He holds Yugyeom's nape and feels the maknae is trembling.
"Yugyeomie.. are you okay?", Youngjae asks softly.
"I thought I would be stronger", Yugyeom sniffs, "I thought I would be the one to carry him. I have the biggest body".
"I'm used to see Jinyoung hyung as the healthiest among us, and he always takes care of us when we get sick. Seeing him like this is... painful...", Yugyeom admits, his tears flowing.
"Everything's going to be okay Gyeom ah, he's the strongest among us and he still is. He's going to beat this. He already gave his word. And we promised him we would protect him at all cost. You have to be strong for him too", Youngjae soothes the tallest member.
"I'm trying, hyung. I'm trying to help him. Everytime he looks unwell, I want to run to his side. But everytime,  my body become stiff. He looked really pale when he left for bathroom today I knew I had to help him, but I don't know how, I don't know what to do. I feel bad because he's always there for me when I feel sick or down. Eotteoke, hyung... I'm so stupid", Yugyeom keeps whining.
"I don't think Jinyoung hyung would want you to do anything, Gyeom ah", Bambam comforts him, "just be yourself. Jinyoung hyung wouldn't want to see you cry like this, he doesn't want to be burden to us. So let's just try to stay calm. You don't have to force yourself, just act naturally. You can help him by being Yugyeom. You're his favorit maknae anyway. I'll be the usual crazy Bam. I think he would appreciate if we keep doing usual things we do".
Yugyeom knows, he understands everything his friends have said.
Younjae pats the maknae's head, "There, there Gyeom ah.. I know it's hard to see Jinyoung hyung so weak.. I have to get use to it myself. But I think Bambam is right, we have to be stronger if we want to help him. I'm sure he's going to be alright. JB hyung, mark hyung and Jackson hyung are with him. Don't worry".
Yugyeom nods, he sighs and wipes his tears with his sleeves.
"Do you think fans realized what happened back then?", he asks once he regain control of himself, "Jinyoung hyung and Jackson hyung were pretty good".
Bambam reaches his cellphone and starts to scroll the screen.
"Wang gae Park gae frenzy and Jealous Markiepooh is all over the SNS", he reads, "they don't notice".
Bambam lifts his handphone to show the boys the images appearing on the SNS. Jackson giving Jinyoung piggyback while the later, eventhough his face is covered, still seen smiling happily. Wrinkles in his eyes can be seen, he looks cute even with his mask on.
"Wang gae Park gae is trending on twitter, along with Jealous Mark Tuan", Bambam is amazed, "Ya, our hyungs are really something".
Yugyeom grins a bit. It feels wrong to be excited but it's also feels right at the same time. He's very proud of his hyungs, they showed him the real team work and to be able to support each other's back. They are the true definition of family and the best friends anyone could ever want. Yugyeom feels lighter now.
Eventhough he still feels worried about Jinyoung, but he's determined to protect him even more.
Yugyeom, Bambam and Youngjae now looking out Bambam's cellphone checking Ahgases posts on Wang gae Park gae.
"Whoa look at Mark's hyung face here  he looks pissed", Bambam says.
"Fans were too close", Youngjae explains.
"He looks jealous though, fans are crazy for Markjin too".
"Remember when we are in the award show and Jinyoung hyung was cornered by the female MC? Mark hyung looked exactly like this".
Youngjae's cellphone ringing, he picks it up once he reads the caller.
"Yeoboseyo, Mark hyung".
Yugyeom and Bambam instantly pays attention and leans closer. Youngjae taps the speaker icon so his dongsaengs can hear.
"Oh Youngjae ah, we're going to go to Jinyoung's house. Today's practice is cancelled so you can go home".
"Jinyoung hyung.. is he okay?", Yugyeom can't hold himself asking the question.
"Oh, he's sleeping now. He seems to be better, don't worry".
Three of them breathes in relieved.
"Do you need us to come, hyung?", Bambam asks.
"Nah, he's going to be fine. You guys get some rest. Don't think too much, okay? Especially you, Yugyeom ah, Jinyoungie is fine".
Yugyeom feels embarrassed, why do people can always tell? Does he really easy to read?
"Ah, ne hyung.. I.. I was worried but I'm better now. I'm glad he's okay".
"See you tomorrow guys".
Mark closes the call. Jinyoung is sleeping soundly in JB's arm, his face is much calmer now. He doesn't shiver like before and his breathe is evening out. JB still carressing Jinyoung's hair affectionately. Jackson is now looking at his cellphone.
"Ahgases don't notice", he states, "Wang gae Park gae is trending. I think we were really convincing".
"Uri Park actor", Mark looks at Jinyoung proudly.
"But I hope he doesn't have to act like that anymore though", Jackson admits  sadly.
"Shush", JB scolds, "he can hear you".
Jackson shuts his mouth. The three of them glance at Jinyoung's peaceful face fondly. Jinyoung's loosing weight, his jawline becomes more prominent than before. They know Jinyoung does everything to maintain his look. He forces himself to eat eventhough we would throw it up. Seeing how hard Jinyoung tries is excrutiating, but they know Jinyoung. Besides, it's better to see him eating than just do nothing. The boys won't say it out loud, but deep down they really hope that Jinyoung would just take his sick leave and focus on getting better. Their agreement with JYP is coming to a due very soon, they can't wait for that day to come. But in the other hand, they can't deal with what will happen next. They understand Jinyoung's passion to be on stage so they can't bear of the thoughts that he has to let it all go. All they can think about is the promise they've made to Jinyoung and to themselves. This group above anything. They will fight whether Jinyoung is on stage or off stage.
Jinyoung doesn't flich when they finally arrive at the house. JB carries him to his room and lays him down on his bed. Mark tucks him and gives Jinyoung a kiss on his forehead. He decides to stay because he doesn't have anything to do and he's just not in the mood to play games at the moment. Everyone knows Mark is just worried so they let him.

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