Taming Aurora

By KimmyUB

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BOOK 3 in THE ROMANO SERIES Can be read as a standalone BUT I would advise you to read book I and 2 first to... More

Chapter 1 - DANTE
Chapter 2 - Aurora
Chapter 3 - The Twins' 5th Birthday Party
Chapter 4 - Invitation To Stay
Chapter 5 - The "TALK"
Chapter 6 - Aurora's Admission Vs Maddie's Confession
Chapter 7 - Emergency Meeting
Chapter 8 - I CAN'T DO THIS...!
Chapter 9 - THIS COULD BE IT!
Chapter 10 - The Kiss
Chapter 11 - Something isn't right!
Chapter 12 - Who the fuck is this KENNEDY?
Chapter 13 - I'm so dead...
Chapter 14 - Radio Silence
Chapter 15 - Temptations
Chapter 16 - We got this... But maybe we don't
Chapter 17 - Quality Time with the BFF
Chapter 18 - So it's true...?
Chapter 19 - Players CAN'T be played!
Chapter 20 - BE MINE!
Chapter 21 - Making The Connections
Chapter 22 - Long time no see... (PART 1)
Chapter 23 - Where are you WILDCAT...??? (Long time no see... PART 2)
Chapter 24 - COME FIND ME... I need you! (Long time no see... PART 3)
Chapter 25 - Unexpected Surprise...
Chapter 26 - Paying for your SINS...
Chapter 27 - We're under attack!
Chapter 28 - They didn't make it...
Chapter 29 - He didn't make it...
Chapter 30 - How do one make that choice?!
Chapter 31 - They can't all be... GONE!
Chapter 32 - THE FUNERAL (Part 1)
Chapter 34 - Secret Meeting
Chapter 35 - What The FUCK?!!!
Chapter 36 - I GOT YOU...
Chapter 37 - You... BETRAYED ME!
Chapter 38 - You're a long ways from home...
Chapter 39 - Now you know... Who's the fool now?
Chapter 40 - Torturing Trash... ROMANO STYLE
Chapter 41 - Get lost in the dark
Chapter 42 - Changes Needs To be Made
Chapter 43 - I Love You DaD...
Chapter 44 - Shut up and MARRY ME!
Chapter 45 - Wedding Day (Part 1)
Chapter 46 - Wedding Day (Part 2)
Chapter 47 - Blissfully Happy

Chapter 33 - This is your fault! ( THE FUNERAL Part 2)

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By KimmyUB

SAME DAY - (Sat, 04 March 2023)

Third Party's POV

Everyone had arrived at the mansion, all awaiting the arrival of the coffins. Giovanni had practically forced Joshua weeks prior to the day, to do Melody's funeral together with the people she called family, today. According to Ziara, they were trying to compensate for their guilt, claiming the reason for this is so she can rest with her family, so they can apparently do the burials "traditionally", something Ziara pointed out strongly to Joshua one evening, days after his "discussion" with Giovanni.

So for today the embalmer had arranged four traditional funerals in one, plus a traditional burial fit for a King, appropriate for a Mafia Don, well without the Church and hearse in which his coffin was suppose to be carried in, she wanted an extravagant burial for the King of the Underworld, Because as she kept repeating that he deserved the best send off, because he was the best man to most, but to all an extraordinary man and leader, one that will never be forgotten and one that needed to be worshipped even at his send off and after he had been layed to rest.

Thus the reason for the horse and carriage that had been arranged to transport their King, From the hospital's funeral home, to the Mafia mansion, then to the graveyard, which happens to be only 2 miles away from the Mansion. The graveyard where many fallen men lay in their final resting place, amongst their fellow family members, on the grounds of the many acres of the Mafia mansion, as many refer the mafia's "workplace" as.

Everyone waited for the three hearse' and the carriage that's transporting the five coffins from Presbyterian Medical Center. Some sat with their friends and or family, having light conversations about mundane topics, just to pass the time, or to some it's to keep their thoughts from wondering or to keep their emotions in check, afraid to express the sadness that every single person feels and are able to see in the room. Near the entrance, Giovanni stood with Elijah and Giorgia. All three stood worrying about their friend Kiara, whom is now widow, sitting opposite Joshua, Melody's brother. Next to Kiara sat a crying Gabriella, Stephano's sister.

Giovanni stood with his gaze fixed on Kiara, he could see that she wasn't doing well even though to most, she looked as if she is handling today better than anyone could have expected, or even handling it with Grace but Giovanni knew better, in fact the two next to him thought the same. Kiara was smiling, in her friends' opinion, she was acting abnormally normal today, not at all what they had anticipated. Everyone knew as hard as it is for them, today should have been a hundred times harder for her.

But strangely she's acting as if she's the host of a dinner or some family gathering, smiling while having polite conversations and laughs as easily and heartily as she normally would, while waiting for the rest to arrive. No signs of tears, sadness, fake smiles, hidden distress or grief were in sight, which was what Giovanni found worrisome, Elijah and Giorgia sharing the same worry. Giovanni didn't know if he was secretly hoping she would break and the grief would over take her all at once, or that this is just how she deals with grief, none of them could possibly know for sure, but for now he'll just stay close, in case in turns out to be the former and not the latter but he still could not decide which he preferred, not that it mattered, he thought to himself as his penetrating gaze remained solely on Kiara and the woman beside her, Gabriella.

Meanwhile Joshua sat back, unknowing to everyone around them, except for Ziara, Joshua's gaze was set on Kiara since he walked in the room over an hour ago. The moment his eyes landed on her, he knew he still felt the same way about her as he did many years ago. But he knew that this wasn't the time to have or show those types of feelings towards her, Because not only was he already seeing "someone" but for more obvious reasons, he knew this wouldn't be the place to try and play the shoulder to cry on again, because even though Stephano is dead, he knew if he even thought about trying anything, he would be killed in an instant because at the moment his sitting in the Lions den, amongst hundreds of Mafia men, that wouldn't hesitate to snap him into two.

The day Joshua found out about his sister's death and how it happened, he wished he could make each and everyone of them pay for taking his sister away from him, but he knew if he ever had a chance to avenge her, he couldn't because it would break the heart of the one woman his ever loved with every fiber of his being because as much as it unnerves him to no end, he knew each and every man in this room, is her family and he could never do anything that would hurt her in any way. So instead of fighting an obvious losing battle, he had decided to bury his sister with the man he loathed with cell in his body, not because he was petrified about the not so empty threat Giovanni had made, but because he knew it's what the love of his life would appreciate, he did it for her, for no other reason.

Joshua knew something was going to happen today, it was obvious judging by all the armed guards that stood as soldiers guarding the grounds all around the Mansion, not to mention all the FBI and NYPD cars that was parked down the road on either side of it, outside of the entrance Gates of this "Castle", the way Joshua saw the place as. From what his been told, this is some kind of a turf war between the Italians and some unknown Mafia and he could feel it in his bones, that today would probably turn into another blood bath, which is why he decided to stay close to the sisters, Kiara and Ziara, Because they were the only two people he actually gave a shit about.

Joshua worries about Kiara because of the way she's acting, he knew her better than most, he thought. He knew she was silently breaking apart on the inside and he would make damn sure his close to her when she falls apart. While Joshua had his gaze intently fixed on Kiara, Ziara sat glowering at her sister, Joshua knew why but decided just for today to ignore her, but at the same time knew he would stay close because the explosion that's definitely going to go off today, could be the day that will not just break everyone's hearts, but will break friendships, and relationships between a few of the people in this very room.

"Kia, James asked for you to get to the entrance, the carriage is about to arrive any minute now" Joshua was brought out of his thoughts by Aurora who was addressing Kiara.

"That's okay, I'll wait here" Kiara said and everyone in hearing distance was taken aback by her reply and gasps and whispers could be heard all around the room, instantly. "Could you please inform Gio, so he can let everyone know?" Kiara continued, oblivious to the attention she had just attracted by her previous response and Aurora only nodded with a sympathetic look towards Kiara Because it was obvious to her that she was in fact in denial about her husband's death, just like Giovanni had told them earlier this morning.

"No problem, do you need me to get you anything?" Aurora asked her while at the same time throwing daggers with her death glares toward the onlookers who gave Kiara disbelieving looks while murmuring to one another.

"No, no I'm fine thanks" Kiara said to Aurora with a smile and then she turned to Gabriella. "Do you need anything? A glass of water perhaps?" Kiara asked Gabriella who shook her head and turned to look at Aurora with bloodshot eyes.

"Whiskey" was all Gabriella said and Aurora only nodded and walked away towards Giovanni.

"James said the carriage will be here soon and Kiara doesn't want to go out, she said I should tell you to inform the others" Aurora said to Giovanni and he shook his head with sign but before he could respond Aurora continued. "Gabby is asking for whiskey, should I give her a glass?" Aurora asked unsurely because Giovanni wasn't pleased when he saw her downing drink after drink at the estate.

"No I'll take care of her, could you sit with Kiara?" Giovanni asked Aurora who nodded her head and then he turned to Elijah. "Inform the men so everyone can move out, Dante isn't coming so get a replacement for him to help carry the coffin and make sure all the pallbearers are outside and ready, remember Steph is first, I won't be long"

Giovanni said to Elijah who hadn't said much all morning, and again he only nodded and after glancing one more time in Kiara's direction, walked off without a word. Giovanni only shook his head and signed, he too needed to grief but couldn't even think of doing such a thing, as it looked like he was the only level headed one apart from Aurora who has been a great help to him all morning, but even then he wished this day would just end so he can drown himself in self pity and have a moment to actually mourn and grief the family he too had lost.

Meanwhile three hours away, at the Romano estate, Dante sat flat on the floor, crossed legs with his nieces Alessandra and Isabella who sat opposite him, both grinning up at him while their brother Alessandro, stood on the far end corner of the room, arms crossed glaring at the side of Dante's head and then shifting the same glare at his siblings heads, very upset with the three people in the room with him.

"Al, come sit with us or I won't be telling you the story" Dante said not taking his eyes off his nieces because he knew all too well that the two were up to something.

Ever since he walked into the play room, they have been staring at him with a grin on their faces, and Alessandra would whisper something into Isabella's ear every few seconds, which led Dante to sit right opposite them with narrowed eyes, trying to make them talk to him by bribing them with a story, something all the kids love to hear from their uncle, which he knew and he was confident it would make them talk, eventually. But much to Dante's dismay, Alessandro was not falling for it and got very angry when his siblings did not want to play with him, and wanted to hear the story instead, and as sharp as Alessandro is, he knew that they would tell and he knew his Uncle was not suppose to know the little secret their nonna (Grandma) asked them to keep.

"No! I don't want a story" Alessandro said in his serious voice, one Dante knew all too well and he immediately stood and went to the corner Alessandro was standing in, and crouched infront of him.

"What's up buddy? Do you not want me here?" Dante asked Alessandro sadly and the little boy's glare only deepened as he lowered his head and puckered his lips, puffed out his little chest for emphasis on his anger towards his Uncle, whom still didn't have a clue as to why that was.

"Come on, talk to me man" Dante said pouting, even though he knew all too well that his nephew took after his brother and his pouting would not work on this little Devil, as Dante would at times refer to Alessandro as.

"No go away" Alessandro said in his small voice, showing his stubborn side, the side Dante was not sure if he inherited from his father or mother, maybe even both, which would explain why both Alessandro and Alessandra was known as little devils in their uncle's opinion.

"I'm not going anywhere, you're stuck with me ALL....DAY!" Dante said dragging out the last two words with a grin on his face and not surprising to him only worked on the two little princesses who he had not noticed had moved closer to them, giggling at their uncle's antics.

"What if we all played with you? Would you talk to me then?" Dante tried again and the little boy only shook his head, still with the puckered lips and glare.

"Fine! Then I guess I'll have to treat your sisters with some chocolate Ice cream" he said and the girls both screamed "yay", while clapping their little hands and jumping up and down. "Oh let me not forget the chocolate sauce and sprinkles" Dante continued excitedly knowing he had Alessandro's attention.

Dante looked at the girls but secretly glanced at Alessandro from the corner of his eyes. He watched as the little boy lifted his head and the excitement was evident in his eyes as he stared at the side of his uncle's head. Everyone knew at the estate, that chocolate Ice cream always worked on Alessandro, that he inherited from his mother whom will have chocolate on basically ANYTHING and she too loves Ice cream more than anything. Dante then turned back to Alessandro trying very hard to hide his satisfied grin while he addressed his little devil.

"Sooooo, will you talk to me if I take you with to the kitchen for some yummy ice cream" Dante asked Alessandro with a raised eye brow, he knew all too well he had his full attention, but the stubborn little boy only nodded with a small smile but still have not said a word or shown the same enthusiastic excitement as his siblings.

"Then climb aboard the amazing Tommy train and we'll be off" Dante said changing his voice and fist bumping the air for emphasis, excitedly. And much to Dante's annoyance the little boy's face changed instantly and his eyes narrowed, and lips turned into somewhat of snarl, and Dante's breath hissed as he looked so much like his father just then and Dante took a few seconds to register what the little boy had just said.

"No! I can walk!" Alessandro had responded stubbornly, too stubborn for his age of 5 and a half years, Dante thought.

"Fine then you'll have no ice cream, you wait here an we'll..." Dante said dragging out the last part while using his arm to indicate to the girls and himself in a circular motion. "Go to the kitchen and enjoy some chocolaty chocolate GOODNESS" Dante said turning his back to Alessandro and waiting for a few seconds, intentionally, before he spoke to he girls, but was cut off before he could utter out a single word.

"Okay..." He heard a soft reply from his nephew before he felt little arms wrap around his neck and Dante grinned from ear to ear, mentally shouting "YES", because he knew his little method always worked on his nephew, something that always annoyed his brother to no end.

"ALL ABOARD!!!!" Dante yelled out loud and excitedly, stretching out both his arms to his grinning nieces as soon as he stood, after making sure Alessandro was in place and secured on his back.

"Now the train shall depart...." Dante said in a deep voice, like he always do. "TO THE KITCHEN!!!" Dante continued, shouting this time around and then he started making the train sound with his mouth as he bounced slightly up and down, while moving forward, smiling while doing so as the kids giggled. He felt satisfied as he felt Alessandro too giggle softly, pressing his face into the crook of Dante's neck, giggling silently.

Unknowing to Dante and the three kids, they were being watched from the camera's all around the private wing. They stood with a smile on their faces as they watched Dante with the children, but that quickly disappeared when they figured out the reasons behind Dante's antics towards the kids, they knew he was trying to get them to talk and they stood back watching and listening intently, while at the same time planning their next move, one that hopefully have little no consequences, even if it did, they knew it had to be done, sooner rather than later.

Half an hour later, the four were sitting at the kitchen island each with a bowl of chocolate flavoured Gelato, topped with chocolate sauce and sprinkles, and too sweeten the deal, Dante had added two Oreo cookies in each bowl, which earned him some more excited grins and cheers from all three kids surprisingly to Dante, who sat down next to Alessandro, with the girls on his right side.

"Al" Dante called softly to catch his nephew's attention, as soon as the kitchen fell into a comfortable eating silence, as the kids had started to enjoy their little treat from their uncle. "Can we talk now?" Dante asked cautiously as soon as he had Alessandro's attention and he swore he saw his nephew sign, and he almost shook his head in disbelief but he noticed Alessandro drop the spoon back into his bowl of ice cream and lowered his head, almost looking torn in Dante's opinion.

"Nonna said it's a secret" Alessandra answered instead, for her brother. This made Dante think.

Dante knew all he had to do was push one more time and Alessandro would crack, or his twin would feel for him and spill her guts, but he also knew that would be wrong of him to do, since the kids was clearly sworn to secrecy and he didn't want them to feel as if they have upset their nonna, meaning Clarissa. He knew she meant the world to the kids and he didn't want to be the reason they feel sad, especially today of all days, just because he drilled them for a secret that might not even be of importance to him as he had suspected.

"That's alright buddy, you enjoy your gelato, and then we'll all go play before it's lunch time, sì?" He asked Alessandro who lifted his head immediately, looking relieved in some strange way in Dante's eyes, which made him let out a chuckle as he ruffled his nephew's hair.

As the kids moaned their enjoyment of the ice cream, an idea came to Dante, one he almost slapped himself for not thinking of it sooner. Dante remembered the surveillance all around the estate, but what had slipped his mind was that Stephano had hidden cameras placed in each of the kids' bedrooms as well as their play room, for safety and security purposes, Stephano use to defend. Only a few knew of this but only Stephano, Dante, Elijah and Giovanni was able to access those footages which was put in place a few days after Simon, a past trader of the family, someone Stephano use to trust but was betrayed by.

Dante nearly slapped himself for not thinking of checking those footages first, instead of questioning little kids for answers and instantly made a mental note to do so once he put the kids down for their afternoon nap. Dante knew he didn't even need to go into the surveillance room, all he needed was his brothers lap top, which he was sure would either be in his home office or his bedroom and he'll be set to rewind the footage of this morning and watch and listen to everything that happened this morning, mostly those that involves Clarissa and the kids, because he knew that Clarissa was hiding something, and he feels she was burdening his young nieces and nephew with this secret, the only thing his hoping for now, is that whatever it is, that it's not something bad, something that would lead to the kids losing their nonna. (Granny)

Back at the mansion, Giovanni had moved towards Gabriella and asked her to come with him. He knew that he needed her to get a hold of a herself, he knows she's hurting and mourning but he knew if she continued like this, it would become a problem because her leaning on alcohol only led her into causing scenes or crying hysterically, ever so often out of the blue. He felt for her, secretly both had feelings towards one another but knew neither would or could act on them and neither did they ever even try to, not to mention the fact that he felt for someone else too, someone he had no business feeling for, and was not sure whom he felt for more... the other woman or Gabriella, not that it mattered any how.

But seeing Gabriella this way, all he wanted to do was hold her and do everything in his power to take away her pain, maybe even cast it onto himself, so she wouldn't hurt a second longer. So when he got her out of the living room and up the stairs, so they could have a moment alone, he pulled her towards the first available room he got and he practically pulled her inside.

"I need a drink" was the first thing Gabriella said as soon as Giovanni closed the door behind them.

"Gabby, I know this is hard, but I need you to please stay level headed just until the funeral is over, then I promise you, I'll be with you to help you through this, but for now I need to focus on making sure everything run smoothly, but I can't do that when I'm worried about you, so please don't drink anymore... If you want, you can stick by me and I'll take care of you but please don't go down that road, Steph and your dad wouldn't have wanted that" Giovanni said getting straight to the point, knowing he didn't have much time, since everyone is probably waiting on him as he is one of the pallbearers that's suppose to carry Stephano, Antonio and Dimitri's coffins into the mansion, since all the high ranked men are suppose to carry the coffin into the mansion, known as a place each man hold sacred.

"What are you trying to say?" Gabriella asked in a snippy tone of voice, affectively pulling Giovanni out of his thoughts. "Has it become a problem that I choose to relay on a drink to get me through THE most difficult time of my ENTIRE EXISTENCE, you know since I lost BOTH my parents AND my brother, all at once?!" Gabriella snapped, emphasizing certain words by raising her voice, taking Giovanni by complete surprise because apart from the little spat she had with Dante this morning, this was the first time he had seen Gabriella like this.

"Everyone are so quick to glance my way for the way I choose to deal with my pain of losing my whole fucking family but no one so much as bat an eyelash in Kiara's direction, whom by the way acts as if she could care less that her husband is dead! But me drinking, not partying but drinking my fucking self pity away or at least trying to numb my pain, is a fucking problem!" Gabriella continued, seemingly getting more worked up the more she spoke.

Giovanni knew she had not meant anything she had just said about Kiara, even though some might agree with what Gabriella had just spat in anger, he knew she didn't believe it to be true. He knew she's a bit tipsy and grief-stricken, which in reality is a deadly combination, in Giovanni's opinion. So he listened and waited for her to let it all out before he decided to speak and correct her, even though he knew she might not be in the right state of mind to listen to reason.

"Gabs, that's not what I was saying. What I meant was... I think if you continue drinking, you might end up regretting it later on because you'll be intoxicated and had not had a clear head when you had the chance to say your final good-byes to your parents and brother. I'm not saying that it's a problem if you continue, hell I myself would kill for a drink but I can't, I respect your brother too much to get shitfaced the day I'm suppose to pay my last respects to him and I know you respect him that much too, I just wanted to help you remember that because I would hate it if you end up regretting your actions.

"And as for Kiara, we both know she is in denial. Believing that he would by some miracle rise from the dead or some shit like that, but that is her way of trying to NOT deal with her own grief, but what I do know is that she will eventually break, and I have a strong feeling it'll be today, and I need you to be clear headed when that does happen because it'll be the way it was for you the day you found out, that's how it'll hit her and she will need you by her side, someone that can relate, someone that doesn't need to imagine that pain and agony she will be facing.

"So if you won't do it for yourself or for the memory of you parents and brother, then do it for the family you still have left, which so happens to be Kiara, her kids and Dante, whom you already fought with on this fucked up day because you had a few. You must remember you're not the only one hurting, he too lost his father, brother AND best friend. And Kiara lost her husband, the father of her three children, excluding the ones she's carrying, so imagine her agony when this finally hits her" Giovanni spoke straight and softly to Gabriella, so much so that Gabriella listened with tears rolling down her beautiful cheeks, making the ache Giovanni had only intensify.

Without thinking, Giovanni reached out to Gabriella's left cheek, using his thumb he wiped the tears away while at the same time lifting his left arm and cupping her right cheek and again using his thumb he brushed the tears away. For a moment the two stood frozen, dazed, lost in each other's eyes, everything around them disappeared, it was a moment some would have called "THE MOMENT", in Giovanni's mind but as soon as the thought came, he dismissed it but yet could not stop himself as he continued to caress her cheeks and stared deep into her eyes.

Both inched closer as the seconds ticked by, both wanting... No! Both needing to taste the other's lips, ones both have fantasized about tasting since the day they met but never was willing to admit it. Giovanni held his breath, his heart was beating rapidly, the excitement of what was about to finally happened could be felt throughout his entire body, painfully in some parts he wished not to even think about.

While Gabriella's heart stopped, her mouth parted, eagerly awaiting to taste the man she had deep feelings for but in some sick way refused to acknowledge them. Her stomach twisted in knots, her breathing became erratic, in her mind it was just as described in romance novel, which now she was certain was not all fiction after all, Because at this very moment she felt all those tingly, exhilarating feelings and he had not even sealed the deal yet.

Giovanni wanted to just yell out "fuck it", and slam Gabriella into the nearest wall and worship every inch of her god-like body, starting with her luscious plumped lips, before moving to her undeniably gorgeous, positively delectable, hourglass body, one he had fantasized about running his hands AND tongue all over, for soo long but never had the opportunity to do so and here it was practically handed to him on a platter. He knew all he had to do was capture her lips and she'd be HIS, His to taste, his to enjoy, his to claim! But then his brain kicked in, and with all the strength he could muster, he sized his actions, blinked a few times as to try and snap out of his daze, because in that second that his brain had started up again, he knew that if he did this, now, she or maybe even both of them might end up regretting it, due to the fact that everything that's happening today, both were not in the right state of mind.

Granted he knew Gabriella had some kind of a crush on him, but then again she always acted as if it was nothing but a deep friendship, so he couldn't be sure, and as much as he always wanted to taste her, wanted to worship her, wanted to claim her as his own, he knew it would be unfair towards her, not only because he thinks he has feelings for another as well but because he feels if it happened today or any other day in the near future, it'll be him taking advantage of her in the state that she's currently in, and that... IS NOT HOW HE OPERATES!

"Gabs..." He said and he watched as she snapped out of her daze and stared at him for a moment and then blinked and turned away, somewhat hurt or ashamed, he wasn't sure which though because she casted her eyes away too quickly for him to be sure.

"It's fine, we should get down there, they're probably waiting for you" she said in her calm and steady voice, too calm in Giovanni's mind and he cursed himself for hurting her, she obviously feels somewhat rejected and maybe even thinks he doesn't want her, oh how wrong she is.

"Gabby, can we talk for second?" He asked her softly, as to show her in some way that he had not meant what she is thinking and Gabriella only shook her head in response and walked out of the room, not sparing him a second glance.

Giovanni stood there for a moment staring at the now wide open door, deep in thought. "Maybe she does have feelings for me that run deeper than she played them off as", Giovanni said to himself followed by a string of curses as he exited the room, running a hand through his hair, while putting the other hand in his trousers pocket, in a way trying hide the still excitement he got from the near kiss, he couldn't help the thought that crossed his mind in doing so, if that was the affect she had on him without even a taste, he can't or didn't even want to imagine what affect she'd have on him, with a kiss or... He shook his head trying to clear those kind of thoughts from his mind, his life is complicated enough, he would only hurt her by involving her into it all.

Giovanni had arrived outside just as the carriage came down the driveway, with the three hearse' behind it and he signed in relief that he had not made anyone wait. They waited for the carriage to come to a complete holt, and then Giovanni, Elijah, Jayden, James, Sam and Paul stepped forward as the pallbearers for the first three coffins, starting with Stephano, followed by Antonio then Dimitri, then they'd bring in Caterina, but instead of Paul and Sam carrying again with other four, it'll be Gabriella and Giorgia carrying along side them. And Joshua, alongside Ziara, Matthew, and three of Melody's friend's from work would carry Melody's coffin inside, since both Aurora and Kiara was forbidden to carry since both are with child. And just as the embalmer had arranged it, everything went on time and with the utmost respect and grace, she made sure of it!

(You raise me up - By Josh Grogan)

Inside the mansion the coffins stood beside each other, infront of the ten by ten rows of chairs where the close family and friends would sit, the three mens coffins in the middle and the two female coffins on the end of each side, and of course Stephano's coffin is smack in the middle, his father Antonio and brother Dimitri on either side of him. Giovanni noticed when they carried Stephano's body in that Kiara was not sitting at the sitting room any longer and when they placed his coffin where he was suppose to be on some makeshift stage in front, he saw she wasn't in there either, but Aurora sat right in front and had gestured to the bathroom, seemingly to notice the worry expression on his face.

But as they brought Caterina in, whom was the last they had to carry in, she still was not back yet, but he waited, not wanting to disrespect Joshua and their family as they brought Melody's body in, as soon as the other pallbearers took their seat, he immediately moved towards the hallway so he could get to the bathroom just opposite the living room where Aurora had indicated she would be in.

But as he exited the living room, he could see the bathroom door wide open, and he immediately started panicking and rushed around while texting Elijah so he could have someone watch out for her or help him look. But as he slid his phone back in his pocket and found the kitchen empty and was about to check the outside but he stopped and turned back around as the only place he knew for certain she would go to, came to mind... Stephano's bedroom here at the mansion.

So Giovanni made his way up the stairs, down the hallway and then pushed the heavy dark wood door open, peeked over the staircase and he saw her sitting on the bed, lost, so he made his way down the stairs in Stephano's room and walked slowly towards her, and without a word he sat down next to her. If she knew he was in the room, she didn't show it because she just continued sitting there, lost in thought, her face showed no emotion which made it difficult for Giovanni to try an figure out where she's at, if she's about to break, or if she's angry, or if she's just broken, he could not read her, so he kept quiet, not wanting to say anything that would upset her.

"You know the first time I came to this place, Steph had me locked in here for four days straight" Kiara said after a few minutes of silence, with a small smile on her face but Giovanni saw the unshed tears building in her eyes and gritted his teeth because she was finally starting to show some kind of emotion, tugging at his heart while doing so.

"I was so mad at him for keeping me locked in here because all I wanted to do was explore the place" she said with a light giggle, shaking her head, almost as if she was replaying the memory and he only watched her, not saying a word, knowing that's not what she needed from him at the moment.

"I know you came looking for me because they want to start the ceremony but when I heard that annoying band start up, I knew you were bringing... Him.... Bringing them in" she says and then takes a deep breath. "I just couldn't do it, I couldn't... I couldn't just sit there and watch you all carry those God-awful boxes in, I hate coffins and caskets, who wants to be buried in a damn box, six feet under the ground?" She asked but he knew she wasn't directing the question at him, so he stayed silent.

"I'm afraid..." She finally whispers after that little outburst, and without a word he wrapped his one arm around her and pulled her closer to him, laying her head on his shoulder. "What if I lose it? What if it's really him and..and I.. don't know how to say goodbye? How do I say good-bye Gio?" She asked and he sucked in a breath, not really knowing how to answer that question. Giovanni thought to himself, if there ever was a difficult question, then this one would be a hundred times harder and near to impossible to answer, for him at least.

"Honestly? I have no fucking idea" he answered with an awkward chuckle before he continued.

"But what I do know is that we never really say goodbye, because when we lose someone we love, they're always with us. He will always be with you, in here" Giovanni said pointing to his chest, right where his heart is. "And we both know how obsessed that fucker is with you and you can believe he'll be following you everywhere you go, for the rest of your life, he'll never be gone, he'll always watch over you and the kids, I'm sure of it" Giovanni said.

He silently hoping that his at last getting through to her, or getting her close to the truth because she needed to mourn, in his opinion this isn't healthy, mentally and emotionally. He waited for her to say something, anything but instead, she lifted her head off his shoulder and stood from the bed with a thoughtful look on her face and he mentally prepared himself for what he knew she was about to ask or say, knowing it'll be hard for her to even utter the words but he waited, holding her gaze, as if his willing her to say it.

"His really..." She started but cut herself off with a sharp in take of breath but he kept his gaze intently on her, not saying a word, waiting... "His dead isn't he?" She asked now with a more steady voice, almost robotic.

Now it was his turn to take a sharp in take of breath, knowing she did it, to him it was progress, something that didn't go unnoticed by Kiara as she watched him, he nodded slightly with a pained look on his face so agonizing that she couldn't handle it and turn her gaze away, turning her back on him. Giovanni saw the emotion flash over her eyes, he didn't mean to show her his true feelings, but when she looked at him in that way, almost hopeful he couldn't mask his pain and as soon as his mask fell, she saw right through him, he could see it in her eyes and she looked away instantly and he waited.

Straightening his back, clenching his jaw and fists, knowing the pain that is about to erupt through her, because this was the moment he dreaded would come eventually. He expected her to fall apart at any moment, he watched her every move, even though there were none as she stood with her back towards him, not moving, short, fast breaths was all she took but stood as still as a statue. He waited for her to fall to her knees, or to burst into a hysterical sob, or even to get angry at him or at any of the objects in the room but what he had not expected was for her to take a deep audible breath, turn around to face him with a straight face, no smile, no tears, NOTHING... It shook him to the core!

"We better head back, I'm sure they're getting impatient" she said to him emotionless, reaching for her hand bag which was on the bed, then she straightened her dress and headed for the stairs, almost elegantly, leaving Giovanni there shocked but as soon as her heals hit the iron steps of the stairs, he jolted out of his shocked state, cleared his throat and followed close behind her, without a word, knowing that she needed to speak to someone, he knew now that Kiara wasn't the Kiara he knew, she is lost, and his dreading the fact that maybe when Stephano died, she died with him.

He followed behind Kiara, only a step away, silently still waiting for the breakdown, if he was honest with himself, he would admit that he was hoping she would breakdown but no such luck as they made there way down the main staircase and into the hallway, but that soon change when they entered the living room, the coffins in view and as they stepped forward to make their way past the rest of the guests, to get to the front row seats, he noticed how her legs buckled and she nearly tripped but caught herself just as Giovanni was about to reach forward to catch her.

She stopped and tried to steady herself, he noticed how she kept her head straight ahead, and as painful as it is, he too looked straight only to find Stephano's coffin in the line of the path that were made for the guest to easily walk through to get to the front. When he turned his head back to Kiara, knowing what made her steps faultered, he could see the slow pace of her steps, and the way her legs were wobbling, if you didn't know the situation, you would think she had a few too many, an officer would have demanded a breathalyzer, if it were anywhere else that is, Giovanni mused, seemingly trying to distract his own emotions.

He was snapped out of it by gasps and murmurings that broke out all at the same time, as soft as it were, it seemed too loud in the silence of the room. Which alerted Giovanni and when he turned to Kiara, whom he knew would be the reason for the sudden noise the room had erupted in and when he did he saw her standing by Stephan's coffin, just standing there with her left hand on top of it.

He wasn't sure if he should move to her side or just give her the moment she clearly needs but that decision was quickly made for him, before he could even ponder on it, as Kiara broke out in a broken, heart-wrenching sob and he closed his eyes and then reopened them, casting his gaze over to the first row, only to find each and everyone of them in tears as well, feeling her pain along with her.

Giovanni let her cry, and so did everyone else as she leaned forward and kissed his coffin, only then did he move forward, as it seemed like she was struggling to get back up, but he stopped  when he saw her laying her head on top of the coffin, crying and talking to him at the same time and Giovanni could no longer swallow down the lump as his tears too started falling, and he turned away from her just as Aurora stood and stepped closer to her, to comfort her, something Giovanni knew he couldn't do at this moment because he wouldn't know what to say, or what to do to ease her pain, he couldn't possibly know how to make this better, as much as he wanted to there was nothing he could do but watch her break apart with regret because he wished for this to happen, thinking it's what she needed but maybe he was wrong, denial might be the best in some cases, he thought.

An hour later the Italian priest, one who knew the Romano's very well had the ceremony kicked off with a prayer and religious passages he had prepared to read, as well as tell a few stories of Stephano and Antonio from the time they lived in Italy. The priest was asked here, not because the men in the room or the men they burying today we're religious but it all mostly was arranged out of respect for Antonio whom was a dear friend of the priest.

The first to speak after the priest was Gabriella, who had expressed her love for those she had lost, she was then followed by Martha, Melody's mother, but had to be replaced by her brother Joshua because Martha had a difficult time expressing her love towards her now deceased daughter. Thus the reason why Joshua had to take over, he told funny childhood stories of his sister, not being prepared to speak, he only expressed his love for her and how she would be missed. He was followed by Giorgia, whom  was asked to prepare a poem for the service at the mansion and Aurora whose to read another poem at the graveyard, per Giovanni's request.

"Morning everyone, I was asked to read a poem, one my beautiful best friend, well in most ways sister had helped me with, Aurora" Giorgia started with a small smile directed towards Aurora. "I'll be reading Away by. James Whitcomb Riley.

I cannot say, and I will not say
That he is dead. He is just away.
With a cheery smile, and a wave of the
He has wandered into an unknown land
And left us dreaming how very fair
It needs must be, since he lingers there.
And you - oh you, which the wildest yearn
For an old-time step, and the glad
Think of him faring on, as dear
In the love of There as the love of Here.
Think of him still as the same. I say,
He is not dead - he is just away."

After Giorgia read her poem she walked off the podium and took her seat next to Aurora. None of the guys wanted to speak, not Elijah, nor Giovanni, not even Jayden whom snuck in just as the service begun and stood in the corner with clenched teeth and clenched fists. They weren't sure if they were suppose to ask Kiara if she wanted to say anything before they proceeded to the graveyard, since each and every close friend of hers knew very well that she had no eulogy prepared because up until an hour ago, she did not believe he was dead but Kiara surprised them all by standing up, with shaky legs, and trembling hands, Kiara walked to the front clutching a tissue in her hand, like it was her lifeline.

"Hi..." Kiara started with a whisper before blowing her nose, then swallowed down the lump in her throat before turning her facial expression blank, void of any emotion, as each and every loved one in front of her looked at her sympathetically and because of this, she took a sharp shaky in take of breath before continuing, choosing to look straight ahead, avoiding eye contact with anyone in front of her and stared at the bouquet of colorful roses, which stood on a stand at the entryway of the living, in a beautiful Ombre Vase.

"To memorialize my husband in front of all of you, is not something I planned on. So I'm just going to wing it" she says, pulling a chuckle out of a few. "I want to thank you all for being here today, most of you probably know, my husband would have been annoyed seeing you all here out of respect for him but I know deep down he would have loved to see us all here together, no matter how much he would've tried to deny it" she says with a smile on her face, some did the same while others let out another chuckle.

"His hard-working nature, opinionated, giving and disciplinarian aspects of his personality makes us all love him, even with his brute ways. He was an amazing man, such a supportive person, my steadfast rock, an irreplaceable part of my heart. Like all other couples, Stephano and I did not have a perfect marriage. We'd get into fights, arguments, small debates. Sometimes we'd scream, sometimes we'd cry or sometimes we'd just hold each. We were imperfectly perfect together.

"We had this rule never to go to bed angry and boy did that man stick to that rule, no matter how I tried at times to just stay mad at him, he would fight me to talk to him, if that didn't work, he would tease me, something he knew always got to me but if it that didn't work either, he'd do or say things unintentionally out of frustration, but then those little things would be the things that would soften me and in those little moment he would steal my heart all over again, that's something Stephano did well, he stole my heart everyday, without even needing to try, it just came naturally to him" Kiara said smiling, wiping the tears away that had escaped.

"I could stand here for days describing to you what an amazing husband and father Stephano was, what an extraordinary human being he was but even then it wouldn't be enough. As many of you probably know by now, my husband's death has still yet to strike me completely, some might think it's due to shock, others due to denial, both of which I would agree to. But I know Steph would have called it infinity. Never ending. Immortal. Freedom. Reasons for this is because he would have seen it as a monstrous joy, where I would live with no limitations, with out children. You see Stephano was very possessive, over protective and at times, much to my dismay, overbearing" she says with a light giggle, everyone joined in.

"He was definitely a leader. He loved being in charge and in control, of any and every situation. Leading the family came naturally easy for him because he was a born leader, born to be followed, obeyed and respect. He'd at times joke and call me a Queen because he was a King, no, sorry, I got that wrong, he would call himself THE KING, but if we think about it, in more ways than one, he was a true King, an amazing King with a sense of caring generosity in him.

"But when he was with me, our kids and his brothers, Steph had this different personally, one not many have had the privilege to see, one not many even knew he had. He had the ability to have a witty comeback for almost any conversation, something that he definitely passed on to everyone in the family. You never knew what little pun he had just waiting for the conversation, but you knew there would be one, followed by that smile and laugh... And let's not forget that oh so smug smirk you just knew he loved to show off" Kiara said with a smile but it changed quickly to sad and broken one, the tears started falling as she spoke the last bit.

"Sorry..." She said with another smile, wiping her tears, knowing she needed to conclude her eulogy. "Anyway, I can't keep you all here for much longer, I just wanted you to know the type of man my husband was, how his smile would warm my heart, how his laugh was music to my ears. How special he was, how much he meant to his family, to me and especially to our children...

"How he could brighten up the darkest day. I would give absolutely anything to have him stand here with me today. Not a second will pass that he will not be on my mind. His love I will never forget, his sudden departure I will never forgive... I'll.. I'll...nev..never... Forgive... you..ste" Kiara was saying through her sobs, not able to finish her last sentence as the sob broke completely and cried and Giovanni stood immediately pulling her away from the podium and into his arms, letting her cry, while keeping his eyes on her sister Ziara, whom had yet to comfort Kiara, which he found odd, since he couldn't remember the two being at odds with one another and this should have been the time they should lean on each other, he made a mental note to have a word with her later on, because she have weirdly not left Joshua's side since they arrived, together!

Aurora's POV

It breaks my heart to see Kiara this broken, it took me a few long minutes to calm her down. By the time her crying had subsided, most of the men had already gone to the graveyard, leaving only the close family and friends behind, with the coffins. As we made our way towards the entrance of the living room, Kiara stopped at the vase of roses and removed two white roses, two yellow and one red rose and clutched it to her chest, I'm guessing she's going to use those at the graveyard to place them on their coffins, judging by the amount she took.

I'm a bit worried about Dante who decided not to attend today, because this is the final day he gets to pay his last respects to his father, brother and best friend. I'm afraid he'll regret this hasty decision for the rest of his life, one he cannot take back or change and now that we're about to leave the mansion, and his still not here, saddens me because I was hoping he'd change his mind by now as I'm standing outside the mansion, looking at all the SUV's that's suppose to be driving us the couple of miles to the graveyard, I can't help but wish he would just appear, something he has a nack in doing, being exactly where his needed on the exact time without even being asked or told to do so.

Kiara, Giovanni, Gabriella and myself got in one SUV together, while the others got in the other four SUV's and we drove off, not leaving through the main gates of the mansion but drove around it and down a dirt road of some sorts, that leads through the hundreds of beautiful green trees. Kiara is sitting next to me silently staring out the window lost in her own thoughts. I cannot even begin to imagine the agonising pain she must be feeling, knowing this would be her last time she get to say goodbye to the love of her life.

I don't even know if I would be that strong because she never even got a chance to see him one last time, kiss him, or say her goodbyes in the hospital, due to the fact that he died before she even had a chance to see him, or speak to him one last time, that is probably what makes this even worse because he was not suppose to go that way. No one wants their loved ones to die by a gun, to be taken from us by a vicious murderer, an enemy, someone with no reason to take a man from his family. It's times like these that I'm damn glad to have been born poor, from a poor family, because these amazing beautiful hearted people lost their lives because of a man's greed for power. How sick is that?

Suddenly the car stopped with a jerk, snapping me out of my thoughts and when I looked around we were in the middle of the graveyard. I had not even realized we were already here, or the fact that it only took a few minutes to get here. Both doors were opened on both sides of the backseats by James and Sam, who was in the driver's and passenger's seats. As soon as I got out of the car, I took a few seconds to glance around, everywhere I looked were tombstones and headstones, some looked older and some looked fairly new, but there were hundreds of them.


I was just about to ask Giovanni whether we are suppose to stand here or make our way forward towards the gravesite, where most of the family was, apart from the hundreds of men that stood armed scattered all around the graveyard, everywhere I looked I saw a man in a crisp black suit with a rifle in hand, when I noticed the carriage approaching with Hearse' behind it and I swallowed as Giovanni and the other guys moved forward, silently towards the carriage. It's time to carry them to their final resting place... And they did just that, carrying them one after the other Giovanni, Elijah, James, Luigi, Alfred and Chris, carrying Steph's coffin this time.

As soon as the last coffin was set down, Kiara, Gia, Gabriella and myself made our way through the throngs of men to the front where the gravesites are, side by side, this time though Steph's coffin was placed in between his father's and Dimitri's but Kiara decided to move to Melody's first where all her family, work colleague and friends stood.

When we got there we hugged Joshua and then his mother, Kiara spoke silently to both, I couldn't hear what she said because I was to busy staring at Ziara who for some unknown reason, stood next to Joshua sending death glares toward Kiara, weird... But Kiara was oblivious to this and moved towards Melody's coffin and bend down and kissed her coffin, silently crying, with the yellow rose in hand, Melody's favourite.

Kiara did the same at Caterina's coffin, as well as Dimitri's and so did I. But when she got to Antonio's she sobbed and spoke quietly to him, mostly about how much the kids will miss him and how much she'll miss him and how sorry she is that he won't get to meet his grandchildren that are on the way. Everyone stood quietly watching her and letting her mourn, each and every man had their heads bowed, in respect, no once lifting their heads, it's amazing how many of his men respected him and idolized him. As soon as Kiara made it to Steph's coffin, it was like everyone held their breaths, not able to stand it anymore longer, I decided now would probably be the best time to read the poem, before the priest blesses their coffins and it gets lowered into ground.

"Good morning everyone, I know some of you might not know me, but I'm Aurora" I said loudly and lamely might I add, just so I could catch everyone's attention. "I was asked by Giovanni as well as Kiara to say a few words before we proceed with the last prayer, but I decided to read a poem instead, something that is for all the loved ones we are parting with today. I'll be reading The Broken Chain written by Ron Tranmer.

"We little knew that day,
God was going to call your name.
In life we loved you dearly,
In death, we do the same.

It broke our hearts to lose you.
You did not go alone.
For part of us went with you,
The day God called you home.

You left us beautiful memories,
Your love is still our guide.
And although we cannot see you,
You are always at our side.

Our family chain is broken.
And nothing seems the same,
But as God calls us one by one,
The chain will link again."

Just as I finished, the priest stepped forward and immediately asked everyone to bow their heads and he said a prayer and as soon as everyone said Amen with priest,  I opened my eyes, only to find Ziara right next Kiara and myself, with the most deadliest look in her eyes and I knew this is gonna be trouble, again. And it would seem Giovanni saw the same things, as he too stepped closer, in fact he came to stand in between Ziara and Kiara, whom has not yet noticed her sister.

"Are you happy?" Ziara asked in a snarl.

"What?" Kiara asked just above a whisper, confusedly, as confused as everyone else in hearing distance, including myself because that is a stupid fucking question to ask someone who is about to bury her husband.

"You heard me! Are you happy because all of this is your fucking fault!" Ziara said even louder this time, the last few words she spoke through gritted teeth, shocking me and by the looks of Kiara, who looked just as shocked and taken aback by what her OWN DAMN SISTER had just said.

"Ziara!" Giovanni hissed at her with a disgusted look on his face, grabbing her arm, which she of course instantly pulled out of.

"Stay the fuck out of this!" She hissed at him.

"What the fuck is your problem huh?!" I asked, deciding to step in because Kiara still looked a bit lost, confused and hurt, and I didn't want Gio to do something he'll regret, judging by the way his gritting his teeth.

"You shouldn't even speak, you're no better!" She hissed at me before turning back to a stunned looking Kiara. "If you hadn't fucked that lowlife all them years ago, then Mel would have never been on that beach! This is all your fault, but what do you care right? They got you two to safety, LEAVING US THERE WITH BULLETS FLYING EVERYWHERE!" Zee shouted, moving closer to Kiara and the pained look she had on her face, showed how deeply that had just cut her.

"Ziara if you do not get the fuck away from here, I will drag your ass out of here! Don't fuck with me today!" Giovanni said before anyone could say anything but Kiara lifted her hand, stopping Gio from taking Zee away as he grabbed her arm roughly. Without saying anything Kiara slapped Zee through the face, I knew it was coming.

"HOW DARE YOU!" Kiara barked at Zee, the pain written all over her face. "This is my husband's burial and you choose today to play your USUAL BLAME GAME?! YOU ARE UN-FUCKEN-BELIEVABLE!!!" Kiara shouted with tears running down her face and I only shook my head because it's so damn typical of Zee to throw blame at innocent people, but THIS, this is just fucking low!

"You are a fucking selfish bitch! You couldn't even let me have this, could you? You couldn't even let me bury my husband without your damn drama!" Kiara said and then wiped her tears away rough. "If I ever hear you call my husband a lowlife ever again, the next funeral we'll be having... IS YOURS!" Kiara gritted out deadly. I have never seen her this dangerously angry. Zee royally fucked up this time, and I'm afraid today she did not just lose one of her friends, she lost her sister too.

"IS THAT SUPPOSED TO SCARE ME, MRS MAFIA BITCH! YO-" Zee was busy shouting trying to move closer to Kiara but Gio's grip on her kept her in place as he cut her off.

"Don't fucking say another word or I swear it'll be your last!" Giovanni gritted out and before anyone could say anything, Joshua came and pulled Gio away from Zee, or at least he tried too as Gio's head snapped his way, and Gio's face turned murderous as he stared Joshua down, Jayden, Francesco, Elijah and James, all stepped closer, this is bad!

"Guys please, this is not the place nor the time! Zee if you have any sense left in that fucking brain of yours, you would leave! NOW!" I said knowing full well how this would turn out, and I do not want this to add to this already painful day, for Kiara.

"Aurora is right, haven't you done enough, do you now want a fight to break out on the day I bury my parents and brother?!" Gabriella spoke up for the first time and I swear I saw regret flashing over Ziara's face but she covered it up quickly.

"Whatever, let's just go Josh but you remember everything that happened here is all on you!" Zee said to Kiara, then pulled her arm roughly out of Gio's hold and he only shook his head and every person around us followed them with their eyes as they made their way through the crowd that came closer when the drama started.

"Fucking selfish bitch!" Kiara hissed softly and then she took a few deep breaths.

The priest who had stood silently at the head of Steph's coffin, called Gio's attention and he tapped his wrist, indicating the time, I think and Gio nodded back. The priest called everyone's attention and then announced he would be delivering the final committal prayer, and everyone moved back to their previous positions, pushing the scene of earlier out of their minds or at least tried to, much like myself. And as soon as everyone said Amen, the priest immediately nodded his head and all four coffins started moving, slowly lowering inch by inch. Instantly Kiara started hyperventilating, alerting both Gio and I but before either of us could say anything, she screamed.

"STOP!!!! DON'T!! NO!!!" She shouted hysterically and Gio lifted his hand and Steph's coffin stopped and she instantly pulled her arms out of our grasp as both Gio and I grabbed her arms. "Let me go!" She gritted out as she pulled herself free and moved closer to his grave with clenched hands, tears streaming down her face uncontrollably.

"I wanted you to know that I am mad at you... I hate you... You left me! AND I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU...EVER!" Kiara yelled brokenly through her tears and then she fell to her knees in front of the coffin which still stood in place, sobbing brokenly with both her hands clutching to the coffin, repeating how much she hates him, causing my own tears to roll down. I can't help but wish we never went to that fucking beach because now look what it had done, it didn't just take our best friend away and all the other loved ones but it also broke Kiara apart as she sat on the ground, clutching his coffin sobbing loudly and brokenly, letting them all rip through her.

(Never forget you - By Mariah Carey)

Hey guys sorry for only updating now but as I explained in the previous chapter, these last 10 chapters will take time because it will all be the longest chapters I've ever written for example, this chapter alone was 11 247 WORDS in total! So yes it'll take time, I try to update at least one chapter a week but I will try harder to get out more even if it is just two 😫 Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it's the last chapter on the sad level, because from the next chapter things will start being revealed, followed by loads of action and then on to the ending 😉 Hope you are excited because I'm ECSTATIC!!!👏 Well that's it, hope you picked up the hints I left, if not I'd suggest rereading the chapter again, you might get lucky 😉 Don't forget to send me your thoughts and theories and PLEASE don't forget to comment and vote.💜



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