collaboration ♡ malum ✓

By skittlesmalum

719K 43.6K 42.4K

collaboration {kəlabəˈreɪʃn/}; the action of working with someone to produce something (for example: videos o... More

00 ➵ Prologue
01 ➵ The Whisper Challenge
02 ➵ The Shock Ball Challenge
03 ➵ Guess That Tweet
04 ➵ The Best Friend Challenge
05 ➵ The Girlfriend Tag
06 ➵ Fuck, Marry, Kill
07 ➵ Question And Answer
08 ➵ Vlog #1
09 ➵ Vlog #2
10 ➵ Vlog #3
11 ➵ The Seven Seconds Challenge
12 ➵ Vlog #4
13 ➵ Vlog #5
14 ➵ Vlog #6
15 ➵ Vlog #7
16 ➵ Update Video + Stalking Fans
17 ➵ The Messy Theme Song Challenge
18 ➵ Vlog #8 + Question And Answer
19 ➵ Vlog #9
20 ➵ Vlog #10
21 ➵ The Photo Booth Challenge
22 ➵ Vlog #11
23 ➵ Vlog #12
24 ➵ Vlog #13
25 ➵ Vlog #14
26 ➵ Punk Edits In Real Life
Character Ask Answers
27 ➵ Vlog #15
29 ➵ Australia Pt. 2
30 ➵ Australia Pt. 3
31 ➵ The Internet Slang Challenge
32 ➵ Vlog #16
33 ➵ Vlog #17
34 ➵ Vlog #18
35 ➵ The Boyfriend Tag
00 ➵ Epilogue

28 ➵ Australia Pt. 1

19.2K 1K 831
By skittlesmalum

Before you start reading I need to clear up some things first.

1) I know that timezones exist and stuff but it's really hard for me to know what the times are exactly, so if I mess up and (probably on purpose) write the wrong times here, I'm sorry. Don't comment on it, just read and enjoy. Also I don't know anything about Perth or airports lmao.

2) The Vlogs that are included in the next Chapters (Australia Pt. 2 & 3) and this one won't be uploaded on the same day as they are filmed. Calum just wants to enjoy the little holiday and won't cut or upload stuff. All the clips will be put together in a big clip and uploaded on his channel when they're back in Los Angeles.

((I sound so professional lmao))

Australia Pt. 1 (Friday + Saturday)


After school ended at around 12pm I tried to get home as soon as possible. 

I still needed to pack for the trip. In math class I already made a list on what I needed to take with me. If I wouldn't have done it I'd probably forget to bring underwear and pants.

At home I got my suitcase and the list and started throwing in everything I wrote down.

"Where's my fucking toothbrush?" I angrily asked myself.

"Probably in the bathroom," my dad laughed, suddenly standing in the door frame.

"Right," I said and got my toothbrush. When I came back to my room dad was sitting on the bed.

"Anything you want to talk about?"

"Kind of," he started. "It's about Calum."

"What about him?" I asked as I folded my shirt and put it in the suitcase.

"Have you done things with him already?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Things? What do you --  oh, oh."

My eyes went wide and I blushed a little bit.

"No, no. We haven't done anything yet. Dad, this is so embarrassing, why are you asking me stuff like this?"

He laughed, "I'm sorry, I didn't want to make you uncomfortable but you know, we avoided this conversation for a really long time. You're almost eighteen."

"Yeah and I already know everything about sex and the diseases you could get. It's okay dad, you don't need to talk to me about this. I know it's making you uncomfortable, too," I explained.

"I know that you know everything about sex, believe me. I walked in a lot of times while you were wanking to gay porn."

"Dad. Shut up, oh my god, please. Is this funny to you or something?"

"To be honest, yeah, it's kind of amusing."

"You're the worst dad ever," I said and groaned in annoyance.

"Please, if I were the worst dad ever then I wouldn't let you fly to Australia with your boyfriend whom we haven't even met yet. Think before you talk," he said and smiled.

"First, Calum is not my boyfriend. Not yet, I mean. Second, that was a joke. I know you're not the worst but this talk was really embarrassing. So, besides you wanting to know if I already did the thing with Calum, anything else you wanted to ask me?"

"No, I just wanted to say some shit like 'do it when you think you're ready' or 'don't feel pressured' but that's lame and you already know this. Just have fun, okay?"

I nodded, "Yeah, I will. Thank you."

He stood up and walked out of the room.

I started packing again and thought about Calum. 

He probably wasn't even ready to have sex with me, that's for sure.

But what if?

No, it was definitely too early.

But what if it does happen while I'm in Australia?


Just get some damn condoms before driving to the airport.

Well, my brain made a decision.

✧ ✧

Buying condoms was harder than I thought it would be.

How the fuck should I know which ones I should take? 

There were too many different sizes and I was scared that I would either take some that are too big or too small. 

Don't worry, you probably won't even get some.

"Shut up," I said to my brain and people gave me weird looks.

No surprise, I was an awkward teenage boy with fucking pink hair in a condom section talking to himself.

Moments like these made me realize how weird I really was. 

After not being able to make up my mind on which ones I should take I just grabbed some and paid.

I went back home and texted Luke.

[to: lukey poo]

calum picks me up in an hour im so excited

[from: lukey poo] 

youre such a lucky little shit 

i wish i was you

like seriously i love your life

while mine just really sucks atm

[to: lukey poo]


[from: lukey poo]

yeah hes so sweet and tries really hard to get me back but he hurt me and idk what to do like i miss his dick and his lips but at the same time i just really hate him

[to: lukey poo]

you dont hate him

talk to him again idk invite him over and just talk 

[from: lukey poo]

yeah maybe idk 

anyway have fun, use condoms and try not to crash the plane ily

[to: lukey poo]

okay ???


✧ ✧

"Michael and I arrived at the airport and now have to go through all the security checking things, I don't even know what they're called," he said and laughed.

"I will probably talk to you again when we arrived in Australia, see you then."

"Security checking things," I mocked him and laughed.

"Oh shut up, you probably don't know the name either," he said.

"True. Security checking thing still sounds kind of funny."

Calum was now staring at me.

"Is something wrong with my face?" I asked.

"No, it's perfect. I just noticed how beautiful your eyes are."

"You're so cheesy," I laughed.

He shrugged, "I know, you just make me really happy."

"I would kiss you but -"

"Do it."

"We're in public. What if there's a fan somewhere?"

He shrugged again, so I leaned over and pecked his lips, leaving a big smile on his face.

✧ ✧

"Fun fact; I've actually never been on a plane before and I'm shitting my pants right now," I admitted.

"Gross," he just said.

"You're stupid. That's the moment where you say cute stuff to me to make me feel better. You're a horrible boyfriend."


It slipped out and I was really scared about his reaction.

"Sorry," Calum said and kissed my cheek.

He didn't even deny it.

I smiled and laid my head on his shoulder, cuddling myself more to him.

The plane took off and I almost pissed my pants but Calum's hand on mine calmed me down a little bit.

The first few hours we were listening to music together. The ladies next to us were kind of annoyed since we whisper-sung every song along.

It got boring, though and I also got really tired.

We watched some random movie, cuddling again and soon I fell asleep.

✧ ✧ (Saturday)

When we arrived at around three in the afternoon a cab drove us to Calum's family house and I almost fell asleep again.

"You've slept the whole flight," Calum chuckled.

"Shut up."

Soon we were at the house. Calum got his and my suitcase because "You're so tired, you would probably trip over the case and fall face first to the ground."

He rung the doorbell and his mum opened.

"Calum? What -- what are you doing here?" she asked surprised.

"Visiting. I didn't forget your birthday which is tomorrow," he answered and smiled, giving his mum a bone crashing hug.

"I'm so happy to see you."

"Same here. Mum? That's Michael," he said and pointed over to me. "I hope it's okay that I brought him."

"Oh, hello Michael. I'm Joy," she said and held out her hand.

"Great to meet you," I said and smiled sleepy, shaking her hand.

"Come in guys, you must be exhausted from the flight."

We brought our suitcases in Calum's old room and I immediately laid down on his bed.

"So comfy," I mumbled to myself.

"If you want you can sleep for a few hours. I'm going to catch up with my mum and dad a little bit," he suggested.

"But isn't that kind of rude? I mean, me coming here and just sleeping?"

"No, it's fine. You're tired, they will understand. Flying is exhausting. Now get some sleep and just come down when you wake up," he said and smiled, then left the room.

I cuddled myself into his sheets and fell asleep immediately.

✧ ✧

I hated to wake up from a good nap.

I was always so confused the first minutes after opening my eyes. I didn't know where I was and it felt really weird.

After getting up and fixing my hair, using my front camera as a mirror, I slowly went downstairs. I could hear Calum laughing and it made my heart skip.

I loved his laugh.

I made my way to the living room where all eyes were set on me now.

"You're awake," Calum announced excited. 

I smiled and nodded.

"Do you want coffee?" Joy asked sweetly.

"No, thank you."

Calum told me to sit down next to him.

His dad introduced himself and they went back to talking about some family stuff.

I was sitting there awkwardly but that was okay. Seeing Calum so happy made my heart beat really fast. Also I could just stare at him and pretend that I was listening when all I did was watching his lips move.

My obsession with his lips was out of hand but I didn't care.

"Right Michael?" Calum asked and looked at me.

"Uh, huh? Sorry, can you repeat it?" I asked.

"I was telling them about how we met in Starbucks. You were sitting there until I told you to finally come over."

"Yeah, I was really nervous. I always wanted to meet him since I'm a big fan of his videos. I didn't know if he wanted to be alone, so I just sat there awkwardly staring at him," I explained and his mum smiled.

"That's cute," she said and took a sip from her coffee.

Then we talked about random topics and she also made us some sandwiches that tasted like heaven. 

It got really late and we went to Calum's room, getting ready for bed.

"I'm so exhausted," I said and he laughed.

"I don't get how you can sleep so much."

"Sleeping is next to fangirling my job. I'm really good at it."

"Makes sense."

We laid down next to each other, spooning, me being the big spoon again.

"Good night," he said.

I placed a small kiss to his neck, "Good night."

And with that I fell asleep for the third time this day. 


Hola Hoodies! 

I don't know why this turned out so long, haha :D

I love you guys.

If you liked the chapter, leave votes and comments! :)

Lub you all and I talk to you next update, stay beautiful sunshines *:・゚✧

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