Catch Me, I'm Falling

By kingstyles94

277K 4.4K 9.3K

Lexa Woods is Arkadia High's brand new varsity quarterback star, badass and adored by all. Clarke Griffin is... More

August: Part I
August: Part II
August: Part III
September: Part I
September: Part II
October: Part I
October : Part II
December : Part I
December : Part II
January : Part I
January : Part II
January : Part III
February : Part I
February : Part II
February : Part III
February : Part IV
February : Part V
March : Part I
March : Part II / April : Part I
April : Part III / May : Part I
May : Part II

April : Part II

8.9K 122 136
By kingstyles94

Jake Griffin was sitting on his favorite chair in the Griffin's yard, quietly surveying the barbecue unraveling before him.

He loved the spot, Clarke knew, because there was nothing he couldn't see.

He knew when Jasper and Monty stole extra burgers because they had the munchies after getting too high.

He knew John Murphy loved the fruity drinks Abby had put out, and he'd just as soon crush the cup and destroy the evidence than be caught with one.

He knew that Octavia and Lincoln were sitting in the treehouse flirting with each other.

He knew that Abby would stop by soon and bend over to give him a kiss, and view as she sauntered back into the kitchen.

It was always where Clarke could find him.

So why was she so surprised to see him there now? In the middle of the senior year barbecue? Smiling and nodding out of time to the music he forced upon the younger generation of guests, beer in hand?

"" Clarke's voice faltered as she took several steps toward him, feeling the grass, soft under her shoe.

"Oh, hey Clarke." Jake smiled warmly, patting his lap.

Clarke hesitated, and Jake seemed to notice.

"What? Too old to sit on your old man's lap in front of your friends?" Jake chuckled, pointing to the lawn chair beside him, offering her the solo cup of beer. "Humor me. Have a sip."

Clarke took the cup, eyebrows raised, mouth hanging ajar. She'd just felt her father's hand brush against hers. This had to have been real.

"How are you here?" Clarke stumbled, blinking over and over again.

Jake blinked. "Don't get all philosophical on me, Clarkester. I've had one too many beers for that."

"I've....missed you so much." Clarke gasped, feeling tears prick in her eyes, the distant beat of The Rolling Stones bouncing in her ears.

Jake smiled. "I know, been a tough week at work. But hey, movie night this saturday, right? After Octavia's game? Your mom's shift will be over, we can see something good."

Clarke gasped as if a blade had been driven into her heart.


"So." Jake smirked back into the crowd. "You two are serious, huh?"

Clarke blinked her tears away in utter confusion and gaped once more, as her blue gaze settled on a heart-achingly familiar brunette, serving food on two plates, carrying them over with haste.

"Lex?" Clarke murmured, confused.

Jake passed away way before Lexa ever came into her life. What the hell was happening? Clarke couldn't organize her thoughts before she found herself simply...enjoying everything. It was what she'd always wanted, right?

"Hey baby. Don't worry- Extra pickles, like you wanted. For Jake- double cheese." Lexa grinned her sexy smile that made Clarke swoon, handing the plate to Jake as she took a seat beside Clarke, lacing their hands together.

"Can you believe you two bickering kids fell so hard?" Jake chuckled. "Love is a crazy thing."

Clarke felt more tears rush down her face, though they were tears that never actually surfaced. This was all she'd ever wanted. The normalcy of it all was astounding.

And yet, she couldn't help but question it.

"How do you...know her?" Clarke asked, and Lexa blinked in confusion, tilting her head curiously.

"What do you mean, Clarke?"

"I're dead." Clarke whispered, turning to her father, gently releasing Lexa's hand. " died. I watched you die on impact. And...and...I never got to say goodbye, I never got to tell you which movie I wanted to see for movie night! You never got to see mom again, and...if I hadn't asked you to take us, you'd here." She whispered, and when she blinked, everything was gone.

The house.

Her mother.

The delinquents.


Only Jake remained. It was only Jake, sitting in his chair, offering Clarke his usual warm smile as he rubbed his chin.

"Oh, cmon kiddo." Jake prompted softly. "Don't say that. Everything is going great for you." He stood, and Clarke met him halfway, slamming into his arms as she finally cried into his shirt.

The catharsis of all her pent up emotions was incredible.

She could smell Jake's cologne. She could hear the ticking of his watch on his wrist, the one he'd damaged in the accident. The one Clarke wore.

"Dad." Clarke sobbed, wrapping her arms around him. "I...I needed you! I need you! I'm tired of pretending that I don't miss you every single day. And...I'm scared to do normal things. Every time I walk out the door, I remember what happened, and I-"

"You what?" Jake replied, and there was that light, teasing quality in a tone that Clarke missed so dearly. "You worry that it might happen again?"

Clarke nodded, burying her face further in Jake's shirt.

" did ." Jake pointed out mildly.

At that, Clarke froze.

Jake pulled away just slightly enough to tilt Clarke's chin up to meet his gaze. "Hey princess. Let me see those eyes."

Clarke blinked away her tears, sniffling as she glanced up at the face she longed to see in what felt like ages upon ages.

"I'm so proud of you." Jake whispered, a faint smile on his face. "You're doing so well, Clarke. With your mom, with your art, with Lexa..."

Clarke's heart fluttered at the mention of her name. "You would have loved her." she whispered solemnly.

"I do." Jake grinned, tapping the lawn chair. "I see everything from here, remember?"

Clarke snorted a messy laugh, and Jake leaned down to kiss her forehead.

"Dad..." Clarke swallowed the lump in her throat, hands fisting in his shirt. "Don't go. You promised me you wouldn't ever leave!"

"I'm right here." He tapped her head, then her heart, before giving her a smile. "Now you don't live in this fear anymore, alright, Clarke? You're so many things. Headstrong, brave, gifted...but hesitant isn't one of them. You're going to do amazing things, Clarke. Now, go. They're waiting for you."

"They?" Clarke echoed, feeling an immense pressure in her head, as if someone were pressing on her temples. "I want to stay here, with you."

"Not your time, kiddo. Not even close." Jake shook his head, and Clarke's heart dropped.

"Mom would want to see you. And Lexa. And-"

Clarke's voice was slowly fading, as was the image of Jake, searing her mind as the medical staff cleaned the cut on her head, caused by a stray shard of glass.

"I love you, Clarke." Jake's last words echoed in her head as she struggled to stay afloat.
Lexa didn't remember how she arrived to her current state. She just remembered rain. Wetness. Her tears streaming down her cheeks as she shook Kane's shoulders, barking at him for Clarke's vitals.

He told her he knew nothing. He told her Abby was with Clarke, and that they were whisked away by the paramedics.

Oh, god, paramedics.

What had happened to Clarke?

Lexa remembered Anya tearing her off of Kane, rain soaking the three of them as she stormed towards her car, stumbling on the wet pavement as she fumbled for the keys.

Anya had plucked them from her hands, shoving them in her pocket as Lexa had wheeled around on her in blind rage.

Anya decided that Lexa wasn't fit to drive. Kane offered the girls a ride, and they took it, Anya holding her sobbing, shaking cousin in the back seat while Kane drove on with a grim expression on his features.

Clarke would've made jokes about how awkward it was, being in their teacher's car.

Clarke would've shot Lexa a million dollar smirk and snuck her arm around her waist teasingly, just to scoot in closer.

And now Clarke was...what? Dead? Bleeding out? Broken?

Lexa's heart clenched when she thought of the mental trauma this had no doubt caused her.

The dream.

Oh, if only Lexa had forsaken the game and driven home right as Clarke was telling her about the dream.

If only she'd been there to hold Clarke, to protect her.

She'd failed.

She'd failed as a girlfriend, as a best friend, as a soulmate.

Lexa didn't remember rushing into the waiting room. She didn't remember Anya putting all of her muscles to work in order to restrain Lexa, to force her into a seat.

She didn't remember Kane going off to fetch coffees.

Lexa, balling herself onto her seat, started murmuring. Incoherently, at times. Questions, interrogations. Where was Clarke? Where was she going? What was she doing? How bad was the accident? Whose fault was it? Who did Lexa have to kill?

There were two arms around either side of her shoulders, and when she turned to bury her face into the shirt of Anya, instead finding the hints of Lincoln's cologne.

Had she been so enveloped in wallowing that she'd missed his entrance? When had he sat down in Kane's seat?

Of course, Anya had summoned him. It reminded Lexa of the days where the three were inseparable.

"Hey, Lex." He held her as if she were weightless, Anya rubbing her back as she melted into the embrace of her best friend (with the exception, of course, of Clarke).

"Clarke is strong." Lincoln offered quietly, and for once, Lexa found herself taking solace in strong arms, than the other way around. "She and you are both gonna be just fine."

Anya nodded her agreement, her proximity and warmth heating Lexa up from the chilling air and rain outside. "You need to breathe with us, okay?"

Lexa barely nodded as she tried to control her breathing, willing herself to relax in the grip of Lincoln and Anya.

She squeezed her eyes shut, hoping desperately that Clarke was alright.

She had to be.
It was a testament to how out-of-it Lexa was that she didn't notice the entrance of the delinquents, who were arguably the loudest group known to mankind. Usually, she could hear them trampling into a room from miles away, but the crashing in her ears was louder than even them.

Lincoln's attempts to calm her down had worked for a while, but once Abby had disappeared again, the panic had returned full-force.

"Hey, Woods, listen to my voice." Watery emerald eyes blinked open, the shaky image of John Murphy appearing before her, blurred by her own tears. "Lexa, hey, you can hear me, right?"

She nodded, and she felt Anya tense from next to her, obviously not knowing how to react to the boy kneeling before her cousin. He gently took Lexa's hand and pressed it to his chest.

"I want you to match my breathing, okay?"

The kneeling boy sped up his own breathing so it mimicked the erratic, harsh pants leaving Lexa's own mouth, which she was able to sync up with fairly easily, and then slowly began to slow down, coaxing Lexa's own breath to quell slightly.

"Good, that's good, Lexa, keep doing that. Now I want you to do me a favor, okay?" She nodded and he continued. "I want you to list off five things that you can experience for every sense, alright? Five things you can hear, five things you can smell, see, etcetera, can you do that?"

It took thirty minutes of Murphy's gentle coaching until Lexa could form coherent thoughts. Vaguely, in the back of her mind, she could recall Clarke telling her that these were the same exercises Murphy had taught to her for use during her recurring panic attacks.


"Thanks," Lexa said softly, and Murphy nodded grimly.

"No problem, Woods," he cracked a sad sort of smile.

She sniffed and wiped angrily at her eyes with the sleeve of her jacket, finally taking in the sight of the inhabitants of the waiting room. Lincoln was sitting next to her, one hand rubbing circles on her back, his free arm wrapped around Octavia, who was unusually silent.

Her brother was pacing at the far side of the room, near Jasper and Monty, who were sitting on the floor. The former seemed to be reciting the entirety of the periodic table, while Monty's eyes were closed shut, whispering up to the sky. Perhaps he was praying.

Anya had left her side in favor of holding Raven, who looked almost sickly in hue, shaking like a leaf in her own skin. Lexa realized, in that moment, that she was surrounded by people who loved Clarke almost as much as she did.

Almost .

While she'd had her differences with the delinquents in the past, here, she felt a sense of understanding with them, a bond. They were all gathered here out of concern for the same girl. The same wonderful, amazing, angel of a girl known to the world as Clarke Griffin.

"Griffin's going to be fine." Murphy raised his voice so it carried throughout the room. "She's too stubborn to not be."

"Clarke? Stubborn? I'd have never guessed." Octavia huffed from her position near Lexa.

"Remember when you two fought for three weeks over ownership of a doll?" Bellamy laughed. "Both of you swore viciously that it was yours, and it wasn't till another girl in your class turned up crying about a lost doll that either of you backed down."

"Clarke started it," Octavia muttered.

"You'd get a kick out of Clarke when she was little," Murphy told Lexa, "she was a little spitfire."

" Was?" Raven laughed. "She's still a spitfire, just older."

"Oh, remember that time when..."

Had it been any other situation, Lexa might have felt left out, or jealous that the delinquents had gotten to spend far more time with Clarke than she had, but now, waiting anxiously for any update on the girl's condition, Lexa was comforted by their stories, especially when Octavia and Bellamy had the pictures to back their stories up.

She fell asleep with thoughts of Clarke swimming through her mind.
Lexa was jolted awake by Anya's gentle shaking, and her heart leapt in her chest when she realized that the fluorescent lights were illuminating Abby, who looked as if she herself had shed a few tears.

The room seemed to fall silent as Lexa sat up in her seat, blinking as she tried to maintain her composure.

It simply wasn't possible. Her insides were eating away at her. She worried her lip in anticipation as Abby gently shrugged off Kane's attempts at consolation. Instead, Abby turned straight for Lexa, kneeling in front of her chair so that they were face to face.

"Hi, honey." Abby murmured as she cupped Lexa's cheeks, gently rubbing at Lexa's tears. "Oh, don't cry. Don't you cry. Clarke is gonna be just fine, Lexa." Abby informed her, a small smile blooming on her face.

Lexa paused, face pale, heart hammering. Had she heard that correctly?

"...I...." Lexa croaked, unable to form thoughts, let alone coherent sentences.

"She's okay. Nasty accident, she has some stitches, a concussion...nothing major. Clarke's alright."

Gasps of relief were sounding around the group, but none louder than Lexa's.

It was the sweetest relief she'd ever felt. The most wonderful news in the world. Clarke, her Clarke, was okay. Clarke was going to be fine. She'd be able to hold her, and see that megawatt smile, and tease her again. She was going to be able to tell Clarke that she loved her seven thousand times a day, (as she now planned on doing).

Abby gently wrapped her arms around Lexa, who hugged back, tightly.

"When can I see her?" Lexa sniffled silently.

She needed to see Clarke to believe she was okay. She had to.

"She's going to be up soon, okay?" Abby brushed a stray hair out of Lexa's face, in a motherly gesture that Clarke would have adored. "You will be the first one in there, I promise."

Lexa nodded and Abby pressed a kiss to her forehead before rising and dusting her knees off, turning to murmur to Kane in the corner.

Clarke was going to be okay.

Lexa felt her heart finally, finally resume at a normal pace, pumping blood to her previously pale face.

The Delinquents were back to their normal, excited selves, voices a dull roar now that their leader was safe and sound.

Within thirty minutes, Abby was waving Lexa over.

Everyone paused to watch Lexa stand, trying to compose herself as she nearly leapt out of her seat, hoodie taken off of her wet locks of hair as she quietly followed Abby into the new room, heart pounding in her chest as she heard whispers beside her.

And there was the fallen angel herself.

Clarke was leaning against the pillow, seated semi-upright, with a bandaged arm, a cut under her eyes, and a bandage on her head.

She looked beaten, but very much alive.

Tears were flowing down Lexa's cheeks as she all but bolted to Clarke's side, missing the way Abby shut the door and left to give the two a few minutes of privacy.

Clarke's eyes widened when she took in Lexa's wet, disheveled state, rushing beside Clarke, the two feasting on each other with their eyes alone, taking in every last detail.

Lexa smelled like her vanilla shampoo, and the rain. Clarke would have killed to have that scent burned into her senses forever.

Lexa reached out, hand shaking, unsure of what to do. She opened her mouth, but the only thing that kept coming out in a dull gasp was, "...Clarke."

Clarke took her hand and laced it with hers, giving Lexa a cheeky smile. "...Skype sex was so good it almost killed me." She croaked.

Lexa's eyes widened and she froze, just for a second, before the two let out messy, sobbing laughs as they reached for each other, cupping cheeks, nuzzling, lips frantically but delicately roaming the other's.

Clarke didn't seem bent and broken by what happened. Rather, it seemed she had a renewed spirit of endurance, of survival. Lexa was her fuel to keep going, and she had all of her.

"Clarke." Lexa whispered against her lips, a holy prayer to whatever deities had preserved her loving angel. "Baby. My love." She kept whispering affectionate thoughts as she gently caressed every inch of Clarke's face with her lips. "You're okay. Thank god. Thank fucking god, Clarke, I worried about you...I...I weren't calling me, I couldn't live without you Clarke,'re everything to me, I can't-"

"Hey." Clarke whispered, cupping Lexa's cheeks in a tighter grip, pulling her closer. "I'm here. I'm okay."

"Don't you ever scare me like that..." Lexa practically wheezed, sitting on the edge of Clarke's bed. "What are your injuries?" She fretted like a worried mother hen.

"A concussion. And these cuts...and some stitches." Clarke winced at the last one, as Lexa's eyes sat on her arm, where the aforementioned stitches were located.

"Does it hurt?" Lexa whispered, inspecting Clarke's arm.

"Not as much as it'll hurt my dignity." Clarke murmured. "It's gonna leave an ugly scar, probably. Just what I need, right?" She chuckled humorlessly, but she remembered Jake's words. He wanted her to be back to her old, confident self. But who had the strength?

"You're beautiful." Lexa informed her wholeheartedly, leaning back down to kiss Clarke's uninjured cheek. "You take my breath away. I'm just happy you're safe."

And there was her strength.

"Well, my aching heart has been mended thanks to you." Clarke chanced her with a soft smile, and Lexa kissed her hand, tears still wetting her cheeks.

"Lexa, baby, don't cry." Clarke whispered. "We've both had enough of that."

When Lexa shot her a questioning look, and Clarke summoned her down to lay beside her.

Lexa was biting her lip the whole time, maneuvering herself very gently beside Clarke, away from her injured arm, as she came face to face with her girlfriend.

"Why have you been crying?" Lexa whispered, holding Clarke as tightly as she could manage, as if the winds of fate would sweep her away once more, if she wasn't careful.

It seemed as though the answer would have been obvious, what with the trauma of what had just occurred, but Lexa knew Clarke far better than that.

Clarke blinked the tears that threatened to make a hazy mess of her vision; she wanted a clear view of Lexa, to soak her in, as much as she could in her addled state.

"...I saw my dad." Clarke admitted, not only seeing, but hearing and feeling Lexa gasp beneath her weight. "I know it sounds crazy. Or like the drugs hit me too hard. And, that's probably what it was."

"You can talk to me about it, Clarke." Lexa nudged her with her nose, gently, affectionately. It was a silent promise that sounded something like: I don't think you're crazy. I won't judge you.

"It was the senior barbecue. The one before prom."

"...The one that hasn't happened yet?" Lexa queried softly.

Clarke nodded. "It was at my house. Everything was normal...he was just there. Lex, he used to have this chair, that he'd sit in....he'd see everything from that chair." Clarke smiled fondly before worriedly shaking her head.

Lexa gave her a smile that melted her heart, and gave her the courage to continue.

"...We just...I don't know, talked? And then you were there. And that's when I knew something was off, since you two had never met."

"Sorry to have been your wakeup call." Lexa murmured apologetically, frowning as she stroked Clarke's upper arm.

"I'm not." Clarke protested. "You were what kept me grounded. You're my wakeup call, but you're also my waking dream." Clarke reminded, and Lexa sighed into her hair, kissing it with delicate caution.

"He would have loved you. He told me he already did." Clarke informed her with a small smile. "He told me he still sees everything from that chair."

Lexa smiled at Clarke's apparent flood of relief, her closure to the last few turbulent years of her life. "Well if he's anything like you, Clarke, I love him too." She offered, smiling even wider when Clarke snuggled impossibly closer to her chest.

"That's done now." Clarke sighed with an air of finality. "This is all over. I know this sounds crazy but maybe this was for the best? Maybe it was cathartic? Or...maybe those drugs are just really effective."

Lexa chuckled. "I suppose we'll find out."

"I missed you." Clarke whispered, tucking away a stray lock of Lexa's hair. She paused, for a moment, as if realizing something. "Why are you soaking, Lex?"

"For you." Lexa whispered.

Before Clarke could smirk and make a cheeky comment, Lexa added, "Kane told me in the rain. I guess I kind of ran in the rain to get to you....before they hauled me into the car." Lexa admitted sheepishly.

"How very romantic." Clarke whispered, leaning forward to steal a kiss. "Mmm. I've missed that." She hummed, and Lexa returned the kiss softly, relishing in Clarke's taste.

"Oh my god!" Clarke nearly sat up, if Lexa hadn't pinned her down in fear of her tearing something or hurting herself.

"Clarke! What is it?! Are you in pain? Clarke, talk to me." Lexa demanded, worry dripping off every syllable.

"No, no." Clarke assured her, taking her tone down a notch. "Your game! Did you win, baby? Are you a regional champion?"

Lexa fell back into the pillows with a breathless huff of a laugh. "...Really?"

Clarke bit her lip, looking absolutely distraught. "Alexandria Anastasia Woods. It's important! Tell me!"

"...We won." Lexa sighed, gingerly wrapping an arm around Clarke as she came to rest her head on Lexa's chest. "But...I won, personally. I'm a winner because you came out of this with minor injuries. I never should have left. I never should have-"

"Lex." Clarke pecked her jaw, drawing her attention. "This isn't even close to your fault."

"Then whose fault is it?" Lexa growled, low and guttural, causing Clarke's stomach to flip.

"No one's, baby. It was an accident. I was T-Boned and-"

"You were what?!" Lexa snapped, sitting upright herself.

"My car took the brunt of the damage. I spun out and it's totaled, but-"

"Clarke!" Lexa gasped, lungs burning as she tightened her grip around her girlfriend, her entire body rigid with anxiety.

"Shh. I'm okay." Clarke murmured, pressing a soft kiss to Lexa's lips. "My car, on the other hand-"

"I always knew that was a metal death trap." Lexa growled protectively, arm tight around Clarke.

"Well the death trap is gone, so...I'll be riding the bus now." Clarke cracked a smile, settling her head back on Lexa's chest, pressing a kiss there, as tired as she was.

"Like hell you are." Lexa snorted. "You'll be in my car. Where I can keep an eye on you. You're never leaving my sight again. I'll buy you a new car if I have to."

Clarke chuckled, and it hurt her sore body as she snuggled into Lexa further. "Is that an order, commander?"

"Yes," Lexa sighed, stroking Clarke's hair. "I will never leave you again. I love you so much, Clarke."

"I love you too." Clarke blinked lazily, feeling the new dose of pain medication starting to kick in. "...what did they give me?"

"The good stuff." Lexa smirked. "You're going to be high as a kite next time you wake up."

"Will you be here?" Clarke yawned.

"Count on it." Lexa whispered, pressing a kiss to her hair.
"Lexa, I hurt my arm, not my legs."

Clarke smiled into her girlfriend's shoulder as she said the words, though, content to be wrapped up in Lexa's arms as the football player carried her through her home.

"I like carrying you," Lexa told her quickly, pressing a soft kiss to Clarke's forehead, "makes me feel like a strong, doting girlfriend."

"You are," Clarke grinned, breathing in Lexa's familiar comforting scent.

Lexa hadn't left the hospital room for even a second until Clarke was discharged, and her glares at the nurses who passed through the room dared them to say otherwise. Abby was able to pull some strings in the hospital (though she no longer worked there) to allow her prolonged visitation and give the two girls some much needed peace.

Abby had driven the girls home, and Lexa had insisted on carrying Clarke, bridal style, up to her room while Abby fixed up some lunch in the kitchen.

"So." Clarke drawled after a moment of silence, eyes locked on Lexa's firm, tattooed bicep.

"So." Lexa echoed back, climbing the stairs with ease, as if Clarke weighed the equivalent of a mere feather.

Lexa crossed the threshold of Clarke's room, and a smile grew on Clarke's face at the familiarity of it all. She hadn't expected to miss her room so much.

"Any chance you'd be doing this to me in the future?" Clarke teased. "Maybe with...rings? And instead of my room, maybe the door to our brand new Woods-Griffin mansion?" She cocked a brow playfully.

Lexa grinned. "Clarke Abigail Griffin, are you proposing?"

Clarke laughed, and it warmed Lexa's very soul. "Not quite. But I couldn't help but bring it up. You're carrying me like this...I'm entirely too in love with you...It just fits. Y'know...I think pretty much any other teenage couple would cringe at the idea, or the very mention of marriage."

Lexa smirked as she laid Clarke down on the bed, carefully hovering over her as she dropped several kisses to Clarke's exposed neck, both tickling her and pleasuring her at once. "We're certainly not average." Lexa groaned into her neck. "When I love you, it doesn't feel average..." she drawled enticingly, working her way up to Clarke's lips. "You certainly don't taste average." She finished with a quick peck, leaving Clarke frowning.

"We haven't talked about our skype session, have we?" Clarke smirked, watching Lexa, who sat back on her knees.

She immediately turned beet red.

"Oh, c'mon...Accident aside, I have been waiting for your homecoming a long time." Clarke pressed. "Tell me you didn't think about coming home and letting me ravish you."

Lexa blushed, sitting on the edge of the bed, glancing back at Clarke. "Of course. But you need rest. Imagine if we had to take you back to the hospital because you couldn't handle my-"

"You little shit!" Clarke gaped in amusement, snatching out for Lexa, but the football player was far too quick to leap off the edge of the bed.

Just then, Lexa's phone began another series of vibrations and loud rings, causing her to sigh and dig it out of her tight back jean pocket (which Clarke wholeheartedly appreciated).

"Your other girlfriend?" Clarke snarked.

"Yes. I was out making a collection while I was away." Lexa sniffed with a false air of defensiveness. "Now, who's calling me? Was it Sarah? Or Allison? Or who was the cute blonde I-"

"Pick up the phone, romeo. It's probably your mom." Clarke grinned, lacing her hand with Lexa, who brought Clarke's fingers to her lips.

"Is not ." Lexa huffed teasingly.

She picked up the phone, composing herself with a deep breath.

Clarke could hear several voices still yelling on the other end of the line. Lexa winced, and then sighed, trying to cut into the barrage of voices.

"Hello mother."

Clarke grinned triumphantly, and Lexa returned the smile, holding the phone away from her mouth as she whispered, "They all want to see you. I can't fend them off anymore."

Clarke laughed, a warm feeling sinking into her chest, quite similar to the feeling she felt with Lexa. "Okay, we'll have them over. I'll tell my mom."

Lexa nodded and somehow managed to finish their phone conversation, telling Anya to bring her a change of clothes, since she intended to spend the night by Clarke's side.
Clarke and Lexa set about showering and changing to appear fresh for the entirety of Lexa's local family, who showed up promptly, practically rushing Abby to see Clarke, as they hadn't been granted visitation before.

Clarke was surprised by the sudden outpouring of love and affection, particularly from the elder, stiffer Woods family members. She'd always known that they liked and accepted her, but she supposed time had weakened their resolve.

Either way, she wasn't complaining, but Lexa certainly was.

She sat on the couch in the living room, soaking in the aroma of her mother's frantic cooking in the kitchen, bumping hips with Alexander as the two worked in a flurry to create a meal for the suddenly full house.

Clarke was wrapped up in the arms of Anya and Aden, on either side, while Lexa grumpily sat between Indra and her mother on the opposite couch.

Clarke couldn't remember the last time she'd felt the house so full of family, and love. Certainly not since Jake.

Clarke had always felt a bond with Anya, gruff and Indra-like as she was, she always cared for Clarke.

And Aden, was of course, Aden. Clinging to her as if she were his own sister.

"I'm glad you're okay." He whispered yet again, and Clarke smiled, giving him a side hug.

"Right? Who else would help you survive Trikru's class?" Clarke teased.

"Who else would keep me safe from the wrath of Lex?" Aden teased right back.

"Yeah that's right. Hide behind my injured girlfriend." Lexa muttered, her lips twitching into a smile.

"Aren't I the greatest matchmaker ever?" Aden puffed his chest out proudly. "And to think, this all started because I thought Clarke was hot, and Nam encouraged-"

That certainly got Lexa's attention.

"You what?!" Lexa was out of her seat, and Aden ducked behind a grinning Clarke and an endlessly amused Anya.

"Alexandria- watch your tone, honey. Clarke's been through a lot." Anastasia reminded, tuning out momentarily from her conversation with Indra.

"But...I..." Lexa grumbled.

"I'm flattered," Clarke smirked. "Not just one, but two Woods siblings?"

"And a Woods cousin." Anya smirked, just wanting to salt the wound further.

"Oh, is that so?" Clarke turned to Anya, who leaned in, extra close.

"You know what?" Lexa balked. "Suddenly Atom seems so great. You should have him over. For dinner. And Anya. Bring Raven. Your girlfriend." Lexa gritted, though Clarke knew it was all in good humor.

"Move, squirt." Lexa gently ruffled Aden's hair and nudged him aside as Lexa reclaimed her rightful position beside Clarke, who happily cuddled up to her side.

The front door swung open, and Marcus Kane popped his head in, carrying a bag from the grocery store. "Sorry I'm late, Abby. I had to-"

"Marcus!" Abby practically gushed, running to snatch the bags out of his hands. "One of the world's most impressive families is eating here and you couldn't speed just a little bit?"

Her whispers were loud enough to reach the livingroom, where Anastasia rose with an amused smile, pretending not to hear. "Abby? Can I help you out?" She nudged Indra, who stood, touching Clarke's shoulder once before disappearing into the kitchen.

Clarke, meanwhile, buried her face in Lexa's shoulder. "Ugh. My mom's so embarrassing."

Lexa laughed, kissing Clarke's temple.

The two, however, froze, when a black shadow entered the doorway at Kane's foot, eyes surveying the room.

"Pauna." Clarke and Lexa whispered simultaneously, eyes locking as they tightened their hold on each other.

"Abby, can she be inside? I wasn't sure." Marcus hollered from where he was about to unhook her leash.

"Of course. I'll have Clarke set out some water!" Abby's response came immediately.

"Aww." Aden's eyes lit up as he took in the dog. "Kane, can I pet her?"

"Oh, of course." Kane grinned and Aden took a step forward, only to be yanked back by Clarke and Lexa.

"No." Lexa gritted out.

Anya cocked a brow, smirking. "You two know something I don't?"

Aden frowned at Lexa. "Guys...look at her. She's adorable!"

Lexa's lip curled. "She's feral." She whispered.

Kane, seemingly oblivious, allowed Pauna to surge forward, growling. "Whoa! Easy girl!"

Aden's eyes widened and Lexa was powerless as Pauna tackled Aden to the ground with a heavy thud, paws pinning him down as she began to litter his face with sloppy licks.

Clarke and Lexa gaped as Aden laughed underneath the dog, the two looking like best friends already.

"Sorry about that." Kane chuckled. He lifted Pauna off, but Aden seemed to occupied petting her to care. "Sometimes she gets so excited! She growls and barks and then tackles me with kisses, sometimes chasing me around the house."

Lexa and Clarke gaped at each other still, clinging to one another as if a murderer had entered the house.

"...I still don't trust her." Clarke muttered, and Lexa nodded her agreement, feeling quite foolish for running in the first place.
After lunch, and a fresh round of pain medicine for Clarke, Lexa noticed her eyelids begin to get heavy as she was talking to Anastasia about her passion for art.

Lexa, who'd been talking about football with Kane, rose slowly and slipped out of her seat, coming around to slip her arms around Clarke's waist, noting how completely asleep she was.

Abby had warned her that her head trauma would cause bouts of drowsiness.

Anastasia chuckled, and Lexa noticed with no small amount of interest, that Anastasia had been supporting Clarke's weight in an embrace, just as her own mother would have, if she weren't occupied cleaning the dishes.

So, it seemed her parents loved Clarke as much as she did.

"Sorry." Lexa murmured apologetically.

"Oh, it's quite alright. Poor thing's been through a lot." Ana whispered, relinquishing Clarke to Lexa. "We should probably get going soon. We promised Aden we'd take him driving."

Lexa grinned, and her mother didn't miss it.

This was the way things were supposed to be from the start.

Lexa lifted Clarke into her arms, and Abby and Alex poked their heads out from the kitchen.

"Oh, thank you honey, that's sweet." Abby murmured, spellbound by the sight of Lexa cradling Clarke like her life depended on it. She could have woken Clarke, but she was far too chivalrous. It delighted Abby to no end.

"Need help, Lexie?" Alex asked softly.

Lexa shook her head, and Alex chuckled. "Headstrong, just like your mother. We'll see you tomorrow?"

Lexa nodded, and with a wink to Aden, who smiled back at her, she was heading up the stairs, the last thing in her ears was Alex's, "We have great kids, don't we?"

"The best." Came Abby's response.

Lexa was becoming an expert at carrying Clarke up the stairs, slipping quietly into her room and thanking her past self for the foresight to have readied Clarke's bed in the event that this would happen.

"Lex." Clarke breathed, eyelids slowly opening to reveal her favorite blue pools. "I have to say bye."

Lexa clicked her tongue. "No, love, you don't. They know you're tired."

"Mmmm." Clarke's response was less than coherent. "Sleepear."

"What?" Lexa couldn't understand Clarke's version of "Sleep here".

Clarke, though her eyes were closed, made an adorable pouty face at Lexa's inability to understand.

However, when Lexa slid into the covers beside her, Clarke wore a dopey smile as she carelessly yanked Lexa toward her, settling her head atop Lexa's breast as a pillow.

"Love you." Clarke whispered, clinging to Lexa like a koala.

Lexa was even more in love with sleepy Clarke, if it were possible.

She grinned, leaning down to kiss Clarke's head. "Love you more."

"Uh uh." Clarke protested.

"I do." Lexa insisted, and Clarke frowned, childishly shushing her as she burrowed further into Lexa's warmth.

The two were asleep within minutes.
Clarke usually woke up to nightmares.

The rain.

The car.

The accident.

Her father.

Lexa was never there.

She would wake up startled, heart thumping so rapidly that Lexa would call Abby, fearful that Clarke was suffering some palpitation of some kind.

It happened several times at the hospital.

Clarke would shoot awake, tear stains on her cheeks, reaching out.

Lexa was always there, mortified, anxious, incredibly worried for her love. She'd kiss Clarke and console her, holding her as tightly as she could, until she'd fade back to sleep.

Lexa quickly learned that Clarke had been traumatized, and this was her conscience speaking to her on the matter.

She also learned that, while Clarke was asleep, she couldn't be.

At any sign of discomfort, Lexa was softly pressing her lips to Clarke's temple and gently rubbing her arm along her side, coaxing her out of whatever miserable experience she was in.

And it became an ongoing occurrence.

But it was usually only at night, and this time, it took Lexa by surprise.

Clarke had only napped for an hour or two, and Lexa closed her eyes, occasionally dozing off, and then coming to, to check on Clarke. Everything seemed peaceful, until Clarke start moaning in her sleep.

"Lexa...." She moaned softly, soft pout on her lips. "Don't....please." Her body twitched, as if she wanted to move, to run in her dream.

Lexa was on it in seconds, whispering for Clarke to wake up, watching her girlfriend's eyelashes flutter open, taking her in with those wide, curious eyes.

There were no tear tracks on her cheeks, no gasps for air. Clarke seemed to be alright.

"Clarke?" Lexa whispered, nuzzling her cheek. "Another nightmare? I'm here."

Clarke took a moment, and Lexa could almost hear her heartbeat.

God, her soul ached for Clarke.

Clarke cleared her throat, and glanced at Lexa less than gracefully. "....No." She admitted in a hoarse tone.

"No?" Lexa echoed. "What do you mean?"

"That...uh...wasn't a nightmare." Clarke informed her uneasily.

"But were whining, and moaning. And you were moving, so-" Lexa paused, seemingly realizing what had happened. "... Oh ."

Oh indeed.

"It was nothing." Clarke dismissed awkwardly.

"Well...not nothing." Lexa smirked. "Clearly you want something."

"Are you seriously going to be smug about this? Ugh, fine. Clearly I do." Clarke growled, leaning up to cup Lexa's cheeks, to pull her lips down to her. "We haven't. Not for a little while."

"Clarke." Lexa breathed. "I can't...."

"Just a little bit, Lex." Clarke teased softly. "...Just kissing."

"Just kissing." Lexa nodded as Clarke threw her leg over Lexa's hips, straddling her as she pushed her down, knowing how Lexa loved to be taken at times. Clarke's fingers toyed with the baby curls at the back of Lexa's neck. She leaned down, ever so subtly rolling the weight of her hips down on Lexa's covered abs as she made to kiss her exposed collarbone and neck, humming happily as she did so.

Lexa close her eyes and melted under Clarke's lips, feeling guilty for so needily and vulnerably taking Clarke's energy and attentions.

"Touching?" Clarke asked softly, fingers trailing at the hem of Lexa's shirt.

"Touching." Lexa consented breathlessly.

Clarke needed this. It felt perverse, and odd, but she needed it. She needed to feel life, to feel the spike of dopamine, to feel Lexa's hot skin and breath against her neck. She needed to feel grounded, and alive, and no one gave her that jolt of life like Lexa did.

Clarke groaned as she slid her fingers up and under Lexa's shirt, scratching softly against her abs as she rocked ever so gently against her, fingers toying with Lexa's bra clasp.

Clarke was about to ask permission yet again, when Lexa whispered, "I love you" in a sort of passionate gasp. Clarke smirked, distracted momentarily as she captured Lexa's lips once more, happy she could share the intimacy, the intense desire with someone so pure, so perfect.

"I love you more. I want to show you, Lex. I need to feel you. I'm okay. I promise. Can I taste you?" Clarke asked, and it seemed so innocent, despite its meaning. It was a juxtaposition of what she was asking for, and the way she asked for it, and it turned Lexa on in the most incredible way.

Lexa nodded, closing her eyes and leaning back on the pillow as Clarke set about suckling the skin against her collar, littering it with fresh red marks, gently reminding Lexa what she'd been missing.

A storm of notifications from Clarke's phone, now vibrating against the nightstand beside the bed, forced Clarke to lift her head.

Panting she muttered, "Probably the groupchat." Clarke bit her lip momentarily, lifting Lexa's shirt to gaze at her abs. "Missed these." She whispered, pressing a kiss against the muscles, enjoying the way Lexa twitched beneath her, guiding her head down to encourage contact.

"You're beautiful." Clarke murmured, lips tickling Lexa's skin. "I love you so much."

Lexa whined softly underneath her, and Clarke glanced up just in time to see her blush.

The connection was broken by the incessant ringing, this time, of both their phones.

"Oh, come on." Clarke groaned, when Lexa sat up apologetically, looking somewhat concerned.

Lexa tossed Clarke her phone, trying to regain her breath as she scanned her own screen.

"Oh my god." Lexa's eyes lit up. "Clarke! I forgot! Today a whole bunch of universities sent out their decisions! That's why all our social media is lighting up!"

Clarke was off Lexa in seconds, staring at her phone blankly. "...I have an email from Polis U!" She breathed, not daring to open it.

"....I have one from D.C." Lexa admitted as well, blinking. "....Should we open them together?"

Clarke nodded, setting her phone down momentarily to catch her breath.

"Hey, look at me." Lexa murmured, rising to meet Clarke before the bed.

Clarke felt Lexa cup her cheeks, and she glanced up, eyes meeting Lexa's green gardens.

"Whatever happens, Clarke, we'll be okay, and you will too." Lexa assured. "Polis, D.C, it doesn't matter. Wherever you go, you're going to make waves, love. And I will be right there with you, if not physically, still as your very loving, head-over-heels-in-love girlfriend. Okay?"

"Sounds good." Clarke nodded, leaning up to press a kiss to Lexa's lips, smiling when Lexa pulled her in for a tight hug.

"Who goes first?" Lexa asked. "You or me?"

"Same time?" Clarke whispered, her pacing heart returning as they broke apart, phones at the ready.

Lexa nodded, and the two scanned their phones, deftly ignoring their messages and scrolling through their phones to their email apps.

Both girls paused, reading the words of their emails with baited breath and frantic hearts. Lexa finished a split second quicker, a relieved smile on her face. Clarke didn't need to ask twice to know that she'd received a scholarship to play football at D.C.U. She was a top tier player, everyone knew that.

What Clarke was surprised to read, however, were the big gaping words: "POLIS UNIVERSITY WELCOMES YOU WITH THE F. U. J. ROTHENBERG SCHOLARSHIP FOR THE ARTS!"

She couldn't breathe. She glanced up at Lexa, who was reaching out for her expectantly, smirking. "You made it." She stated, rather than asked.

"...I...." Clarke paused, breathless still. "...How did you know?"

"Have you seen your art?!" Lexa enthused, a toothy grin on her features. "It wasn't a question."

"What about you?!" Clarke was practically bouncing, tears welling in her eyes. "Congratulations, baby, I know how hard you worked to get this."

"Me, what about you?!" Lexa echoed, and the two were all over each other once more, with sloppy kisses and giggles as Clarke pushed Lexa back on the bed.

"Oh my god!" She sighed dreamily. "We did it!"

"We did." Lexa smiled, in awe of Clarke's radiant beauty, her happiness. "I'm so proud of you."

"I'm proud of you! My trophy football girlfriend!" Clarke teased, tangling herself with Lexa as they kissed once more, excitement radiating from the touch of their lips.

Clarke ignored the pang of sadness as the reality of the situation settled in: she and Lexa would finally be apart. It ached just to think about it.

"...This will be good." Clarke lied to herself, aloud. "We'll be okay."

"...Of course we will." Lexa smiled, kissing Clarke's neck with a soft whisper.

She hadn't read her other email to Clarke, the second one from the top.

The one with her acceptance to Polis U.

Some things were better left as surprises.
"You kids need anything?"

In her mind, Clarke easily filled in the next line: some snacks? A condom? She didn't think, though, that those particular series of words would ever come out of Anastasia Woods' mouth.

"No, mom," Lexa assured, Clarke tucked safely into her side in the plush in-home theatre seats, "we're all set up here."

"Actually," Anya called, "we could use a few more blankets, Aunt Ana!"

"I'll have Alex bring some up for you."

While Friday movie nights were practically tradition in the Pine-Woods household, there had never been a gathering quite so large, what with all of the kru, delinquents, and their significant others in attendance.

"What are we watching?" Clarke voiced the question, nestling further into Lexa's side.

Immediately, several voices broke out at once, and Clarke rolled her eyes at their inability to get anything done in an orderly manner.

"Mad Max!" Octavia cheered, and Lincoln chuckled and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"You've watched that three times this week already, O."

"Because it's amazing!"

"We should watch Roots," Bellamy grinned, "I've got the box set in my car."

" keep it in your car?" Echo, whom he'd brought with him, questioned with a raised brow, and Clarke rolled her eyes when she saw Anya and Raven not-so-subtly glaring at her.

"Sitting through that sophomore year was enough," Monty shivered, and Miller laughed. Jasper, who was the only dateless delinquent, nodded, but he was frankly too out-of-it to care that he was alone.

"We should watch Pitch Perfect."

Everyone stopped and gaped at Murphy, who scowled.

"What? It has Anna Kendrick in it. Plus, Beca and Chloe are obviously in love with each other. I mean, the shower scene? That's some of the gayest shit I've ever seen and I'm forced to socialize with Clexa all the time."

"You can leave if you want," Lexa shot back, and he just made a face at her.

"And miss the free entertainment? Not a chance. I have to find content for my twitter somehow ."

"How about Blue is the Warmest Color?" Lexa grinned, and Clarke laughed softly.

"Lexa that's basically porn."


" Lexa!"

"Sure you don't want to finish your documentary on deep sea squids, commander?"

"I'll have you know that squids are extremely interesting..."

Their squabbling was interrupted by a knock at the door and Alexander looking very out-of-place carrying a small mountain of blankets, which were relieved from him immediately.

Clarke didn't remember what movie it was they ended up watching.

She was too busy cuddling with Lexa, who peppered her face with kisses every other second and ran her fingers lightly across Clarke's exposed skin, which quickly pebbled with goosebumps despite their combined body heat and the blankets. More often than not, Raven and Anya's squabbling over which white male actor the equally boring white male lead reminded them of was louder than the actual movie itself, and the movie night quickly became an excuse for the couples to just spend time wrapped up in one another (sans Jasper, who had fallen asleep five minutes into the arguments over which movie to watch).

Aden was suspiciously absent, and Clarke knew he'd likely taken the opportunity to go and spend time with Atom while Lexa was caught up with her own girlfriend.

"I still think we should watch Pitch Perfect," Murphy said halfway through the movie, "Bell and I can do all the performances flawlessly."

"No thank you," Raven shook her head, "I hear enough of Bellamy's singing when he showers."

"I have a beautiful voice!" he gasped, and Monty shook his head.

"You really don't, Bell."

"Yeah, leave the singing to Griff and Green," Octavia agreed, "I love you brother, but your singing voice sucks utter ass."

"Do they always argue like this?" Lexa murmured under her breath, and Clarke released a breathy laugh.

"This is tame, they're usually a lot worse."

"That sounds awful."

"You'll get used to it." Clarke's eyes sparkled alongside her words, and Lexa was struck with the dawning realization that she was going to be stuck with these... delinquents for the rest of her life, as it wasn't likely Clarke would ever lose contact with them.

And Lexa now knew that she wouldn't ever lose contact with Clarke, as she'd secretly began "Operation Polis" with her parents' secret support. And Abby's. Clarke was in for the surprise of a lifetime.

"Fuck." Lexa offered with a faux pout.

Clarke laughed again and quickly kissed Lexa's cheek.

"You'll learn to love them, baby, promise."

"I highly doubt that I'll get along with all of them," Lexa told her, "but I guess Murphy is acceptable."

"You two would get along, what with your 'I'm-a-badass-and-emotions-don't-phase-me' facades, but neither of you have me fooled," Clarke grinned, "you're both puppies."

"I am not! "

"You're right, you're a little gay mouse."

" Clarke!"

"It's okay, I love you for it." Lexa's offended gaze softened and she pressed a soft, lingering kiss to Clarke's lips.

"I love you too," she whispered loudly, "more than anything."

The two of them stared at each other for a long moment, merely soaking up the intensity of the love they shared, before they were interrupted by a quick, loud:

"If you could go be obnoxiously gay somewhere else, that'd be great."

"I take it back," Lexa grumbled, "I hate Murphy."
The school was practically throwing itself at Clarke's feet upon her return, with flowers in her locker, special treatment from Niylah, and of course the endless rumors about why she'd been gone. It was certainly still high school.

Clarke's personal favorite of said rumors was that she and Lexa had such good reunion sex that she was hospitalized for it.

Abby was less fond of that rumor.

Arkadia was also alight with the buzz of college acceptance talks. Clarke had taken time to inform Lexa of everyone's future plans, filling her in on the gossip, as they were best friends, after all.

Jasper and Monty were both accepted into an east coast ivy league school, and it seemed to stun everyone with exception of the Delinquents.

Raven was being courted by several of the country's best mechanical engineering schools, and hadn't quite decided.

Anya hadn't decided quite yet either, and Lexa had a feeling she knew who Anya was waiting on.

Bellamy had decided that he wanted to take a gap year, to travel the world and fuel his love for it.

Octavia, unlike her brother, wanted to immediately move to California to continue her schooling, and Lincoln wasn't far behind, which delighted Lexa, knowing that one of her best friends would be with her in the same state at the very least.

Much to Lexa's disdain, Luna had also gotten into Polis U, but much to Lexa's did John Murphy.

It seemed like everyone was full of surprises.

Lexa made a mental note to see where Costia and the Queens ended up. She couldn't help but wonder what strings they pulled with their evil ways.

Lexa and Clarke had split up some time after Pike's, in which they learned to change diapers. On a flour sack.

Sometimes, Lexa wondered if the public school system was really failing its youth that badly.

But then she'd glance at Clarke's delicate hands at work, and she felt a warm surge, perhaps a vision of the future within her...and then she didn't mind half as much.

They'd only been apart for a class period, but an hour and a half was far too long. Lexa made her way to the quad, where everyone was gathered around a poster, pens out, frantic yelling. It appeared to be mostly girls.

Lexa blinked twice when she realized that Clarke was at the center of the herd, and her blood ran cold. Had something happened? Had she fainted? Did someone say something to her? Lexa began pacing, pushing past several people as she made her way to Clarke, spinning her around with a touch to her waist. "Clarke?" She asked frantically.

Her eyes scanned Clarke's face, however, and she realized that Clarke was smiling joyfully. "What's up, baby?"

Lexa heaved a sigh of relief, brow furrowed. "I...what's going on?"

"Oh! Powderpuff sign-ups." Clarke stated matter-of-factly. "Everyone's playing."

"Powderpuff?" Lexa repeated dumbly.

"Yeah." Clarke cocked her head to the side, much like Lexa did when she was curious, or confused. "You know, the all-girl football game? Used to be juniors vs. seniors, but this year, the senior class is so big, it's seniors against seniors."

"...Why does there need to be a game called powder...puff...for women to play football?" Lexa grumbled.

Clarke smirked. "Aww, c'mon baby. You already changed the game here at Arkadia. This is supposed to be fun."

Lexa blinked, as if realizing something. "Clarke? When is this game?"

"Next month. Sign ups are now to prepare." Clarke informed her.

"And you think you're...going to be healed?" Lexa asked, worrying her lip.

"Yes, mother." Clarke rolled her eyes, tugging Lexa's collar, despite the sea of girls swarming around them.

"I just worry about you." Lexa scoffed.

"I know. It's adorable." Clarke grinned, leaning her weight on Lexa. "Will you sign up?"

"Me?" Lexa blinked. "...Aren't I a bit...overqualified?" She smirked.

Clarke grinned. "You scared of losing, big bad commander?"

"Losing?" Lexa snorted. "I am a Division One-"

"How about you put your money where your mouth is?" Clarke whispered in her ear. "Winner tops."

Lexa gaped at her. "...I....fine. Yeah. Winner tops."

"That's my girl." Clarke grinned, nipping at her bottom lip. "Better hurry. Few spots available."

Lexa made haste to sign up.

As she returned back to where Clarke was patiently waiting, a cocky grin on her plump lips, she felt Clarke wrap her arms around her waist, hands slipping into the back pockets of her jeans.

"Comfortable?" Lexa quirked a brow.

"I love your ass." Clarke confessed with a wistful sigh. "Should I move?"

Lexa grinned, shaking her head as she leaned down to kiss Clarke. "Can we take this home, now?"

A voice clearing her throat in the quad forced them to stop the kissing. The two glanced up at Niylah, who'd stepped up on the short wall near the sign-ups, tall enough for everyone to see.

"What's she doing?" Lexa asked softly.

"She's the coach!" Clarke smirked.

"Oh, now I see the sudden interest." Lexa grumbled, and Clarke pinched her butt, causing her to yelp.

"Okay, looks like a full roster!" Niylah smiled. "I'm just going to scan this, and check for the two most experienced players to be team captains. Let's see here.....Oh, Luna! Great. You can be blue team captain. my eyes betray me, or has the mighty Lexa Woods honored us with her presence?" Niylah smirked.

Clarke was proudly grinning, watching Lexa blush and avert her gaze.

"Alright then. Lexa, you're red team captain." Niylah offered instantly.

"Nice." Clarke elbowed Lexa, who grunted in response.

"Any couples in the audience?" Niylah smirked.

An overwhelming roar of "Clarke and Lexa!" sounded out.

"What do you think? Should we pit them against each other?" Niylah teased.

Clarke laughed when the group (led by Octavia and Raven cried) "Hell yeah!"

"Well, the people have spoken. Clarke, you're on Luna's team. Any other couples I need to destroy?" Niylah teased.

"Nathalie and Tara!" Someone cried from the back. "They flirt too much! They never focus. They're like newlyweds."

Niylah smirked. " That settles it. No couples, it seems."

Lexa groaned, glancing at Clarke, who kissed her cheek in response.

"Okay, for the rest of you, I'm just going to number you off. 1's are Red, 2's are Blue." Niylah announced as she descended down the list.
"I can't believe you're mad about me being on Luna's team." Clarke laughed as Lexa held the door of the Dropship open for her.

"I'm not." Lexa huffed. "I'm just jealous."

"I like this honest new you." Clarke smirked.

"You shouldn't even be playing." Lexa grumbled. "I cannot believe the group voted for tackle football over flag, or touch. You'll be crushed."

"By you, if I'm lucky." Clarke winked, allowing Lexa to tie the apron behind her back. "Plus, after my team kicks your team's ass, we can celebrate. And I will oh so gloriously top you."

"You're cocky for someone who's talking to a state champion." Lexa informed her, and she puffed her chest proudly when Clarke blushed and leaned up to kiss her.

"You're right. I just think it' to play against each other. Plus, you can teach me all your moves."

"Moves? This isn't martial arts, Clarke, it's-"

"Shhh." Clarke rolled her eyes. "I know, I know, it's your greatest love in the world."

"Not my greatest." Lexa murmured, cupping Clarke's cheeks.

Clarke blushed, swooning at the words. "I love you. I just want to have a chance to play against the great Alexandria Anastasia Woods before she leaves to make a legacy at D.C.U."

Lexa smiled, kissing her forehead. "Whatever you want, love." Soon. Soon she could see Clarke's smile light up, when she told her that she too, was going to Polis. She was going to make Clarke the happiest woman on earth, if she could help it.

Clarke grinned, pulling Lexa into a hug. "I'll see you in a few hours? Study date?"

Lexa laughed. "Remember our last study date?"

"That's what I'm hoping for." Clarke smirked. "Can I get you anything? Water, or some gross quinoa?"

"Hey, healthy food can be good!" Lexa protested. "Also, are you positive you're alright to work?"

"It's the only thing that keeps me sane." Clarke promised, tapping Lexa's butt. "Now go, I'll see you."

"Bye, Clarke." Lexa smiled as Clarke blew her a kiss, and descended back into the kitchens of the Dropship.

"Well, if it isn't Mrs. Woods herself." Octavia smirked. "How's the head?"

"She makes it feel fine." Clarke answered honestly, glancing at the doors.

"Gay." Octavia snorted. "Let's have a nice long gossip session, now that college is out of the way." She grinned mischievously.

"What about work?" Clarke peered over her shoulder. "Who's on waitress duty right now?"

"That new girl. Hot one." Octavia shrugged. "Taylor...Taylah? Nice accent."

"She's Australian." Clarke snorted reaching for a towel. "And one person. Who's helping Murphy load up the fries?"

"...Short girl? Brown hair? Glasses? Kate, I think." Octavia shrugged nonchalantly, popping a fry into her mouth. Octavia was always one of those girls who could eat mountains and maintain a perfect figure. Clarke envied her for it endlessly. But Lexa loved her body, her curves, and claimed she wouldn't change a thing. She made Clarke's heart flutter at the thought.

"...So you wanted to talk?" Clarke asked mildly.

Octavia nodded, but Clarke could tell her mind was already scheming. "So, have you made your promposal yet?"

"My what?" Clarke's eyes widened. "Oh, god, I have to ask Lexa to prom! I completely forgot!"

"...Relax, Griff. It's April. Prom is next month." Octavia assured, drying a few dishes with her towel. "Besides, you're dating Lexa Woods. She's probably already got something up her sleeve."

"Yeah but...O, she's going to D.C.U, and I really want this to be perfect." Clarke admitted, somewhat sheepishly.

"Trying to use prom to rock her world so she won't ditch you for some other girl in D.C.?" Octavia guessed.

"Is it that obvious?" Clarke sighed. "I mean, I trust her, I do. But I just...really want to leave a lasting impression with this. Will you help me?"

Octavia smirked. "Let's call in the Delinquents and cook up some trouble. I hear Raven has a new type of firework."

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6.8K 310 6
Lexa's dried flowers are carefully placed in Clarke's nightstand, her secret treasure chest. She ticks 'yes' on the 'will you go out with me' note, o...
90.4K 1.5K 11
Clarke knew she had a lot to learn when she agreed to work on Woods Ranch. What she didn't know was that, in addition to horseback riding and cattle...