Catch Me, I'm Falling

By kingstyles94

277K 4.4K 9.3K

Lexa Woods is Arkadia High's brand new varsity quarterback star, badass and adored by all. Clarke Griffin is... More

August: Part I
August: Part II
August: Part III
September: Part I
September: Part II
October: Part I
October : Part II
December : Part I
December : Part II
January : Part I
January : Part II
January : Part III
February : Part I
February : Part II
February : Part III
February : Part IV
February : Part V
March : Part I
April : Part II
April : Part III / May : Part I
May : Part II

March : Part II / April : Part I

10.7K 131 324
By kingstyles94

"Lexa?" Clarke's voice sounded from just outside of her bathroom. "Where is your-- Holy shit.. ."

There were some things that one was expected to grow accustomed to in a long term relationship. While most relationships had an initial spark, a lusty and affectionate sort of madness inflicted upon both parties, that was expected to come to an end, in due time. Clarke knew she still got flutters in her stomach every time she saw her girlfriend, and she still had a schoolgirl crush, just as Lexa had with her.

But nothing was more intense than Clarke's reaction to watching Lexa work out. Specifically, doing pull-ups on the bar in her doorway, in nothing more than a sports bra and spandex, hair pulled back in a loose ponytail.

Truly, Clarke was the luckiest woman in the world. She was sure of it. Because before her, in all her sweaty, muscled glory, was a goddess. Smirking at her.

"Clarke," Lexa greeted with ease, hoisting herself up as if it were nothing at all, even gracing her with a little smile.

Clarke's heart nearly exploded. Why did it suddenly feel like the same excitement of when they weren't quite dating, longing for each other so desperately, always just out of reach. Clarke loved to admire her then, and Clarke certainly loved to admire her now.

"What are you doing?" Clarke asked, mind numb as she stepped forward to get a better look.

"Last minute training for Friday's championship," Lexa informed her with a cocked brow. "What about you?"

"...Drooling." Clarke snorted, leaning forward to wrap her arms around Lexa's torso, likely weighing her down, but Lexa didn't seem to mind. She eyed Lexa's tense abdomen, placing an open kiss against her skin. "You are literally the perfect human." Clarke groaned. "How is this even possible? How am I dating you?"

Lexa chuckled, legs wrapping around Clarke, not unlike the first time Clarke had ever seen Lexa do pull-ups. "Look who's talking, sunshine," she murmured, moving to lift Clarke.

"You'll throw out your back, Lex." Clarke tsked, wriggling free of her grasp. "You can put those thighs around me some other time."

Lexa smirked at Clarke's brazen little innuendo, releasing her grip as she gracefully came down, flexing her arms in a stretch.

"Hi," she murmured, pulling Clarke flush against her body.

"Hi," Clarke echoed, leaning in for a kiss.

Clarke wanted to laugh at the juxtaposition: Lexa, doing pull-ups moments ago with such extreme intensity, then giving her the softest of kisses, brushing her nose against Clarke's lovingly. She contradicted herself in the sweetest of ways.

"What's the plan for today?" Lexa asked gently, their foreheads leaning against each other.

"...Therapy at noon," Clarke almost growled. Lexa pinched her butt, and when Clarke let out a yelp, Lexa stole a kiss.

"I hate you," Clarke grumbled, deepening the kiss.

"It'll be over before you know it," Lexa soothed. "It's an hour to talk about your feelings... your family... your crushes... anything you want." Lexa winked.

"Crushes?" Clarke drawled. "Oh, yeah, I'll tell her all about Lincoln, and Anya, and--"

"Stop, or I'll need therapy too," Lexa grumbled, hands possessively snaking around Clarke's hips.

"You have practice, right?" Clarke queried gently.

"...At noon," Lexa conceded with a nod.

Clarke glanced back at the clock by Lexa's bed. "It's ten-thirty." She smirked mischievously. "Carry me to bed, and take everything off. I'm going to ravish you," she demanded in a faux lofty voice, and Lexa's eyes widened in surprise as she wasted no time in lifting Clarke up, the two giggling against each other in a messy heap.

Neither one had mentioned the whole separate university ordeal.

Maybe because it seemed like the beginning of the end for both of them.
Clarke's foot nervously tapped on the floor with every scratch of the pen on her therapist's paper. She'd been so nervous that she almost repressed the memory altogether.

It didn't feel like a conversation, a constant ebb and flow of words, strung together to create meaningful phrases. Instead, it felt like an interrogation, with sharp, guarded responses.

Clarke felt as if, by coming here and exposing herself like this, she'd dangled a thread in the air. At any time, at any moment, all the woman before her needed to do was yank down on that thread and she'd unravel, a broken mess on the carpeted floor.

And Clarke Griffin was damn good at repressing her feelings. When Jake passed, and Raven hurt herself in that accident, Clarke didn't grieve. She toughed it out, like the world had taught her. Grieving was a luxury reserved for those who didn't have to carry on.

And Clarke most certainly had to carry on, even through the constant back and forth she was suffering now.

She'd expected the conversation to start right with her father, but instead it was an exchange of pleasantries, of basic information. It baffled Clarke to no end.

"Tell me about yourself, Clarke." The therapist's voice was soft, inviting. She had soft features and an encouraging smile. It was Dr. Vie, Maya's mother, and she was as gentle as her daughter in every sense of the word.

It shouldn't have been hard.

"What do you want to know?" Clarke inquired, almost defensively.

Vie shrugged. "I have basic info in your file, Clarke. I want to get to know you, if that's alright. Where do you go to school?"

"Arkadia," Clarke mumbled. "But something tells me you already knew that."

Vie gave her a wry smile. "I did. But tell me about your social life. Do you find it easy to get along with your peers?"

Clarke nodded, beginning to tell her about the delinquents, without mentioning their less than legal escapades. She didn't need to know anything about Jasper and Monty's pot business (as Jasper had expressed interest in Maya), or Murphy's cigarette stealing endeavors (even though he didn't smoke).

"They sound wonderful, Clarke." Vie nodded. "They seem to enrich your life tremendously."

Clarke nodded, leaning back in her seat. This wasn't too terrible.

"...And significant others?"

Clarke's eyes widened slightly, as she imagined Lexa from that morning, wearing an old jersey, lazily lounging on the couch with Clarke in her arms. "Yes." She nodded. "Alexandria Woods."

Vie cocked a brow. "You're dating Arkadia's sweetheart." She hummed.

Clarke grinned, feeling a hot surge of pride in her chest. "Months now."

"What's that like? It's all relevant to you, of course, so if you don't mind sharing..."

Clarke nodded, taking a breath. "It's... scary," she admitted.

"Scary? Why?"

"Well..." Clarke blinked, licking her lips. "I love her. Right off the bat, I should tell you that. She's my best friend."

"In the romantic sense?"

"No. She's... I'm closer to her than I am to anyone else. We genuinely enjoy each other's company. I mean, the way I let her in... the things I've told her..." Clarke shook her head. "--Sorry, that's off topic."

"Of course it's not. She's a big part of your life, it seems."

"The biggest."

"Then she's relevant. Now, Clarke, if I may... you mentioned a feeling. Being scared, specifically. What about Lexa scares you? It seems you've entrusted her with so much. Has she done something to betray that trust?"

Clarke glanced away. "I... don't see what this has to do with my father," Clarke grumbled.

"Clarke." She paused, taking a moment to carefully lay out her words. "One accident doesn't make or break a person."

Clarke stilled at those words.

"So, about Lexa. What worries you?"

Clarke knew the answer.

It was the very same one she'd been avoiding since she'd seen the DCU slip. It was the fact, pure and simple, that there was the possibility of a future without Lexa. And what if Lexa didn't love her as much as she loved Lexa? What if Lexa was okay with folding the present behind her and moving on with her life, full of glitz and glamour and beautiful women, while Clarke had to pick up the pieces of her broken heart?

Lexa was everything to her.

Absolutely everything.

And that terrified someone as independent and headstrong as Clarke.

And she hadn't realized she'd said all that out loud.

Dr. Vie nodded several times, pushing her glasses up her nose thoughtfully. "Okay, this is good," she murmured as Clarke steadied her breathing. "We're getting somewhere. Have you tried talking to Alexandria about this? It seems to me like she'd be devastated to know she's a major cause of stress for you, judging by the way you described her."

"No." Clarke's voice was sullen. "How do you tell someone not to do what's best for them?"

Session one seemed to be full of revelations.
Not one week later, Clarke found herself entering Arkadia High's locker room on the day of the championship game, just hours away.

"Are you nervous?" Clarke's voice echoed across the tall rows upon rows of lockers, empty, save for Lexa's spot.

"The Comm--"

"I know, I know." Clarke smiled fondly, stopping just before where Lexa was seated on the bench, now glancing up into Clarke's gaze. "The Commander doesn't get nervous," she finished for her, hands slipping into Lexa's hair, scratching at her scalp to relax her. Lexa purred at the action, leaning into Clarke's hands.

"How long do I have until warm ups?" Lexa questioned softly, burying her face in Clarke's covered abdomen.

"Hmmm... an hour," Clarke murmured with a glance to Jake's watch, ever in place on her left wrist. "An hour for me to pamper you." She grinned, straddling the bench so that she was directly in front of Lexa, tilting her chin up. "I'm so proud of you, babe."

Lexa looked up in genuine adoration.

Clarke took a breath, feeling the urge to continue threading the tapestry of her explanation, her journey with Lexa. "Remember the first game I came to?"

"How could I forget?" Lexa breathed. "I'd been thinking about you all day. And then you bumped into me, wearing a jacket with my number, and you called me cocky, and arrogant." Lexa smiled fondly, hands lacing with Clarke's.

Clarke chuckled. "Okay, true. But you also told me your playing speaks for itself. And while I found you incredibly douchey, I have to agree."

Lexa snorted a laugh, and Clarke smiled at her pearly white display.

"You're gifted. And every scout has already seen you, so your future is intact, one way or another. But trust your team; they love you. You're born for greatness, Woods," she said, sighing when Lexa pulled her forward, onto her lap.

Lexa was blinking back any tears and emotion, sliding her hands up Clarke's shirt, pressing against her bare back to bring her closer. Their lips met in a soft, pillowy kiss, accented by the brushing of Lexa's nose against Clarke.

"I'm so lucky I met you," Lexa murmured, emotion heavily lacing her tone. "I remember walking into Crewe's classroom, and you dropped your notebook. You looked beautiful, as always." Lexa nuzzled Clarke's neck, inhaling her scent. "Look at us now."

The unspoken question about their college issue hung in the air between them.

Neither dared to answer it, especially not at such a pivotal time for Lexa, right before the biggest game of her career.

"I love you." Clarke hummed happily as she leaned in to press her lips against Lexa's forehead. "So, so much, Alexandria."

Lexa smiled at the name, her smile only growing when Clarke reached for the eyeblack jar, ready to apply Lexa's eye mask.

"I just want you to relax, okay?" Clarke said softly, nudging Lexa to turn around and lie prone on the bench, resting her head facing up in Clarke's lap.

Clarke set the jar aside momentarily, running her fingers along the sides of Lexa's face, gently relaxing her. She grinned when a dopey, relaxed smile broke out on Lexa's lips.

"Don't try to hide it." Clarke grinned, leaning down to steal a tender kiss. "I know you're a spoiled baby."

Lexa pouted into their kiss, reaching up to caress Clarke's cheeks.

"I most certainly am not," Lexa huffed teasingly.

"You're my baby." Clarke smirked.

"...Fair," Lexa conceded with a smile as Clarke returned to her gentle massage. "...Speaking of babies..."

"Clexa... god, that name is idiotic." Clarke chuckled. "--is with Grandma Griffin and Grandma Woods. Who are both bonding, and very excited for your big game."

Lexa blushed, proud to have fallen into Abby's favor.

Clarke began to gently apply the eyeblack in the tear-like fashion, laughing to herself when Lexa made a whiny noise.

"What?" She asked softly. "I didn't get any in your eye, did I?"

"No," Lexa muttered thoughtfully. "Just... what if this is our last time, doing this? I don't think I could play a game without this."

Clarke glanced away uneasily. "You have before, haven't you?"

Before Lexa could reply, the door to the main locker room was thrown open, and the two nearly jumped apart, as Abby came pacing in.

"Is Lexa decent?" Abby's voice rang.

"Yes, mom." Clarke sighed in exasperation.

A few more steps sounded, and then a pause.

"...Is Clarke decent?"

Lexa smirked. "I think she's more than decent," she whispered teasingly, before Clarke slapped her arm.

"Mom, we're not having sex!"

"...Isn't that surprising," Abby grumbled mainly to herself, entering their row with a small grin. She knelt before Lexa. "Hi honey," she said, occupied with getting her things out of her bag. "How're you feeling?"

"...Not nervous," Lexa replied quickly.

Abby cocked a brow. "Oh, really?" She smirked, sticking two of her fingers against Lexa's neck. "Your pulse is faster than a jackhammer."

Lexa sighed. "It always is when I'm around your daughter, Abby."

Abby paused, genuinely in awe of Lexa's smooth operating. "...I can see why you're attracted to her." Abby smirked at Clarke, who blushed heavily, moving to sit behind Lexa. She wrapped her arms around Lexa's waist and rested her chin on Lexa's shoulder.

"Oh, is that absolutely necessary?" Abby sighed. "I need to make sure she's in good shape, Clarke."

"Yes." Clarke shrugged nonchalantly, pinching Lexa's side.

"Clarke!" Lexa yelped, trying to control her leg from jerking out.

Abby rolled her eyes, but couldn't conceal the faint smile on her lips.

"If I kick your mother, we'll be over," Lexa warned her wearily.

Clarke laughed heartily at that, and Abby grinned at the sound. If Lexa could bring Clarke that sort of happiness, and love her that dearly, then she was perfect for Clarke in Abby's book.

"Stretch your leg out for me," Abby directed, feeling Lexa's calf muscle. "Any tightness?"

"No," Lexa replied honestly.

Abby nodded, dusting off her hands as she rose. "Alright, sweetie, you look good to go."

Lexa's eyes twinkled with delight. "Thank you, Dr. Griffin."

"Anytime, honey," Abby said, leaning down to envelop Lexa in a hug, and then pressing a kiss to her head. "That's from me, and your parents outside, okay? Good luck out there."

"Thank you." Lexa dipped her head gratefully, and Abby was out the door.

Lexa's cheeks were still rosy from the encounter, and her heartbeat hadn't slowed from all the adrenaline.

"She loves you," Clarke whispered, arms wrapped tightly around Lexa. "I mean, not even close to how much I do, but that's a lot from her," Clarke teased.

Lexa chuckled in response, fingers lacing with Clarke's.

"Us Griffins just can't get enough of you, it seems," Clarke murmured. "By the way, she wasn't kidding. Your parents are excited to see you. Your dreams are coming true."

Lexa smiled, closing her eyes to relax momentarily in Clarke's embrace.

"My only dream is to be yours."

Clarke blinked away tears, glancing away. Since when was she such a sap? Since she realized her time with Lexa was finite.

"Grab your helmet, Romeo," she mumbled, the echo of sass in her tone.

Lexa smiled nonetheless.

"Good luck out there, okay?" Clarke added in a softer tone.

"I told you. I have my good luck charm right here with me."

Lexa's words rang true on the stadium, that day.
Clarke, along with many family members of the Grounder team players, stormed the field right as the final horn sounded. Clarke slammed into Lexa's sweaty figure, helmet casually tossed aside and forgotten as Clarke jumped onto Lexa, who hoisted her up with ease. Clarke's legs wrapped around her as their lips collided in a hot and messy kiss, some of Lexa's paint rubbing off on Clarke's cheeks.

Their moans were, luckily, muffled by the roar of the crowd as t-shirts and confetti were launched into the air, thanks to the meticulous planning of the student body representatives. Clarke's hands settled on cupping Lexa's cheeks, as her neck was too far a reach with all the shoulder padding that Clarke found so sexy.

"You did it!" Clarke enthused, breathlessly, as she peppered kisses all over Lexa's face. "My champion."

Lexa beamed with pride, parents and teammates long forgotten. Clarke, her Clarke , was proud of her. That was all she truly cared about, it seemed.

"Didn't think we would, for a moment," Lexa admitted breathily, hands under Clarke, supporting her weight.

"I never doubted you, Commander." Clarke grinned, leaning in for yet another frantic kiss. She suddenly felt Lexa being tugged backwards. She opened her eyes, laughing when she saw her teammates tugging Lexa away. She was scowling, hands protectively on Clarke's waist.

"Go!" Clarke laughed, pulling her in for a chaste kiss. "I'll be waiting with your family."

"But--" Lexa was forced to put Clarke down as she was lifted onto Lincoln's shoulders, the team following her with a deafening roar as they brought her to Titus, who looked mortified.

Clarke soon realized just why that was.

The cooler of Gatorade, the one unused for the duration of the game, was now hoisted up to Lexa as she took it and turned its contents upside down. Titus was drenched in the blue liquid as he gasped for air, while the team cheered their approval.

The parading continued for nearly fifteen minutes before everything settled, and the players set out to change.

Anya was the first to arrive, freshly showered and changed into her slim fitting jeans and brand new championship letterman, a proud grin on her face.

"And there's my baby!" Gustus boomed with delight, pulling Anya in for a bear hug.

"Dad!" Anya hissed. "Here? Seriously?"

"She's right, Gus." Indra smirked, leaning down to kiss Anya on the head nonetheless. "Wouldn't want to embarrass her in front of--"

"...Hey, An."

The group glanced up to see Raven Reyes making her way towards them, looking positively nervous. Clarke hid her smirk and exchanged a look with Indra.

"Hey, Pines, Woods... Why do you all have tree names?" Raven muttered to herself. "Anyway, ah..."

Anya turned to her expectantly, but what she hadn't anticipated was the way Raven threw her arms around her in a celebratory hug.

"You kicked ass," Raven murmured as Anya melted into the hug.

Anya was blushing beet red, and Indra smirked. "So..." she drawled. "I'll assume there will be no dinner reservations this time around?"

Anya blinked, tearing herself away from Raven. "Uh... No." She cleared her throat. "There's an afterparty. At Nyko's. Team only."

When Clarke cocked a brow and almost frowned, she quickly added, "--And significant others, Clarke. Lexa's taking you, of course."

"Oh." Indra nodded, a smirk on her features. "So you're going with Reyes."

Raven's eyes gleamed and Anya felt the urge to kick Indra in the shin. Of course she just did that. If she said yes, she was leading Raven on. If she said no, she'd embarrass her in front of everyone.

"Fine... yes." Anya rolled her eyes, ignoring Raven's prideful smirk. "...I'm going with Raven."

Indra grinned. "Excellent. You two have fun now. Be home by a reasonable hour. If you're going to have sex, do go about asking Alexandria for her room. It's the only one in the house that's soundproofed. ...Unless, of course, Clarke and Lexa are using it."

At that, both Anastasia and Abby turned to gaze upon Clarke, who was redder than a tomato, blushing furiously.

She felt arms slip around her waist, and a kiss pressed to her cheek.

"Hey beautiful," Lexa greeted her enticingly, only worsening the situation.

Clarke cleared her throat, and Abby stepped forward, arms out as if nothing had happened. "Lexa!" she enthused as she and Lexa met in a surprisingly warm, comfortable hug. "I'm so proud of you, honey." She grinned, and Lexa looked up at her with a grateful smile.

They'd come a long way since the distrust and the accusations.

Abby loved Lexa like a daughter, now.

Anastasia cleared her throat, and stepped forward with a grin nonetheless. "Oh, Alexandria!" she gushed. "Your game was nothing short of incredible. Your father and I are so proud, come here!"

Lexa couldn't help the little grin on her face as her mother and father surrounded her in a death grip of a hug, kissing her head and whispering how wonderful she was.

Alexander actually had tears in his eyes, which caused Lexa's to do the same, which caused Clarke to start happily sobbing for her girlfriend.

Aden came over with a soda in his hands, without looking up, muttering, "--So I found a diet soda, but-- Lex, you're back! I-- what the hell?" He asked in surprise as he came upon Clarke, Lexa, Alexander, and Anastasia all tearing up as they hugged in one tight circle.

"C'mere, squirt," Lexa grumbled as Aden burrowed his way in between Clarke and Lexa, squeezing the life out of his sister in a hug.

"...So can I come to Nyko's rager?" Aden asked, voice hopeful. He'd been hoping to impress Atom with Lexa's extensive connections, and the football championship afterparty was sure to be a hit.

"Hah," Lexa snorted. "As if."

Nyko's party was exactly that: a rager.

Lexa was smart enough to guess as much, and she took Clarke out for dinner before regrouping with Anya, Lincoln, Raven, and Octavia to go to the somewhat exclusive party. As they made their way to the front door of the ridiculously loud house, filled with screaming teens and booming music, Lexa wrapped her arm around Clarke's waist, admiring her new championship jacket on Clarke.

"Lex, you can wear it," Clarke protested as she followed Lexa's gaze. "You earned it, babe."

"I like all my things better when they're on you." Lexa shrugged smoothly, and Clarke couldn't resist leaning up to kiss her cheek.

"So, what's next for the great Alexandria Anastasia Woods?" Clarke mocked in a faux reporter's tone. "World domination? The Olympics? Acting? World class pianist?"

Lexa rolled her eyes fondly, turning to speak into Clarke's fist, serving as the imaginary microphone. "Actually, Ms. Griffin, I intend to spend the evening making up for a season's worth of not getting wasted, and then spending the weekend making mad passionate love to my girlfriend."

Clarke's jaw dropped slightly and Lexa licked her lips.

"You deserve some fun." Clarke grinned, arm around Lexa's waist. "I can't wait to see you unwind, you know?"

"Well, as long as you don't dump me once you see my less than sober side," Lexa teased.

Clarke scoffed. "There isn't a force in the world that could make me do that. Let loose, babe. I've got you."

Lexa smiled gratefully and paused to pull Clarke's lips in with her own, allowing her tongue to emote her feelings for her.

Clarke seemed to get the message loud and clear.

Nyko's house was absolute anarchy. There were no rules, no system, nothing. A team of nearly thirty rowdy footballers, and, somehow, two-hundred people in the house. Couples were making out, retreating to the bedrooms for what was most likely sex. People were climbing the roof to launch themselves into the icy pool.

Clarke and Lexa had bested Octavia and Lincoln in nearly three rounds of beer pong, and that was after the shots.

Clarke, of course, remained sober during this time for Lexa's sake, and was thoroughly enjoying watching Lexa's actual "football fratboy" side surface. It never did.

What Clarke did find, instead, was how amusing Lexa was as a drunk.

Clarke's postulated "tiny gay mouse" theory was correct. Lexa was, by all means, a tiny gay (slightly handsy) mouse.

And Clarke was soaking it up.

Lexa came into the kitchen where Octavia was mixing drinks with Clarke, the two of them apparently competing with their "bartender skills".

"Oh, look at that lost puppy," Octavia tsked.

Clarke's eyes lit up when Lexa shuffled towards her, arms out needily.

"Hey, pretty girl," Clarke teased, hopping off the counter to wrap her arms around Lexa. "Having a good time?"

"Mhmm..." Lexa hummed cutely, breathing in Clarke's scent.

"I heard you beat Lincoln in a wrestling match." Clarke smirked, and Octavia rolled her eyes. "When did that-- Lex!" Clarke yelped when Lexa cupped her ass appreciatively.

"Sorry." Lexa shrugged apologetically, though her smile begged to differ.

"Why'd you stop dancing babe?" Clarke asked, stroking Lexa's hair, which had been let loose, and now flowed over her shoulder regally. She looked absolutely gorgeous, with wide eyes and pouty lips. Clarke thought she even looked a little younger, a little more vulnerable, far less cocky. This was a part of Lexa she cherished.

"Missed you," Lexa mumbled in a small voice, burying her face in the crook of Clarke's neck.

Clarke pouted affectionately, clearly endeared, while Octavia snickered behind her.

"Can't believe the Commander is a whiny five-year-old when she's drunk."

Lexa was lost in her own world of Clarke, and had busied herself by lining Clarke's jaw and neck with wet kisses.

Clarke groaned softly, smiling as she pulled away so as not to encourage her.

"I love you, Klark ," Lexa said her name differently, and Clarke recognized the pronunciation to be Trig.

She grinned, cupping Lexa's cheeks. "I love you more."

Lexa smiled as if Clarke had just given her the whole world. (And if Lexa were coherent enough, she'd have told Clarke that she was her whole world).

They were interrupted by Anya, who'd just slipped into the kitchen with an equally dopey smile.

"Hey." Anya smirked at Clarke and Lexa, a slightly slurred edge to her tone.

"Hey." Lexa tried to match her smirk, aiming for a high-five, and barely making it.

"You getting some tonight?" Anya teased.

"Getting some what?" Lexa blinked tiredly. "Clarke? What is she talking about?"

"Ass," Clarke quipped playfully.

Lexa frowned. "Anya. Don't talk about my wife like that."

Octavia snorted yet another laugh into her cup, and Anya rolled her eyes. "You taking her home, Griffin?"

"Yeah." Clarke nodded, grateful for Anya's caring behavior for her cousin. "You need a lift?"

"Reyes has it." Anya shook her head. "Goodnight Mrs. And Mrs. Woods." Anya yanked a bottle of vodka from the sink as she wheeled around, leaving Clarke to hug Octavia goodbye and get Lexa in the car.
"I can't believe this is my Lexa Woods." Clarke hummed appreciatively as she and Lexa entered the guest house, Lexa walking in a less than graceful manner, causing Clarke to steady her.

Lexa gave her a lopsided grin and Clarke's heart melted. "It's me," she assured rather seriously, falling onto the bed with a huff. "This bed's almost as soft as you," she slurred, patting the spot beside her.

"I'm soft, am I?" Clarke teased, coming to lay down beside Lexa.

"Did y'know you're beautiful?" Lexa mumbled, her fingers grazing Clarke's cheeks. "Sexy. Pretty," she added lamely, pulling Clarke closer to her.

Clarke blushed nonetheless, grateful for the flattery, if nothing else. "Thank you," she whispered. "Sometimes I still don't believe that."

Lexa's jaw dropped. "What?!" she gasped dramatically, and Clarke chuckled, shushing her with a grin.

"You help change that."

"Good," Lexa grumbled. "You're so beautiful. If I could paint like Clarke, I'd draw you." She mumbled, and Clarke laughed at her error. "You're the prettiest girl I've ever seen."

Clarke smiled toothily. "Prettier than, say...Indra?" she teased.

Lexa made a face. "Yes. Prettier than Cos, too."

Clarke's gaze widened at that. Costia was nothing short of a goddess. If drunk people really did always tell the truth... needless to say, she was quite flattered.

Lexa leaned forward, pressing a lazy kiss to Clarke's lips, her hands lifting Clarke's shirt. "We should have sex," she mumbled.

Clarke snorted. "Not like this, we shouldn't."

Lexa pouted, and Clarke couldn't help leaning over to kiss it. That made Lexa smile, momentarily.

"Why not?" Lexa whined softly, squeezing Clarke's hip.

"...Consent... performance..." Clarke informed her. "You're out of it, my love."

Lexa looked unconvinced. "I want you," she whined once more.

Clarke smiled when Lexa's tired eyes blinked. "Oh, baby, you're exhausted," she murmured, sitting Lexa up. "What about... drunk cuddles instead?"

Lexa smiled at her and Clarke had her answer.

And so, the two set about stripping and getting ready for bed, and while Clarke couldn't fully remember the night she was high, she felt a wave of deja vu rush over her. Lexa had cared for her so sweetly, and she only wanted to return the favor, to do the same.

When Lexa finally climbed into bed, she pulled Clarke in with her, propped up on her elbow, their legs entangled. She stared at Clarke's face; her eyes, her lips, the beauty mark above her upper lip, surveying her beauty in silent awe.

"What are you thinking about?" Clarke asked gently.

"I'm thinkin' we should get married," Lexa mumbled.

Clarke broke out into a grin. "Yeah?"

She knew it wasn't a possibility at the moment, even until after college, probably, but it never really hurt to dream.

... Even if the possibility was shrinking considerably with their college ordeal. Which Clarke couldn't even bring up now, in Lexa's drunken state.

"Mmmm." Lexa smiled at the idea.

"You like me that much?" Clarke teased. "That's a big commitment."

Lexa didn't hesitate. "I love you more than anyone else in the universe." She informed Clarke matter-of-factly.

Clarke's heart skipped a beat. "Me too," she whispered gently playing with Lexa's hair, eliciting a groan from her girlfriend. "You like that?" Clarke chuckled.

Lexa nodded as Clarke continued, running her fingers through Lexa's brunette tresses.

"...We could do long distance," Lexa mumbled, barely audible.

Clarke froze, but then Lexa whined, and she continued to gently scratch at Lexa's scalp. "... What was that?" she whispered.

"... I don't wanna date someone else," Lexa practically whimpered. "When I go to college. The DC Scout said his daughter likes me... and she could show me around... but I want you. But you're... so far..." she admitted, half-asleep.

Clarke watched with wide eyes. "... So you're going to DCU?" She knew it was wrong, to extract answers out of Lexa in such a vulnerable state, but she couldn't help it.

Lexa turned over, but instead of answering Clarke, she mumbled, "Spoon me."

Clarke let out a sigh and wrapped her arms around Lexa, pressing a kiss to her neck. "Sleep, Lex. We can talk in the morning."

"Love you Klark," Lexa mumbled, her words muffled into the pillow, her butt wiggling into Clarke's body heat until she was warm.

Clarke didn't fall asleep until hours later, due to pure exhaustion, her mind wandering to the possibility of them breaking up.

Clarke woke the next morning to the faint scent of Lexa's perfume, realizing that at some point in the night she'd snuggled into Lexa's neck. She allowed herself a faint smile, despite her trepidations. She wished every morning could be like this.

Lexa, usually the early bird, shuffled slightly, pulling Clarke closer as she faced her, eyes still closed, smile on her lips.

"Hey," Clarke whispered. "How's your head?"

"Hurts," Lexa grumbled good-naturedly, arms pulling Clarke closer, as if she were a teddy bear.

Clarke gave her a smile, and then she felt a pang in her heart. She remembered what Lexa had disclosed to her, and suddenly she felt like showering, and moving on, doing anything else.

She hated that she was so in love and attached. She needed Lexa like she needed air. And what if Lexa suddenly wasn't around anymore?

"... I should shower," Clarke mumbled, attempting to writhe out of her hold.

Lexa whined, and Clarke felt her resolve shatter. "Stay," Lexa groaned, arms locking around Clarke. "I want to hold you."

"You're sleeping," Clarke protested weakly.

"Am not. I'm taking you in. Enjoying your feel," Lexa informed her stubbornly.

"Yeah?" Clarke scoffed. "How do I feel?"

Lexa's smile turned to a smirk as her fingers danced across Clarke's bare stomach. She slid her fingers beneath Clarke's panties, eliciting a gasp from the blonde.

"Wet." Lexa's voice was cocky as she opened her emerald gaze, placing a kiss to Clarke's neck. "I'm sorry I wasn't able to please you last night. What if I made it up to you?"

Clarke was weak. And entirely too good at avoiding the problem at hand.

"The shower," Clarke demanded.

"Yes ma'am." Lexa grinned, and when she removed the sheets, Clarke's eyes roamed her barely clothed body, and she was hit with guilt and lust all at once.
If Lexa had been popular before, there wasn't even a word to describe what she'd now become. As soon as she'd set foot on campus, arm loosely around Clarke's waist, she'd been getting endless stares, roars of approval, claps on the back.

Clarke was entirely too wrapped up in her pride for Lexa to really notice how many people were ogling her girlfriend. She donned Lexa's jersey from the game, which caused Lexa to stare at her for a solid ten minutes that morning.

"Look at you," Clarke husked in her ear as they made their way to health class, their "baby" safely tucked away in Clarke's bag.

Abby had warned them that it was bad form to put a baby in a backpack and zip it all the way.

Clarke rolled her eyes and shouted, "I know, mom, I'm not an idiot."

And that was the last she'd heard of it.

"What about me?" Lexa asked with a wry smile.

"Look at you, Commander cocky." Clarke grinned as she slid into the bustling classroom with Lexa. "My god, this is doing wonders for your already inflated ego, huh?"

Lexa's cheeks burned, and Clarke cupped them, clearly endeared. "It's a good thing I didn't fall for your arrogant façade."

Lexa smirked, her arms circling Clarke's waist as they lowered themselves onto one of the lab benches in the back. "Didn't you?"

Clarke rolled her eyes. "I fell for the soft girl underneath, who protected me during my attacks, who needed a friend more than anything."

Lexa's expression softened as she pulled Clarke to her chest, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "But the cockiness was hot, right?" she teased.

Clarke rolled her eyes, and kissed against Lexa's chest. "...A little." She conceded with a cheeky smile.

"Ew, jesus, we're in public. Save your sappy feelings porn for the bedroom, Lexa," Anya grumbled.

Raven feigned a gasp, covering up "Ranya's" eyes. Or, at least, the area in which she assumed they'd be if the sack of flour in her arms even slightly resembled a human baby in any way, shape, or form. "In front of the children?"she reprimanded with a cocked brow.

"You were flirting with my mom yesterday while you were waiting for Anya to pick you up from brunch." Clarke made a face, barely turning to look at them, settled comfortably in Lexa's arms.

Anya's eyes widened and Raven's cheeks burned. "What?" she demanded wearily. "She's glowing, for someone at her age! Someone needs to tell her."

"Kane tells her that," Lexa offered placidly.

"Yeah, really loudly, every fucking night," Clarke grumbled, messing with a spare thread on her shirt. "Which is why I spend most of my time at Lexa's."

"Yeah." Raven snorted, grinning. " That's why."

Before Lexa could say anything, Anya was already cutting her off with a more serious look.

"Well, Griffin, looks like that's going to change pretty soon." She sighed, taking a seat beside Raven, across from the couple.

Clarke glanced up in surprise, and Lexa spoke up, suddenly protective. "What? Why?"

"Well, while our lovely captain was busy attempting to make babies with you, Clarke, she missed Titus' email announcement. We're going to regionals, next week."

"We what?!"

"You what?!"

Lexa and Clarke fired off at the same time, excitement bursting through their tones.

"Yeah, big shot." Anya smirked. "Congratulations. Your dream just came true. We're state-level competitors."

Lexa looked as if someone had slapped her. She'd been gunning, at best, for the division championship. But regionals? Not in her wildest dreams.

"Babe?" Clarke gently nudged her, grinning at her stunned girlfriend.

"Sorry." Lexa blinked. "I just..." she murmured. "I can't believe this! Where are we playing?"

"Capital. Three-hour road trip." Anya huffed. "They're putting us up in a fancy hotel. I cannot believe being a jock is rewarded so highly in this society." She rolled her eyes with a smug smile.

"Hotel?" Lexa's ears perked. "How long are we staying?"

"Four days. Two games, elimination style," Anya explained. "We make those brackets, we're in the finals."

Lexa looked dumbstruck. She tossed a hand through her brunette waves, cascading over her shoulder, her eyes unsure.

"Lex!" Clarke's voice snapped her out of her reverie. "This is fantastic! I'm so proud! Congratulations, baby!" She cheered, leaning in to plant a congratulatory kiss on Lexa's lips.

"So..." Raven smirked, pointing to her flour baby. "You can work on making a real one of these in the hotel room, huh?"

Lexa blushed while Clarke glanced away, coughing.

Anya rolled her eyes. "Reyes, do you know how biology works, or do you just assume--"

"--I can't," Clarke admitted with a sad look in her gaze. Maybe a retreat with Lexa was all she needed to prove the worth of their relationship, and she couldn't even have that. "My scholarship piece is due next week."

Lexa gaped at her, as if suddenly remembering that fact herself. "Oh, really? An, I can't go."

It was Clarke's turn to gape at Lexa. "What?"

Anya seemed more terrified than either girl. "What do you mean you can't go?! You're the fucking team captain, and our star quarterback! People make movies about this shit!"

Raven smirked. "She doesn't want to piss off the wife, it seems."

Clarke turned to Lexa, completely shutting out their comments. "What do you mean you can't go?"

Lexa blinked. "Clarke, it's the most important week of your high school career. My season is officially over. I'm not about to leave you--"

"Lex." Clarke practically choked out.

Lexa never failed to make her heart stop with her selflessness.

"--You can't miss that game."

The shrill voice of the district instructor sounded off, however, and all side conversations were to be stopped. Clarke shot Lexa a glare and turned around, though she remained with her back pressed against Lexa, her girlfriend's arms settling around her.

Oh, this was far from over.
The sounds of Queen, playing from Clarke's phone, weren't quite enough to drown out the miniscule argument Clarke and Lexa were having in her room.







Clarke shot her a glare as she finished dressing in her uniform for work, despite Lexa's hearty protests that they stay and watch Netflix instead. Clarke had to maintain her independence in some way. If it was her meager work at the Dropship, so be it.

Of course, they were arguing about Lexa's involvement in regionals.

Lexa was sprawled out on Clarke's bed, watching her change for work, wearing a stern look as she tried not to drool. Despite the situation, Clarke wanted to laugh.

"Clarke." Lexa sighed, sitting on the edge of her bed. "You know you're the most important person in my life, right?"

Clarke blinked, nodding slowly. "...And you're the most important person in mine. So excuse me if I won't let you forsake your dreams for moral support on some measly painting I'll be getting the results of."

Lexa frowned, jaw tensing. "I hate when you put yourself down like this, Clarke." The name was sharp on her tongue, her words impassioned.

"Well, not all of us were born for greatness." Clarke meant to tease, coming to straddle Lexa's lap.

Lexa regarded her the way a devout worshipper regarded an idol. The afternoon light was soft on Clarke's face through the slitted window blinds, and her eyes were sparkling despite the doubt behind them.

"You were born for this, same as me." Lexa nuzzled her neck, practically purring when Clarke's arms circled her neck. "You are the most amazing person I know, Clarke. And no, not just because I'm so in love with you," she added gently, closing her eyes to take in Clarke's sweet perfume.

"Hey, Lexa." Clarke blinked, fingers absently tangled in Lexa's locks. "Can we talk, for a moment?"

Lexa frowned, leaning back on the bed so that she was face to face with Clarke. She brushed a stray blonde curl out of Clarke's face, her emerald gaze searching Clarke's for unspoken answers, details. She found worry. "You never have to ask, Clarke." Lexa's voice was barely above a whisper.

"Lexa," Clarke began breathily. "Do you remember, when I was... high? After you won the playoff game, after Octavia's party."

Lexa nodded, feeling a knot twist in her stomach. "Yes."

"Do you remember what I told you?"

Lexa blinked. "Do you?"

Clarke sighed. "...I was looking for a stapler for Kane's project when I saw the DC University letter on your desk. And... I know I shouldn't have looked. I'm really sorry, Lex, but I--"

"Hey." Lexa shook her head, gently caressing Clarke's cheek. "It's alright, love."

Clarke sighed in relief, still looking guilty. "And... you know I could never go there."

Lexa nodded slowly, a frown on her pouty lips.

"Well, the other night, when you were drunk... you murmured something about the scout, and his daughter, and... long distance." Clarke's voice sounded choked. "And then, at my therapist's, I had to talk about you, and everything, and how I felt."

Lexa nodded, trying her best to follow Clarke's crooked path of logic.

"I guess..." Clarke blinked away the tears in her eyes. "I guess I'm bringing this up, because I feel like I might be holding you back, Lexa," she murmured. "I mean, look at you. You're this amazing prospect, everybody wants you. And if DC is the place for you, I want you to go there without feeling chained, tied up. And this argument... reminded me of that. Your game should be your priority. You matter more than I do, and--"

"Clarke." Lexa's voice was calm and sharp all at once, something she'd picked up from her mother, no doubt. "Stop. That's enough."

Clarke looked about ready to flail. "But, I didn't even--"

"Clarke." Lexa scoffed in disbelief. "How could you even think like that?" Her voice trembled with fear, anger, hurt. "I mean, I know your intentions, but Clarke..." Her jaw clenched as she took in a breath, leaning forward to lace her hand with Clarke's. "I'm not with you because I have to be. This..." She motioned between them. "This is the greatest thing that's ever happened to me. You are a gift, Clarke, not a ball and chain. I'm so in love with you that the thought of being away from you hurts, and you want to talk about..." She couldn't even say it.

Clarke buried her face in Lexa's neck, muttering, "I'm sorry."

"Don't be," Lexa commanded gently, arms wrapping around Clarke. "I don't care if you lived continents away, Clarke. I'd wait for you."

Clarke's heart melted at that, and she snuggled further into Lexa's embrace. "I was scared... I don't want to lose you."

Lexa frowned, kissing Clarke's head. "Never," she promised, echoing her tone from the night she'd cared for Clarke.

"So... this can be practice," Clarke murmured, glancing up into Lexa's gaze.

"Practice?" she echoed, unsure.

"For long distance," Clarke reminded softly. "We can... talk every day and text and Facetime. I mean, I know it's only four days but... that's four days without my best friend." Clarke grumbled.

Lexa pouted as well, leaning down to brush her lips against Clarke's in a soft kiss. "Whatever it takes to convince you that we can handle this."

Clarke smiled, her hands sliding up Lexa's shirt, resting on her bare skin, just needing the feel of Lexa's warmth. "I love you," she spoke gently, leaning up to kiss Lexa once more. "Sometimes... I think those words don't really cover the way I feel about you," Clarke admitted in a shy voice.

Lexa's eyelashes fluttered as she batted them, pleasant surprise seeping into her tone."I know just how you feel. And, for the record, I love you." Lexa pulled Clarke flush against her, smiling into their make out session as the solid tunes of classic rock filled the speakers behind them, their eyes closed, and the world forgotten for just a moment.
Lexa's farewell with her family was brief, as they'd all promised to drive down and see her games, at some point. She'd left for school that morning, knowing that the team would depart from the parking lot before school actually started.

Clarke was excited for her, but simultaneously terrified at the prospect of a school week without Lexa.

She had nearly every class with Lexa.

She got lunch with Lexa.

She complained about Kane and her mother to Lexa.

She went home and studied with Lexa.

Lexa kissed her goodnight and held her until morning, where it would all begin again.

Lexa, Lexa, Lexa.

Since when was she so pathetic?

She stepped out of the car with Lexa, watching as a mass of her teammates gathered around the bus, Titus leaning against the door, taking roll.

Clarke was embarrassed to admit how uneasy she felt for just a few days without Lexa. But they needed this independence. Plus, they'd be texting as often as they could.

A few of Lexa's teammates gave hoots and hollers as Lexa and Clarke surfaced by the bus, Lexa rolling her eyes as Clarke blushed, glancing away.

Nearby, Raven was bidding Anya farewell, and Octavia was doing the same to Lincoln.

"Look at this." Anya smirked as she and Raven shared a final kiss before officially parting, Raven leaving with Octavia to get to Niylah's class. "This is your first time being apart in...ever." She whistled. "Wow. Heart wrenching stuff."

Lexa's jaw locked. "Anya. If you interrupt another second of my time with Clarke, I will ensure you have no legs to kick with."

Anya grinned. "Did you know that most of the players cheat on their significant others on these fun little trips? I mean, think about it. Tons of scantily clad cheerleaders, lots of temptation. And then, I hear Luna Rivers is planning on making moves on Clarke while Lexa's -"

"Hey, c'mon Anya." Lincoln rolled his eyes, socking her in the arm.

Lexa shot him a grateful smile.

"Don't you worry, Clarke." Lincoln beamed at her. "Commander thinks about you all day anyway."

Clarke blushed furiously, and Lexa smiled, pulling her aside from the crowd, dropping her bag on the pavement so she had free hands to circle Clarke's waist.

"Don't cheat on me." Clarke teased, arms circling Lexa's neck.

Lexa blinked at her. "Clarke, I would never even-"

"I know, baby. I'm teasing. " Clarke informed her. "I'm not really worried about our level of trust." She quipped playfully.

Lexa shot her a relieved smile, a toothy one that stopped Clarke's heart altogether.

She leaned up to capture Lexa's lips in a soft kiss. She broke apart, pressing their foreheads together. "I'm going to miss you. Your hugs. Sleeping beside you."

"If I weren't in training every day I'd come and get you. But I know how busy you are this week. Don't let me be a distraction." Lexa reminded gently, tucking a lock of hair behind Clarke's ear. "You're gonna do so well." She encouraged with a smile. "And Clarke?"


"Don't you dare get into trouble while I'm gone, and can't protect you." Lexa all but growled. "Please don't get smart with Cage, or Finn, or whoever else-"

Clarke was laughing, squeezing Lexa impossibly closer. "You worry a lot. It's four days."

Lexa sighed, rubbing Clarke's back. "I love you."

Clarke stilled in her arms, taking in the smell of Lexa's perfume. "I love you too. Now go win for me."

Lexa grinned, leaning forward to pick Clarke up, kissing Clarke with passion and rushed adoration. The two groaned softly, quite aware that they were the center of attention. "I will text you all day." Lexa informed her, kissing her forehead. "And I will video call you tonight."

"Can't wait." Clarke sighed dreamily.

"Good luck with your piece, Clarke." Lexa winked as she backed towards her car, where Anya was waiting, the two wisely opting out of the bus option. "Not that you need it."

Clarke swooned as her girlfriend drove away, and the weight of the day was already heavy on her shoulders.
It was a lot harder than Clarke had anticipated.

Every single thing she did during the day reminded her of Lexa.

Their flower field, her lunch breaks, all the letterman gear she'd seen.

Especially tutoring Aden, who had her same half smile, and the Woods family charisma.

"So." Aden had cheekily propped his elbow up on the table where he and Clarke had chosen to sit, for their hour of 'math torture' as Aden had dubbed it.

"So..." Clarke echoed, cocking her brow. She glanced at a flash of reddish-purple underneath Aden's flannel collar, and smirked. "Been having fun while your sister's away?"

Aden glanced away, hoping Clarke was just stabbing in the dark. "...Of course not." He answered lamely. "Are you?" He shot back, without realizing the futility of the question.

Clarke smiled. "Hard for me to have fun when she's not around." Her gaze softened slightly.

Aden glanced up at her, a mix of sympathy and pride in his eyes. "I'm a good matchmaker." He grinned.

"You certainly are." Clarke fidgeted in her jacket, that smelled of Lexa's perfume, as it was Lexa's.

"She texted me and asked me to make sure you were happy." Aden snickered. "Secretly."

Clarke grinned. "...What's the diagnosis, then?"

Aden smirked, something eerily similar to Lexa's. "Oh, you're a mess."

"Hey!" Clarke laughed as she swatted his arm. "I'm surviving!"

"Do you want her to come home early?" Aden teased. "I'll just text her that you're getting too close to Luna, and she'll be tearing through the highway in no time."

Clarke grinned, ruffling his hair. "Don't give Lex an aneurysm. I'll let you in on a secret: I kind of like her."

"You're the only one." Aden shook his head solemnly, and the two continued their work through fits of laughter.

She had to take a moment to reflect on just how hard she'd fallen for the cocky brunette goddess who'd harassed her in English class.

It was tedious, being without her.

She then went straight from school and worked a double-shift at the Dropship, where she'd found a note with Lexa's scrawl on it in the back. Wells then proceeded to double her weekly pay, chuckling about how the Woods' had called and raised all the salaries.

And Clarke knew Lexa had done that just because she wouldn't be around to pay for Clarke's lunches for a few days.

Clarke rolled her eyes, ignoring the thumping in her chest, as she took the check and pocketed it, coming home at almost seven o'clock in the evening. She set about her homework, deciding to shoot a text over to Lexa, her first one of the day. She'd been trying to build up her tolerance, but by now, they'd be cuddling in bed and kissing. She needed something.

Love of my life : Hey babe. How's it going?

Within seconds, Clarke's screen lit up, and she leaned back in her desk chair, unable to hide her smile.

Wifey<3 : About as awful as expected. Been running plays all day.

Eating dinner now. I miss you, Clarke. I miss your cheeky little quips.

Love of my life : I miss you more than you could imagine.

I'm just doing homework and watching over our daughter ;)

Wifey<3: Oh? How's my babygirl?

Love of my life : Fine? Haha she doesn't do much....

Wifey<3 : Talking about you ;)


Clarke felt an unprecedented heat pool up in her stomach. Was Lexa...trying to start something, here?

Love of my life : In a playful mood, babe?

Clarke could practically feel Lexa smirking through the phone.

Wifey<3: Just because I'm not there doesn't mean we can't have fun...

Clarke grinned, her heart racing. Okay, she could do this.

She stood and walked over to the bed, making herself comfortable before flipping on the front-facing camera, biting her lip in a suggestive smile as she snapped the photo and sent it.

It took a few seconds, but Lexa's response was as expected. Lovingly out of character.

Wifey<3 : God Clarke you're so beautiful.

I love you so much.

Clarke laughed gently at that, almost forgetting to type her response.

Love of my life :Thank you & I love you too.

But I thought you wanted to play with me???

Clarke sent another photo, this time of her shirt half off her shoulders, revealing a bra strap and Lexa's favorite sight in the world: her cleavage.

This time, the response was better.

Wifey<3 : Fuck.


Love of my life: Oh, is that what you want to do to me?

Clarke knew she was being cheeky, if not a little lame. But she wasn't exactly an expert at...sexting.

Oh, god, she was sexting her girlfriend.

This was either a new low, or an extremely new high. (Clarke certainly felt like it was the latter).

Before Lexa had a chance to respond, Clarke closed her eyes, trying to imagine Lexa hovering over her, whispering sweet things in her ear. She felt the heat in her stomach pool at that. Slowly, her fingers curled around the waistband of her jeans, and she was unbuttoning them with ease, sliding them off with a huff.

She glanced back at her door, making sure it was locked, as she'd left it.

This was certainly Lexa's private show.

She didn't need Abby, Raven, Bellamy, or anyone else to be walking in on Lexa's time.

With an almost shaky hand, she took her phone up, positioning it below her waist as the shot encompassed her body: shirt haphazardly hanging off her shoulder, revealing her full bra. Her stomach was bare where the shirt was bunched up, a silky expanse until the top of her panties at her waist.

Okay, so she may have worn the lacy black panties Lexa loved to see on her. (Or, on the floor of her bedroom).

The picture was snapped and sent to Lexa, and Clarke found her heart beating wildly once more. She knew Lexa had nothing to offer but adoration, but there was always risk with sending something so positively intimate.

Wifey<3 : Fuck.


Hold on.

I need to get to my room.

I'll call you.

Clarke's heart was a ticking time bomb at this point, as she felt a smile curl on her lips. It felt oddly comforting to be wanted, like that, by Lexa. She still interested her.

Love of my life : Don't take too long

Or I'll have to pleasure myself

...without you
Lexa's day was extensive, almost to the point of cruelty. Workout after workout, play after play, interview after interview.

And no Clarke to snuggle up to at nights.

No pretty laughs, talk about their future, or gentle massages.

Lexa hadn't fully realized how attached she was to her best friend and lover.

Or, not until she'd gotten those texts.

She had shoved her meal aside, bidding her teammates an early goodnight as she darted away from the hotel restaurant, away from their hollers and snickers about what exactly she was leaving to do.

She was breathless as she darted out of the elevator, entirely worried about losing Clarke's interest in the time it'd take her to get to her room.

She whipped the keycard out from her back pocket, scanning it two or three times before the godforsaken lock finally glowed green, and she slipped inside, practically darting for her laptop.

Except, Anya was lazily lounging on her bed, glancing at Lexa with a raised brow as she paused her facetime chat with Raven.

"Lex?" She queried. "About to throw up that steak?"

Lexa blinked, feeling her heart drop into her stomach. There was no sexting with Anya around, that was for sure.

When she trusted her voice enough not to stutter she murmured, "Ah...was just gonna skype with Clarke."

Anya nodded, eyes never leaving Lexa. "...okay."

Lexa nodded, starting up her laptop as she tried to think of an excuse. The bathroom? No, that was too loud, Anya would hear. She was seriously considering booking a new room, when she decided to just come out and say it.

"Anya...I want to have phone sex with Clarke." Lexa huffed out, cheeks burning.

Anya's eyebrows shot skyward as Raven screeched on the other end of the call, so hard that Anya hung up on her abruptly. She glanced up at Lexa with a quirky smile. "...finally."

"What?" Lexa blinked.

"I figured you wouldn't last until lunch. This is...impressive, for someone as hopelessly in love and pathetic as you." Anya informed her, rising off the bed.

Lexa flipped her off, suddenly turning around to check herself in the mirror. "Do I look okay? I mean, I showered before dinner, but hair isn't properly braided, and-"

Anya's look shut Lexa up abruptly. "Lex. You're practically married. Clarke looks at you like you shit gold bricks. Not to mention, you have our family genes, ladykiller. You know how good you look." Anya winked.

Lexa smiled genuinely at her, causing Anya to make a face.

"Alright Romeo...I'll be back before lights out. And I know you don't last that long."

Lexa grumbled an insult as Anya headed for Lincoln's, shutting the door behind her.

She hit the skype icon with no small excitement as she logged in.

She'd never done anything like this before. And even if she had, Clarke affected her in ways Costia and her other exes couldn't have even imagined.

It was thrilling.

The sounds of the skype video call rang out as Lexa carried her laptop to her bed, settling back against the headboard as it did.

Clarke accepted, and within a few seconds, they were staring at each other, both in similar positions.

As expected, they both broke character in sheer excitement of seeing each other.

"Hey baby." Lexa breathed, eyes concentrated on Clarke's glowing face, the two of them grinning at each other like idiots.

"Hey yourself." Clarke answered gently, eyes taking in Lexa's chiseled jaw line against the soft light of the hotel lamp beside her.

"I missed you." Lexa informed her with a smile. "I know we're saps, and it's only been hours, but I can't bring myself to care."

Clarke's heart melted at that. Lexa always knew just the thing to say to have Clarke on her knees.

"I missed you more." Clarke echoed. "Life is really...different, without you. Empty."

Lexa gave her a stunning smile. "Three more days." She reminded. " And then I'm going to come and sweep you off your feet."

Clarke grinned right back at her, aching for Lexa's touch, for her scent, for her kisses. "So it's been stressful, huh?"

Lexa nodded. "Nothing I can't handle. I just-" Lexa choke off, and her eyes widened as Clarke slowly slid a hand beneath a bra cup.

"...Clarke." Lexa choked out, feeling a familiar pulsing heat.

"Then let me help." Clarke smirked. "Let me put on a show for you. You can tell me what you want to see...." She bit her lip and winked suggestively, and Lexa was done for.

Lexa knew she had to take some semblance of control to play this game with Clarke.

"I'm going to watch you come, Clarke." Lexa tried to make her voice as thick and demanding as possible. She flicked her gaze to Clarke's. "Would you like that?"

Clarke gave her a nod and a ragged breath.

"Undo your bra." Lexa spoke, mouth dry as her girlfriend complied, moving her hands behind her back to undo the hook, tossing it aside.

" Fuck , Clarke..." Lexa's mouth watered and her eyes widened slightly at Clarke's ample chest, unable to see that Clarke got goosebumps under her wolfish stare.

"Tease yourself. Gently." Lexa commanded, leaning back further for support. "Soft palming, little pinches, just like I do. I want to hear your moans, Clarke."

Clarke's eyes were blown with lust as she nodded, making sure Lexa could see as she moved to cup her own breast, head against the back of the pillow as she groaned, palming and kneading the soft flesh, knowing how much pleasure it gave Lexa.

"Fuck, Lexa." Clarke groaned with her eyes squeezed shut, her hands busying themselves on either breast.

"Clarke." Lexa growled, low, guttural, sending another wave of heat down Clarke's body to her already wet center.

"Lex..." Clarke's moan was soft, almost more a mewl. "I need..."

"Tell me, Clarke." Lexa's voice had a sharp edge to it. "What is it, baby?"

"I need you..." Clarke bit her lip to keep silent in hopes that Abby wouldn't hear her, feeling dangerously close to crying out.

"To what, Clarke? Say it." Lexa's cockiness was exactly the right thrill for Clarke, as each word rolled off those plump, luscious lips Clarke was entranced by.

"To...fuck me. I need you inside me, Lexa." Clarke managed not to stumble over each word.

"Panties." Lexa instructed, her voice a bit softer. "Let me see your beautiful body, Clarke."

Clarke blushed at that, and Lexa had to hide her smile. Clarke was adorable, and even though now wasn't the time to gush over it, she'd remember to remind Clarke later. Clarke sensually ran her hands down her stomach, closing her eyes, wishing for Lexa's fingers instead.

Clarke hooked a finger around her panties, but she was stopped short by Lexa's abrupt, "No."

Clarke paused. Had she misstepped? Before worry could flood her expression, Lexa was shaking one of her impossibly long, perfect fingers.

"Tease yourself, first, Clarke." Lexa's voice was dangerous and velvety all at once.

Clarke let out a low moan, drawing two fingers over the fabric of her panties, pushing down into her slick heat. There would have already been a damp spot visible, had it not been for the dark black shade of the material.

Clarke pressed a thumb to her clit, biting back a yelp as she ached to remove the barrier between her and sweet, sweet satisfaction.

"How do you feel, Clarke?" Lexa asked softly, her voice edging to a groan. "Are you wet for me, baby?" As endearing and saccharine as her tone was, there was a teasing, vicious quality that Clarke found absolutely delectable.

"I'm..." Clarke gasped. "My...pussy is..."

Lexa felt another burst of uncomfortable heat between her legs as the confession rolled off Clarke's lush lips. "Show me." She demanded softly, willing herself to take a breath.

Clarke nodded eagerly, practically dying to peel away the ruined pair, drawing them slowly off her legs as her pink, slick heat was revealed to Lexa, whose throbbing increased tenfold.

"Fuck, babygirl." Lexa whispered, and the faint meaning of the word sent chills through Clarke. "You're fucking beautiful. You're dripping."

"Please, Lexa." Clarke gasped as she barely trailed her fingers over her sex, sending shivers through her own body. "I want you." She was explicitly asking permission, and in giving herself over to Lexa like this so completely, so raw and vulnerable; Lexa knew to be humbled.

"Go ahead." Lexa murmured. "Slowly, though. I like watching you fall apart."

Clarke squeezed her eyes shut as one hand slipped beneath her folds, brushing against her clit and circling her tight entrance, while another roamed up to toy with a pert nipple.

For Lexa, it was the sexiest image she'd ever seen. Clarke, getting off just for her, moaning her name to a silent bedroom, in short pleas of desire.

"Ah..." Clarke let out a soft moan as she inserted a finger, disappearing easily into her slicked sex. "Lexa. Baby I'm so wet for you." It was barely a choked out whisper.

"Yeah?" Lexa's voice croaked slightly, as she wasn't used to something this stimulating either. "What are you imagining, Clarke?" Her eyes roamed Clarke's body, the curves of her hips to her voluptuous breasts, aching for Lexa's warm mouth.

She tried her best to ignore the aching throb in her pants. This was about Clarke.

"I'm...." Clarke panted as she slowly added another finger. "I'm...imagining you."

"Yeah baby?" Lexa prodded, watching as Clarke began to slowly pump the fingers in and out of her throbbing sex, the heel of her hand pushing against her clit. "What about me?"

"...fucking me!" Clarke gasped as she rode another short crest of pleasure before plateauing once more. "You're...fucking me so good, Lex."

Clarke's hips were slowly but surely bucking up to meet her fingers as they plunged within her depths.

Lexa was completely enamored by it, the microphone of Clarke's laptop catching quiet, wet sounds of Clarke moving against her sex.

"Oh is that what you like, Clarke?" Lexa's voice had taken its alpha-like quality, teasing and brutal and filled with lust. "When I kiss your neck, and your collarbone..." Lexa watched as Clarke's fingers trailed up to the aforementioned areas, as if imagining Lexa were there with her full lips. "When I grab your beautiful hips, and lick the insides of your thighs?"

Clarke's breathing was labored, and her moans were less than discreet, chanting Lexa's name over and over again. "Yes, Lexa-Oh. Yeah baby. Don't stop. Don't stop."

Lexa tried to keep her own hips from rocking forward as she watched Clarke slip in a third finger, her other hand coming to rub against her clit.

"...I saw that." Lexa murmured, though her voice conveyed no threat. "Close your eyes, Clarke."

Clarke obeyed, breathing hard as she worked herself, building up a faster pace with her efforts, fucking herself to the soft silk of Lexa's voice.

"I'm there, you're in my arms." Lexa told her, feeling a tight pull towards her own hot center as she carried on with her fantasy, pleased by Clarke's desperate mewls of pleasure. "I'm biting at your neck, moving to suck on your nipples. I'm fucking your beautiful, dripping pussy. Grind up against my fingers, Clarke. Three fingers. Just like that. I'm going to fuck you with my mouth, when I'm done, baby. I want to taste you." Lexa instructed, watching as Clarke's mouth formed an "oh", her hips arching off the bed with each thrust.

"That's it, Clarke. I don't care who's home. I want to hear you cry my name." Lexa husked. "You're going to be a good girl and come for me, all over my fingers, love."

There was no room for choice in that statement.

For Clarke, it was the sweetest sensory overload she'd ever experienced.

Clarke's body convulsed, wrapped around her own fingers as she climaxed just as Lexa had foretold. Her hips rocked out, and Lexa's name, cried back to her in erotic pleasure, filled her speakers.

Lexa watched, trying immensely to keep her jaw from hanging as her goddess rocked on her fingers, riding out a considerably long orgasm (perhaps more, it seemed), that had her humping her own hand for almost a full minute as she came down from her high. "Lexa! Oh, god, yes..." Clarke breathed, eyes still shut, body slicked with sweat from the effort of the show she'd just given.

Gently, Clarke teased her clit back down, imitating the soft kitten licks Lexa would give her after an immense high like that, easing her back to reality.

Lexa watched, heart hammering, throat dry, as Clarke blinked hazily, opening her eyes to reveal not blown lusting dark eyes, but a soft, sated blue gaze.

Wordlessly, Clarke retrieved her fingers from where they were buried within her, coated with her slick juices as she brought them to plump lips that were usually kiss swollen by that point. She gave Lexa a wicked smirk as she swirled her tongue around her fingers, licking them clean and moaning in soft surprise at her own taste, before slowly pushing them in and out of her mouth. Her smirk only grew when she watched Lexa groan out in need, her own fingers trailing by the waistband of her jeans.

"Did you like that?" Clarke cooed seductively, and Lexa gulped, knowing what was coming.

God, she was a lucky bastard.

Lexa nodded, managing to croak out. "I love you. You're perfect Clarke...and your face when you're coming..." She closed her eyes to calm herself.

"Is my poor baby horny from watching?" Clarke's voice was like rose, laced with the sharp edge of thorns, and worked Lexa up just right. "Can I help you take care of that, Lex?" She batted her eyelashes in a way Lexa simply couldn't refuse.

Not that she was going to, anyway.

A sudden knock on Clarke's door made her jump.

Abby's voice filled the speaker.

"Clarke? I heard...crying, I think? Everything okay in there?"

Clarke smirked, placing her index finger over her lips as she slid her hand back down to her sex, Lexa's eyes glued to it the entirety of the time.

"Yeah mom." Clarke answered calmly, watching as Lexa unbuttoned her jeans. "I'm just studying by myself."
On Lexa's third and final night, after the first game was won and the team had celebrated sufficiently, Lexa texted Clarke (keeping it PG rated, this time), and wished her luck on her art submission. They also annoyed Anya with a two hour long conversation about how much they adored each other, before they both yawned into the receiver and decided to call it a night, sometime around eleven.

That was four hours ago.

Lexa, being the incredibly gay sap she was, had left her phone off silent, in the event that Clarke needed her for whatever reason in the middle of the night.

While she'd admittedly slept through the first two text messages, the three second call had woken her up. Blinking, she fumbled for her phone, watching Clarke's face flash upon the screen.

Lexa's heart dropped into her stomach as she glanced at Anya, who was sound asleep, ignoring any sort of commotion that had taken place.


Clarke, Clarke, Clarke.

Clarke had needed her.

Lexa's heart was racing as she pressed the phone symbol beside her name, hoping to god it was some sort of butt dial, and nothing serious at all.

The dial tone rang out into the silence.

And rang.

And rang.

Finally, the receiver crackled, and Clarke's voice sounded. "...Lex."

Lexa's heart was shattered. Clarke's voice was broken, almost unintelligible. Her toney was fragile, shaky, and it sounded as if she couldn't really breathe.

Lexa blinked away any sleepiness, smashing the phone against her ear. "Clarke?" She murmured, absolutely terrified. "Clarke? Baby? Talk to me. I'm here."

Clarke took a ragged breath before answering. "...I'm okay." She prefaced, and Lexa wanted nothing more than to be wherever the hell she was, to hold her, to comfort her.

"...What's going on?" Lexa asked, perhaps a bit too wired up.

"...Nothing." Clarke sniffled. "Nothing, Lexa. It's stupid. I had a nightmare. And it's storming and I just. It's stupid."

Lexa heaved a sigh of relief, settling back against her headboard as she steadied her heartrate, thanking every and any god that Clarke was okay.

"That's not stupid." Lexa murmured, rubbing her eyes as she glanced at the time. Three in the morning.

"Lex. It''s three AM." Clarke sniffled. "I should've been more sensitive, I'm sorry I-"

"Hey, hey." Lexa cooed. "None of that, baby. I love your voice any time, day or night." Lexa offered warmly, and Clarke seemed to relax at that.

"...I love you." Clarke whispered. "I want you to come home. I never have nightmares when I sleep with you."

Lexa's heart ached. "I'm coming home tomorrow, Clarke." She reminded gently. "I'm going to kiss and hug you so much, you're going to dump me." Lexa teased lightly.

Clarke chuckled messily at that over the line, and Lexa's heart soared. "I wouldn't." Clarke promised quietly.

"So...." Lexa murmured. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"....No." Clarke admitted. "Can you me to sleep?" She asked.

Lexa snorted. "Am I that boring?"

Clarke's laugh illuminated her entire being. "Not what I meant, jerk."

"I know." Lexa sighed lovingly. "Alright. You want to hear about my fantasy football draft?"

Clarke's giggles soon faded as her eyelids grew heavy, and Lexa was left with soft breathing on her end of the line.

Clarke had never told her that the dream was her practically reliving the accident.

Lexa didn't need to know.
Lexa, high off her victory and drunk on the thought of seeing her girlfriend again after their short time apart, had practically shoved Anya into her car to drive home as soon as the game itself was over.

"Sheesh," Anya huffed, "overeager, much?"

Lexa ignored her, practically bouncing. Clarke didn't know that she was coming home at that moment, so she'd decided she'd surprise her, smiling again at the thought of being able to hold her girlfriend in her arms.

"Looks like it's storming pretty bad back home," Anya commented as they got closer to their destination, nodding in the direction of the visible dark haze in the sky of rain, as well as the dark, ominous looking clouds.

"Clarke mentioned it was storming last night, too," Lexa commented with a frown, chancing a look down at her phone, away from the road, to check and see if she had any messages from her girlfriend.

"She hasn't messaged me at all," Lexa frowned, "An, can you try calling her from my phone."

"Sure, your password is still 1313, right?"


Lexa again turned her focus on the road while Anya sifted through her contacts until she came to Clarke's information, hitting the dial button.

"Straight to voicemail," Anya told her faithfully, "her phone's either dead, or the storm is causing a disruption in the service, my bet would be the latter, it doesn't look particularly friendly, and Raven hasn't texted me either."

"Alright," Lexa said, somewhat uneasily, unable to shake the feeling that something was the matter. Suddenly, getting to Clarke's house became increasingly more important.

"I'm sure she's fine," Anya reassured.

Lexa wasn't convinced.

The storm didn't feel particularly friendly either.

Once they'd entered the boundaries of the turbulent weather, Lexa had been forced to slow down her driving speed, the streets already slick and unsafe. It was hard to see through the haze of the rain, but Lexa knew her way around the city well, and managed to make it to the residential suburbs where Clarke lived easily.

Only the familiar car belonging to Marcus Kane was parked in the driveway, and he seemed in a rush, flying out of his car and into the house quickly, as though he needed something desperately.

The worry in Lexa's stomach only grew.

She got out of her own car almost without realizing it, almost not noticing the harsh torrents of water raining down on her.


"Oh, Lexa," he seemed slightly out of breath, "I was just about to call you-"

"Where's Clarke?" Lexa asked before he could continue, and the look on his face gave her all the answer she needed.

"Clarke's in the hospital, she's been in an accident."

Lexa's blood ran cold.

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