Catch Me, I'm Falling

By kingstyles94

277K 4.4K 9.3K

Lexa Woods is Arkadia High's brand new varsity quarterback star, badass and adored by all. Clarke Griffin is... More

August: Part I
August: Part II
August: Part III
September: Part I
September: Part II
October: Part I
October : Part II
December : Part I
December : Part II
January : Part I
January : Part II
February : Part I
February : Part II
February : Part III
February : Part IV
February : Part V
March : Part I
March : Part II / April : Part I
April : Part II
April : Part III / May : Part I
May : Part II

January : Part III

13.8K 187 715
By kingstyles94

The doorbell rang and a smile immediately crossed Lexa's face, but before she could move to get up, Aden was out of his seat like a shot, bolting across the floor, his sock-clad feet easily skidding to his destination.

"I've got it!" he called unnecessarily over his shoulder, and Lexa laughed lightly as he practically flung the door open, Clarke's face obscured by a large brown bag of groceries.

"Honey," she called teasingly, and Lexa felt her smile widen, cheeks aching slightly from the pressure, "I'm home." Aden took the groceries from her with ease, and Clarke smiled down at him and ruffled his hair, pressing a quick kiss to his forehead. At the sight of the two of them being so familiar with one another, Lexa felt herself turn into a small puddle of goo [gay], and she knew if she'd been alone a soft utterance of aww would have escaped her lips.

"Thanks, Aden," Clarke laughed, before quickly making her way over to Lexa, who was leaning on the entrance to the kitchen. She pressed a soft kiss to both of the girl's cheeks, before standing on tip-toe to reach Lexa's forehead, kissing the spot between her eyebrows.

"Hey," she whispered, somewhat breathlessly, as Lexa pulled her closer, the taller girl smiling down at her.

"What?" Lexa teased. "No kiss on the lips?"

"Not with that attitude, no," Clarke shot back, and Lexa pouted. The blonde girl went to move away, but Lexa spun her back around, swallowing Clarke's laugh as she pressed their lips together quickly. As she made to deepen the embrace, Aden coughed awkwardly, and Lexa huffed when Clarke pulled away with an apologetic glance.

"Sorry Aden," Clarke laughed, and he shook his head, glancing between the two of them.

"I'll be in my room, pretending I don't exist," he assured them, and Clarke abandoned Lexa's side to pull him in for a quick hug.

"I'll call you down when dinner's ready," she told him, "we don't want you to starve, now, do we?" Aden grinned up at her before saluting at Lexa and scampering up the stairs.

"You're so good with him," Lexa murmured, once more pulling Clarke into an embrace, peppering kisses along her face.

"He's a joy," Clarke assured her, "he's like, my new best friend."

"I thought that was me?" Lexa pouted, and Clarke laughed softly.

"You're a little more than that," she consoled, and Lexa sighed contentedly, breathing in the scent of Clarke's shampoo and revelling in the warmth that radiated from the other girl.

Despite her protests, Lexa was truly in awe of the way Clarke interacted with her little brother. No matter how many times she thought about it, or said it aloud, it was truly astounding to her.

Clarke was too good for her.

Lexa knew her own worth.

She was successful in everything she participated in, whether it be school, or sports, or just life in general. She'd entered the world leaps and bounds ahead of her peers just because of her name, and thus had grown up already displayed on a golden pedestal. But Clarke? Clarke was so much better than she could ever hope to be.

Clarke was wholesome and good in all of the places that Lexa lacked. She was brightness and sunshine and warmth while Lexa was a jaded echo of a person still trying to find her way in the world. While Lexa had worth in business and sports and wealth, Clarke was simply a good person, and Lexa often felt that she didn't deserve her.

"Hey." Lexa's eyes opened slowly to find Clarke's cerulean gaze locked onto her own, concern shining in bright orbs. "You okay?"

"Mhm," Lexa assured, "just thinking."

"You think too loud," Clarke told her matter-of-factly, "and your stomach complains too loudly." As if on cue, Lexa's stomach grumbled, and the two girls exchanged a soft grin. "Methinks the commander needs sustenance."

"My hero," Lexa grinned, before moving with Clarke to the bag of groceries. "What are we making?"

"Pizza," Clarke quipped, "my dad's favorite."

"Your dad had good taste," Lexa shot back, and Clarke smiled at the memory.

"He would have liked you," she said offhandedly as she pulled out ingredients, and Lexa grinned.

"Of course," she parroted back, "he had good taste, remember?"

There was something about moving around the kitchen with Clarke that fuelled the domestic instincts within Lexa, and her mind couldn't help but wander to a time in the future, she wasn't sure how long, with her and Clarke dancing around a kitchen that was different, that was theirs , small voices in the background whining for their breakfast.

"How do you like your pies?" Clarke asked, wiggling her eyebrows. "Thick, or thin?"

"I like my pizza how I like my girls," Lexa shot back with a smirk, "thicc." Clarke rolled her eyes and thwacked Lexa on the head softly, to which the other girl just laughed.

"You're an idiot, Alexandria," Clarke complained, but Lexa merely batted her eyelashes at the artist.

"You love it, Miss Griffin," Lexa shot back.

"Maybe a little," Clarke conceded, before turning back to the dough in front of her, working it out with her hands.

"There's going to be flour everywhere," Lexa sighed, and Clarke quirked an eyebrow.

"That is what tends to happen when you make a pizza, Lex, flour gets everywhere."

"Really?" Lexa snipped coyly, and Clarke looked up from her work.

"Lexa, what―" she yelped as Lexa deftly grabbed a handful of flour and flung it at the unassuming girl, grinning at the genuine outrage in Clarke's voice.

"Alexandria Anastasia Woods!" Clarke laughed, picking up flour of her own, "get back here!" And so a chase around the kitchen ensued, flour thrown all around, and both girls were absolutely covered by the end of it, breathless and grinning when Clarke wrapped her arms around Lexa's waist, pulling her in for a kiss.

"You taste like flour," Lexa pouted, and Clarke rolled her eyes.

"Whose fault is that, dork?" she snarked, before shaking her head.

"I'm going to need to change shirts now, thanks, Lex," she sighed, spreading sauce onto the finished pizza crust.

"I'll go grab you one," Lexa offered, and Clarke shot her a smile. The brunette made her way out of the kitchen and in the direction to the guest house where she'd taken up occupation, a spring to her step because of the events of the night so far.

Her own shirt was covered in flour, so she dug through her closet for two shirts, quickly discarding her current one in favor of a worn green flannel, and then continued to look for something for Clarke to wear. She paused, before her eyes settled on one shirt in specific, and a small grin made its way across her face as she grabbed it.

Perfect .

By the time she made it back to the kitchen, Clarke was humming to herself, dancing around as she sprinkled cheese onto the pizza, and Lexa walked up behind her, wrapping her arms around Clarke's stomach and resting her head atop the other girl's.

"Your shirt, milady," she grinned, and Clarke turned around and kissed her before taking the shirt, not bothering to look at it.


"What?" Lexa pouted. "You aren't going to change here?"

"Not yet, ladykiller," Clarke laughed, "patience is a virtue you know."

"Down the hall and to the left," Lexa told her, "I'll start cutting the peppers."

"Don't cut yourself babe," Clarke called over her shoulder, "I may need those fingers later." Lexa choked on her breath at Clarke's innuendo, as the girl usually wasn't so brazen when sober, and tried to ignore the fire the very thought ignited within her.

Chopping the peppers was therapeutic, and she found her heartbeat steadying to match the rhythm she set, calming herself down.

All of her efforts in slowing her heartrate completely failed when Clarke re-entered the room, Lexa's practice jersey long and a bit big for the girl, but, like the sight of Clarke in her letterman, it did ungodly things to Lexa.

"Your practice jersey?" Clarke asked coyly. "Really?"

For a moment, Lexa forgot how to access her vocabulary, voice dying in her throat as she drank in the sight of her girl, in her practice jersey. "You look... fantastic."

"Because I'm wearing your clothes?"

"You look stunning all the time," Lexa assured her, cupping Clarke's face softly, "but wearing my clothes makes me infinitely more attracted to you because it lets the world know you're mine ." A light blush colored Clarke's cheeks, but she smirked up at Lexa.

"And you're mine," she shot back.

"Always," Lexa promised.

As the evening progressed, the two got their act together enough to finish at least throwing their pizzas in the oven before Clarke felt herself lifted at the hips, sat down on the edge of the marble counter.

She let out a soft laugh as she entwined her arms around Lexa's neck, leaning in to meet her lips in a teasing brush.

She had to pinch herself to believe this wasn't some sort of dream. Here she was, making out with Lexa Woods in her kitchen, making pizzas on their second date. She felt a goofy smile cross her lips. They were dating.

"Has anyone told you-" Lexa panted softly as her arms tightened their hold around Clarke's waist. "You are an incredibly good kisser?"

Clarke smirked against Lexa's kiss-swollen lips. "Once or twice."

Lexa smirked, teasingly nipping at her bottom lip. "Arrogance suits you, Griffin."

"Too bad I can't say the same." Clarke teased, yelping when Lexa tickled her side slightly, causing her to jump slightly, settling back into Lexa's hold.

Lexa, on the other hand, busied herself with adorning Clarke's neck with tender kisses, likely to leave loving bruises in her wake.

"Lex." Clarke breathed, but it came out as more of a moan.

"Busy." Lexa hummed against her skin, hands softly rubbing Clarke's back.

"Indra...Or Gus-" Clarke's ragged half-complaint was waved off nonchalantly.

"Not home. Went out." Lexa murmured, smirking against her skin when she elicited yet another soft whine from Clarke.

"Anya?" Clarke pressed, though her fingers were gently massaging the baby curls at the base of Lexa's neck, egging her on further.

"Date night." Lexa and Clarke both paused to momentarily grimace, before Lexa continued her torturously sweet marking.

Clarke melted against her body, and Lexa gladly supported her weight, kissing her jaw softly. "My mom is so going to murder me." She grumbled into Lexa's neck, taking in the sweet scent of her perfume.

"Yeah, she doesn't seem to adore the idea of us dating." Lexa noted nonchalantly, her grip still tight on Clarke's hips. "Must be all the lovely rumors. You know. That I'm a player, and I can't be with just one girl, and-"

Clarke rolled her eyes at her mother's words. Lexa was nothing like that. She was an absolute gentlewoman. Clarke played along teasingly."Well. I like to think I tamed you." She shifted slightly, a playful smirk on her lips. "Are you thinking of...settling down, anytime soon?" She teased, leaning forward to run her tongue over Lexa's bottom lip.

Lexa was left slightly breathless, she only nodded vigorously, returning to Clarke's lips once more, smiling against Clarke's grin.

"Lexa." Clarke hummed against their kisses, growing more and more heated.


"Pizza." Clarke huffed. "We have to get it out."

Lexa gave her an ungodly eye roll and sighed, pressing their foreheads together. "A lift down, my lady?" She offered.

Clarke laughed as Lexa gently tugged her down, wrapping her arms around her once more.

"Lexa! They're gonna burn!" She complained. "And that can't happen, because I need to prove to you that my pizza kicked your pizza's ass!"

Lexa's competitive side was on in an instant. "Oh? Really, now?"

Clarke smirked. "Call Aden. It's time for a taste test."
"So?" Lexa pressed, head propped up on her elbow, emerald gaze staring her brother down.

Clarke rolled her eyes from her seat beside Lexa, also across from Aden, watching him stare at both half bitten pizza slices before him.

"Well..." He sighed thoughtfully, screwing his face up cutely, just like Lexa did subconsciously.

Clarke felt her heart flutter at the sight of the Woods siblings together. How quickly they'd become such an important part of her life.

"The barbecue chicken pizza, so good." Aden admitted, and Lexa let out a whoop, turning to Clarke with a smirk. Before she could open her mouth, Aden sighed, "But, I have to give it to the three cheese pep-" Before Aden could finish, Clarke was cheering in her seat.

"Hell yeah! Suck on that, Woods!" She grinned, watching as Aden took another bite, closing his eyes in bliss.

Lexa feigned a look of hurt. "Your own sister, Aden?" She teased. "You'd hurt me like this?"

Aden shrugged. "Sorry, but...It's Clarke. She knows her way around a kitchen."

Lexa bit back a smile. She turned to Clarke, hand gently squeezing hers under the table. "You hear that, babe? You're the champion."

Clarke smiled. "Well, you should try some and see why."

Lexa smirked. "Feed it to me?"

Clarke rolled her eyes but grabbed a slice anyway, bringing it to Lexa's lips, feeling an unanticipated heat roll through her body when Lexa bit down, moaning softly.

Aden looked mortified. "Uh." He began, shooting out of his seat. "Movie night?"

Lexa turned towards him, momentarily broken out of her trance. "Huh?"

Aden quirked a brow. "It's movie night. You said so, earlier."

Lexa glanced at him. "Yeah, pipsqueak. For the adults."

Aden rolled his eyes at his sister's lighthearted teasing, but of course, Clarke came to his defense.

"I want Aden there." Clarke protested kindly.

Lexa's heart did little flips as she wore an amused smile. "Pick something good, Aden."

Aden nodded, stopping only when Clarke leaned back to tug him into a small hug, causing them both to laugh.

Lexa had never felt happier.

The cleanup was simple, and in no time, Lexa and Clarke were joining Aden in the movie room. Clarke's eyes lit up as she took in the room. "So this is the famous spot, huh?"

"I'd say this is where the magic happens, but we all know that's my bedroom- Ow." Lexa gently rubbed at the spot Clarke had lightly slapped on her arm, smiling to let Clarke know she was teasing.

"Any special seating arrangements?" Clarke teased.

"Dibs on sitting next to Clarke!" Both Woods siblings fired off at once.

Clarke cocked a brow, an amused smile on her lips.

Lexa looked offended. "Who's dating Clarke, again?"

Aden snorted. "Should be me, since I've done ninety percent of the work-"

Lexa silenced him by hurling a pillow at him.

Clarke bit back her laughter. "Guys, I'll sit in the middle."

Lexa shook her head. "You'll do no such thing." She protested, falling back onto the reclining chair, tugging Clarke down into her lap.

Clarke laughed and yelped as she fell onto Lexa's lap, feeling an exciting thrill at the contact.

Aden huffed and sat beside them, though Clarke shuffled slightly so that Aden could easily lean a head on her shoulder, though Lexa's arms were around her waist.

The movie was long forgotten for Clarke, as she was so busy thinking of how much she adored Aden, lightly falling asleep an hour in, his head on Clarke's shoulder, vulnerably. Lexa, on the other hand, was busy pressing soft kisses to Clarke's neck, murmuring sweet nothings in her ear.

Really, Clarke could get used to this life.

Unfortunately, reality caught up with her, and she fell asleep, feeling safe enough to go limp in Lexa's protective arms, just like Aden had with her. It wasn't too long until Lexa herself nodded off into the warm, safe realm of sleep.

Lexa woke up to a low chuckle, accompanied by, "This is so gay."

She snapped her virid gaze up, arms immediately tightening around Clarke's waist. Anya was in the doorway, grinning at her lit phone. She'd snapped a picture of the two Woods siblings and Clarke, all sleeping peacefully, the movie long over.

"Huh?" Lexa whispered groggily. "Time."

"Eleven thirty." Anya smirked. "Blondie's late. Unless, of course, you're planning a sleepover so early in the dating stages?"

Lexa blinked. Clarke would definitely want to be getting home. She moved a stiff arm, motioning to Aden. "Can you take him up?"

Anya nodded, coming to Aden, gently rousing him.

"Hey An." He murmured hazily, reluctantly lifting his head from Clarke's arm. "How'd your date go?"

Anya smirked. "Not so PG rated."

Aden made a face of horror.

"Oh, good, he's up." Lexa rolled her eyes. "Can you maybe try not to give us nightmares?"

Anya shrugged shamelessly, yanking Aden up. "Come on, kid. Let's turn in before Gus and Indra get home and tell us all about how love can bloom even in their fifties. It's gross."

Aden nodded his agreement and looked back at Clarke and Lexa wistfully.

"I got her." Lexa assured, as if reading his mind. "I'll tell her you said goodnight."

Aden nodded and left with Anya, leaving Lexa and Clarke to the room. Lexa leaned forward, placing several soft kisses to Clarke's neck, waking her gently.

"Hmm." Clarke grumbled, turning towards Lexa, burrowing deeper into her warmth.

Lexa's heart fluttered. Clarke was adorable.

"Hey, Clarke." Lexa whispered, running her hands in Clarke's hair. "We have to get up."

"Five more minutes." Clarke protested sleepily, clinging to Lexa.

Lexa chuckled. "You're comfortable, I take it?"

"Mhmm, you're so warm." Clarke complimented hazily.

"I hate to do this to you, Clarke." Lexa murmured, kissing her shoulder. "But it's eleven-thirty. Your curfew is already up."

"Huh?" Clarke shot up like a rocket, and Lexa regretted it. She already missed holding Clarke.

"You know you're more than welcome to stay." Lexa offered quietly. "There's a guest bedroom-"

"My mom would murder me." Clarke shook her head apologetically.

"I know." Lexa nodded. "Do you want me to drive you home, Clarke? I can have Anya bring your car tomorrow."

Clarke bit her lip, shaking her head. "Nah, it's okay. I'll be alright."

Lexa looked concerned. "Are you positive?"

At that, Clarke smiled, and Lexa rose, gently guiding Clarke out of the room, towards the door. She sighed as she opened it, and a gust of chilly air swept around them both.

"Oh, Lex, it's freezing." Clarke mumbled. "Stay inside."

Lexa shook her head. "I always walk my dates out." She announced with a sly smile.

Clarke cocked a brow, a teasing smile on her lips as well. "You have many dates?"

Lexa wrapped her arms around Clarke's waist, pulling her flush against her. "Not many I'd like to have over again and again." She murmured, leaning down to kiss Clarke.

It was warm, soft, and electric. Immediately, Clarke felt very awake. They parted slowly, Lexa holding Clarke's hand as she walked out to her car. Lexa frowned disdainfully.

"I'll be fine, Lexa." Clarke rolled her eyes, and Lexa was in awe at Clarke's ability to read her thoughts without even seeing her.

"You can take my car." Lexa offered gently.

Clarke smirked. "Your baby? Wow, you must really like me."

Lexa nodded, watching as Clarke got into the driver's seat, leaning into her open window. "I really do." She informed her.

Clarke pecked her lips, sighing blissfully.

"I'll text soon as you're home." Lexa reminded, smiling when Clarke nipped at her bottom lip in a playful kiss.

"Goodnight, Lexa." Clarke sighed against her lips.

"Goodnight, Clarke." Lexa whispered, staying out in the cold air as she watched Clarke take off.
By the end of their second official date, rumors about Clarke and Lexa, fondly dubbed "Clexa" after Raven's hit video of them kissing on New Year's Eve, spread like wildfire.

Of course, that came with the territory of dating the most popular figure in school, that being Lexa Woods.

Some of the rumors were harmless bits of slander or gossip, tossed about like the rumor mill like grain fed to pecking chickens. Others, however, were particularly malicious, and Clarke had to wonder who in their right mind had that much time to start and spread such cruel, invasive comments.

Lexa seemed entirely unfazed by it all, likely used to being the center of attention everywhere she went. Her parents did a decent job of keeping her out of the spotlight in her adolescent years, but for all intents and purposes, they were grooming her to be the heir to their tech empire. That meant Lexa would, upon graduating high school, possibly college, be a full fledged celebrity.

Her looks only doubled the likelihood of that happening.

So, as Clarke succumbed to every bit and detail of their relationship being torn up by rumors, Lexa took it in full stride, unafraid of her public displays of affection for Clarke.

She wanted the world to know that she belonged to Clarke Griffin, even if unofficially.

Clarke donned Lexa's letterman more often than not, so as to protect herself from the biting January chill, but also to remind herself that Lexa wanted her. It was hard, what with her insecurities. Particularly after the incident.

She shoved those thoughts away as she made her way into the restroom, during one of her rare instances when she wasn't with Lexa.

She froze before the second door that led to the sinks, when she distinctly heard Lexa's name. It wasn't too common of a name, and at this school, the odds of it being anyone else were particularly slim.

Clarke couldn't recognize the voices.

"I mean, you can't just do that, right?" The first voice asked.

"Totally." The second voice chimed in.

"I mean, like, listen. There are rules to dating. If you don't put out on the third date, you're a fucking prude. Plain and simple." The first girl spoke with a sense of authority, on all things prude and not.

Clarke didn't believe in those roles, of "prude" and "slut" and the third date rule. She had always been taught that everyone has their own pace, and their own wants and needs.

That was not the shared dogma of the rest of her high school, it seemed.

"Look, I mean it's Alexandria fucking Woods. She's the hottest person here."


"Aren't you bi?"

"That was last week. I'm straight again."


"But I totally get where you're coming from. Like, Clarke Griffin first of all? Why?"

"Um, she's hot too."

"Right, but like...Lexa totally goes for hot girls that would let her fuck them...Like Costia."

Clarke wanted to cover her ears. God, it was so gross. There was so much inherently wrong with the conversation. The judging, the ridiculing of sexualities, the gossip.

But she couldn't help the creeping feeling that they were right.

"So...would you?" Girl two chimed.


"Would you have sex with Lexa on the third date?"

"I'd let her take me in this bathroom right now if she asked!"

"Oh my god, you're so bad!" The second girl giggled.

Clarke felt sick to her stomach.

"Listen." The first girl chirped. "Five bucks says Clarke Griffin is getting her ass dumped by next week."

"Really? I think she'll put out." The second girl tried.

"No, you idiot. That's why Finn Collins dumped her ass. They were together for months and she wouldn't even give him a handjob. So he cheated. She's probably just dating Lexa for her money."

"She totally deserved that. Oh my god. Two months? With someone as hot as Finn Collins? What's wrong with her? Is she, like, missing a part?"

The two girls started laughing once more and Clarke wheeled around, right into Raven, who'd been passing by outside.

"Griff!" She cheered, and Clarke made quick work of hiding her sick, pale expression. She tried not to shake with anger at what she'd just heard.

So many talked down on things they knew nothing about.

"Where's Commander sexy?" Raven queried suspiciously.

"Out to lunch." Clarke replied, trying not to sound off. "She to leave early for some doctor's appointment."

"And she didn't take you?" Raven scoffed. "Tacky."

Clarke rolled her eyes. "She's uh...actually bringing me lunch." Clarke admitted.

Raven smirked. "Nice, you have her whipped. Wanna come with me to the table, then?"

Clarke nodded, tagging along with Raven, trying desperately not to act aloof. She was tough. She could handle this.

"Rae, can I ask you something?" Clarke began gently.

Raven cocked a brow. "You have to ask me if you can ask me something?"

Clarke bit her lip. Raven was always good at being...sexual. She didn't mean that in a bad way, either. Clarke looked up to Raven.

"Do you...know about the third date rule?" Clarke asked offhandedly.

Raven's lips pulled into a smirk. "You giving up your V card to Lexa? Nice. She seems like she'd make a great first."

Clarke looked mortified at that. "Okay, so...that's a thing? To...put out....on the third date?"

Raven looked thoughtful. "Nah."

Clarke looked relieved.

"I mean, some people do on the first, too." Raven shrugged.

Clarke's heart fell into the pit of her stomach.

"B...but I don't know how-"Clarke stumbled. There were so many things wrong. She had no experience, while Lexa seemed to have plenty. She didn't know the first thing about...anything, really. She wasn't nearly as beautiful as Lexa.

And then of course, was the evidence of the incident. Which of course, she'd trained herself not to think about.

She simply wasn't ready.

"Listen." Raven shrugged, not picking up on Clarke's uneasiness. "Lexa will do all the work. Just sit back, relax, and feel good." Raven shrugged.

"I...I don't..." Clarke shook her head as they arrived at the table. Clarke wasn't ready to act fake in front of the entirety of the Delinquents, particularly Bellamy, who'd catch on in a heartbeat, and then skin Lexa alive.

If he could, anyway.

However, Clarke felt two arms wrap around her from behind, one of them holding a takeout bag.

"Hey beautiful." Lexa murmured in her ear, pressing a quick kiss to Clarke's neck.

Clarke whipped around, eyes widening. "Lex." She breathed, eyes settling uneasily on her. "Um. Hey."

Lexa cocked a brow. "Um. Hey?" She echoed. This wasn't her Clarke.

Clarke turned to see Bellamy glaring, and knew they were headed for a battle zone. "Can somewhere else? A quieter table?"

Lexa nodded, lacing her hand with Clarke's, leading her away from the Delinquents, out to the quad, where several tables sat, untouched in the breeze.

"What's up?" Clarke asked lamely as Lexa set her food down before her.

"What's up? Um, hey?" Lexa echoed. "Are you alright, Clarke? You seem...jittery."

"What?" Clarke scoffed. "Me? Yeah, of course. Right as rain."

Lexa lifted a brow and shrugged, opening up Clarke's food for her.

"Sushi?" Clarke scoffed in amusement.

"Never let it be said that I don't treat my girl." Lexa announced proudly, smiling when she bent down to kiss Clarke's cheek.

"I don't think anyone would dare say that." Clarke retorted, eyes hungrily taking in the small feast. "This...had to have been expensive."

Lexa rolled her eyes. "Clarke." She murmured, straddling the bench as she wrapped her arms around Clarke's waist. "I." She pressed a kiss to Clarke's neck. "Enjoy." another kiss. "Spoiling." She kissed Clarke's jaw. "you."

Clarke turned beet red, suddenly remembering what the girls had said in the bathroom. She shied away ever so slightly, and Lexa frowned.

"Clarke?" She sighed. "Talk to me. Tell me what I did wrong." Lexa pleaded.

"Nothing." Clarke shook her head. "You didn't do anything wrong."

"Then why are you acting like I'm poisoning you with every kiss?" Lexa replied teasingly.

Clarke's heart broke. God, she was so problematic. Lexa didn't deserve her.

"I just..." Clarke shrugged, there was no way she was getting into that confession. "I hear rumors, about us, all the time."

Lexa nodded slowly, withdrawing her arms. "You don't want us to be so...public?" She guessed.

Clarke frowned immediately at the loss. "God no." She shook her head, fisting her hands in Lexa's shirt, pulling her back to where she was. "It's...other stuff. I don't know. I'm being stupid. I don't know what to believe and what not to..."

Lexa nodded. "Hey." She whispered, tilting Clarke's chin up, so their gazes could meet. "I know I can be...a handful." Lexa teased gently.

Clarke shook her head. "It's not you. You're...amazing, to me."

Lexa smiled softly. "How about this: We ignore everything. All the rumors, all the gossip...Because, Clarke, if I have something to tell you, you will hear it from me first. And if you need something, I want to hear it from you. Everything else is irrelevant." She shrugged nonchalantly. "People don't know us as well as they think they do."

Lexa's words soothed Clarke like nothing else.

Suddenly, she was convinced that Lexa could do no wrong, and the third date was suddenly less daunting. If she wanted to, Lexa would be an absolute gentlewoman about it. If she didn't feel ready, Lexa would understand, wouldn't she?

Clarke nodded slowly, lips meeting Lexa's in a tender, relieved kiss.

"Is this okay?" Lexa murmured against her lips. "Should I stop the PDA? Would that make you more comfortable?"

Clarke rolled her eyes. "Alexandria, if you ever stop the PDA, consider us over." She replied heatedly, giving Lexa a quick kiss on the jaw before leaning back to pop a piece of sushi in her mouth.

Lexa grinned at her, gently drawing patterns on Clarke's arm. "Is it good?"

Clarke just blissfully closed her eyes, and Lexa had her answer.

"I'm excited for our date." Lexa smiled, and surprisingly, Clarke wasn't nervous at all anymore.

"Me too." Clarke smiled, leaning into Lexa's touch.
Despite her earlier calmness about the date looming on the horizon, Clarke was a worrier at heart, and the anxiety slowly crept its way back into her body until she could no longer ignore it.

Thankfully, it was almost closing time at the Dropship, so she was able to slink into the back, leaving Octavia to man the remaining customers. The other girl shot her a concerned look which Clarke waved off before turning to the supposed solitude of the back.

She'd conveniently forgotten Murphy was there.

Her breath hitched in her throat and her vision swam, and Clarke felt herself swaying dangerously, before steadying hands were placed on her shoulders and bright blue eyes were staring into her own.

"Whoa there, Griffin." Despite his usual ' I-don't-give-a-shit' behavior, Murphy was actually one of the most kind-hearted people Clarke knew, once you got through the seven layers of hell that were his defensive walls and spiky personality, and he always seemed to know when he was most needed. "You alright there?"

"Not really," Clarke exhaled shakily, blinking rapidly a few times in a valiant effort to keep the tears from spilling out of her eyes. She really hated her anxiety in those moments, when everything became so overwhelming without any rhyme or reason.

"Focus on me," Murphy instructed. "You can hear my voice, yeah?"

Clarke nodded, and Murphy squeezed her shoulder reassuringly.

"That's good," he looked around the room quickly, "now I need you to focus on other things you can hear. You don't need to say them out loud, but just focus on them, okay?"

Grease popping .

Murphy had put in another batch of fries, most likely for himself, as he liked to eat as much as he could while on the job, just to spite Wells, who told him that it wasn't proper 'workplace etiquette', and she could hear the distinct popping of the hot oil in the distance. Vaguely, she was aware of the raggedness of her own breathing, but she continued on with the little exercise she'd been given.

Octavia chatting with the customers.

Though she was very happy in her relationship with Lincoln, Octavia was known to chat up some of the customers in attempt to get a better tip, and Clarke had to admire her skill at it. She often spent the extra tip money with Clarke shopping, and laughing at the people who kept coming back in attempts to get Octavia to actually date them.

Murphy tapping his foot on the linoleum floor.

It was a habit he'd picked up to calm himself down, Clarke remembered, to distract himself from whatever it was bothering him. The steady rhythm of his sneaker was oddly soothing, and Clarke found her breath adjusting to the beat.

"Good," Murphy encouraged, "you're doing great, Clarke. Now repeat that, but with your other senses. What you can feel, see, smell, and so on and so forth."

She did as instructed, and after a short while, her breathing evened out completely, and she felt her heart rate slow down to a normal pace.

"Thanks," she whispered somewhat shakily, accepting the tissue that he'd procured sometime without Clarke noticing, wiping her eyes and then blowing her nose.

"Wanna talk about it?" he offered, moving away for a brief moment to take the fries out of the deep fryer, and onto a napkin. "You don't have to, but it helps sometimes."

"It's dumb, really," Clarke muttered, "I don't even know why I'm so upset about it."

"Hey," Murphy interjected, popping a fry into his mouth, "it's obviously not dumb to you. C'mon, tell Papa John what's the matter." He cringed at his own joke and a small smile tugged on Clarke's lips, his words achieving their intended effect.

"I overheard some girls talking earlier," she admitted, sitting across from the boy at one of the barstools, "about the whole third date rule and how if you don't follow it you're a prude." She paused, shaking her head at herself. "And I don't know why it got to me so much I'm just―"

"Not ready?" Murphy responded with a wry grin, offering the girl a fry which she readily accepted.

"Yeah," she agreed, eyes fixated on the floor, "I don't know. Like I said, it's stupid."

"You and I both know that I'm not the best at the whole advice thing," Murphy opened, and Clarke's gaze snapped up to reach his own, "in fact, I'm probably the worst person out there to give advice, but I'm gonna give it to you anyways, so stay with me." Clarke nodded, accepting another fry, and Murphy continued.

"After the whole thing with Queen," he paused, looking up at the light fixture above them, and Clarke moved her hand to his leg.

"You don't have to," she offered, but he shook his head.

"No, I'm comforting you, Griff, let me finish," he scolded lightly, but Clarke gave him his moment to compose himself.

She had never been more angry then the day she got a frantic call from Bellamy saying that Murphy wasn't responding to any of his messages or calls, and had helped stage a rescue. They'd found him locked in his room, curled up in the corner, tear-tracks running down his face and a bottle of pills clutched so tightly in his hand that his knuckles were pale.

He'd been at a party, escaping his not-so-great home life, before being lead away by none other than Ontari Queen.

It took Bellamy and Clarke four hours of coaxing before he even opened his mouth to try and explain himself, and Clarke had felt the cold fury wash over her with the burning passion of a thousand suns.

Jake had discretely paid for his counselling sessions, and Aurora called in a favor with a lawyer she knew, but, in the end, the justice system had failed them. The Queens were untouchable, especially Ontari, who was a 'role model for her female peers' in showing that 'participating in sports at a professional level was something attainable regardless of sex'.

That, and of course the idea that a girl could take advantage of a guy? Unthinkable.

"I hated myself," he told her, completely honestly, "hated my body, hate how I felt. It was like I was trapped in a shell of someone I couldn't escape from, and I never thought I'd be able to move past that."

"How did you?" Clarke asked curiously, and he smiled softly.

"I found someone who was willing to be patient with me." His eyes always got a little misty whenever he talked about Emori, and Clarke felt her own heart swell. If anyone deserved someone who was soft and patient and loving, it was Murphy. He'd been hurt too much by the world to get anything less, as a sort of ' I'm sorry for putting you through all this bullshit' consolation prize.

"You don't need to rush yourself," he told her, and Clarke found herself believing him, "everyone has their own pace when it comes to recovery, and you're just not at that point yet. Woods doesn't seem like the type of person to push anyone to do anything." He paused, chewing on his fries thoughtfully. "And if I'm wrong and she is that sort of person, well." He motioned vaguely with his hands. "I've been told I'm not the most pleasant to deal with."

Clarke smiled softly, withdrawing her hand from Murphy's leg.

"Thanks, John." He pulled a face at the name, which usually only Emori could get away with calling him, and threw a fry at her, which she easily dodged.

"Don't get used to it, Griffin, I'm returning to my usual asshole state of being as we speak."

"If you ever need help with anything," she continued seriously, "just ask."

"Well for starters you could show me how to draw fucking giraffe legs because I can't seem to figure it out..."
"Aden." He looked up as Lexa flopped down haphazardly onto his bed, arms stretched out. "I need help."

"Mentally?" he teased. "Yes you do." Lexa scowled and shoved him lightly on the shoulder, and Aden just stuck his tongue out in response.

"Whatcha need, oh sister dearest?"

"I'm trying to figure out where to take Clarke for our third date, because I'm planning this one."

"Isn't your date supposed to be this friday?"

"Yes, I know, I'm horrible at planning things, just help me,"

"Did you have any ideas?" Aden sighed, before pulling out his laptop. "Honestly, if I keep planning your dates, I should just be the one dating Clarke."

"Don't even joke about that, strikbro ," Lexa huffed, and Aden rolled his eyes.

"Alright, what does Clarke like?" Aden, of course, knew the answer to this question, but chose instead to let Lexa answer it herself, because he didn't want to do all the heavy lifting in Operation Clexa.

"Clarke really likes art," Lexa muttered to herself, before turning towards Aden. "Are there any good art museums here? Or, like, art workshops or events?"

"I think I remember getting an email about something," Aden recalled, and then snapped his fingers in triumph, grinning to himself. "Yeah, mom and dad's secretary forwarded me an invite to a charity gala slash art exhibition that's going to be here all weekend, opening Friday night."

"How come I didn't get that?" Lexa frowned, and Aden tsked.

"It says it was forwarded to you, too, Lex, you just never check any emails that Peter sends you."

"Hey," Lexa defended, "he's boring and doesn't like me."

"That might have something to do with the fact that you set his coat on fire when you were eleven."

"That was an accident ," Lexa stressed, "and I was eleven, he needs to get over it."

"Some wounds never heal," Aden teased, before turning back to his computer, whistling, "this is some high end stuff, Lex, you sure you want to take Clarke there?"

"Of course," she responded instantly, before frowning slightly, "why wouldn't I?"

"Well," Aden began, unsure of how to phrase his thoughts, "Clarke probably isn't used to being surrounded by a bunch of stuck-up rich people."

"You mean she might feel uncomfortable?" Lexa frowned. "I can always run interference and make sure that she's left alone."

"Also, knowing you," Aden laughed, "you'll probably try and buy her one of the most expensive pieces."

"Clarke deserves the best!" Lexa defended.

"I know she does," Aden placated, "but you guys aren't even officially girlfriends yet, and she'd feel bad if you spent that much money on her." Lexa frowned at the mention of making things official once more, and Aden caught on quick.


"Why does everyone make such a big deal about putting labels on things," Lexa muttered, mostly to herself, but also so that Aden could hear. "We're happy, why can't people just accept it at that?"

"Do you not want Clarke to be your girlfriend?"

"Of course I want her to be my girlfriend," Lexa shot back indignantly, and at Aden's motion of surrender she sighed, rubbing her temples, "it's just. I don't know. It makes it seem scarier, and I don't want to lose her."

A frown tugged on Aden's lips, and he scooted forward before wrapping his sister into a tight hug. He knew, better than anyone, the severity of Lexa's fear of abandonment. He'd lived it alongside her. And to see Lexa, who was usually so strong-willed and powerful, look so upset with herself, was absolutely heartbreaking.

"You don't have to rush into anything," Aden assured her, "there's no harm in going on a few more dates with her and just enjoying the simplicity of it all, but it is something that you'll have to do eventually."

"I want to," Lexa emphasized, "I just don't know how . With Costia it was easier because she was the one who asked me out, but with Clarke... she deserves the world, Aden, and I want to be the one to give it to her."

"Hey, you're a Woods," Aden joked, "you're the best. But, not only are you a Woods, you're Lexa , my awesome sister, who made the football team your freshman year―"

"It wasn't very difficult seeing as Mt. Weather's team is absolute shit," Lexa protested, but Aden continued.

"And you pretty much raised me single-handedly," he added, "sure, there were nannies, but none of them stayed long, and you took care of your annoying little brother when you could've been out doing so many other things." Lexa's gaze softened, opening her mouth to protest Aden's self-proclaimed title of 'annoying', but he didn't let her jump in. "My point here, Lex, is that you're the best the world has to offer, and anyone is lucky to have you."

Lexa ruffled his hair and smiled at him, and Aden grinned.

"You're awful smart, you know that, squirt?" she laughed, and he rolled his eyes fondly at her.

"Must get it from you," he responded, before his eyes turned back to the computer, "so will you be taking Clarke to the art show?"

"Of course, can you email Peter for me?"

"Email him yourself, loser."

Aden deftly dodged the pillow that was thrown at him, laughing at Lexa's scowl.

"What happened to all the compliments?" she demanded. "You were being so nice, and now you call me a loser? I'm hurt, Aden, I really am."

"The moment passed!" he defended. "And you're being lazy."

"I'm allowed to be lazy, I'm the best," Lexa parroted back, and Aden sighed.

Her ego could still use a little work, so it seemed.
"No freaking way." Clarke breathed, eyes widening as Lexa led her up to the front of the city's art plaza and museum, red carpet rolled in welcome, bustling with activity.

The Art Gala. No wonder Lexa had kindly tipped her off to wear formal attire. (That was no issue, as both girls spent a handful of minutes simply drooling over each other.)

"Is it too much?" Lexa asked unsurely, pausing up by the side of the entrance.

"Too much?" Clarke echoed breathily, eyes widening, looking absolutely disbelieving. "No one's ever done anything so nice for me before, I...." Clarke shook her head in disbelief. "Lexa, how did you even get in? It's so exclusive!"

Lexa looked visibly relieved at Clarke's enthusiasm. They were stopped at the door, like everyone else, by a security guard. Lexa flashed him something that looked like a private invitation and he smiled, bidding them a good evening as he let them in.

Before she could answer, however, Clarke's eyes widened slightly in understanding. "You really are famous, oh my god."

"What?" Lexa echoed amusedly.

"You have like...thousands and thousands of Instagram followers. And your parents are famous. Oh my god. I'm dating a celebrity."

Lexa snorted. "More like E list celebrity. I just belong to a famous family."

Clarke narrowed her eyes. "Have you read all the comments on your posts? "Oh, Lexa's so hot. I want her to take me right now'" Clarke mimicked, teasing tone covering her genuine jealousy.

"I don't really care for...showboating." Lexa shrugged indifferently, hand lacing with Clarke's.

Clarke rolled her eyes. "You? Alexandria Woods? You're kidding, right?"

Lexa smirked. "Well, maybe for someone." She whispered, leaning forward to steal a kiss from Clarke, who leaned in just as eagerly.

Clarke didn't want to admit it, but Lexa's romantics had her swooning.

As if on cue, Lexa only endeared herself to Clarke further. Her eyes swept up Clarke's dress, arms gently sliding down her sides. "Have I told you how absolutely gorgeous you look?"

Clarke smiled, eyes softening as she felt Lexa loop an arm around her waist casually. "Have I told you?" She echoed.

Lexa gave her hip a gentle squeeze and guided her in.

Clarke had never seen anything so beautiful. The halls were bustling with people, all clad in their suits and gowns, idly sipping on champagne, discussing the great works hung in the hall before them.

To Clarke, a lowly high school senior who ate, breathed, and dreamt about art, this was a dream come true.

To Lexa, it was just another day in her life. Or, it would have been, except she was with Clarke Griffin, and she adored seeing her face light up. Personally, she never would have used her wealth and power for something like this, but for Clarke? Anything.

"Oh my god, Lex." Clarke's arm around her waist tightened.

Lexa stiffened, immediately on alert. Had something made Clarke uncomfortable?

Clarke, instead, was eyeing a group of people, talking near the entrance. "Isn't he-"

"Famous?" Lexa smirked. "Yes."

"From that movie last summer? The one with the-"

"Mhmm." Lexa hummed nonchalantly, smiling amusedly at Clarke's stare. "Want me to introduce you?"

Clarke choked a little. "Uh...Oh, god, no. I'm here for the art." She recovered cutely.

Lexa grinned, kissing her cheek. "You sure?"

Clarke nodded with a dazed smile. "Yeah. Walk with me?" She offered, walking slowly with Lexa, falling into line with Clarke as the small herds of guests moved about the pieces, some encased, others in plain view.

Lexa was alight with adoration for Clarke. Watching Clarke here was unlike anything she'd ever seen. Clarke was in love with every stroke of every brush, of every critical word whispered by critics, both actual and self-proclaimed. She was soaking up every bit of the ambiance.

Clarke decided that she could get quite used to this lifestyle.

She just really, really couldn't afford it.

Clarke was currently in awe of one particular landscape when Lexa leaned over her side, murmuring, "I'll get you something to drink. Any requests?"

Clarke relented with a request for water and a chaste kiss to Lexa's lips before she set off, leaving Clarke to sigh dreamily in the direction of the painting.

That sigh, which was meant entirely for Clarke to appreciate Lexa, was mistaken as a love for the painting before her.

Clarke felt a hand on her shoulder. Whipping around, expecting Lexa, her eyes settled instead on Cage Wallace, in his fine pressed suit, from head to toe. His hair was slicked back, and he wore a wolfish grin. "Like the landscape? It's supposed to be of the Champagne region of France. Been there myself. I have to say, no artist could do it justice."

Clarke resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

"Clarke Griffin." He annunciated every syllable as if they were foreign to him.

"Cage Wallace?" Clarke looked taken aback, but quickly recovered. "What are you doing here?"

The disdain in her voice was evident.

Cage shrugged with a smirk that wasn't at all attractive like Lexa's. "Oh, you know. My grandfather is kind of a big deal when it comes to art."

Clarke bit her lip. Dante Wallace, ancient and renowned as the great headmaster of Mount Weather, also sat on the board of admissions for several universities, a famed artist himself.

Clarke never had the pleasure of meeting Dante.

Cage seemed to pick up on Clarke's trail of thought. "My grandfather isn't here tonight." He smirked. "Sent me in his place. Funny I'd find you here, Griffin."

"Why is that?" Clarke gritted.

"Oh." Cage cocked a brow. "It's not a question of your talent; I hear you're pretty gifted. It's just...there's a certain...income, required to play this little game."

And since your father died, you're no longer eligible.

The unspoken words rang in Clarke's ears, and she fought off the depressing feeling that weighed down on her chest,

"How's the nose, Cage?" Clarke demanded wryly.

Cage frowned. "You know, Clarke. You shouldn't ever think about hitting me again. In fact, you should think about apologizing. Would you like to know why?"

Clarke wore a haughty smirk, trying to channel her inner Lexa. "Enlighten me."

Cage looked absolutely smug. "See, Clarke, I can help you out. A letter of recommendation from my grandfather could get you anywhere you wanted. And a job as a secretary in his office? Pays three times more than your shitty gig at the Dropshit- Oh, I mean, Dropship."

Clarke reddened slightly, clenching her fists. He was right. The offer was a good one. "And what's in it for you?"

Cage smirked. "I get to conquer what my good buddy Finn never did."

Clarke was appalled, to say the least. "No fucking way." She growled. "I wouldn't ever hook up with you, even-"

Cage cut her off with a shrug. "You know, college isn't cheap, Clarke. Your poor mother, what does she do again? Athletic training? Well, that can't be much. Just think about it."

Clarke grit her teeth in anger, relaxing only when she felt two toned arms slip around her waist from behind, encircling her protectively.


"Cage Wallace?" Lexa smirked arrogantly. "What brings your filth to such a high end occasion?"

Clarke's brows shot up. No one talked to a member of the Wallace family that way. Except Lexa, apparently.

"Woods. Seeing you on a date is a bit...odd." Cage scoffed lightly. "Don't you have some girls to be hooking up with?"

Clarke felt her stomach drop a little, but Lexa squeezed her hip lightly, as if to warn her not to pay any mind to his slander.

"Your nose looks like shit." Lexa offered in a polite tone, having a sip of her drink. "But I have to say...Any damage to that face of yours would be an improvement."

Cage's eyes flashed with anger in response. "You like pissing off powerful people, Woods?"

Lexa smirked. "Powerful people? I'll let you know when I find one. Now, make yourself useful and go kiss someone else's ass. This one is already taken."

Cage turned to leave, but Lexa's arm darted out and caught his wrist. He turned carelessly, eyeing her grip disdainfully.

"And Cage-" Lexa began in a hushed tone. "If you ever, so much as look at Clarke the wrong way, I'll make sure you end up in the hospital. Permanently, this time."

Clarke gaped as Cage shrugged her off, and Lexa turned her attention back to her date.

"Lexa." Clarke breathed, eyes wide.

Lexa immediately looked regretful. "I'm sorry. Was that too much? I just wanted him to leave you alone, I didn't mean to-"

Clarke shook her head, arms circling Lexa's neck as she leaned up to kiss her lips, thanking her in a way words could never convey.

"Okay, I'm going to inflate your ego, and tell you, while I could handle him perfectly on my own...That was hot." Clarke teased.

Lexa flashed her a bright smile, kissing her once more. "Yeah?"

"Yeah." Clarke sighed as she leaned back into Lexa's embrace, eyeing the painting once more.

"You like it." Lexa noted in Clarke's ear, giving Clarke chills.

"I love it." Clarke answered obliviously. "I mean, it's just a landscape, but-"

Lexa made a move, and Clarke's brows shot up, turning around and grabbing her wrist. "Lexa." She warned, voice higher than usual. "Don't you dare tell me you-"

"Clarke." Lexa pouted slightly, and Clarke thought it was the most adorable thing in the world. "I want you to have it."

Clarke gaped. "Alexandria Woods, no. This is way too costly."

Lexa snorted when she noted the estimated value. It was a mere $6,000. Which, to anyone who didn't frequent these sort of events, was rather costly. To her, it was absolutely nothing. And she indulged any chance she got to waste her parents fortune. This certainly was no waste. She lived for Clarke's happiness, for her bright beaming smile.

"Clarke Abigail Griffin." Lexa shot back with an amused smile. "Accept it as a gift."

"Lex." Clarke wrapped her arms around Lexa's waist, effectively trapping her. "I'm already...floored, by this date. It's amazing."

Lexa pressed on. "But I want you to be happy, Clarke."

Clarke chuckled lightly, cupping Lexa's cheeks. "Lexa. You make me happy. Being with you means more to me than buying all the art in the world."

Lexa's heart effectively melted at the same time Clarke's lips melted into hers. She secured Clarke with her hands on her waist, gently pulling Clarke to her.

"Besides." Clarke murmured as they slowly pulled apart. "I know you like to be suave, but...You've already wooed me, Lex."

Lexa smiled affectionately, lacing her hand with Clarke's. "Shall we?" She murmured, leading Clarke to the next display, looking back occasionally.



"Don't you dare think about having it shipped to my house."

"Damn, you're good."

Clarke's heart was fluttering when they were finally in Lexa's car, on the way home.

This was it.

Date three.

The sex was coming.

And god, she wasn't ready.

Lexa, who'd been intently focused on driving home and telling Clarke something about how she had tried and failed art when she was younger.

Clarke was bouncing one knee like crazy, finding it a bit difficult to breathe.

Lexa would take her home, and then she'd see the aftermath of the incident on Clarke's body. Clarke took extra care to hide everything as much as she could. Jake's loss had wounded her heart, but there was other evidence. Physical reminders.

Lexa was perfection. She expected Clarke to be perfection, no doubt.

It could never work.

And then she felt Lexa's hand gently rubbing her thigh, though it didn't feel sexual at all. She glanced up, and realized Lexa was wearing a concerned look.

"Clarke?" She asked softly. "Are you alright? You seemed fine a moment ago." She sounded a little guilty, a little nervous.

Clarke's mind snapped back into place when she realized that they were on the path to her home, not Lexa's. Her home, where her mother was waiting, and no funny business could occur.

It dawned on her that Lexa didn't expect anything, third date or not.

Once again, she was finding herself falling a little harder for Lexa Woods.

"Huh?" Clarke stammered. "Uh, sorry. I'm just...tired. And in awe. I never thought I'd see something so amazing."

Lexa bit her lip and gave Clarke a pleased smile. "So..." She drawled as she pulled up in front of Clarke's house, where the lights were familiarly on. "Does this mean I've earned a fourth date?"

Clarke pretended to look thoughtful as she leaned forward, pressing a kiss to Lexa's cheek. "Gee. I don't know..." She drawled teasingly.

Lexa feigned a look of hurt. "You wound me, Griffin. What can I do differently? More flowers? Different perfume?"

Clarke smirked, enjoying their banter. She was so excited and nervous, and yet so comfortable around Lexa. It just felt right. "Hmm. Well, the flowers were perfect. And...I love your perfume." Clarke confessed, causing Lexa to grin. "I'd say you were perfect."

Lexa blushed slightly, a rare sight, and tilted Clarke's chin so that she could softly kiss her. "Then a fourth....and fifth. Maybe a sixth, if you're up to it?" she murmured teasingly.

Clarke nodded wholeheartedly, grinning into the kisses Lexa was peppering on her face.

Clarke leaned back with a sigh, squeezing Lexa's hand. "I'll see you tomorrow?"

Lexa frowned, unbuckling her seatbelt. "As if I'm not walking you up." She scoffed, getting out to open Clarke's door for her.

Clarke smiled adoringly, lacing her hand with Lexa's as they made their way to the front door. "Be careful." Clarke advised in a teasing whisper. "My mom's probably waiting for you with a shotgun."

"I'm bulletproof." Lexa winked, wrapping Clarke in her arms as she placed a soft kiss to Clarke's lips. "Goodnight, Clarke."

Clarke sighed, taking in Lexa's scent. "Goodnight, Lexa."

"I'll text you first thing in the morning." Lexa promised dutifully.

"You'd better." Clarke smirked, leaning in for one last peck before she watched Lexa leave, fears assuaged, heart nearly overflowing with affection.
"So, you're the unfortunate victim." Lexa announced teasingly as she turned to take in the young freshman before her, Charlotte's eyes sparkling right back.

It was her first back to tutoring English one on one, and it seemed Charlotte had the luck of the draw.

Tutoring was held after school in the library, and Lexa couldn't wait to finish up and meet with Clarke.

Yes, she was a little obsessed with Clarke.

But yes, Clarke was mutually obsessed with her. It all panned out.

Lexa knew she was falling for the girl.

She shook her head when Charlotte piped up. She needed to focus. "Hi Alexandria." Charlotte tried in her best sultry voice, eyes widening and heart racing when Lexa politely pulled a chair for her.

"Alexandria?" Lexa blinked, an amused smile on her face. "No one calls me that."

"Sorry!" Charlotte was quick to rectify. "Your Wikipedia page says-" Charlotte's eyes widened at her own accidental little confession, slapping a hand over her mouth.

Lexa cocked a brow, waving a hand in front of her now pale face. "Charlotte?" She tried, innocently. "You know, I'm not actually a celebrity." She winked, drawing some papers from her bag.

Charlotte relaxed, letting out a soft giggle as she herself dug into her own backpack.

"So, what are you struggling with?" Lexa queried.

"Oh. English stuff." Charlotte shrugged nonchalantly.

Lexa quirked a brow. Well, that was unspecific.

"Can I ask you something?" Charlotte asked as she retrieved her notebook.

"That's why I'm here." Lexa offered wryly.

"How do you manage to look so good in a tank top?" Charlotte gushed, cheeks tinting red.

"Oh." Lexa began awkwardly, tugging her tank top awkwardly. "Ah, thank you, but-"

She paused midsentence, because coming in the library to sit across from them was none other than Aden and Clarke. They came in for Aden's tutoring session, Lexa realized, with a hot burst of affection in her chest.

She hadn't seen Clarke since before school ended, since Lexa had shot off like a rocket to make it on time to practice. Clarke had since braided her hair back, revealing her bright blue gaze. She looked breathtaking.

The second they made eye contact, Lexa knew she was a goner.

"Hey." Clarke mouthed with a smile.

Lexa swallowed, feeling her heart thump in her chest. She offered Clarke a smile and a wink as she turned to realize Charlotte was staring at Clarke, too.

"That's Clarke Griffin." Charlotte began matter-of-factly.

Lexa was perplexed by the evident aggression in her tone. "...Yes, she is."

"You two made out at the New Year's Party." Charlotte mentioned monotonously.

Lexa bit her lip. "...Yeah, we did." Her response was absolutely dreamy, and she had to bite back her smile at the thought.

"And now you're dating?"

"Yes." Lexa answered, tearing her eyes away from Clarke's perfect figure.



"Are you dating seriously?"

Lexa smirked. "What does this have to do with English, Charlotte?"

Charlotte sighed. "I guess it doesn't."

"Right." Lexa nodded, gently patting Charlotte on the back. Charlotte practically got chills at the minimal contact. "So, what are we working on?"

"Romeo and Juliet." Charlotte rolled her eyes. "Lame stuff."

Lexa wore a smirk, eyeing Charlotte, then Clarke. Clearing her throat, she began, ""My bounty is as boundless as the sea, my love as deep; the more I give to thee, The more I have, for both are infinite."

Charlotte's eyes widened and she had to keep from swooning, unaware that Clarke, the intended party, faced the same issue, a table down.

Lexa smiled as she broke eye contact with Clarke, turning to Charlotte. "Um...See? It can be fun."

"Teach me everything." Charlotte gushed excitedly.
"Five to the third power-"


"Oh I have to plug in the-"


"Axis of symmetry is X ="

Clarke squeezed Aden's arm. "Oh god she looked at me." She practically squealed.

Aden's eyes were wide. He glanced down at Clarke's vicelike grip on his arm, biting back a smile. "I uh...thought we were here for tutoring, Clarke." He reminded teasingly.

"Oh, sorry." Clarke blinked, shaking her head apologetically. "Sorry you have such a hot sister." She mumbled, and Aden made a face.

They got through half of the hour before Clarke was at it again.

"Oh my god, her eyes." Clarke breathed.

Aden smirked, pleased with his handiwork on operation Clexa. He'd chosen well. They were just a bit...clingy, now, in the honeymoon stage of their budding relationship. Aden secretly loved it, and Clarke could focus when she absolutely had to.

"Did you know..." Aden drew out, hoping to capture Clarke's attention.

Clarke's head snapped towards him, obviously hoping for some sort of information on Lexa.

"You can touch her." Aden supplied.

"Huh?" Clarke's brows furrowed adorably.

"Yes." Aden nodded. "You can even kiss her and stuff. Because you're dating. So, how about we quit the hearteyes and maybe kiss Lexa after I finish this worksheet?"

Clarke rolled her eyes, but pressed a quick kiss to his forehead. She could feel Lexa smiling at them from across the room.

"See that girl with her?" Aden mumbled quietly as Clarke checked his work, like the human calculator she was.

"Charlotte?" Clarke rolled her eyes.

Aden smiled. "Lexa's biggest fan."

Clarke shrugged, trying to play it off as nonchalant. "A lot of people have crushes on Lexa."

"Does it bother you?" Aden pressed gently.

Clarke bit her lip. "No." She lied. "It's fine."

"Good." Aden shrugged. "It shouldn't, Wanna know why?"

"Sure." Clarke nodded, circling his score.

"She's really into you." Aden whispered, as if he were giving away his sister's biggest secrets.

"Really?" Clarke smirked.

"Yup." Aden nodded with a grin. "Did you know she dances around the house in the mornings singing your name?"

Clarke's eyes widened. (Not because she did that too, or anything.)

"Anyway, don't let Charlotte get to you. Charlotte is a crazy stalker."

Clarke nodded, eyeing the clock as the students began to rise at the end of the hour.

"Well, you got a hundred percent, and two extra credit points, despite my sucky tutoring."

Aden shook his head. "It wasn't sucky when my sister shut up long enough to let you speak." He teased.

Clarke laughed, standing.

"Are you coming over today?" Aden asked hopefully.

Clarke shook her head reluctantly. "I have work, buddy."

"Oh." Aden nodded with a wistful smile. "I'll have to set up another date for you and Lexa."

"Please do." Clarke teased, stretching slightly.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Aden offered, pulling Clarke into a hug.

"Bye." Clarke murmured, giving him a squeeze as he scampered off to meet Anya at the car.

Lexa was helping Charlotte pack when Clarke approached, pausing by her table.

Lexa was up in an instant, Charlotte forgotten, arms circling Clarke's waist.

"I missed you." Lexa murmured softly, kissing Clarke with reckless abandon.

"I missed you too." Clarke giggled gently against her lips.

Charlotte rolled her eyes, with no one to see.

"Want to come over?" Lexa's soft voice was pleading.

Charlotte perked up, a false sense of hope telling her it was an offer for her.

Of course, it wasn't.

"I can't, baby, I have work." Clarke mumbled against her lips.


Charlotte wanted to scoff. Lexa was too cool for pet names.

Lexa only pulled her closer, her hands digging softly into the back pockets of Clarke's jeans to pull her closer.

Charlotte made a mental note: If she ever wanted Lexa's hands in her jean pockets, she had to call her baby .

"You know..." Lexa drawled, biting Clarke's lower lip teasingly. "I could just...change your salary."

Clarke rolled her eyes. "I like the honest pay." She quipped, sighing as Lexa peppered her jaw and neck with kisses.

Neither girl noticed how Charlotte averted her gaze longingly.

"You'll text me?" Clarke breathed hopefully.

"You know it." Lexa pledged, pressing her forehead against Clarke's.

"Walk me to my car?" Clarke offered a hand, which Lexa took immediately.

Charlotte thought she was all but forgotten until Lexa whipped around, hand still laced with Clarke's.

"Same time, two days?" Lexa asked Charlotte, who nodded eagerly in response.

"Alright, great. Do you have a ride?" Lexa asked.

Charlotte sighed inwardly. Lexa Woods was so perfect. None of her other tutors cared that much.

"Yup." She lied comfortably. "See you, Lexa."

"Bye, Charlotte." Lexa let the name roll off her lips with a wry smile as she walked out into the golden sun with her golden girlfriend.

Charlotte had time to figure her out yet, it seemed.
"Lincoln!" The boy turned around quickly at the sound of his name, a smile fixed on his face.

"Lexa!" he greeted warmly. "What's up?"

"Have you seen Aden?" she inquired, trying to hide the urgency behind her words. "I needed to ask him something."

"I think he mentioned going home with his friend Atom today, remember?" Vaguely, Lexa did recall her younger brother's excitement over spending time with his friend, and inwardly cursed herself at her lack of thought.

"Right..." she trailed off. "Well, I'll just talk to him later."

"Alright, sis , see you later."

" Mochof , Linc," Lexa responded, before she walked back in the direction she came from, in search of the new head cheerleader after Costia's rather... untimely departure, Serrena.

"Cullen!" the brown haired cheerleader turned quickly, and a smile crept its way across her face upon realizing who it was talking to her.

"Woods." Lexa hadn't remembered her voice being quite so deep, but paid no mind to it, sending her a friendly wave instead. "What brings you around to my neck of the woods?"

"I had a favor to ask," Lexa opened, and Serrena tilted her head to the side, eyes narrowing.

"So you only come to me when you need something?" Her tone was light and teasing, but Lexa couldn't help but feel somewhat guilty from the truth of the words. Though the girl had been nothing but kind to her since the beginning of her stay at Arkadia, Lexa had never gone out of her way to be particularly friendly to her.

"Sorry about that," Lexa began, but Serrena brushed her off.

"Don't worry about it, I'm happy to help." She rested her hand on Lexa's arm reassuringly, and Lexa thought nothing of it, offering the cheerleader a smile.

"Great, thanks, so I was wondering if you and the squad would—" Lexa's words were interrupted as a freshman boy burst through the doors to the girl's locker rooms, whistling to himself.

"Whoa," he exclaimed softly, "you're hot." Serrena's expression immediately morphed from one of pleasantness to a deep scowl.

"Jace, what the fuck are you doing here?"

"You were taking too long," he complained, and Serrena raised her hand to her face.

"This is the girl's locker room, Jace, get the fuck out and wait by the car."

"But I wanna—"

" Now, you little shit." The boy flipped her off and Serrena scowled as he left, but her face returned to its previously angelic state when she turned back to Lexa.

"Sorry about him," Serrena apologized, "he's an idiot. Definitely the least favorite out of all my siblings."

"You have more than one?" Lexa asked politely, making an attempt to be friendly.

"Yeah, Theo and Kelly, they're much better behaved. So what was it you needed?"

"Well, I was—" Once again, however, the duo were interrupted, but this time it was by a voice that Lexa had come to recognize.


Raven Reyes was nothing if not loud.

Lexa sighed, fighting the urge to scream, before she turned to the other girl, who was shooting a rather unamused glance in Serrena's direction.

"Reyes, what do you need?"

"Come with me, hot stuff, you can talk to preppy here later, no offense, Cullen." Before Lexa could protest, Raven was dragging her away, and she shot Serrena one last apologetic glance before Raven tugged her down the hallway.

"How'd you even get into the locker rooms?"

"Irrelevant," Raven brushed off, "what I want to know is why you were having a little eye-fucking sesh with Cullen over there."

" What?" Lexa gawked. "I was n—"

"Save it, Woods," Raven huffed, crossing her arms across her chest, "I know the little game you're playing. You can't just string Clarke along like that, thinking you can have the best of both worlds and still flirt with all your little pieces on the side."

"My what?" Lexa inquired again.

"Your side hoes, Woods," Raven sighed, "don't play dumb. I've seen the way you and Fox exchange glances in chem, and not to mention that little tango with Cullen over there—"

"Raven," Lexa cut off, "I do not, nor will I ever have, any side hoes. " Raven opened her mouth to protest, but Lexa continued. "I'm serious about Clarke, Raven, I really am."

"Then why haven't you asked her to make it official?" Raven demanded.

"I'm working on it, ok?" Lexa shot back, annoyance flaring within her. "That's what I was trying to talk to Cullen about!"

"Sounds awful suspicious," Raven replied quickly, "sure you aren't having an affair?"

"I'm not Finn Collins, Reyes," Lexa admonished, "I wouldn't do that to Clarke!"

"Well what's your plan, then, Woods?" Raven accused.

"You can't tell Clarke," Lexa threatened, and Raven signed.

"Of course not, just tell me."

"Alright, well..."
"Lex?" Clarke called, hesitantly pushing the door to the locker room, noting that it was completely barren. She'd seen Anya up on the field already, which meant Lexa was the only one changing. "You in here?"

"Back row!" Lexa's voice sounded, and Clarke's heart lit up. Clarke pushed the door open and strode in, making her way to the back row, where Lexa stood, fully geared up. Suddenly Clarke felt shy. Lexa was in her iconic jersey, her shoulder pads broadening her stance. Her tights fit her as well as Clarke remembered. She hadn't seen Lexa in full gear since before the incident.

"You look..." They both began at the same time, smiling like idiots when they realized it.

"I'd say ladies first, but I have to tell you how attracted to you I am." Lexa quipped cheekily, smirking when Clarke's cheeks tinted red.

"You like the outfit?" Clarke smiled in response, watching as Lexa's eyes devoured her. She'd spoken to Aden about stealing Lexa's spare jersey, and she'd donned it. That was an official statement about their relationship. She was nervous. It was the high school method for telling everyone that they were official.

"I don't think I've ever worn it that well." Lexa replied, out stretching her arms to pull Clarke in softly. "This is the...highest honor. The famous Clarke Griffin, wearing my name on her back?" Lexa bowed, acting overly starstruck. "I'm overjoyed."

Clarke could tell though, from the way Lexa's eyes twinkled, and the way she grinned, that she wasn't lying.

Lexa secretly adored Clarke wearing her jersey. She also felt a familiar clench between her legs at the sight and took a quick breath. Now was not the time, Woods.

Clarke smirked herself, feeling a bout of confidence overwhelm her. "Did I ever tell you how much I like you in uniform?"

Lexa smirked. "You didn't. But I could tell from the way you absolutely lusted over me when we were still...frenemies." She teased.

Clarke slapped her on the abdomen blinking when she felt her hand come into contact with a hard surface. "Are you wearing padding?" She asked curiously.

"Not there." Lexa replied with a cocked brow.

Oh. So those were Lexa's abs. Clarke decided that she definitely liked football.

Clarke blinked hard, licking her lips. "Your hair is beautiful." She remarked, eyeing the way it fell in soft waves over Lexa's shoulder.

"I have to braid it." Lexa explained, though she didn't feel like detaching from Clarke just yet.

"I could..." Clarke offered, perhaps a bit too eagerly. "I mean, if you wanted me to."

Lexa smiled and sat on the bench, motioning for Clarke to have at it. Clarke smiled in response and straddled the bench behind her, hands falling into Lexa's silky brunette waves with a contented sigh.

"I really love your hair." Clarke confessed, feeling weird for just breathing it in.

"I love yours." Lexa told her gently. "It always smells like vanilla."

Clarke blushed at that, leaning forward to begin braiding Lexa's hair. She took her time, intricately and delicately, making smalltalk with Lexa about some of the players.

"So, it's your first time back." Clarke breathed slowly, finishing the braid with a sigh.

Lexa turned around to face her, smiling and murmuring her thanks. "It is." She nodded coolly in acknowledgement.

"Are you nervous?" Clarke asked sympathetically, remembering the first time she'd asked Lexa that. She'd been mocking her, then. Oh, how the times had changed.

"I don't get nervous." Lexa smirked. She seemed to remember that too.

Clarke could see through her cool facade. Reaching out, she held Lexa's once injured arm, kissing it softly.

Lexa let out a shaky exhale and pulled Clarke into her lap, cupping her cheeks as she leaned forward to properly kiss her, Clarke's arms going around her neck instantly as she let out a soft whine.

"So you're okay?" Clarke clarified, mumbling against Lexa's kisses.

Lexa smiled, her gaze softening as she eyed Clarke's lips. "Of course. Like I told good luck charm is here."

Clarke's heart just about melted at that. "I thought Aden was your good luck charm?" She teased.

Lexa smiled amusedly. "There are...different kinds of luck." She decided, her hands sliding to wrap around Clarke's waist as she placed a soft kiss on her jaw, moving along her neck.

"Thanks for the bruises." Clarke's voice was full of mirth. "I was worried people would forget we're together for a solid five minutes."

"They're fading." Lexa smirked against her skin. "Time to re-apply."

Clarke rolled her eyes, but let out a soft moan half way through Lexa's suckling kiss. "Oh- keep doing that." She muttered breathlessly. "I think I'm going to tangle my hands in your hair and ruin your braid."

Lexa sighed, pulling back momentarily. "If I didn't have a game right now, that's not the only thing we'd ruin." She smirked.

Clarke rolled her eyes, smiling still. "I don't even want to know what that means." She sighed. "Are you ready to go?"

Lexa shook her head. "I have to apply my eye-black."

Clarke cocked a brow curiously. "Your what? Oh, you mean your warpaint?"

Lexa looked infinitely amused. "Warpaint?" She repeated, lips curling into a smile.

Clarke looked sheepish. "Yeah. You know...You're like Commander Lexa, going into battle..."

Lexa wiggled her eyebrows. "Sounds sexy."

Clarke smiled, leaning in for a quick kiss, whining when Lexa softly bit her bottom lip. "It is." She replied, holding tight as Lexa reached into her bag with one hand, producing the container.

Clarke eyed the jar, watching as Lexa began to screw it open. "Stupid question, Lex."

"No such thing." Lexa replied offhandedly.

Clarke rolled her eyes. "Okay, a month or two ago, you wouldn't have said that. You would have said something like, "Not surprising, coming from you, Griffin."

Lexa smirked at her impression, setting the jar down for a moment to quickly lean down and capture Clarke's lips in a stolen kiss.

"What was that for?" Clarke scoffed.

"Your impression was cute." Lexa shrugged playfully.

"Don't ignore the abusive implications." Clarke teased. "You were mean."

"Say it." Lexa smirked.

"No." Clarke protested.

"Say it."

"Fine." Clarke sighed. "You were a total bitch."

Lexa smiled amusedly. "I was, wasn't I?"

"Why?" Clarke pressed. "We could've been making out so much earlier."

"We were attracted to each other. We mistook it for anger. It was just sexual tension. " Lexa smirked.

"Right." Clarke breathed, forgetting how. "So, my stupid question...what does the eye-black do, exactly? Other than give you sex appeal, because somehow, I know that's going to be your answer." Clarke added pointedly.

Lexa grinned. "'s just grease. We put it on to block out the stadium lights, so we don't miss the ball if the lights get in the way. It's a visual thing."

"Does it really help?" Clarke pressed, nodding in understanding.

"I don't play without it. It makes me look more intimidating." Lexa replied.

Clarke bit her lip. "I love the way you do it...the mask. May I?"

Lexa smiled, handing her the container. "It'd be my honor, Ms. Griffin."

Clarke blushed slightly, taking the container, dipping two of her fingers in, making a face when she felt the grease.

"Doesn't feel so sexy, hmm?" Lexa teased.

"Not really." Clarke agreed. " smells good."

Lexa smirked. "I mixed mine with shea butter."

"Is that why your face is so soft when I kiss it?" Clarke grinned.

Lexa puffed her chest proudly, and Clarke felt light laughter bubble within her.

"Oh my god, Lex, you're so...soft." Clarke laughed, applying it slowly, making sure to let it drip a little, the way Lexa always wore it.

Lexa sighed contentedly, and Clarke felt bold. She leaned forward, planting a kiss on Lexa's head. "I like taking care of you." She admitted softly.

"I like it too." Lexa admitted, equally as shy.

Clarke finished, screwing the lid back onto the jar.

Lexa pouted slightly, and Clarke tilted her head to the side curiously. "What's the matter?"

"I can't kiss you now." Lexa sighed.

"What?" Clarke frowned, like Lexa just told her she was moving across the country. "Why?"

"I'll get your face dirty." Lexa replied, and Clarke rolled her eyes, leaning in for a bruising kiss.

Lexa kissed her back, eager to lean back and see her handiwork. She was pleasantly surprised- Clarke's cheeks bore two lines that looked like they were intentionally smeared there for the most part.

"Here." Lexa grinned. "Let me just-" she smudged the lines so they looked well placed. "There. You're on the team."

Clarke laughed and Lexa's heart fluttered. "You ready to go out there now?"

"As long as you're with me, yes." Lexa smirked. "Today's a big game for me, and I want my- you, watching."

Clarke hardly noticed the slip, nodding as she rose, lacing her hand with Lexa's. She'd watch every second of Lexa's playing eagerly. Oh, how everything was backwards.

Clarke and Lexa entered the stadium hand in hand, and Clarke instantly blushed at the roar of Lexa's classmates when she re-entered the field for the first time since her injury.

"Com-man-der!" They'd chant for her as she felt her usual arrogant smirk pull to her lips.

Except, this time around, Clarke was so pathetically attracted to that smirk.

"This is where we part." Clarke sighed, blinking in surprise as Lexa turned to wrap her arms around her waist.

Abby absolutely glared from her spot near Titus and the other players, helping them stretch before the game.

"I will spend every moment thinking about you, and every time I make a scoring play, it'll be for you." Lexa hummed, seemingly relaxed despite the buzz of the entirely packed stadium, full of two-thousand eager students. "Alright, Clarke?"

Clarke blushed heavily at Lexa's words, swooning when Lexa leaned down to place a soft kiss on her lips.

Abby was fuming now, though neither girl took notice.

"Good luck, Commander." Clarke smirked against Lexa's kiss.

"I don't need it." Lexa murmured against her lips. "I have you." leaned forward and kissed Clarke's head before jogging off to stretch.

Clarke felt her insides burn so sweetly. She and Lexa were such saps, but it didn't matter. Everything felt right.

God, she was falling so hard.

Clarke watched Lexa veer off as she returned to her seat, heading for the Delinquents.

Clarke couldn't help the little stammer in her heart as Lexa stopped before the crowd of cheerleaders that, as Raven so helpfully put it, loved to "eye fuck" Lexa. They were doing it right then and there.

The audacity. The nerve. Right there. Seconds after Lexa had kissed Clarke.

It wasn't fair. Clarke knew that Lexa was the most coveted girl in school, but still. Didn't they have some respect? Clarke felt suddenly insecure. She and Lexa weren't even an official item. If Lexa wanted to, she could sleep with half the school without batting an eyelash.

Lexa was smirking at them, talking animatedly, making a summoning motion with her hands. The girls nodded excitedly, occasionally chiming in with something Clarke couldn't hear. Of course they were probably flirting with her. Lexa was too smooth to resist.

Titus blew his whistle and Lexa bade them farewell, jogging back for the team huddle.

Clarke felt a bitter taste in her mouth as she narrowed her eyes at Lexa, wishing she couldn't make her feel so elated and depressed in a matter of seconds.

Clarke settled in beside Raven and Octavia with a huff.

"What's the matter, Griff?" Octavia nudged her playfully. "You looked really happy just thirty seconds ago."

Raven smirked. "It's Commander hotface and the cheerleaders."

Clarke turned beet red. "Shut up, Rae."

Raven looked unfazed. If Clarke hadn't been sulking, she would have noticed Raven's smirk, and probably would have caught on before hand. But of course, Clarke was too busy being "salty" to notice.

The game began, and as always, Lexa tore up the stadium to resounding applause.

Clarke was a little irked, but Lexa played absolutely phenomenally. Every pass she made was deadly accurate, and she'd positioned the grounders to win rather easily. She and Lincoln were a deadly tag team.

By the time half-time rolled around, Lexa had winked at Clarke maybe thirty-two times, after every successful play. Clarke was absolutely swooning, unable to contain herself. It was exhilarating to know that the absolute best, most dominant player in the stadium was thinking about her when she made those incredible plays.

And, of course, there was the small fact that everyone was watching. Everyone was watching when Lexa blew a kiss to Clarke after a good run, or after she'd just stepped off the field. Clarke's heart was racing and her grin was unmatched.

Halftime was usually when the cheerleaders put on their crazy dance shows, complete with their neatly assembled stage. But this time, something was different. The cheerleaders were out, performing their usual routine. All eyes, (granted, mostly of the male students), were glued to them. They performed to their usual deafening applause. But no one got up to move.

Clarke squinted. Elbowing Raven, she muttered, "Why is no one getting up?"

Her answer was several gasps and students pointing as Lexa, still in full uniform, minus the helmet, jogged over from the entrance tunnel, to the center of the field. Just as the song was ending, the squad got into formation, holding up a sign that read: Clarke, will you be my girlfriend?

Clarke couldn't believe it. First, she thought her eyes were playing tricks on her. Then, she assumed it was a different Clarke. But no. That was her Lexa approaching her side of the bleachers to thunderous roars of "Say yes!"

Lexa's smile was genuine, and Clarke couldn't feel her legs, or her heart. She was shaking, literally shaking. Lexa hopped the low fence separating the students from the field, and approached Clarke.

That was when Clarke noticed the bouquet of roses in her hand. Clarke's heart stopped. She was sure she had died and gone to heaven. This was the single greatest moment of her life, hands down.

And then Lexa kneeled.

Kneeled .

Lexa's smile was even more amused when she saw how nervous Clarke was. "Clarke." She began, and the entire two thousand student audience began hushing each other idiotically in efforts to hear their Commander's proposal, only succeeding in making more noise.

Clarke couldn't tell if she just squealed, or if Octavia did, or if it was a combination of the two.

Clarke didn't even notice Bellamy's glare. She was so infatuated with the girl before her.

Lexa wasn't deterred in the slightest. "Clarke." She began again, allowing the name to roll off her tongue, as if she were tasting it. "I have had the pleasure of getting to be one of your closer friends, and I've had the pleasure of getting to know you intimately."

Abby's eyebrows went skyward at that.

"Hell, I've even had the honor of getting to be your enemy." Lexa smirked and Clarke let out an airy little laugh. "But in these past few weeks, I've really fallen for you. I'm fascinated by you. I think about you all the time, and, if you say yes, I want the whole world to know you're mine. So, Clarke, would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" Lexa finished, taking a breath. She hated that she was nervous.

Clarke blinked, deafened by the chorus of "Say yes! Say yes!" She found Lexa's gaze, and she took a breath, steadying herself. "Yes, Lexa, I'd love to." Clarke broke out into a grin when she saw Lexa's overjoyed expression, and Lexa rose from her kneeling position, handing the flowers to Clarke. Clarke took them and then surprised everyone by jumping down into Lexa's arms with a little yelp, attacking her lips as she threw her arms around Lexa's neck.

The Delinquents were uproariously applauding, Raven's smirk bigger than the rest.

Lexa easily held her weight, leaning into the tender kiss as she smiled against her girlfriend's lips. Around them, a chorus of "Awwww" erupted from the approving student body.

Lexa detached to glance at Clarke, the two of them grinning like idiots.

"Thank you, for all of this, Lex." Clarke breathed.

"My pleasure, sunshine." Lexa responded, squeezing Clarke's hip.

"Sunshine?" Clarke questioned. She'd heard Lexa say it once or twice before, and Clarke adored it, but she couldn't help but ask over the roar of the crowd.

"Because you brighten my world." Lexa answered, leaning forward to kiss Clarke's jaw.

Clarke was overwhelmed with emotion, burying her face in the side of Lexa's neck. Lexa could see Clarke's uneasiness at all the noise and set about carrying her to the tunnel, where they'd be relatively out of sight. On her way, she saw Niylah, who gave them a thumbs up, Clarke giggled in Lexa's ear.

As soon as they reached the safety of the tunnel, Clarke leaned forward, attacking Lexa's lips hungrily this time. She whined softly and tightened her thighs around Lexa's waist, moving slowly against her. Lexa's gloved hand slid under the back of Clarke's jersey, gently, softly scraping against Clarke's bare back. Clarke immediately felt shivers ripple through her body. She had never really experienced a want or need as all consuming and powerful as her need for Lexa.

"I can't believe I have to finish a game after this." Lexa murmured against Clarke's lips.

Clarke smirked. "Why is that? What else would you possibly rather be doing?"

Before Lexa could answer, Abby was storming over, first aid kit in hand, looking positively livid. She'd never been fond of Lexa. Well, she had as a player and a student, but as Clarke's girlfriend? Certainly not. Lexa was a player, wanting to get into the pants of just about every girl Abby had ever patched up from the cheer team to the dance team.

"WOODS. YOUR FINGERS BETTER NOT BE ON OR IN MY DAUGHTER." Abby called, power walking as fast as she could.

"MOM." Clarke paled, glancing timidly at Lexa. They so weren't there yet.

Lexa bit her lip, glancing at the stadium clock. "Oh, baby, I have to get back to the team."

Clarke practically shoved Lexa away from her rapidly approaching mother, nodding frantically. "You go do that, Lex."

Lexa smirked, pulling Clarke by the waist to steal a kiss while Clarke sighed dreamily. "Bye, girlfriend." She grinned.

Clarke's heart soared. "Bye girlfriend." She murmured with a goofy grin. "I'll come to you after the game!" She promised.

Lexa jogged off just in time to miss Abby's controlled implosion.

"If she hurts herself, she can wheel herself to the hospital." Abby grunted, and even though Clarke knew she was kidding about that, she also knew Abby was not fond of the girl she'd just gone steady with.

That was going to be an issue.
Lexa had to exit the field with her team, despite her dire need to be with Clarke. The team formed a huddle in the tunnel, congratulating one another exuberantly before splitting, Lexa the sole player headed to the women's locker room, Anya having decided to go home with Lincoln instead, stating "I don't want to be there for the car sex on the way home."

Lexa barely had time to register anything at all as her team carried her away on their shoulders, as she'd just secured their spot in the playoffs leading to the state tournament. It was a great honor, a great responsibility, and she'd done it in front of dozens of confirmed college scouts.

And somehow, none of that mattered. None of it mattered at all, because Clarke Griffin agreed to be her girlfriend, and somehow, that became the most important facet of Lexa's life.

She and Clarke were going steady. They were an official, entirely exclusive item. She owned Clarke. Clarke owned her. It sounded awful, territorial, even. But she lusted for Clarke to be hers more than anything in the world.

It was poetically frightening.

Lexa relinquished her hair from her ponytail braid as she ran a hand through it, sighing as she carefully set about undoing her lock. The sooner she showered and changed, the sooner she could get to her girlfriend, waiting for her by the bleachers. The thought put a grin on her face as she set about lifting her jersey off, tenderly so as not to aggravate several bruises she'd received after a particularly aggressive play.

She set about removing her padding, and her underarmour base layer shirt, which clung to her body. She was grateful for the vanilla scented body spray she'd applied before hand. Even though she was covered in sweat, she felt slightly less gross.

Lexa jumped up nearly a foot when she felt arms wrap around her slick body from behind, wearing only her tights and a sports bra.

"Congratulations, Lexa." Clarke purred in her ear, and Lexa's body immediately relaxed and tensed all at once, upon hearing Clarke's husky tone in such close proximity.

Lexa closed her eyes, a smile curling on her full lips. "Hey beautiful." She greeted, and her voice even sounded like it was smirking. "Did you enjoy the game?"

"You were amazing, Lex." Clarke breathed, squeezing her girlfriend tighter. "My dad would've loved to see that."

Lexa sighed softly for Clarke, taking in a breath. "Even the part where I asked you to be my girlfriend and then gave you a hot kiss in front of a full stadium?"

Clarke chuckled softly behind her. "Ah, maybe not the part where your hands wandered just a bit. I, however, was not complaining."

Lexa smirked, turning slowly. "People were watching, Clarke. I wanted to make sure they got the message."

"Oh?" Clarke cocked a brow, smiling when Lexa's face met hers, the "war paint" wiped to reveal her favorite sight in the world: Lexa's vibrant, playful emerald gaze. "What message is that?"

"That you-"Lexa cupped her cheeks, drawing her in for a torturously slow, possessive kiss. "Are mine."

"Officially." Clarke breathed with a smile, wrapping her arms around Lexa.

"Clarke, don't, I'm sweaty." Lexa warned, but Clarke didn't seem bothered in the least. Instead, her eyes trailed down to find the rock hard surface she was pressed against, bare and in all their olympian, goddess like glory: Lexa's abs.

"Yes..." Clarke breathed, hands subconsciously gravitating towards Lexa's bare abdomen, "You are..."

Lexa bore a full on, trademark smirk as she gently wrapped her fingers around Clarke's wrists, guiding them to her abs. "See something you like, Clarke?"

Clarke's throat went dry. She nodded, pushing Lexa back on the bench behind them, quietly straddling it as well, fingertips running down the firm, packed muscle. "You're...really beautiful." Clarke croaked. "I've never really seen...these before."

Lexa smiled softly at Clarke, meeting her lips in a tender kiss. "You should. They're yours, after all." She murmured, watching as Clarke pulled away, licking her lips. She pushed Lexa back so that she was lying down and crawled over her, a difficult feat on the narrow surface of the bench.

Clarke's brain was no longer functioning. She was acting on instinct, on need, on want. She craved Lexa in ways that lit her insides on fire. She laced her fingers with Lexa's on either hand, leaning down as she hesitantly pressed a kiss to Lexa's chest. She dragged her lips down then, up and over Lexa's bra, right down the center line of her abdomen, wet kisses trailed onto Lexa's salty skin.

Lexa gasped slightly, and Clarke was emboldened, glancing up at Lexa, her lips still kissing her muscles adoringly. "Mine." She smirked against Lexa's stomach, watching as Lexa's head hit the cold metal of the bench with a soft, dull thud.


Clarke pulled Lexa back up to meet her lips, Lexa's arms winding around Clarke as their kiss deepened, and Clarke's nails dragged their way up Lexa's torso. "You're breathtaking, Lex." Clarke breathed against her lips. "I want to draw you."

"Whatever you want." Lexa promised wantonly against her lips, detaching to suckle on Clarke's neck.

Clarke groaned and wound her arms around Lexa's neck, allowing her girlfriend to ravish her. She was so apprehensive, and yet she wanted more.

"I have to shower." Lexa murmured against her skin. "And then we can go back to my place, and just relax...enjoy being each other's girlfriends." She smiled at the word.

Clarke knew Lexa added the last part to make her comfortable, to make certain that there was no misunderstanding about forced or unwanted sexual advances.

Clarke fell a little harder for Lexa in that moment. She brought up a hand to caress Lexa's cheeks. "Okay, Commander." She whispered. "I'll wait outside."

Lexa frowned, shaking her head. Clarke thought it was adorable, the way she looked like a petulant child. "Stay." She pouted.

Clarke couldn't help it. She leaned forward, drawing Lexa's bottom, pouting lip, into her lips, sucking gently. Lexa's eyes widened slightly at Clarke's boldness, but the look was one of pure want.

"I don't want to make you uncomfortable." Clarke replied kindly.

Lexa smirked. "I'm not so...private. It's just us, anyway. You're my girlfriend. I have nothing to hide."

Again, her voice was light, gentle. There was no forced contact, no reason for Clarke to leave.

And, okay, maybe she was a little curious.

Lexa stood apologetically, grabbing her towel from the locker, taking Clarke's arm gently, guiding her towards the shower room. Clarke had to admit: It was pretty high end for a school that claimed its math department needed budget cuts.

Of course, the glory of sports was unrivaled. Months ago, Clarke would have refuted that. But now? Now she was lovesick and she'd just tasted the muscled, salty glory of her very own olympian athlete on her tongue.

She loved sports.

She loved what they did to Lexa, anyway.

"Hold my towel?" Lexa asked innocently, and Clarke swallowed the lump in her throat. Sure, she could do that. That was no big deal, right? She stepped forward, the towel draped over her shoulder, as she averted her gaze.

In seconds, Lexa's tights and undergarments were off, along with her bra, as she stepped into the opening of one of the showers.

"Clarke?" Lexa called.

Clarke turned, and then realized that Lexa was fully nude, and whipped around, squealing slightly.

Lexa stifled an amused chuckle. "Clarke." She murmured.

"Sorry." Clarke apologized without thinking.

"Don't be." Lexa smiled. "I called you. You know...we're girlfriends, Clarke...It's okay to look. You don't have to hide behind the towel."

Clarke turned beet red, heat flaring up within her. She slowly turned, throat drying, cerulean eyes widening. Lexa was a goddess. It was irrefutable. Her body was the image of perfection. She was tan all around, unsurprisingly. Her body was just as lean and muscled as her glorious arms, her bicep tattoo now accompanied by the hint of one on her back. Lexa's legs went on for miles, toned to perfection. Her breasts, smaller than Clarke's and unassuming, were absolute perfection.

To Clarke, she was perfect. Clarke realized that many other women must have shared that sentiment, if they ever had the privilege of seeing her.

Clarke felt something bubble at the pit of her stomach. It wasn't jealousy, no. It was something darker, more deprecating in its own right. Clarke realized that Lexa knew about her insecurities. Lexa knew how Clarke felt about her body. Clarke could never do this for Lexa. She could never reciprocate.

And Clarke most certainly didn't look like that. She could only imagine what Costia was like beneath the short skirt of her cheer uniform. It had to have been better than Clarke.

Of course, Clarke was absolutely wanted and lusted after in her own right, but she was blind to that fact, after the incident. It was an issue she needed counseling for, but was too shy to speak about. It rotted there, in the pit of her stomach, in the core of her heart. And Lexa's perfection only made her feel less worthy.

"Hey." Lexa whispered, catching Clarke's gaze with her steely green look.

Clarke couldn't really formulate words.

"I'm not doing this because I expect you to do the same, ever." Lexa clarified gently. "Clarke, I want you to be comfortable around me. I want to show you that no object. Not to me. I'm already infatuated with you." She murmured, tilting Clarke's chin up, their lips meeting in a silent kiss. "Okay, Clarke?"

Clarke nodded, sighing into the kiss.

She was, doubtlessly, the luckiest person in existence.

"That being said." Lexa teased, turning for the shower, giving Clarke a glimpse of her tight rear. "I don't mind you enjoying it a bit."

Clarke gaped, a stunned smile tugging at her lips as she watched Lexa saunter, sliding the blurred glass door behind her, steam rapidly rising as she started the water.

She was dating the human epitome of perfection.

Clarke leaned back against the tile, allowing it to cool her flushed body. They were girlfriends.

"Clarke? Sweet girlfriend of mine?" Lexa teased from the shower, her sultry voice carrying to Clarke's ears.

Clarke grinned at her behavior. "I'm here."

"So, for our official first night together..." Lexa began. "Movie at home? Or going out? You know I love to wine and dine you."

Clarke looked thoughtful. "The movie, I think. You've romanced me more than I ever could have hoped for."

"Ah." Lexa tsked disappointedly.

Clarke frowned. "You gave me an option." She reminded.

"Right, of course. That's not what I'm worried about." Lexa replied amusedly.

"Care to share, then?"

"Well, Aden lives there." Lexa spoke, and Clarke could just tell she was pouting.

Clarke cocked a brow. "Yes, Aden does live at your house, thank you for that information."

Lexa rolled her eyes, Clarke just knew it. "Yeah, well, Clarke...I enjoy kissing you."

Clarke looked confused and incredibly pleased with herself. "Yes, baby, we've established-"

Lexa cut her off over the stream of cascading water. "Have you noticed that whenever we're having a particularly good time, he walks in? Him or Anya."

Clarke grinned, rolling her eyes. "Elaborate." She teased.

Lexa shut off the water, her voice turning low. "Like...when I have you on my lap." Her voice was husky, sultry, low. She slid the door open, and Clarke wordlessly handed her the towel, eyes devouring every exposed inch of Lexa's flesh as she deftly wrapped it around herself. Her hair was slicked back and wet, and Clarke had never been more turned on in her life.

"Mhmm." Clarke managed, cheeks red, eyes wide.

"And you're...moving your hips..." Lexa whispered, coming behind Clarke, hands resting on her hips. "And I'm kissing that sweet spot, right at the base of your neck." Lexa added, lips grazing the aforementioned spot.

"LEX!" An incredibly loud, exasperated shout filled the locker room, causing Clarke to jump in surprise, while Lexa's arms tightened around her to reassure her.

"What, Anya?" Lexa called back with no small hint of annoyance.

Clarke watched the way her bicep tattoo moved with her arms, and she was absolutely mesmerized.

"I need a ride to Raven's!" She shouted carelessly. "Is Griffin in there?"

"Yes, Anya!" Lexa snapped. "My girlfriend is with me!"

"Hey Clarke." Anya called. "A few of your Delinquents are looking to extend their congratulations! Also, your mom looks incredibly pissed off!"

Clarke chuckled as Lexa groaned, nuzzling Clarke's neck with a quick kiss.

"Well, looks like those interruptions will happen no matter where we are." Clarke teased, turning around to loop her arms around Lexa's neck. "Alexandria, have I told you that you are absolutely breathtaking when wet?"

Lexa's brows shot up at the double entendre. She smiled softly when she saw Clarke's adoring expression, however, and felt her heart swell. She leaned down, kissing Clarke, hoping to convey all her feelings without the measly effort of words.

"Thank you." Clarke whispered.

"For?" Lexa inquired gently.

"Everything. Today, especially. I don't know. I just...Being your girlfriend is already better than I could've imagined." Clarke shrugged, leaning her head against Lexa's chest, as Lexa placed a kiss to her head.

"So, you imagined being my girlfriend?" Lexa smirked, and Clarke slapped her chest with a faux shocked expression.

"You're impossible."

"Improbable." Lexa corrected.

"I'm leaving."

"I hate to see you leave, but I love to watch you go."

"Put some clothes on." Clarke threw back, a smile at her lips.

"My girlfriend's wish is my command." Lexa grinned.

"You better believe it."

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