Catch Me, I'm Falling

By kingstyles94

277K 4.4K 9.3K

Lexa Woods is Arkadia High's brand new varsity quarterback star, badass and adored by all. Clarke Griffin is... More

August: Part I
August: Part II
August: Part III
September: Part I
September: Part II
October: Part I
October : Part II
December : Part I
December : Part II
January : Part II
January : Part III
February : Part I
February : Part II
February : Part III
February : Part IV
February : Part V
March : Part I
March : Part II / April : Part I
April : Part II
April : Part III / May : Part I
May : Part II

January : Part I

10.7K 181 473
By kingstyles94

"Mmm. God, Clarke, right...there....yes..." Lexa's whimpers were barely audible from her guest house, in the later hours of the morning following the New Year's Eve party. Specifically, the night where she made out with Clarke Griffin.

"Hey, Lex?" Anya knocked. "I was wondering if I can borrow you hairbrush, mine's kind of broken."

Sunlight filtered through slits in Lexa's window, coloring the white duvet with a warm orangey glow. Lexa, ever the romantic, had chosen a hell of a bachelorette pad, considering that she was living with her family.

Anya heard no immediate response. Shrugging, she shouldered her way into Lexa's bedroom, pausing when she heard a muffled cry of "Ohhh!"

Lexa's groan subsided, as did the minute rocking of her hips under the duvet as she breathed a short, "Fuck, Clarke."

Anya's brows shot up as her eyes widened. "Holy shit." She couldn't help the response as she uttered it. "You're fucking Clarke Griffin? I can't believe-"

Lexa's emerald eyes cracked open, and Anya realized, then, that she'd made a grave mistake. Clarke Griffin was not under the duvet with Lexa.

Lexa had been dreaming.

Quite successfully, it seemed.

"Anya?!' Lexa shot up, made a face, and yanked the duvet over her. "What the fuck?"

"Oh my god." Anya covered her eyes, wincing. "You did NOT just-"

"What do you want?" Lexa ground out, feeling invaded on so many levels. She didn't want to admit that she really wanted that dream to come true. Clarke had all of her senses heightened to the extremes.

"I..a hair brush." Anya coughed uncomfortably. "I take it last night went well? I saw the body shots."

Lexa turned beet red, but her heart fluttered. "We made out...A lot." She grinned.

Anya cocked a brow. "You've got it bad. You're happy about just making out?"

Lexa nodded eagerly. "An, you don't get it. I'm just happy she likes me as much as I like her."

Anya's jaw dropped at Lexa's sappy display. "What? Where the hell is playboy Alexandria Woods?"

Lexa rolled her eyes. "I kissed Clarke." She whispered, mostly to herself, a smile spreading on her high, sculpted cheeks. "I held her, and we kissed, and we cuddled under the stars."

"Wow." Anya snorted. "That's...really gay."

"My hairbrush is in the bathroom." Lexa grunted, coming down from her high. "Go in there so I can...change, at least."

Anya made a face of disgust. "So, you're gonna see her tomorrow. That's cool."

Lexa's heart did somersaults in her chest as she leapt out of bed, quickly discarding her clothes in favor of a clean pair of sweats and a t shirt. "I know." She murmured, pulling her hair into a quick ponytail. "Do I...text her? that desperate?"

Anya scoffed from the bathroom, brushing out her locks. "I don't know, what am I, the love guru? Oh, wait, based on how whipped Bellamy and Raven are for me...I am." Anya smirked.

Lexa scowled. "Bellamy took Clarke to bed last night." She grumbled.

Anya smirked. "You're jealous?"

Lexa rolled her eyes. "No. Yes. Clarke's face was...right here." She motioned to the crook of her neck. "I had her. She was warm, and safe, in my jacket- which she still has, by the way. I don't see why I couldn't have taken her home."

Anya grinned. "Bell told me. You wanna know why?"

Lexa stifled a growl. "Yes, let's hear what 'Bell' had to say."

"He thinks you're a total rich, womanizing playboy." Anya smirked. "And he doesn't want you doing, uh..that-" she motioned to the ruffled bed sheets. "-to his girl."

No part of that statement calmed Lexa. She cocked a perfectly sculpted brow. "His girl?" She gritted.

"Well, I mean, as friends." Anya shrugged, checking herself out in Lexa's mirror.

"What about what Clarke wants?" Lexa huffed airily.

"That would be you." Anya clapped Lexa on the shoulder, enjoying Lexa's blinding grin. "Now, let's get breakfast. I'm sure Aden is dying to hear the gossip, and Mom and Dad are both gone to work."

"Alright." Lexa nodded as she slipped her phone into her pocket, quickly cleaning up and following Anya back to the main house, where Aden was trying to hide a smile behind bites of cereal.

"Good morning sleeping beauty." Aden ribbed gently.

"Hey kid." Lexa greeted cheerfully, pouring herself a bowl, diverging from her usual diet in favor of carbs. Because after last night's progress, she deserved a reward. "Want to hear all the gossip?"

Aden propped his arm on the kitchen table, looking smug as ever. "Nope."

Lexa glanced up in surprise. "That's new." She remarked in confusion.

"I don't have to ask." Aden clarified, a cheeky grin on his features. "Look what exploded on Raven Reyes' Instagram."

"Toss it." Lexa demanded, eyeing his phone with piqued curiosity. She noted his look of apprehension. "Aden, it's me. I never drop things."

Aden slid his phone to Anya, to be safe, who handed the phone to a rather impatient Lexa.

Lexa's emerald eyes scanned the video post, with the captions: Hottest Kiss 2k16 <3 #Clexa

"Oh my god." Lexa breathed, watching as she suavely transitioned from taking the shot to making out with Clarke, lifting her up. "I'm so smooth." She muttered with a smirk, doubly impressed when she heard a moan from Clarke before the video ended.

Aden rolled his eyes, but was grinning into his cereal. Operation Clexa was nearly complete. Now they just had to seal the deal.

"I kissed Clarke." Lexa cheered, nudging Anya, her tone sing-song. "I made out with Clarke Griffin, and then we kissed under the stars, and then she fell asleep on my- ADEN! Are you recording this?"

Aden leapt behind Anya, who ruffled his hair protectively. "Sorry Lex." She grinned. "That'll teach you not to brag, though."

Both Lexa and Clarke had opted for silence over text, likely too embarrassed to confront one another about the not so incidental incident, leaving the following day a complete mystery.
Clarke was having a rather pleasant dream.

Maybe even a little too pleasant.

In her foggy, sleep-ridden daze, Clarke forgot that she was often one to talk in her sleep, and the first thing she was aware of was a warmth pooling in her stomach and the sensation of her legs pressed against another body.

Assuming the worst, Clarke cracked open a cerulean eye, only to find the warm, brown gaze of Raven Reyes staring back at her.

"So, when exactly did I change my name to Lexa?"

Death would have been too merciful.

Clarke blushed furiously, moving to untangle herself from where she was rather embarrassingly pressed against Raven's thigh.

"You know I bought you that vibrator for a reason," Raven continued, ignoring how utterly mortified her friend looked, "after I caught you writhing around moaning Woods' name for the entire house to hear, I thought that it would've prevented such outbursts." She shook her head in faux disappointment and Clarke wanted to melt into the ground. "Next thing I know you're riding my thigh with another woman's name on your lips, I'm wounded, Clarke, really."

"I hate you," Clarke scowled, pausing for a moment to crack her neck, and Raven winced.

"Y'know, Woods does that too, it's almost like the two of you were made for each other or something... speaking of Woods, what did the two of you get up to when you went on that roof?" She waggled her eyebrows suggestively, but before Clarke could even open her mouth to formulate a response, Raven continued.

"Wait, I know you too well, you bore me to death on a daily basis. Now, if I had been the one in your situation, I would've ravaged Woods right there on the roof, but you aren't one for exhibitionism, if I do recall, so I'm going to assume that all you did with Lexa on that roof was makeout."

Clarke got up to move out of the room, but froze mid-step, Raven colliding into her softly.

"Why'd you stop?"

"Oh my god I kissed Lexa Woods."

"Yeah you did," Raven sighed, "a bit slow on the uptake there, Griff, it's all my instagram followers are talking about―"

"No no no," Clarke cut her off, blue eyes wide, "you don't understand. I kissed Lexa Woods ."

"Yeah I got that, Clarke, I did see her tongue halfway down your― Griff?" Clarke had slunk down to the floor and was staring ahead, jaw slack. "Hello? Earth to Clarke? You alive down there?"

"I kissed Lexa Woods," Clarke repeated, before burying her face in her hands, "oh my god I kissed Lexa Woods."

"I mean, you are wearing her letterman." At Raven's words, Clarke looked down, almost surprised to find the letterman still on her person, having had assumed that the entirety of the events of the night previous had all been a part of some sort of larger-than-life dream.

"I'm wearing Lexa Woods' letterman," Clarke repeated to herself, ignoring how Raven was regarding her as though she'd gone insane. "I kissed Lexa Woods."

"Yes, Clarke," Raven added gently, brows furrowed in concern, "we went over this a minute ago."

Clarke just sat there on the floor for a couple of long moments, and Raven shifted uneasily.

"Bell!" she called. "I think Clarke's gone insan― whoa there."

Clarke laughed and jumped up, spinning Raven around quickly with a grin on her face.

"I kissed Lexa," she once more uttered, this time breathlessly, and Raven rolled her eyes.

"I'm beginning to think my friend was replaced with a broken record," she teased, but Clarke paid her no mind.

She, Clarke Griffin, had kissed Lexa Woods.

Multiple times.

And fuck Lexa was a fantastic kisser.

After the initial rush of excitement, Clarke quelled considerably, enough so to follow Raven down the stairs to where Bellamy and Octavia were bustling around the kitchen, making pancakes.

"Have you heard?" Raven teased. "Griff here kissed Lexa Woods."

"You're welcome for that, by the way," Octavia laughed, shooting Clarke a grin as she danced around the kitchen, Chewy chasing her quick-moving feet.

"Yeah, thanks," Clarke breathed, smiling quietly to herself, trying to remember every detail of the night before, and thanking whatever higher forces of nature existed that she hadn't been blackout drunk, merely comfortably tipsy. She could remember how soft Lexa's lips had been against her own, the scent of her perfume, the taste of limes and tequila and perfection.

Her lips tingled just thinking about it.

"You be careful with Woods, though," Bellamy added, pointing sternly at Clarke with his spatula, "she may be able to destroy a football team singlehandedly, but she hurts you and I'll pummel her."

"Good luck with that," Octavia snorted, "I've seen her beat Lincoln in a wrestling match. Lincoln ."

"I just don't want Clarke to get hurt," Bellamy defended, "not like with―" His statement was cut off when Raven not-to-subtly elbowed his stomach, but Clarke was too distracted in her daydreaming of Lexa to notice.

"Ugh, could you maybe turn down your hearteyes a few levels, Clarke?" Raven scrunched up her nose in distaste as Bellamy deposited the first plate of waffles on the table. "The rest of us here are trying to eat."

"Let her live," Octavia defended, scooping up Chewy onto her lap and feeding him a small piece of pancake, "she's been bitten by the gay bug."

"I'm not gay, I'm―"

"Bisexual," the others all finished in unison to Clarke's jerk reaction.

"We know," Octavia continued, "but you are undeniably very, very gay for Lexa Woods." Clarke smiled and shrugged sheepishly, not bothering to argue because she knew it was true. She'd never been this affected by a kiss in her life.

"It's gross," Raven added, "you're contaminating my air." Bellamy nodded his agreement, and Octavia rolled her eyes, shoving the two of them in unison.

"I think it's sweet."

"That's because you were just like this when you met Lincoln," Raven scoffed, and Bellamy shuddered, "I thought Bell was actually going to murder him just to get you to stop skipping around the house humming to yourself."

"It was even worse than your scene phase," Bellamy agreed, "so much worse... except for the hair―"

"We don't speak of it," Octavia scowled before taking a rather harsh bite out of her breakfast, "unless we want to bring up the pictures of the Bieber hair―"

"No thank you," Bellamy grimaced, and Octavia smiled victoriously.

"Ok," Raven piped up, "but if we're talking about unfortunate haircuts we should really talk about when Jasper shaved off all his hair when he was high."

"Oh, what about Monty's bowl cut? That was pretty bad."

"Or that one time Murphy had a mowhawk."

Clarke tuned the majority of the conversation out, making noises of agreement when prompted, but her mind was far away from bad haircuts and unfortunate life decisions, planted firmly on a girl who had so quickly occupied her every thought, and she couldn't bring herself to care.
Clarke was trying desperately to ignore Raven and Octavia's giggles and whispers as they sounded off from behind her, Niylah's English class a bit late to start that morning. Clarke had donned Lexa's varsity letterman, to remember to return it to her and thank her.

But Lexa seemed to be a no-show. Clarke tried not to frown as she recalled what happened. Okay, so they'd made out. Like, a lot. Under the stars. And she hated that Lexa was as perfect and suave as she'd imagined.

Had Clarke done something wrong? Had she been too drunk and somehow misread the vibes Lexa was putting out? Was their night totally forgettable to such an experienced playboy like Lexa Woods?

"Okay, quiet down, class is about to begin!' Niylah announced from the back of the room.

Clarke made buried eye contact with Niylah and instantly regretted it. Niylah had been gaping at Clarke's neck, which bore Lexa's territorial hickey. Fantastic. She tugged Lexa's letterman up a little more, trying to blend into the remaining light chatter in the classroom.

Raven tapped Clarke's shoulder gently. "Don't sweat it, Griff. She's probably sick-Oh, right there, she's right there!"

Clarke glanced up to see Lexa, in all her perfection, push the classroom door open, slowly inching her way in. Wearing a simple, tight black underarmour shirt for her practice, paired with tight fitting jeans, Lexa entered with all the regality and grace of a queen.

The class followed her with their eyes, as usual, as she made her way over to her desk, beside Clarke's.

Clarke's heart was hammering wildly as she licked her lips, trying to think of some sort of greeting, but nothing felt apropos.

Lexa took in a breath when she saw Clarke, lush blonde hair falling over her shoulders, cerulean eyes curious and bright. And the plump lips she'd so thoroughly kissed just two nights prior.

Clarke smiled nervously at her, and Lexa stopped over her desk, taking Clarke's chin and tilting it up delicately, so that she could pull Clarke's lips in with her own and greet her with a soft kiss.

It was entirely too bold, and oh so Lexa.

Clarke melted immediately, lips feeling slightly swollen as she parted, murmuring "Hi."

"Hi." Lexa grinned.

The class was in hysterics, knowing these two particular classmates to be rivals to the bitter end. It shocked them still, to see the two girls fully sober, kissing softly and grinning at each other.

"Oh my god!" Niylah covered her mouth. "Pike owes me twenty!"

Lexa cocked a brow, watching as Clarke blushed. Lexa smirked and sat beside her at her own designated desk, giving Clarke's thigh a gentle squeeze of assurance.

That was all Clarke needed in life, in that moment she was sure .


"So you two are girlfriends now?"

"Wait, what, Woods is gay?"

"Of course she's gay, she dated Greene, idiot."

"Clarke's playing her for her money. It's not serious."

Several mutters disturbed the relatively peaceful silence that had formed around them, and while Lexa rolled her eyes at the stupidity of the general populace, Clarke was laughing with her head buried.

"Enough." Niylah rolled her eyes. That was her "ship" as the kids put it. She wasn't about to let her own students sink it. "We don't care for gossip, we care for literature! Ms. Griffin, we read a passage from which novel of Emily Bronte over break?"

"Wuthering Heights." Clarke answered sharply, ever the perfect student.

Lexa mumbled a soft, "That's hot, Clarke." And Clarke's cheeks turned beet red.

Niylah had smirked and continued her lecture, trying not to grin too much at them. By the time independent study time rolled around, it was nearly the end of the allotted class period.

Lexa and Clarke, though untouching and at their separate desks, were grinning at each other, propped up on their elbows.

Lexa nearly jumped when she felt hands on her shoulder, whipping around to stare down Raven Reyes as if she'd interrupted Lexa's greatest moment in life.


"Woods!" Raven smirked. "My new girl, by extension of Clarke. So. How does it feel to be tapping that? Or...not really."

"Rae!" Clarke scolded, watching Lexa's eyes contemplate Raven's question.

"As long as Clarke's happy, I'm happy." Lexa returned smoothly, and Raven nodded her approval, glaring as the bell chimed. "This ain't over, Woods. I'll see what Anya knows."

She and Octavia zoomed out, hoping Lexa would act on the opportunity and walk Clarke to class.

Of course she did. She was Alexandria Woods, wealthy, beautiful, perfect gentlewoman.

"May I walk you, Clarke?" Lexa asked gently, fingers dancing along the edge of Clarke's books.

"Oh, after months of hating me, now you're chivalrous." Clarke teased.

"I never hated you." Lexa protested with a smirk. "I was just attracted to you."

Clarke bit her lip, shaking her head as Lexa accompanied her.

"Where am I taking you?" Lexa chimed.

' You can take me right here' Clarke thought unapologetically, biting her lip momentarily.

"Art studio." Clarke informed her gratefully. "And really, Lex, I can carry my stuff."

"After you trained me back to full strength for absolutely nothing in return?" Lexa teased.

"Oh, is that why you're doing this?" Clarke clarified cheekily, smiling as Lexa held the door for her, the two making their way out the hall and across campus without a care in the world.

"Yeah. Well, that, and I really enjoyed kissing you." Lexa shrugged, smirking when Clarke seemed to enjoy those words.

"Listen...I didn't say thanks, the other night." Clarke began gently as she stopped beside the side of the art building. "For the jacket. I cleaned it and brought it back for you."

Lexa leaned forward, stowing the books under her arm as she pressed her forehead against Clarke's. "Keep it." She whispered. "Looks better on you anyway." She used her free hand to trace her fingertips against Clarke's jaw.

Clarke bit back a gasp. Lexa was giving away her letterman? Oh, this was serious. This was a poetic highschool romance at its finest. Lexa was seriously into her. A letterman was never given lightly, and Lexa's- what with all its patches of accomplishment: senior, varsity, captain, etc- was the most prestigious of the entire student body. A very clear message would be perpetuated now.

Clarke Griffin belonged to Lexa Woods, and vice versa.

"Lexa, I can't accept this." Clarke offered meekly. Oh, but she really wanted it.

Lexa seemed to understand that. Tucking a blonde lock of hair behind Clarke's ear, she gave her a wry smile. "If you're sure, Griffin." Lexa took the jacket, folding it under her arm.

"Clarke!" Murphy's voice sounded from within the building, where the door had opened. "How the fuck do you draw giraffe legs?"

Another voice called out, "They're literally sticks, Murphy."

Clarke rolled her eyes, cheeks turning red when Lexa gently rubbed a thumb over them.

"I'll see you around?"

"I'm counting on it."
Aden's father had once told him that the first week of the year set the pace for the rest of it.

When he told this to Aden, he'd know doubt thought it to be an important lesson about never faltering in his work ethic, because Alexander Woods was nothing if not an efficient, well-oiled businessman.

While Aden prided himself on taking the few lessons his father had imparted on him before his numerous travels abroad to heart, he wished dearly that this one would not come to fruition.

A year cowering under the likes of Dax Mulligan was not something he could easily look forward too.

With every encounter the two of them had, the larger boy became increasingly more bold.

A few months ago, he wouldn't have dared seek Aden out during the day, when Lexa was still freely roaming the halls and not safely tucked away at football practice. However, he'd seemed to catch on to the fact that Aden was keeping his mouth firmly shut, for reasons Dax himself couldn't comprehend.

Sad as it was, though, Aden was getting used to it.

More important than any of the lessons his father had taught him were the ones that Lexa had drilled into his head from the moment he could understand her.

Ge smak daun, gyon op nodotaim.

Get knocked down, get back up.

Again, a lesson taken vastly out of context, but Aden was sticking to it. He was just as stubborn, if not more so, than his older sister, and when he set his mind to something there was no changing it.

So there Aden found himself, strung up by the collar of his shirt in the boy's locker room where nobody would come for hours, being used as Dax Mulligan's personal punching bag.

He didn't scream, nor did he move his arms to protect his face.

Dax might have been stupid, but he wasn't suicidal. He knew that hitting Aden's face would draw unwanted attention, so he directed most of his attention to Aden's already aching ribs and horribly bruised legs.

During that time, Aden let his mind wander. Anything to distract from the pain.

Most of the time, he thought of Lexa.

He knew that she hadn't wanted siblings.

Even when she was young, Lexa knew that she had to compete for her parents' attention with something that she never had a chance of competing against: work. She didn't want to have another competitor in the tournament for their affection, and that was what a sibling would introduce into the fold.


But the moment Aden had entered the world, screaming and red-faced, Lexa had loved him.

He couldn't remember that day himself, of course, but Lexa had told him the story so many times it almost felt as though he could.

She had entered that hospital, driven by Indra and Gustus with an equally annoyed Anya tagging along, at three in the morning (Aden had always been an early riser), fully intent to loath the child that came out of her mother. But she had taken one look at the small, crying little bundle in her mother's arms, a full month early and entirely too small, and she'd loved him.

His father told him that he hadn't stopped crying until Lexa entered the room, that the moment Alexander had gently pressed the squirming infant into his sister's arms, that he'd silenced.

She'd been there for every playground bully and snide teacher when his parents couldn't bother themselves to care. She'd held his hand and walked him to class and snuck post-it notes into his lunchbox to remind him to have a good day, and that she missed him.

They were so much alike, even down to their initials. Alexandria Anastasia and Aden Augustus. He had always looked up to her, aspired to be like her, longer to be able to be with her all the time.

He knew that Lexa loved him more than anything in the world.

And he knew that she'd destroy Dax Mulligan if she even got the hint that he held any sort of animosity towards her baby brother.

So he chewed his cheek raw and breathed softly so as not to hurt himself further, and rode out the storm.

"Wanted to make sure you hadn't forgotten your place over break," Dax sneered, and Aden trained his gaze to the floor, not wanting to provoke him any further.

The Woods family was a proud one, but he had survival instinct.

"I'm bored," he declared, delivering a final kick to Aden's leg before tossing him down from where he'd been hung up, "go do whatever it is you degenerates do during the day."

There were many things Aden wanted to say in response to that.

Big word for an idiot . Learning, unlike some people. Being a productive member of society.

Instead, he kept his mouth shut, and he scurried off, as much as one could scurry with a limp.

The bell for lunch had rung a few minutes ago, and the hallways were mostly abandoned, so Aden figured that he could make it to Nathan Miller discretely, making his way around the school as nonchalantly as he could, trying to bite down any outward signs of his pain.

He eventually made his way outside, and froze when he saw Dax, making his way towards his cronies, especially when he noticed who the boy was going to run into.

Lexa wasn't paying attention to her surroundings, for once, and appeared deep in thought, most likely about Clarke.

Aden grinned to himself despite the pain, knowing that Operation Clexa was coming along quite nicely.

As expected, Dax collided into Lexa sharply, and made a noise of protest that died in his throat when he realized just who he'd run into.

"Watch where you're fucking going," Lexa snarled, and Aden couldn't help his amusement at just how terrified his tormenter looked, because Lexa in her commander mode was a Lexa that people didn't want to disturb.

Before the situation had the chance to escalate, Aden made his escape.

By some stroke of fate, the two delinquents he'd wanted to see were away from the pack, perusing for books in the library.

"I know that it's here somewhere," Bellamy muttered, deep within the history section while Nathan loitered around, looking entirely too bored.

"Why did you ask me to come with you?"

"So I could ravish you behind the bookshelves," Bellamy deadpanned, and Nathan snorted, "obviously."

"Sorry, Blake, but you aren't my type."

"It's because I'm only half asian, isn't it?" the taller boy tsked. "It's not my fault that I'm half greek, Miller, and thus not at Monty-level perfection."

"Shut up," Nathan whined, shoving the class president on the shoulder lightly, before his eyes honed in on Aden, who was standing somewhat awkwardly at the entrance to the history section.

"Woods, what can I do for you?" Bellamy's head snapped around, a scowl on his face, obviously thinking that the football player was referring to Aden's older sister, but softened upon seeing the freshman.

"Just need some help on that project we were working on," he responded, and by the glint in Nathan's eyes, he knew that the boy understood the message he was trying to convey, "also wanted to talk to Bellamy."

"Whatcha need, kid?" Bellamy quipped, raising an eyebrow.

"About Operation Clexa," Aden supplied, "my sister's being an idiot and hasn't really said anything to Clarke about the whole 'kissing on the roof' thing, and she probably won't until something happens because she's stubborn like that." He paused. "You up for flirting with Clarke?"

"It's only my favorite hobby," Bellamy laughed.

"Sweet, so here's what we can do..."
"I know you're afraid of commitment after Costia-" Anya's accusations fell on Lexa's ears as they made their way from the edge of campus, Lexa entirely late for Kane's class.

"I'm not afraid of commitment." Lexa growled defensively.

"You are. Because of your parents. And how they're not around. And you don't want to get hurt-"

"That's enough, Anya." Lexa commanded, irritated beyond belief. Why was everyone riding her about "making things official" with Clarke? Why did they have to label it? It was exclusive, right? They'd shared kisses, texted a little...

Okay, so maybe Lexa could see the issue. It wasn't dating. In fact, the two hadn't even gone on a date.

Lexa had never officially asked Clarke out.

But there was a reason for that. They were good the way they were, right?

"Someone else is going to snatch her up." Anya shrugged. "Clarke is hot, Lex."

Lexa's eyes narrowed, her fists clenching at her side, just thinking of Clarke kissing, smiling, or even looking at anyone else. Of course, she wanted Clarke to be happy. She just wanted to be the one to make Clarke happy.

"We're exclusive." Lexa argued meekly.

"Are you?" Anya cocked a brow. "Did you ever sit her down and say "hey, even though we're only kind of an item, I expect exclusivity?" Because, if you didn't, that's a long shot. Clarke's a catch."

"This is my door." Lexa muttered, stopping at Kane's door in the hallway.

"Think about it." Anya shrugged. "I know you're a romantic at heart. You want this, as badly as she probably does. As Clarke would have told you before you weakened her with your...playboy charm...Get your head out of your ass, Lexa."

Lexa rolled her eyes and pushed the classroom door open, emerald eyes settling on the reading groups that had formed, Kane texting overzealously behind his desk. Lexa's jaw tightened slightly as she noticed that every other group was a trio or more, while Clarke and Bellamy were a pair.

Oh, how Lexa loathed Bellamy Blake. She wasn't entirely sure why. She couldn't place it. Maybe it was in the way his muscled arms gently rested on Clarke's shoulders. Maybe it was the freckled, dimpled smiles he gave Clarke that made everyone within a twenty-mile radius swoon. Maybe it was his easy-going nature; the absolute opposite of Lexa's ferocity in nearly everything she did.

But she wasn't jealous. Lexa Woods never got jealous.

She and Clarke made brief eye contact, and when Clarke offered her a smile, brightening instantly at Lexa's forested gaze. Lexa winked at her, and the heat was tangible between them.

"C'mon, lover girl." Bellamy poked at Clarke's side, and she yelped, giggling and falling back into his outstretched arm beside her seat. He whispered something in her ear, causing her to grin at him.

Lexa cleared her throat, about to do something about his blatant flirting when Kane piped up, his voice overly cheery. "Lexa! Just in time to grade papers!"

Lexa heaved a sigh, forcing a smile. "Yes, sir. Of course."

"Did I ever tell you I love the respect, Woods? Trikru has you trained like a marine." He grinned.

Lexa had tuned out his words by this point, mind flashing to the way Bellamy had taken Clarke from her arms the night of New Year's Eve. Her Clarke, who'd been asleep, safe in her arms.

You can sleep in my bed, princess. The words rang through her mind incessantly. She narrowed her eyes once more, watching the way he and Clarke were unfocused on the assignment at hand, rather, comparing their muscles. She attempted to hone into their conversation as best she could.

"You?" she heard Bellamy scoff. "I've got one word for you, Princess." Oh, there was that nickname again. Clarke wasn't a princess. Not his, anyway. "Washboard." He grinned triumphantly, guiding Clarke's hand to rest on his abs, that pulled against his shirt quite obviously.

Lexa felt her blood boil. Her abs were better than Bellamy's! Why was Clarke so openly taking his obvious attempts at flirting? Was it because Lexa hadn't asked her out, yet? Panic began to set in. She and Clarke had both admitted feelings for each other. But they'd been drinking. She'd meant it. But what if Clarke hadn't? Lexa wasn't keen on rejection. Not from someone she held so dear, anyway.

"Woods." Kane murmured, eyes on his phone.


"Could you walk around and make sure everyone is on task? You're the commander, right? They'll listen to you."

Lexa bit back a snarky response of telling him to do his own job, and rose, making a beeline for Clarke and Bellamy.

She had to do something.

"What's the matter princess? Am I too much man for you?" Bellamy teased, gently pushing Clarke and she retaliated with a shove of her own.

"Oh yeah." Clarke rolled her eyes. "That must be it." She was gently pushed back by Bellamy, right into Lexa, who'd been approaching from her side.

"Whoa, sorry, I- Hey you." Clarke's voice immediately became breathy.

Bellamy narrowed his eyes, still harboring a healthy distrust of Lexa's intentions with Clarke.

"Hey yourself." Lexa murmured, getting lost in Clarke's eyes.

"So, the mighty commander graces us with her presence." Bellamy cleared his throat. "Clarke, it seems like you attract commanders. Her with the football team, me with the entire student body..." He shrugged like he hadn't just been bragging.

"Yeah." Clarke grinned at him. "Power turns me on, I guess." She shot back cheekily.

Lexa stiffened at that. On one hand, she was incredibly pleased, because...she turned Clarke on. On the other hand- what the hell? Bellamy turned her on, too? It wasn't a far cry...he was the most popular guy in school. Lexa bit back a feral growl.

"What brings the all powerful T.A. to my neck of the woods?" Clarke asked, leaning back against Lexa, glancing up at her curiously.

"Just...wanted to say hi." Lexa lied, fighting back a smile when Clarke casually laced their fingers together.

"Hmm. That's a lie." Bellamy motioned to the clipboard in Lexa's free hand.

Lexa glared at him, and Bellamy smirked.

"Explain, Blake." Lexa's edgy tone was not lost on Clarke, who cocked a brow slightly in confusion.

"You're here to write us up if we're not paying attention." Bellamy pointed out with mild interest. He turned to Clarke with a cheeky wink. "She works for the system." He reminded, nodding at Kane, who was grinning at his phone like an utter moron.

"Lexa." Clarke feigned a hurt gasp, pulling her hand away from Lexa's, turning to face her fully. "Is that true?"

"I wouldn't write you up." Lexa answered instantly, sharing a secret smile with Clarke, feeling her heart warm just by being near her.

"You wouldn't?" Bellamy tsked. "Isn't that against the rules? Favoritism? You're saying you'd prioritize Clarke over your grade in the class? Even though you're not even dating?"

At that, Clarke's jaw dropped. "Bell!" She hissed, knowing that was a tender subject for both girls.

"What?" He shrugged, knowing he was getting somewhere. Lexa had to feel threatened to make the move with Clarke. He was helping them, in the long run.

"I should probably go check on the other delinquents." Lexa muttered, her tone clipped.

"Wait." Clarke turned, taking Lexa's hand, bringing to her lips, kissing it softly. Lexa gasped slightly, smiling down at Clarke, eyes softening instantly. "Thank you."

"For?" Lexa cocked a brow, gently caressing Clarke's cheek with the back of her hand.

"I don't know." Clarke admitted. "Not writing us up, I guess?"

Lexa rolled her eyes. "You know I wouldn't, not even if you cheated on his exams." She murmured lowly, and she bent down, Clarke leaning up to meet her for a mutually desired kiss, when Kane cleared his throat, eyeing the two girls suspiciously.

"I'll see you after school?" Clarke sighed dreamily.

"I'll find you." Lexa promised with a soft smile, darting over to the next set of students.

They had their own speed, but in that moment, everything felt right.
Arkadia's first varsity football practice since the break was an absolute success.

Lexa was back in Grounder green, making passes as if she'd been born to. It became an especially sweet practice when she'd learned that Quint had been suspended for two more weeks.

Things were finally turning around for Lexa.

The Commander was back.

"That was so good, Lex." Anya gushed over Lexa's first return practice since her great injury and time spent recovering. "It's...almost like you're better, than before."

Lexa tried to smirk as proudly as she did, slinging her gym bag over her shoulder with a look of satisfaction. "Really?"

"I don't sugarcoat, Woods." Anya grinned, slapping Lexa's shoulder. "Welcome back, Heda."

"Thanks." Lexa murmured, "I..." her sentiment died in her throat as her emerald gaze found her favorite person in the world, knelt over by the unfinished mural nearing the snack building, hands covered in paint.

"Clarke Griffin bent over in tights." Anya narrated smugly. "Looks like it might be the best day of your life."

Lexa hurled her empty bottle at Anya, who merely reminded, "We carpooled here so...Don't keep me waiting long."

With that, Lexa was left to her smirk, and her thoughts. She couldn't lie. Clarke's...rear...was astounding. Anya was only stating the truth, after all.

A few of Clarke's art club companions wore star-struck little glances of awe when Lexa made her way over, kneeling quietly beside Clarke, who hadn't noticed her crush at all.

"Beautiful." Lexa murmured, smiling softly when Clarke turned to her in surprise, brush in paint-stained hands.

"Me? Or the mural?" Clarke teased, turning to face her fully.

"Both." Lexa replied instantly, eyes tracing the sunny field Clarke had been working on. "I have to admit, Clarke, I think you're more radiant than the sun...though I'm told I'm a bit biased, when it comes to matters concerning you."

Clarke swooned despite the cheesy line, perhaps at the way Lexa's voice was low and velvety when she said it. Lexa stood, brushing her hands on her scrimmage jersey as she extended one muscled arm to Clarke, who shook her head with a frown.

"I'll get paint on you." Clarke sighed apologetically.

Lexa scoffed. "I've got six layers of dirt, grime, and sweat on me. Your paint is a walk in the park."

Clarke grinned at her, accepting her hand with a twinkle in her eye. She had noticed sweaty Lexa maybe once, twice, or...every chance she got. There was something primal and simply...attractive when it came to Lexa's physical workouts. Clarke didn't mind one bit.

"So, from what I hear, your practice was a success." Clarke commented wryly. "Glad to know I had a hand in that."

"It was all you, doc." Lexa replied smoothly.

There was a certain unfamiliarity about what they were, and the protocol with which to behave. They weren't dating, they weren't just friends...

It was entirely too bothersome for Lexa to care.

Lexa's tight arms wound their way around Clarke's hips, and the two were pulled up against each other, Clarke blushing when her fellow artists gaped.

They were still, for the most part, a very new, greatly disbelieved item.

"So, I'll have something new to appreciate at my games." Lexa murmured, her eyes melting away the cerulean gaze Clarke regarded her with.

"The mural should be done by the first game." Clarke agreed gently, her fingers toying with the hem of Lexa's jersey.

"Wasn't talking about the mural, Clarke." Lexa murmured, lips pressing softly against Clarke's forehead. "I was talking about you."

Clarke felt her heart stop altogether, stunned and very much in love with Lexa's forward advances. God, if she'd made fun of her for being a player then, she hadn't known the pleasure of being romanced by Lexa Woods.

Before she could formulate an answer, however, Clarke's friends were already managing to ruin the mural without her supervision.

"Clarke!" The first girl chimed nervously. "The blue is dripping into the green and I can't stop it!"

Definitely a freshman.

Clarke bit her lip, rolling her eyes at Lexa, who chuckled in response. "Duty calls, Lex." She murmured, disentangling herself from Lexa's arms with extreme reluctance. She turned to spot Lexa's dropped I.D. on the floor, likely from an unzipped pocket in her sports bag. She bent to retrieve it for her, surprised to hear Lexa murmur "Nice ass." In trigedasleng, her tempting smirk still in place.

Clarke's smirk was even brighter when she turned around, stepping forward and reaching for the waistband of Lexa's tights, tugging on them slightly outward. Lexa's little shocked gasp of surprise was reward enough by itself, until Clarke leaned forward and murmured, "You too." In regular English, slipping her card in between Lexa's hip and the waistband of her absolutely complimentary football tights.

She practically giggled when she saw Lexa's cheeks turned red, realizing that Aden must have taught Clarke Trigedasleng.

"Text me." Clarke whispered, pressing a soft kiss to Lexa's cheek before turning on her heel, making sure Lexa got a view worth texting about as she sauntered over to help.

Lexa was left gasping for breath until she reached Anya at her car, regarding her with a quizzical stare.

"Aden." Lexa grumbled, thinking of how she craved Clarke's touch.

"He embarrassed you, somehow?"


"Gonna kill him?"

Instead of waiting after school for Lexa like he usually did, Aden and Atom had hitched a ride with Ellis' mom and headed to the Woods Pine household to hang out.

Atom grinned at Aden, who was moving around the kitchen making pancakes, donning his trusty Mr. Good Cookin' apron to ensure the rest of his clothes didn't get pancake batter on them.

"Nice apron," Atom laughed, and Aden rolled his eyes at the other boy.

"It's practical," he added another egg to his batter, whisking it with practiced ease, "and fashionable. Uncle Gus has a matching one."

"Wouldn't want to ruin your white t-shirt," Atom agreed teasingly, "it isn't like you have ten others just like it." Aden pursed his lips and shook his spatula in his direction reprimandingly.

"Don't sass me, mister," he deadpanned, "I'm making you pancakes."

"Which I appreciate very much, oh master-of-the-spatula."

"You bet your ass I'm the master of the spatula," Aden laughed, "much better than my sister, she's a lost cause."

"Lexa Woods, bad at something?"

"She could do it if she tried," Aden shrugged, "but she usually wanders and forgets that there's something on the stove, which is why Uncle Gus put a fire extinguisher in the corner." He paused. "Though it's probably for Anya, too. She could burn soup."

"Is that even possible?"

"For Anya? Yes."

Aden genuinely enjoyed spending as much time with Atom as he could. Their dynamic just had an easy flow to it, and he never felt pressured to be anything he wasn't in the presence of his friend. And they could play soccer together, which was always a plus.

Aden was doing his best to convince himself that soccer was the only thing that was a plus, but that endeavor wasn't going so well on his part.

The two of them made idle chat as Aden moved fluidly around the kitchen, before he deposited a stack of fluffy, fresh pancakes in front of his waiting friend.

"These are great!" Atom moaned, and Aden ignored the small flutter in his stomach at the sound.

"I'm glad you like them," Aden responded, "like, I'm serious husband material. Someone should get on this." At that moment, Atom choked on a piece of pancake, and Aden yelped before moving to help him, but both of them were startled by the loud bang of the door opening.


He paled at the yell, moving to grab his spatula.

"Yes, Lexa?" He projected tentatively. "My darling sister who I adore?"


He squeaked when she burst into the kitchen, quickly scrambling out of the way, before bolting out of the other door and weaving his way around Anya, who looked entirely too amused.

"I don't even know what I did!" he shouted back, skidding around the corner with his sock-covered feet and propelling himself forward to the stairs.


"Why are you mad about that?"


"Oh you said something stupid didn't you."

He took Lexa's increased rage as a yes, and took the stairs two at a time.

Fast as he was, he couldn't outrun Lexa, whose legs were longer than his, and she soon caught up with him, tackling her younger brother to the ground as he reached the top of the stairs.

Peals of laughter echoed through the home as Lexa bombarded Aden's sides with pokes and jabs, and he squirmed around, red-faced and short of breath.

"Stop! Stop!" he pleaded, but Lexa was merciless in enacting her revenge.

" Nowe ," Lexa replied sternly, though a small smile was now situated on her face, "you have to suffer as I have suffered."

" Beja, hod op ."

She pressed a particularly sore spot on his stomach and he yelped and jerked up, wince evident on his face, and Lexa's movements stopped abruptly.

"Are you okay?" she asked. "I didn't actually hurt you, did I?"

"No," Aden assured, "I just, uh, ran into a table earlier." Her eyes narrowed, and Aden hoped she couldn't tell that he was lying. As Clarke had once said, Lexa knew everything when it came to Aden (or so she thought), so she was extremely well-versed in deciphering his microexpressions.

"Let me check," she said.

"No, no, it's fine, really," Aden brushed off, standing before she could lift the hem of his shirt.

"So what'd you say to Clarke?" Lexa's cheeks flushed, and Aden hoped that it was something cute, or romantic in the least, to help speed up Operation Clexa.

"I complimented her ass," he heard Lexa mutter, and he sighed.

Of course he wasn't that lucky, Lexa was a hormonal teenage idiot.

"You'll be the death of me," he tsked, "honestly, Lexa, how dumb can you be." She made a noise of protest, before he moved around her to go back to Atom, picking up his phone.

Young Padawan

I'm sorry my sister said that .

He barely had to wait a moment for the response.

Jedi Master Clarke

I'm not .

Aden fought the urge to jump from the stairwell.

They really were idiots.
Regardless of the uncertainty between the two girls, they still had to spend time together to work on their chemistry lab write-up and analysis after school, and had met, once more, in the library, which was the proverbial neutral ground for them.

Instead of working at the tables, they'd migrated to the couches in the corner, and were sitting much too close to one another for it to be a casual, friendly environment.

Clarke was comfortably pressed into Lexa's side, the football player's left arm snaking around Clarke's shoulder to ensure she stayed there, and Clarke felt warm and content in her position, typing away quickly while Lexa's fingers drew shapes on her arm.

"Lexa, you're supposed to be working on the analysis," Clarke sighed when she noticed that emerald eyes were focused solely on her, and not the laptop situated on Lexa's lap.

"Why would I look at that boring thing when I could look someone infinitely more beautiful?" she quipped, and Clarke fought the urge to roll her eyes.

"Focus on chemistry, Lex."

"I am focusing on chemistry," she defended, " our chemistry, Clarke."

"That was terrible."

"What?" Lexa grinned. "My infinite charm not doing it for you?"

"It might if it existed," Clarke shot back, a smirk playing on her lips as she moved her eyes once more to the work she wasn't getting done, "you'll have to do better than that, Woods."

"Oh, how you wound me," Lexa sighed, "you want chemistry? I'll give you chemistry." She paused dramatically for effect. "Are you made of copper and tellurium? Because you're cute."

"That might've worked if Raven hadn't said it to me every day sophomore year."

"Damn, rough crowd I see. Speaking of, if I were an endoplasmic reticulum, how would you want me? Smooth, or rough?"

"You'd have to actually be able to charm me to find out," Clarke shot back, and Lexa grinned.

"How about we make like the change of base law? With you on the bottom and me on top."

"Oh please you scream 'bottom'." Lexa's eyes narrowed, and Clarke laughed.

"I'm not a bottom," Lexa insisted, "I'm a top."

" Sure ," Clarke agreed, looking up at Lexa's rather adorable, in her opinion, pout, pressing a quick kiss to the other girl's cheek, "whatever you say, Airbud ."

"Chemistry lines not working?"

"Not even a little," Clarke assured, and Lexa sighed downtroddenly.

"Guess I actually have to work, then. Shame." Very carefully, she removed her arm from Clarke's shoulder, and the blonde couldn't help but miss the close contact it offered as Lexa moved to type.

Though she didn't mind the odd routine she and Lexa had slipped into, Clarke couldn't help but wonder if there was a reason Lexa hadn't acted on it. Both of them had confessed their mutual feelings on the roof, and yet a word hadn't been said about them. Sure, there had been soft touches and the occasional kiss, but neither of them had actually discussed it in detail with one another.

For now, though, she was content to lean into the girl besides her and just savor the moment, the two of them working in comfortable silence.

Silence that was quickly broken by Lexa.

"Are you calcium bicarbonate? Because if you let me get you wet, the reaction will be explosive." Clarke couldn't help but laugh at that one, and she shook her head fondly.

"You're an idiot," she teased, and Lexa huffed.

"That was a good one!"

"Chemistry lines don't work for you, Lex," Clarke informed her, "you're too much of a jock for them to have appeal."

"A jock, you say?" Lexa quirked an eyebrow. "Fine, then. A jock you shall receive." She paused before clearing her throat.

"Clarke, do you secretly play football too? Because that's a tight end."

"Oh my god Lexa ."

"What? You asked for a jock, you're getting football related pickup lines."

"I suddenly regret every life decision I've made up to this point," Clarke laughed, and Lexa's grin only widened. "At least they can't get any worse."

"Oh, believe me, they can." Clarke groaned in dismay, but Lexa continued. "I'd love to touchdown in your endzone, babe."

"They can get worse, jesus fuck."

"Wanna be my receiver tonight, Clarke?"

"Not with that I don't," Clarke shot back quickly, and Lexa pretended to be hurt.

"I'd let you sack me any day," Lexa added on, and Clarke shoved her shoulder lightly.

"Come on, idiot, you need to work," Clarke laughed, "Pike's already sore because he lost twenty to Niylah, we don't want to make him any more mad than he already is."

"I guess you're right," Lexa sighed, and Clarke smiled.

"I always am."

"Oh, of course," Lexa agreed, turning her head back to her work.

"Hey Clarke?"

"Yes, Lexa?" For some reason, Clarke actually expected a question pertaining to the work they were supposed to be doing, but Lexa wasn't that quick to give up.

"You've intercepted my heart."

Clarke turned towards Lexa with a soft smile on her face, and she looked entirely too proud of herself, so Clarke leaned forward and gently pressed a tender kiss to Lexa's waiting lips, pulling away after a short moment.

"That one was kinda cute," she admitted, and Lexa preened.

"Of course it was, I said it."

"Don't get too cocky, commander," Clarke instructed, moving to stand up, but Lexa's arm quickly snaked around her waist, the other moving her laptop to the side so she could pull Clarke onto it.

"Where do you think you're going?" Clarke hummed contentedly when Lexa peppered kisses down the side of her exposed throat. "I thought we were working."

"Well I was trying to before a certain pest kept interrupting my train of thought," Clarke responded dryly, and Lexa hummed against Clarke's throat, sending shivers down the other girl's spine.

"How rude of them."

"Indeed." Clarke gasped softly when Lexa's lips attached themselves to the one spot at the bottom of her neck that made Clarke melt, and she turned away gently, smiling when she saw Lexa's pout.

"I wasn't done," Lexa insisted.

"You can finish later," Clarke assured her, standing up, successfully this time. She picked up her bag and laptop quickly, and Lexa raised an eyebrow. "I'm not going to get any work done with you here. But, if the offer of being a receiver is still open, you can take me out. Pick me up at seven o'clock sharp, text me the dress code."

And with that, Clarke sauntered away, leaving Lexa to stare after her, mouth ajar.

Lexa remained on the couch for another long moments, blinking slowly, before a wide grin stretched across her face.

"I have a date with Clarke Griffin," she whispered to herself, before yelling "I HAVE A DATE WITH CLARKE GRIFFIN!"

The librarian, apparently, wasn't as enthusiastic as Lexa was about the change of fate, and the football player soon found herself shooed out of the library, but at that point, nothing could damper her mood.

She skipped, literally skipped , to the weight room where Anya was waiting, grinning and giddy.

"Hey, Lex are we ready to-- whoa , what drugs are you on, and where can I get some?"

"I have a date," Lexa announced dramatically, "with Clarke Griffin." Anya stared at her, eyes narrowed, and she pulled a face.

"You have hearteyes ," she muttered, looking rather disgusted, "you look like a lovesick puppy. What happened to the hardass commander?"

"Clarke did," Lexa breathed, and Anya scoffed.

"If you say one more lovey-dovey thing, I'm going to jump out of the car while we're on the highway, now come on, Romeo, I'm tired and want to take a nap."

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