My Hero Academia: All Might's...

By Altaru

44.7K 895 234

All Might has a sister going to attend UA along with Izuko Midorya. Shes in for a long ride against villians... More

The Making of a Hero
UA High
Combat Training
Class Rep
Attack on the USJ
All Might
The Aftermath
The UA Sports Festival Pt.1
The UA Sports Festival Pt.2
The UA Sports Festival Pt.3
The UA Sports Festival Pt.4
The UA Sports Festival Pt.5
The UA Sports Festival Pt.6
Hero Names!
Hero Internships
The Hero Killers Last Stand...
Back to school
Pool Day
The Wild Wild Pussycats
My Hero
Roaring Upheaval
Their hideout!
The Battle Ahead
Developed Feelings
Ultimate Moves
New and Improved Suit
The Liscensing Exam Pt.1
The Liscensing Exam Pt.2
The Liscensing Exam Pt.3
The Liscensing Exam Pt.4
Aftermath of the Liscensing Exams!!!
Midoriya VS. Bakugo
A Season for Encounters
Two Heroes Special
The Scoop on UA Class 1-A
Girl Meets...
Fighting Fate
An Unpleasant Talk
Suneater of the Big Three
Unforseen Hope
Infinite Power
Bright Future
Smoldering Flames
Win Those Kids' Hearts


692 16 5
By Altaru


Ashido- Everyone...Im looking hearing your stories...............about training camp......

Midoriya- W-We dont know for sure yet! There might be a last minute twist!

Rio- Yea maybe you could go to the camp on some conditions or something!

Sero- Stop. Dont say it out loud, it'll probably jinx it.

Rio- Hopefully next time you wont need luck..Didnt you guys study or train?

Kaminari- Were just that bad.

Rio- You guys really do need luck..

Kaminari- If we failed the exams, then we'd have to skip training camp and be in summer school hell. And since we didnt pass the practical exam.. If you guys still dont get it, then you're dumber than monkeys!

Sero-Calm down. 

Rio- He's officially lost it..

Sero- I dont know, either. our team passed thanks to Mineta, but I was just sleeping the whole time. Anyway, since we dont know how they're scoring it.....

Kaminari- If you feel bad for us, then I dunno, just bring me back lots of stuff!

Mineta- Rio, since I did so good would you like to give me a hug and a kiss.

Oh he's done it know! My body was on fire from my anger.

Rio- So. want a hug! I'll give you one.

While I was still on fire I kept throwing fire blasts at him.

Mineta- Im sorry! Im sorry! Please dont hurt me!

Midoriya- Wow I didnt know you could do that.

Rio- Yea its cool isnt it!

Then Mr. Aizawa comes through the door.

Aizawa- Rio please put that fire out.

I quickly did as he asked...

Aizawa- Once the bell rings, get in your seats. Morning. Unfortunately, there are those who did not pass the final exams. Accordingly, for the training camp in the woods.....everyone's going!

Kaminari, Ashido, Sato, Kirishima- A last minute twist!

Rio- Huh so it did happen..

Kirishima-We can got too!

Ashido- Really?!

Aizawa- Yeah. Some failed, but no one failed the written exam. In the practical, Kirishima, Kaminari, Ashido, Sato, and Sero failed.

Sero-I knew it.... Just because my team passed didnt mean I scored high enough to not to fail.....

Aizawa- For this times exam, we on the villain side, made sure to leave a way for the students to win. If we hadnt, most of you would've gotten stuck before you started.

Rio- Stuck before we started! All Might shattered my entire freaking rib cage..... I think thats beyond stuck. I was almost at a point of no return!

Aizawa- Yes, we teachers had a little conversation on that.

Ojiro- So when you said you were really out to crush us...

Aizawa- That was to make you feel cornered.

Rio- Feeling cornered! I didnt just feel cornered! I was cornered!

Aizawa- Yes thats why in the first place, the training camp in the woods is one to increase strength. So those who failed need it the most. They have to get stronger.


Aizawa- Rio you didnt fail so could you stop interrupting me...?

Rio- Fine...

Aizawa- It was a rational falsehood.

Kaminari, Ashido, Sato, Kirishima- A rational falsehood?!

Iida- I was tricked again! As expected of UA. However, since you lied to us twice, our faith in you will waver!

Uraraka- Wow, you're being a wet blanket, Iida.

Aizawa- Thats true. I'll consider that. But I wasnt lying about everything. Failure is failure. We have prepared a separate time for lessons for you all. Frankly,it'll be tougher than the extra lessons you'd get if you stayed at school.

Ojiro- Well, in any case, I'm glad we can all go together.

Iida- A week of training camp huh?

Midoriya-We'll have to bring a lot with us.

Rio- I barely have anything from having to move twice.

Kaminari- Yea that sucks. I dont have a bathing suit or anything. I'll have to buy a bunch of stuff.

Mineta- Night vision goggles--

Rio- Mineta!

Hagakure- Oh then since we're off tomorrow, and we just finished our exams, why doesnt class A all go shopping together?!

Kaminari- Oh, good idea! Wouldn't that be the first time we all hung together?

Kirishima- Hey, Bakugo, you're coming too!

Bakugo- Like i'd do something so irritating.

Midoriya- Will you come,too ,Todoroki?

Todoroki- I go visit my mom on our days off.

Rio- Aww that sucks I wanna go see your mom too.

Todoroki- Dont worry I wont go without you but im still not going to the mall.

Rio- Yay! Thanks! 

I hugged him.

Todoroki- yea...yea....

Mineta- You guys are such party poopers! Get a clue you clueless guys.


Ashido- And so here we are! With the most stores in the prefecture, the newest and coolest, most advanced... Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall!

Rio- Im so excited!

I was wearing some nice clothing too.

I tried drawing it but im no professional...Sorry if you dont like it....

Midoriya- They dont just try to cover the various body types due to Quirks by numbers, but they acually have designs that fit a wide range of ages, from teens to seniors, so.....

Tokoyami- You're scaring the children. Stop that.

Person- Oh, arent those the UA students?!

Person2- The first years! I saw them on TV!

Person3- Look All Mights sister is also there!

All the persons- Sports festival, yay!

Uraraka- Oh, there are still people who remember that...

Jiro- Anyway, I need to buy a big carry on bag.

Yaoyorozu- Oh my, then why dont we go around together?

Mineta- Where can I get lock-picking tools and small drills?

Kaminari- I dont have any outdoorsy shoes, so I want to go buy some.

Hagakure- Oh, me too! Me too!

Iida- The guide said to bring shoes that are already broken in--Oh, but I see, perhaps we should choose based on utility?

Rio- Bipolar much...

Kirishima- Everyone has different things they want to do, so why dont we decide on a time to meet back up?

Ashido- I agree!

Kirishima- Then lets meet back here at 3 o'clock!

Midoriya- Everyones really fast.

Rio- Oh welp.

Uraraka- Yeah

Midoriya- What about you guys? I want to get some heavier wrist weights.

Rio- I want to buy some clothes.....Aloe..some ankle weights so i can run faster than usual..and yea.

Uraraka-I need bug spray.... Bug Spray!

Uraraka grabs me and runs.

Midoriya- Im a bug?!

After a while she stopped running letting me go.

Rio- Hey are you ok?!

Uraraka- Yea why wouldnt I be fine.

Rio- Are you sure? Your turning red..

Uraraka- Yea im fine...Im just a bit flustered.... I feel bad for leaving him like that.. I need to go back and apologize.

Rio- Wait..

Uraraka- Mhm

Rio- you ran us all the way to the aloe store let me buy some first..

Uraraka- Um ok...but why do you need it..

Rio- I have my reasons and maybe in the camp you will see why.


We had finally gotten out of the aloe store and I had bought 4 bottles of Aloe.

Urarka- Ok lets go back and get Deku..

We went back and saw someone chocking Midoriya..

Uraraka- Deku? A friend...? No..

Rio- Wait a second..your..................Tomura Shigaraki with the league of villains.

Midoriya- It nothing! Im fine! So dont come close!

Rio- You blackmailed him somehow didnt you!

Shigaraki- Oh, you had friends with you? Sorry bout that. Im off then.

Rio- Stop playing dumb..

He then whispered in my ear.

Shigaraki- Watch yourself.......................Rio Yagi...Or the people you love will get hurt.

My eyes widened and he walked away.

Uraraka- Deku!

Midoriya- Wait, Tomura Shigaraki! What is All for One after?

Rio- Wait you work with All for One!

Shigaraki- More importantly, both of you should be careful. Rio Yagi...Izuko Midoriya... You guys know to much...The next time we meet will likely be when I have decided to kill you.

Uraraka reported the incident, and the shopping mall was temporarily closed. The heroes and police in the ward undertook an emergency investigation, but in the end, they could not find Tomura Shigaraki.


In all the commotion I was intterogated for the police to know my part of the story. I texted Shouto to go to the hospital and that ill meet him there.


I was at the hospital checking in getting ready to go to Ms. Todoroki's room. I cant believe All for One is still at large..It hard to put through your head....He almost killed my brother. I walked over to the door and opened it.

Rio- Hi! Sorry im late there was a problem at the mall..

Todoroki- I saw the news! What happened?

Rio- Well it a long story but I was with Ochaco and we went to go get Midoriya but....Tomura Shigaraki was there and he was choking him... He was blackmailing him.. He left when i got there with Ochaco but then he came to my ear and threatened me... Then he said next time he saw me or Midoriya he'd kill us.. But its all cool!

Ms. Todoroki- Rio are you sure your ok.....Your looking awfully down.

Todoroki- Hey the police are on it not to mention all the pro heroes...Your going to be fine..

He then came and hugged me.

Rio- Hey im fine! So what were you guys talking about while I was gone!

Ms. Todoroki- Just about whats going on in his life. I also heard you were teaching him how to cook.

Rio- Yes I am............he's a disaster in the kitchen..

Todoroki- Hey thats why your "teaching me".

Rio- Yea ok whatever you say oh great wise one.

Todoroki- Your starting to piss me off.

Rio- Oh am I finally breaking through the ice princes's shell.

We kept bickering and bickering but I couldn't help but hear a laugh come from Ms. Todorki's mouth.


Hope ya enjoyed see ya'alll................................................AUTHOR OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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