The Chronicles of the Woman I...


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Be pulled into a new world of horror and supernatural as we join the Women in Red in her many adventures. Fro... More

Woman In Red Part 1
Woman In Red Part 2
The Doctor's Mask
Blind Soulmate
Christina Meets The Ripper
The Lady of the Phoenix
Darkness Inside
The Witch Couple
Mirror Part 1
Mirror Part 2

Sold My Soul

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Settling down, is a challenge for any vampire. As every 50 years you have to move, to avoid people discovering the truth. Despite living thousands of years and exploring the world, she has always been drawn to the town of London. It wasn't just the city she liked, its the people and when I say people, not all are exactly living. But she loved the town, it was just a shame that London had a major disaster hidden around every corner.

However, don't get the wrong idea. She likes the town, but if it burnt down tomorrow she wouldn't batter an eyelid. She would just move on. Or maybe I should say today. Because as she reads ancient Latin, she can see out the corner of her eye, London is burning. She doesn't flinch or look away from her book as the screams of people begging for help get louder as the fires spreads.

So she is more than surprised when she hears her doorbell rings as it opens. Looking up, she doesn't take her eyes off the new visitor. She stares at him with fascination and curiosity. He was not like one of her usual clients who are normally desperate and begging for her help. However, he was different and she could tell immediately he wasn't human. It was the dark presence about him when he entered the room, where you know he would be trouble and yet you couldn't resist tastings the sweet blood of darkness.

Or maybe it was something else about him, apart from his dark presence. Like his bright red face with his black pool eyes. Or maybe the strange bright pokey dot suit that looked like it came from the far future, where they no longer have a descent fashion sense.

He drops a bag on the desk containing coins she guesses by the sound of the metal clinching against each other.

"I request your services."

She raises her eyebrows as she slips her bookmark into the book, placing it down on the table, "My services? Please elaborate?"

"The fires of London Town are spreading, don't you wish to help?"

Clicking her tongue, she leans back in her chair, losing interest, "Not my particular area. And that isn't the reason why you came here otherwise you would be out there, helping the poor mortals."

He nudges the drawstring bag forward and she leans forward and picks it up. She pulls it open before turning it upside down, emptying the contents onto the table, it clinking as it hits the table. Golden coins but they are different to the ones you would see in London, they are marked with a pentagram on both sides with the devils mark in the middle.

She picks up one of the coins, studying it before looking at him, "What should I call you? Satan? The Devil? Lucifer?"

He smirks, "I have many names but Lucifer will be fine. What gave it away?"

She puts the coins back in the drawstring bag, "I've met all kind of supernatural creatures from vampires to demons to werewolves. Each of them have a distinct presence about them... But you have... such a dark presence." She chucks the bag into his chest which he catches, "I don't take money, of any kind, as payment. I prefer favours."

Going around the table, she goes over to grab a cloak, "However, I can guess you are not here for a favour from me. You are either here to make a deal or to implement the deal. But we both know you can't make a deal with me as my soul is already lost because of the whole vampire thing. So, what do you want?"

He smirks, "What makes you think that?"

"You are the devil, you always make deals. So, I will ask again, what do you want?"

He smiles at her before he grabs her arm and clicks his fingers. Suddenly, they are no longer standing in Christina house. Now, they are standing in the streets of London, the houses of both sides of the street have flames touching the sky, dancing in the dark.

Christina pulls out his grip as she looks around, watching people run for there lives with their families, trying to escape the flames. They run past them, not fazed by Lucifer's appearance.

Christina looks him up and down, "Why can't they see you?"

He explains, "Perception filter, supernatural creatures such as yourself see my true form underneath. "

"Why did you bring me here?"

He tilts his head and she looks in his direction. They focus on a woman, running down the street helping the injured and sick. Christina recognises her immediately, as her sister Destiny, dressed as a maid. 

She chuckles to herself as Destiny helps a young child into the next street, "Always had to help the needy."

She turns to Lucifer, once her sister is gone, "I already knew she was in town so why have you brought me here?"

His eyes somehow appear darker as he smirks, "She's your weakness and she has been ever since you saved her life as your village burned."

She glares at him as he chuckles, "Don't look at me like that, I'm impressed. But your darling sister sold her soul to me, to let her parents die a more peaceful death. And then you turned her. Her soul now lost forever, imprisoned in her dead body." He turns to her, "Your sister owes me a debt. Normally, I would kill her but I know who you are, woman in red."

"Blackmail? That's your play?" She asks sarcastically, "What do you want from me then? How can I square your debt with her?"

He smirks, "I hope you would say that."

Clicking his fingers again, they're standing in another street of London where the fire has already destroyed most of the houses. Leaving just empty shells and endless smoke. Again, she follows his gaze and her eyes land on a man. He's rich judging by his clothing as he is dressed in the newest of designer suits. But he is much distress as he looks around in each house. Looking for a loved one no doubt.

Her eyes widen, "You want me to kill an innocent?" She shakes her head in disbelief, "Why him? What has he done?" He doesn't respond, "No, I won't do it."

He chuckles, "Kill him for me or I will destroy your sister. Its not like you haven't killed before. Don't you want to protect her?"

"Why him?"

His face turns sinister as he says, "Kill him Christina, or I will make you watch as I rip your sister apart, limb by limb. Then as she screams for you to save her, I will rip her heart out as I split your skull."

She glares at him but knows she has no choice. She pulls up her hood and approaches her next victim as Lucifer disappears into the shadows with his sinister laughter following him.

Approaching the man, she knows his mind must be distracted with thoughts of endless worry. His worries of London and will he be able to rebuild his home, his life. Is his family alright? That's if he has one. She blocks out those thoughts as she blocks his path. He tries to get around her, only for him to grow frustrated, as she blocks his path again.

"Move out my way woman, I'm trying to find my family."

She doesn't move and instead takes a step towards him. Lunging forward, she sinks her teeth into his neck.

He screams out in pain, blood dripping down from his neck as he struggles but her grip is too strong. She pulls away, his neck snapping as he drops to the ground with a thud. The life leaves his eyes as his heart stops. The blood drained. He's dead.

Lucifer appears behind her with a sparkle in his eye, a mischievous grin across his face like he knows he has won.

"I am certainly impressed, especially with a woman of your talents. You would be great as a demon."

Christina pulls out a demonic blade, but keep it's behind her back out of sight, "I don't need complements from the likes of you. And I especially, don't like to be threatened. But you know what you shouldn't have done?" He shrugs as her eyes turn red, "You shouldn't have threatened my sister."

She stabs him in the chest and he gasps out in pain. Before he can pull it out, she sinks her fangs into her neck. She drinks his blood before pulling away, feeling stronger. He chuckles at first and then he feels the pain. She pulls out the blade as he collapses to the ground.

"What have you done?"

She smirks as she puts the blade away, "Isn't it obvious?" She knees beside him, "A demonic blade can kill a demon and any other time of supernatural creature. As for you, it just injures you. Unless I take some of your blood. Now you are slowly dying."

He rolls her eyes, "You can't kill me. I can return to hell and heal myself. You haven't seen the last of me!!"

"I figured as much. Just think this little incident as a warning: mess with me or my sister again and I will kill you." She threatens.

He glares at her before clicking his fingers and vanishing into thin air.

She looks back at her victim, his body now lying in a pool of blood. Despite being a vampire, her conscience bothers her all the time, the sheer idea of killing an innocent vexes her. Now after killing an innocent, she questions where she stands now. Whether her actions were right or wrong. What will this act turn her into?

Pulling off her cloak, she lays it down over the body before stepping away.

"Don't let this act change you."

Christina turns around to see Destiny standing their, with her arms crossed.

Destiny smirks at her as she goes over to stand beside her, "Did you think I wouldn't notice you? I could sense you watching me."

She looks down at what is left of lucifer body, "You met him then?"

Christina nods, "Unfortunately I had the honour of his presence. You know, considering we have been alive for hundreds of years, all that time and you still left out the part. Where you sold your soul to him?"

"It never came up." She shrugs, "And, I assumed, my death would have broken the contract."

"He will come back Destiny, it's only a matter of time."

She walks away from her sister, pushing her hair back behind her ear before seeing the blood on her fingernails. Is it Lucifer's? Or the innocent she killed?

"Don't let this act change you."

Christina turns back to her sister, her face filled with regret and remorse, "Hasn't it?"

Then she disappears back into the night as her sister watches her go, knowing her sister is at the crossroads.

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