Wishes Can Come True

By Bright-Shine

3.1K 175 441

Erin Williams has loved The Outsiders ever since she first read it. She can't seem to get it out of her head... More

Make a Wish
Socs, Middle Class, and Greasers
The Start of a Friendship
A Mess
Seeking Help
Fight Song
Truth Can Hurt
Fire is Catching
Bad Feelings
Stay With Me
Alive But Not Well
A Fighter
Tell Me, Please

You Better Believe It

154 9 21
By Bright-Shine

Ponyboy had been avoiding Erin since the whole incident. He didn't trust her. No matter how many times she tried to convince him it was okay. That she wasn't a liar. Wasn't a traitor.

Johnny, on the other hand, was a different story. He still hung out with her; he didn't think any less of her. She was still her. Even if she got on her phone sometimes, Johnny didn't mind. She was still an angel to him. She would sing to him, but she acted like she didn't notice Ponyboy staring at her while she did.

Days went by with this going on. Ponyboy avoiding her, and Johnny being the only one she talks to. And Erin couldn't deny, she enjoyed having alone time with Johnny. He would open up with her, tell some jokes, laugh, and all kinds of stuff.

Erin yawned. They were sitting at the back of the church since it was getting dark. She laid her head on his shoulder. Johnny turned his head and smiled at her. "You tired?"

"Yeah, a little. We've been up since 8:00, and it's..." She trailed off and looked at her phone "11:30."

"I'm still not used to that. Being able to just turn on a screen and be able to see the time and all kinds of stuff."

"Yeah. I know it's probably weird for you...I know something that might be weird to you as well." She grinned devilishly. She got on Snapchat and turned the camera around to face Johnny. She put the puppy dog filter on him. It fit him perfectly. Once she took the picture she showed him.

He just looked at it, amazed and confused. "How'd you do that?"

"You know how I showed you Snapchat the other day, and how I told you about all the filters and stuff? Well that's it." She turned the camera back around and scooted closer to Johnny. She took the picture with the same puppy filter. Then she showed Johnny all the other filters and how you can watch people's stories.

After a little while they finally went inside. Ponyboy was already asleep. "Aw, he's actually cute looking when he's asleep," Erin joked. Johnny didn't seem to think it was very funny though.

Erin yawned again and sat down on the ground. The pew was harder than the ground. Erin took off her jacket and used it as a pillow. She was a little cold, but she could manage. Soon she finally fell asleep.


The next day consisted of the same routine. Except something was a little different. Ponyboy got sick from smoking too much. "We told you'd get sick," Johnny stated.

"Yeah. I bet she knew about it, too," He said to Erin who was stepping on a cigarette.

She was trying to make sure all the cigarette butts were out. She didn't want a fire. But it's something she's been thinking about. It's the reason they might have got let off easily, especially to Johnny if she's going to save him. But if there is not fire, then the teachers would figure out that some juvenile delinquents have been living here and report them, and that might get them into more trouble. Erin didn't know what to do, so she ended up stomping another cigarette. Thankful, she wasn't questioned.

"Yeah I did. Remember, I tried to warm you, so did Johnny, but you wouldn't listen."

"Yeah, yeah. I don't need a lecture, Darry. I'll probably get one when I get home, whenever that is." It was like he hated her. Hated her for coming into their lives. For being in a different time. For being her. At least Johnny cared.

"No you won't," Erin said, sitting down next to him. She was trying to cheer him up. Hopefully make some things better between them. "He'll be happy your back. So will Soda. Speaking of Soda, I can tell you something. You'll get a letter from him."

"Yeah. Whatever. You're probably lying. I don't get what Johnny sees in you." Erin frowned. She figured he'd be happy about hearing about his brothers.

Johnny's face heated up at Ponyboy's comment. "Okay, Ponyboy. Why don't we just drop it? There's no need in being mad at each other."

"Not until I know she's telling the truth."

"What more do you need, Ponyboy!" She had snapped. She never thought that Ponyboy Michael Curtis would ever make her this mad. "You've seen my phone! The book! I know you've heard me and Johnny talk! You know about the letter! Darry is happy when you get home! You both make up and are happy!"

Ponyboy was quiet for a few minutes; he just sat and twiddled his thumbs. But he finally spoke up. "If I get a letter from him, then I'll believe you. Apart of me wants to, but another part of me is screaming that this is all wrong."

Erin took that as an apology. It was probably the most she could get out of him in this state anyway. "It's okay. I would have trouble believing something like this too."


Later that day Dally came. When he gave Ponyboy that letter from Soda, Pony just started at her. Then he did something she wasn't expecting. He grinned and said, "You weren't kidding after all."

Erin smiled. She was guessing that they were all made up now. But she still wanted to make sure. "So are we good now?" She asked him.

"Yeah, we're good." He then gave her a playful punch on the arm. Erin smiled at him. She was really happy things were better between them.

"What's up with those two?" Dally asked Johnny.

"They weren't exactly getting along. I'll explain it later." Johnny had no clue how he would explain it all to Dally. Erin would have to do the most of it.

"Well I'm glad they're finally getting along. We don't want those fighting all the way to the Dairy Queen," Dally said with a smirk.

"We're going to the Dairy Queen?" Ponyboy asked excitedly. All three of them were. They were really looking forward to a good mean that didn't consist of baloney.

"Yep. I didn't eat breakfast this morning and I'm starting," Dally explained.

"You're starting? Try baloney for 5 days," Johnny told him with a grin. Dally chuckled. Then they all left the church and got in the T-Bird Dally had parked outside.

Dally drove really fast. It made Erin feel almost sick. She was thankful when they finally got to the Dairy Queen though. Dally ordered them all a meal, and when they finally got it, they couldn't help but practically inhale it. "Slow down kids, I got more money. You don't have to eat like this meals your last."

But they didn't listen. Erin was already on her second burger. "Hey, I got some things to tell ya."

"Yeah. Well, we do too," Johnny said, turning to look at Erin in the back seat. Erin let out a small laugh.

"Okay, well you can go first," Dally told them.

"All right. You might not believe this, but it's true," Erin started. "I'm not from here. Like from this time...I'm from the future. From 2019." Dally just started at her like she was crazy.

"She's telling the truth, Dal," Johnny defended her. "She even has proof. Show him your phone." Erin pulled out her phone from her pocket. She turned it on and showed him, and if that wasn't enough, she even brought her copy of The Outsiders.

"She's telling the truth, Dally. She knew about that letter you were bringing from Soda. She told us that we'll get to go home soon, and then you show up," Ponyboy was trying his best to convince Dally. He didn't want him to be mad at her like he was. "That's why I was mad at her. It was stupid," He turned to meet her eyes. "I'm sorry, Angel."

"Angel? Why do you call her that? You think she looks like an angel, Ponyboy?"

Ponyboy's face and ears went red. Erin giggled. "N-no. I-I mean, she's pretty and all b-but she c-can sing like one. Johnny's the one who gave her the name, anyway."

Dally laughed as Erin felt her face grow red from Pony's comment. Johnny had a grin on his face and he rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm just messing with ya, Pony," He said. "So you can sing, huh?" Erin nodded. "Nice. Anyway, we have a spy."

"A spy? Who?" Johnny asked.

"Hold on. Let's see if Erin knows. I want to see this for myself."

All the boys were staring at her, making her a little uncomfortable, but she proudly stated, "Cherry Valance." Then they all looked at Dally, who was a little shocked.

"She's right. Boy, I wasn't expecting that. You being from the future." He fiddled with Erin's phone in his hands. "How does this thing work?"

"I'll show you later," She said, reaching up and grabbing it, sticking it back in her pocket. "Right now, lets just get back to the church." Erin really wanted to get back to the church as soon as possible. The sooner she saves those kids, the sooner she can save Johnny.

"All right then," But before they could get going, Johnny spoke up.

"We're going back and turning ourselves in."

Dally was taken aback. "What?" Johnny told him about how Darry and Soda don't need to be worrying so much about Ponyboy. Then how they might get let off easy if they turn themselves in. "You should have thought of that a week ago!"

"Well, I was scared." Johnny looked down at his feet. "I still am."

Erin felt bad seeing Johnny so sad and defeated. "It's okay, Johnnycake. Everything will be fine."

"All right. If you say so." He gave her a smile in return. Truth was, Erin had no clue what would happen if she saves him. Will he get thrown in jail? She sure hopes not. She came here to make things better, and that's what she's going to do. She will not let Johnny die. She will not let him get thrown in jail.

And that's a promise.

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