A Vampires Quest (COMPLETE)

By LilithaAngel

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This is the third story of the Blackbloods series. If you haven't read the first two never fear as this book... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Sequel is OUT!

Chapter Ten

400 30 1
By LilithaAngel

I surface slowly, my head is pounding, my limbs feel weak, I keep my eyes squeezed shut as memories flood back, Alex is a vampire, Byron must be too, they fought 8 other terrifying men, they moved too fast for me to comprehend but something in me snapped and instead of running away like i knew I should I tackled the leader and somehow managed to turn the tables. Jolting upright I wince as my head feels like someone jackhammering in my mind, my vision swims violently, a shadow passes into my vision, I can't stop the scream as I launch off the bed, my legs fail me as I land heavily on laminated floor.

"I am so sorry." A young girls voice whispers frightened, I twist just as Alex's voice echoes round the room.

"What did you do Yasmin!?" He yells and I try pushing to my feet, my vision settling as I focus on the young blonde girl who looks terrified.

"Alex. It wasn't her fault. I scared myself." I whisper, my voice a mere thread of noise but Alex appears at my side, helping me back onto the bed, I know when to pick my fights and right now I'm weaker than a kitten so I dont fight him.

"Sorry Yasmin, things are a little tense downstairs, I acted rashly." He holds his arms open and Yasmin races into them, smiling, I can't help but envy their relationship, it brings back memories of when my own dad was alive, I feel tears stain my cheeks and I can do nothing to stop them. Alex is immediately there, wiping my tears away with the pad of his thumbs, part of me wants to run away because he's a vampire, the other half is madly curious about what it's like.

"You can go, Yasmin, will you keep me company?"

"Of course. Sorry for scaring you. Are you hungry? I'm not much of a cook but I'm sure Violet and Lara can help me." I feel Alex tense before he faces Yasmin.

"I don't want them near her yet." I bristle at his tone.

"Why not? Worried we will team up?"

"Yes." He replies bluntly and I can't help but laugh, Yasmin bounds out the room, leaving us alone, my heart kicks up a knotch, out of fear or anticipation I'm not sure.

"Alex? What's it like being a vampire?" Part of my mind hasn't fully comprehended whether it's true or not. He leans down towards me, his azure eyes holding me captive, his palm cradles my cheek.

"I will tell you all about it later, right now I've got a meeting with my brothers." I try to push myself upright but his hands push down on my shoulders, concern in his gaze.

"Is it to do with what that person, man, vampire ... Robert said?"

"Yes it is. No you are not joining us. Lay there quietly and get your strength back then you can go back to fighting me at every turn." His soft lips press against my forehead before he disappears from the room, Yasmin walks into the room a few moments later, carrying a tray of food and some drinks, she places them on the bedside table, her slender arms helping me sit, her concern as I try to get off the bed.

"What are you doing?"

"Help me to the bathroom." She looks at me dumbstruck for a moment before she laughs at herself.

"Sorry, I'm so used to being around vampires." She helps me stand, my legs feel like jelly but we manage to get me to the bathroom, she lingers by the door until she's sure I'm steady enough not to fall.

"Yasmin? Can you find me some clothes? I need a shower." Yasmin nods, pulling the door almost closed. After using the toilet I manage to strip, almost falling twice before I cautiously step into the shower, the tiles send chills up my legs. Finally figuring out the shower I turn it hot, the water running over my skin, stinging the cut on my head, but my muscles welcome the relaxing waves, sitting on the tiles I let the water cascade over me, my mind and body exhausted. Steam quickly fills the bathroom but I have no energy to move, even when I hear someone walk into the bathroom.

"Mia?" Alex's tender voice calls from the other side of the screen.

"I'm fine." I reply softly.

"Do you need help?" He asks, sounding genuinely concerned. Reaching up I turn off the shower, shivering at the loss of the heat.

"Can you pass me a towel." I ask, tired. Pulling myself upright and locking my knees I concentrate on not collapsing, a second later a large purple towel is whipped around the screen, wrapping it around my body I hang onto the screen as i step out the shower only for my legs to betray me, but no sooner than I feel myself falling does Alex scoop me up, my head resting on his shoulder, my lips pressing against the strong pulse in his neck, I feel his arms tighten on me and I haven't the strength to stop my bodies natural reaction as my hands fist in his shirt, my energy ebbing away. Alex gently places me on the bed, his eyes glittering as he sits beside me, his fingertips running tenderly down my face.

"Try and eat some food then get some rest, you're safe here." He goes to stand but my hand has a mind of its own, grasping his lightly but just enough for him to stop, looking back at me.

"What about Byron?" I ask, fear making my voice quiet, Alex sits closer to me, his scent calming my racing heart.

"He won't hurt you. I promise." Honesty shines in his eyes, tilting my head I frown slightly.

"You sound sure." His hand cups my cheek gently as he smirks.

"Trust me. I know my brother."

"Well your brother looked damn near happy to kill me earlier." Alex reaches across me, pulling the tray of food onto my lap as he stands, for some reason I feel a loss as he steps away from me.

"Eat something." He commands as he opens a large wardrobe, pulling out a long dark grey t-shirt before sauntering back, for some reason I can't tear my gaze from him, his knowing smirk makes me blush.

"I ... Uh ..." I stutter, speechless, my usual confident exterior has abandoned me, leaving me with the nervous girl inside.

"Would you like me to help you get the top on?"

"I can do that myself." I quickly defend, sitting up I quickly grasp the towel as it attempts to remove itself.

"You really are temptation." Alex whispers, suddenly close to my ear, goosebumps flush over my skin and I forget my own name. I feel his soft lips on my throat and I know logically I should be terrified, the fact he's a vampire, he had bitten me before, he could kill me in a heartbeat and I have stolen from him and his family gives him power over me that should make me fear him. But instead my body heats at his proximity, my heart races and the butterflies in my stomach make my feel almost sick.

"Alex?" A strong, confident and feminine voice calls from the doorway, causing me to jump, as Alex straightens, a pained expression on his face.

"Lara." He half introduces, half warns but the beautiful woman waltzes into the room, flipping Alex off as he growls menacingly, I can't stop the small giggle escape, quickly freezing as both their eyes collide with mine, my blood feels frozen in my veins.

"So this is Mia huh? I heard you forbade me from meeting her." Lara stands with one hand resting on her hip, daring Alex to answer. He has the decency to look away sheepishly, his strong hand massaging the back of his neck.

"I um ... Go away." He sounds just as flustered as I feel when he's near me, Lara smiles mischievously as she suddenly appears next to me on the bed, shocking me that I almost fall out, remembering at the last second to hold onto the towel tightly as the temperature in the room seems to drop a degree.

"Do I need to call Byron in or are you going to leave us girls to bond."

"I'd rather you didn't ..."

"By ...

"Fine! Fine! IL be outside the door."

"Such a creeper."

"I protect what's mine."

"I'm not going to hurt her." Lara feigns hurt but a smile creeps over her face, her attitude makes me feel at ease with her.

"No, you'll do worse. You'll give her damning ideas. She's got enough of those already." Alex glances at me, his eyes sparkling, I smile back at him slightly, feeling rather amused by their interaction.

"She will be here when you get back. Pinky swear." Lara wiggles her little finger, Alex grimaces but heads to the door, turning his head back to me at the threshold his gaze holds mine.

"If you need me just shout." I nod before he heads out the door, closing it softly.

"So ... You're the woman whose got Alex in a twist and has pissed off my fiancé." Lara announces as I quickly shrug on the top, thankful it's large and I automatically feel better, Alex's scent envelopes me comfortingly.

"Your fiancé?" I ask, wondering if I've met him.

"Byron ... Don't worry. He's a big softy really." The shock must have been evident on my face as she laughs.

"You're both so different."

"I used to be human and he's an ancient vampire so yeah, that's kind of expected." I look at her as if she's grown two heads.

"You used to be human?"

"Until about 3 years ago. I was like you, very independent, unwilling, I never knew about vampires until Byron bought me."

"He bought you?" My brain seems to be short circuiting today.

"Oh don't get me wrong, it was wrong but if he hadnt then I probably wouldn't be here. This family is the good guys in the vampire world, I heard you met some of the bad guys." I nibble on some of the fruit on the tray, the flavours burst over my tongue.

"Yeah, it wasn't pleasant, I thought I was going to die."

"And yet you still went out your way to save Byron and Alex, I am truly greatful." Sincerity shines in her eyes along with fear of losing them.

"I didn't think I'd survive honestly." Lara looks at me, trying to work me out, I feel my poker face slip slightly.

"You accepted you were going to die?" Her cool hand gently holds mine.

"I'm not a good person."


"You have no idea what I've done in my life."

"No I don't. But I see a young girl whose had a tough life but has never given up and has fought her way back to her feet again. A girl who was willing to sacrifice herself to save two vampires when only a few hours ago she didn't believe vampires existed. Everyone makes mistakes, I've killed people, does that make me a bad person?" I shuffle unsure, listening to her wise words, curious as to who she killed.


"My kidnappers and the ones who tried to destroy this family. I almost died doing it though. I was insanely lucky that Byron managed to save me in time, like you I was accepting of my death, the ultimate sacrifice. But the fates had other plans and I think the fates aren't done with you yet either." I settle at her words.

"Wait ... You were human when you killed people?"

"Yeah, not my best of moments but I refuse to regret it. I could have lost a lot more if I hadn't fought back." Yasmin suddenly bounds into the room and the atmosphere shifts dramatically, shes like a little ray of sunshine, literally.

"Byron said food is ready, do you want to come down for dinner Mia?" A silly part of me is a little bothered about them calling me my alias but I know it's better for them not to know my real name, but it doesn't stop the guilt weighing heavy in my stomach.

"I think I will pass tonight as I'm really tired. Maybe tomorrow?" I counter as I see Yasmin's face drop, I realise it must be difficult for her being a human around so many vampires.

"Sure no problem. IL go and let them know." No sooner as she had appeared she's gone and I relax against the headboard again.

"Lara? How many humans are there living here?"

"4, Yasmin, Max, Kurt and Lewis. Yasmin is my adopted daughter, Max is her bodyguard uncle in a way. Kurt was a bad guy turned good, ex military. Lewis is an ex cop, he saved my life." She answers without hesitation.

"How many vampires?"

"7, including myself. Violet, Byron, Alex, Dylan, Paul and Grant. Well I say seven but Grant is barely here nowadays, he's on a mission to find his true love, he's a hopeless romantic. Byron and Alex are full brothers, Dylan is their blood brother. Paul and Violet are siblings. I'm not sure how Grant ended up here." I can't stop the panic from rising, that's alot of vampires in a very small space.

"Am I safe here?"

"Safer than anywhere else in the world. How did you manage to break in anyway?" I look down sheepish but choosing to answer honestly just as she's done for me.

"I walked through the open back door." Lara looks at me as if I've spouted purple horns, then a sly smile creeps across her face.

"The boys have become complacent. IL be sure to let them know." She laughs, I relax as I realise she's not annoyed at me, I can't stop the yawn that almost cracks my jaw.

"IL let you get some rest. I think you're going to be fun to have around." With that cryptic message she flounces from the room, closing the door softly, already I feel my eyes drifting shut so I give in to the inevitable, my head sinks into the soft pillows and the darkness takes me.

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