A Vampires Quest (COMPLETE)

By LilithaAngel

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This is the third story of the Blackbloods series. If you haven't read the first two never fear as this book... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Sequel is OUT!

Chapter Nine

390 31 0
By LilithaAngel

I awaken slowly, the sun sinking below the horizon, heading from my room I aim for the kitchen only to have the relative silence of the manor interrupted by Byron's loud shout.

"Alex! Get in here!" Even my eyes widen at his tone, something has really ticked him off, speeding to his office i see him behind his desk, eyes ablaze with anger.


"Did you know about this?" I frown, looking around but seeing nothing amiss, but then I my nostrils catch the faint scent, tropical, my eyes widen, Mia was here, when? How?

"I had no idea. What has she taken?" I ask, genuinely curious and quite annoyed at her boldness. For weeks I have forced myself not to communicate with her, busy dealing with the vampire councils threats and then out of the blue she breaks into my own home and pisses off my brother.

"She took money." Byron hisses, sitting down in his chair, I half relax, rolling my eyes.

"Is that all? We have money Byron, why are you so upset? You know she's a thief."

"I never expected someone to break into my own home and steal from me. What if she had come to our sleeping chambers and killed us?"

"She has no idea what we are Byron. I'm not that incompetent."

"She is not to be trusted."

"I have not spoken to her for weeks, busy dealing with all this council crap because you refuse to claim your right to being king."

"I never wanted to be king."

"Nobody ever does. Now if you will excuse me I've got some explanations to obtain."

"Stay away from her Alex." He orders, hitting his desk hard.

"Since when do I listen to orders Byron?" I retort, speeding out of the room, grabbing my bike from the garage I race towards Mia's before anyone else can catch up with me. Arriving at Mia's apartment block I grab my phone sending her a quick message, giving her a chance to come out willingly before I come in there to get her. After a moment Mia walks out the door, guilt flashing in her eyes as she steps slowly towards me, swinging my legs off the bike I see her pause before she lifts her chin, determination in her eyes, as soon as she is close enough I grab her arm tightly. Immediately suffocated by her tropical scent, the blood racing under her skin almost destroys my control.

"Look Alex ..." Mia starts, but I place my hand over her mouth, shaking my head I release her, climbing onto the bike I raise my eyebrow at her.

"Get on." I command, seeing her bristle makes me smile but as she slides onto the bike behind me I regret not feeding tonight as just the feel of her warm body pressed so close to mine is maddening. Speeding away her arms hold my waist tightly, her heart hammering in her chest, heading to the large lake I park up the bike, the last of the humans cars leaving the area. Mia quickly jumps off, I follow her swiftly, curious as she starts walking down the pathways towards the lake, I stalk after her, watching the way her hips naturally sway with each step, the hunger and beast inside me raise their heads, my fangs aching, hands flexing, wanting to feel her body against mine again. Reaching the edge of the lake Mia stands silent, arms wrapped around her waist, looking hauntingly beautiful and broken.

"Mia ..."

"Look I'm sorry Alex. I had no choice ... I ..." Before she can say another word in that broken ashamed voice I gather her in my arms, tilting her head up as I lay a bruising kiss on her lips, all good sense has flown out the window, the feel of her lips against mine is delicious. Hunger bursts through my control, my lips move to her throat, I feel her stiffen before she comes to some sort of resolve, feeling her pulse vibrate under her skin, my control too far gone to be able to stop I sink my fangs into her skin. Her gasp whispers against my ear as her hands tangle in my hair, her blood hits my tongue like a most addictive drug, my arms hold her close, probably bruising her delicate skin but I can't find the willpower in me to stop. But as I feel her sag against my frame its like a slap in the face, quickly releasing her neck I look intently at her face, her eyes closed, head lolled back but I feel her heart beating still, sitting on the ground I cradle Mia's soft pliant body against mine, surrounded by her scent, the taste of her blood still dances on my tongue. No blood has ever tasted as sweet, as addicting as hers and I realise I have made a grave error, no other blood is going to appeal to me as much as hers, this could make things difficult. Eventually Mia stirs, her emerald eyes opening slowly but the moment they settle on my gaze she leaps from my lap, falling to the floor, weakness coursing through her limbs, panic in her eyes.

"Mia ..."

"You ... You're ... A vampire?" She accuses, her hand pressing against her neck, although the skin has healed the tenderness will still be there.

"Yes." I reply bluntly, watching terror swim in her eyes.

"Are you going to kill me?" She asks quietly, almost afraid to hear the answer but needing to know anyway.

"Not unless you put me and my family in danger." I answer honestly, feeling her calm slightly, she slowly sits upright, clutching her head, it takes all my power not to scoop her against me again.

"Look Alex ..." Mia starts just as I hear a bike pull up in the car park, launching to her side I pull her to her feet, she wavers on her feet looking at me confused.

"Someone is here." To her credit she locks her legs, holding her chin high, until Byron steps into view, Mia shrinks away, terror radiating off of her in waves, her legs betray her strength as she falls to the floor.

"So you're the little witch who stole from me." Byron growls, I roll my eyes at his tone but I feel Mia whimper, I miss her being a fighter, I dont like the sound of her whimpering and now my anger is directed at my brother.

"Back off Byron." I warn, crouching next to Mia who tries to cower away from me, her gaze fixated on Byron.

"I'm guessing you told her then." Byron replies, his tone exhausted.

"She worked it out."

"Before or after you drank her blood?" I growl at Byron, he's starting to piss me off.

"Back off brother. I'm dealing with her."

"I will protect my family." Byron takes an aggressive step towards us.

"Our family. You really think I would allow someone to hurt them?" I growl in response until another voice suddenly breaks the quarrel.

"Ah Byron, Alex, just the two I was hoping to bump in to." Our gazes swing around to see Robert, one of the council members step out of the surrounding forest, followed by 7 of his clan members, I glance at Byron's worried gaze which mirrors mine.

"How kind of you to join us this eve Robert. I had no idea the council were in the area."

"You have neglected your duties for far too long Byron. The council have decided that the royals are not fit to walk amongst us any longer. The council will no longer live in fear of the royals overthrowing us." Robert signals for his clan to step towards us, Byron appears by my side, as we create a barrier between the other vampires and Mia, who to her credit has stayed as still and quiet as possible, but one of the other vampires notices her.

"You bought a snack." He hisses, I feel Mia shrink back further. Too fast for her human eyes they attack, Byron and I manage to hold our own, years of fighting at each others sides gives us the edge, I hear Mia race away, I narrowly miss a fatal blow at the distraction, the vampires manage to capture Byron and as I go to help him they manage to catch me too, forcing us to our knees Robert looks smug.

"The eldest royals. Being on your knees suits you." I grind my teeth, forcing myself to stay silent, preserving my strength.

"You wont get away with this Robert."

"That's where you're wrong. I already have." He signals for the vampires behind us, cold blades are pressed against our necks, I see a flash of movement behind Robert before he is pushed forward fiercely, Mia landing on his back, a large rock in her hand, blood oozes from a gash in Roberts head as he twists harshly, throwing Mia off and as she hits the ground her forehead splits open, the smell of her blood fills the air and I feel the vampires struggle against their urges. My eyes collide with Mia's and with a slight nod she shakily stands, blood dripping down her face.

"Come and get it." She entices, slowly stepping backwards, the vampires holds relaxes on us, the moment they streak towards Mia we attack. Using their own blades we slash at them, back to back, Mia between us. In no time at all the only ones standing are us and Robert who looks at his fallen clan in disgust, as I step towards him he runs away, just as Mia collapses, caught by Byron who looks from her to me curiously.

"She saved us."

"Remind you of someone?" I ask, reminding him that his own mate saved us when she was just a human.

"Take her back to the manor, the council have started their plans and it's only going to be worse when Robert reports back to them. We need to counter their attack." Byron gently places Mia's limp body in my arms, a look of awe in his expression.

"She won't betray us."

"I know. It's hard to realise that times have changed. Once we were hunted by humans, we are still hunted but some actually protect us. Such fragile lives and yet they have more respect for life than most of our kind." We walk back to the bikes, paying careful attention to our surroundings, Byron quickly calls Kurt to come and pick us up, five minutes later he arrives, jumping out the car, taking in Mia laying in my arms, questions in his gaze but he knows now is not the time. He opens the passenger door, laying the seat down before I gently place Mia in, moving a lock of hair from her face tenderly. Turning back to Byron I look him dead in the eye.

"I think brother that something needs to be done and drastically."

"Agreed. Now get her back and let her rest." Byron commands as his bike roars to life. I nod as he speeds away, throwing Kurt the bikes keys I swiftly get in the car, following Kurt as he races off down the road, towards home, my gaze continues to drift towards Mia, her strength and bravery equals that of a vampire. Arriving home I carry Mia carefully to my bedroom, glaring and growling at anyone who stares, placing her on my bed I feel eyes on my back, I turn, tense but I relax when I see Yasmin peeking round the doorframe, sitting on the edge of the bed I gesture her to come over. Her eyes never leave Mia as she walks across the room, carrying a first aid kit carefully.

"I thought she might need this." She answers softly, noticing my gaze, I smile in return gently squeezing her hand.

"Thank you. Will you sit with her a minute? I have things to discuss with my brothers."

"Of course. What's her name?"

"Mia." I reply as I take one last look at the spitfire woman laying in my bed before I push away, heading out the door, more than ready to discuss a plan of action with my brothers.

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