A Vampires Quest (COMPLETE)

By LilithaAngel

11K 819 41

This is the third story of the Blackbloods series. If you haven't read the first two never fear as this book... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Sequel is OUT!

Chapter Eight

440 28 0
By LilithaAngel

Racing quietly into the apartment I force myself to resist the urge to lock the front door but I do make a beeline for the bedroom window, locking it carefully, heading to the kitchen I grab a bottle of orange juice from the fridge before sinking to the floor, my back against the cabinets, my body exhausted, my mind a maelstrom of emotions and questions. Alex is proving a much bigger problem than I had initially thought, a simple hit and grab has turned into something I don't even understand, I don't understand why my emotions are all over the place with him, I know I can control my emotions but around him I want to just let go. Be able to be honest with myself and him and that thought terrifies me, more than what he could potentially do to me. Memories of the night at the diner threaten to engulf me again, just as the did when Alex's heavy weight pinned me, breathing deeply I force my mind to calm, locking the memory away again. Closing my eyes I remember how Alex's aqua blue eyes light up, the smile on his face even as I pinned him to the floor, I remember the feel of his strong body under mine, I know realistically that I wouldn't have been able to pin him there if he didnt let me, the horror and amazement as I watched his skin heal Infront of my eyes, my mind only jumping to one conclusion, he's not human. The way he moves, the way he holds himself, the way his eyes flicker, almost changing colour with his different moods. I'm no mere little girl who can be bested but he manages to throw me off at every turn, I have felt the coiled strength of his body, I know that he could snap me like a twig but the fact he has been nothing but almost caring towards me scares me more than if he showed me aggression. Aggression and anger I can deal with, any other emotion and it feels like I'm drowning, I refuse to fall for anyone, pain is all that's caused by allowing someone else to hold my heart, what the hell am I going to do with Alex? My traitorous body warmed to his touches earlier and even part of my mind was imagining what it would be like to kiss those soft lips again, feel the passion and strength hidden behind his bad boy facade. 

Before I know it I am jolted awake by the kettles shrill whistle, jumping up I relax when I see Shea stood next to the kettle, ceasing it's whistle.

"Long night?" She asks, looking down at me concerned, pushing to my feet my muscles protest at the movement, but I grit my teeth and breathe through the cramps, as Shea and I both make a cup of tea.

"An odd night to say the least." I reply cryptically as Shea goes to question my reply I shake my head, stilling her questions. Shea grabs her coat, heading towards the door.

"IL be back later, got some things to do." Shea calls as she shuts the door behind her. Grabbing my phone I flop onto the sofa, scrolling through the job searches, they come up empty, doing a quick mental calculation, I have enough for this month's rent but next month's rent is going to have to come from somewhere.

"Um hi." Graci0e's timid voice whispers from the bedroom doorway, I turn my head, smiling at her I pat the sofa next to me, she smiles back, collapsing down next to me, I place my arm over her shoulder, hugging her.

"How are you feeling?"

"Better, Rose came to speak to me. I think I'm going to follow up with her." I manage to stop my sigh of relief, not wanting to treat her like a child.

"Did anything bad happen to you Gracie?" Her eyes dance to mine, worry in her gaze.

"You'd think I'm crazy if I told you." She glances down at her hands, tightly entwined in her lap.

"Trust me Gracie, you're anything but crazy."

"Weird things happened this time. From what I can remember there was quite alot of us, they kept giving us something to keep us quiet and compliant. Then we were separated, sent to different people ... They ... I think ... I swear they had fangs and they would bite us. But everything is hazy." My eyes widen at her recollection, my hands hold hers gently, willing her to continue.

"Do you know where you were staying?"

"At first it was out of the city, then somewhere on the outskirts, that's where I escaped from, or I was let go? I can't remember. I remember them saying something about destroying the royals and claiming their birth rights."

"Look Gracie, you're not crazy but you need to be careful, I have a bad feeling that something's going to happen and I don't want you caught in the middle of anything. IL give Rose a call and see if she can arrange somewhere for you to stay."

"Mia, you're scaring me."

"Think of it as a brand new start, don't dwell on the past, you need to live. Just trust me in this." She nods sadly, wringing her hands.

"You're right. As long as I've got you supporting me, I can do anything." I hug her before grabbing my phone, dialing Rose's number I wait.

"Dr ... I mean, hi Mia, you okay?" I smile as she answers the phone.

"I've got Gracie here, I think she's ready to start fresh but I need your help."

"Of course Mia. How much help do you need?"

"I'm worried about her staying in the city, incase the people she was with last time see her again."

"Of course, I've got some friends a few counties over that will help house her and get her back on her feet." I breathe a sigh of relief, slouching back against the sofa cushions.

"Thank you Rose. I'll find some way to pay you back I swear."

"I know you will Mia, I know you will. I'll call you when I've arranged everything."

"Thank you Rose." I hear her soft laugh down the phone before she ends the call, facing Gracie again I see hope in her eyes.

"Thank you Mia. Truly. You could have given up on me like everyone else but instead you've always stayed by my side."

"Everyone deserves a friend Gracie and I don't believe in abandoning those who need guidance."

The next couple of weeks fly by, Gracie went with Rose, I hope she does manage to turn her life around, she deserves to live a better life. I wander aimlessly through the quiet streets, the moon shining brightly, worries of how I'm going to pay the rent hangs heavy on my shoulders, the only way I'll logically be able to pay the rent is by stealing again, although I hate doing it I refuse to give up the only safe space I know. My feet unerringly take me to the outskirts of town, towards an address that is burned into my memory: Strongholt Manor. I stare at the manor from a distance, lights decorate most rooms, I can only imagine the family environment, the roar of a bike has me leaping further into the shadows as a huge bike speeds round the corner, narrowly missing the gates as they slowly slide open, as the rider slips off the bike and removes their helmet I realise it's the purple eyed man who came to Alex's aid, Byron. Hiding further back in the shadows I watch curiously as he saunters into the manor, I realise my plan may be almost suicidal as I plan to break in to the manor. People with places like this often have money lying around. I don't need much, just enough. Deciding my fate I knuckle down and wait, pulling my dark coat closer to my frame, my eyelids grow heavy, before I know it I am awakened by sunlight filtering through the trees as the sun starts it's slow ascent into the sky. Glancing towards the house I sense no movement, cautiously creeping towards the building I scale a tree, leaping carefully over the spiked fence. Sticking close to the wall I creep forward, peeping in through a window I quickly duck as I notice a large man stood with a young girl, as I listen carefully I can just make out what they are saying.

"Come on Yasmin, time for school. You know Lara will kick my ass if I let you stay home."

"Oh fine. But it's only a half day today."

"I know. I checked missy." I hear them moving so I quickly race around the corner, hiding against the bricks, I hear them leave the building a few moments before a car engine starts and disappears out the gates and down the road. Steadying my breath I creep around the perimeter, noting the kitchen window is open and the back door is ajar, taking my chance I slip through the door, listening intently for any sounds, when none greet me I sneak through the rooms, I try to imagine being rich and where I would hide my cash. Opening a drawer in a bureau it's full of nick knacks, gently tapping the bottom of the draw I am disappointed that it's not a false bottom, closing the drawer carefully I head into an office of some sorts, rifling quietly through drawers, my blood races loudly in my ears, adrenaline spiked, I find a wad of cash in the lowest drawer. Hearing a car engine approach I pocket the money, closing the drawer before racing on silent feet back out of the kitchen just as the front door opens, I keep running until I reach the fences, scrambling over it my jacket catches in the spikes, ripping the fabric but I can't dwell on that so I just keep running. I dare not look back as I race back into the city, using my usual routes through the back alleys until I tire, I walk inconspicuously back home, heading through the door I go straight to the kitchen, taking the wad of money from my pocket I unroll it and almost pass out. There's a hell of a lot more there than I originally thought, I thought they were just twenties but most of them are fifty's, counting it quickly it comes to five thousand pounds, pocketing a thousand I put the other four into an envelope, writing my name on it I head up to the penthouse apartment, slipping it through the door before I head back down the stairs, rent paid for almost a year I feel like the weight of the world has disappeared from my shoulders. I pray that I left no trace of myself behind for Byron or Alex to catch otherwise I think I'm going to be in deep deep shit but right now the relief of providing a place for myself and my friends to stay outweighs the worry of being discovered. I'll find a way to pay them back eventually, I always pay my debts, no matter how hard it is to do. Laying on my bed I feel my eyes drift shut, sleep claims me willingly and for once my dreams are peaceful.

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