My Co-Lover (H.F.T. & J.L.)

By herosfuckindimples

166K 5.9K 2.4K

"So what are we?" "I don't know what we are. I don't care either what we call it. I only know what you are" "... More



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By herosfuckindimples

"And then I jumped into the river and dragged the puppy out. I was soaked and got a cold after but it was totally worth it", Andrew finished explaining his story.

We were all out for dinner and Andrew was introducing himself by telling stories about his life. Everybody was literally so charmed from him.

"Aww that's the sweetest thing ever", Pia said batling her eyelashes and then resting her head on her palm.

"Yeah, you're amazing", Khadija continued caressing slightly his arm. She literally had heart eyes on.

Even Innana, who was not usually the flirly type, was now twirling stands of her hair with her finger and throwing compliments here and there.

I held back the urge to roll my eyes and punch him in the face.

"You're so brave, darling", Jo said holding his arm with both of her hands and she leaned in placing a sweet kiss on his cheek.

"So, Hendrick, what do you do for a living?", I asked turning the attention to me.

"It's Andrew", he replied sweetily. There was no annoyance in his voice, which made me get annoyed.

"I'm actually working at a publicing office. It's amazing there. And I'm working right now on my first ever book. I'm really looking forward to publicing it"

Why is he pulling a Hardin? Could he be more annoying?

"That's so romantic", said Pia

"That's so Hardin-ish", Jo laughed.


"Is that a good thing?", he turned at her, a smirk on his face that I wanted to wipe off forever.

Relax, Hero.

I took a deep breath trying to follow my thoughts.

"Well, concidering I'm literally in love with the guy that's a great thing", Jo replied.

He smiled and she did the same.

They kept looking at each other smiling like two idiots.

"Aw they're so in love. It's cute", Shane whispered to me.

"Cute? How could they be cute? That's disgusting! And how could they be in love? The dude probably doesn't know what love is 'cause he's too buzy saving puppies from rivers", I exclaimed.

Shane's eyes widened with a smile.

"Woah, dude. I knew you were jealous, but not that much. Try to turn it down a little. I don't think Jo would appriciate you beating up her boyfriend"


"Jealous? The fuck I'm not jealous! He's just-- he's just a douche. That's it!"

He raised his hands in surrender and went back to eating his food.

The night went smoothly. Andrew saying his crappy stories and the girls throwing themselves at him.

I was surprised Jo didn't say anything. I mean I would be bothered if a couple of guys were flirting with my date.

We all said our goodbyes and we parted ways. I was supposed to drive Josephine back to the hotel, when Andrew decided he wanted a ride from me as well.

He and Jo sat on the backsit and I was driving. I really didn't want to be their personal driver but at the point I had no choice.

They were laughing and chatting and when I heard a couple of kissing noises I almost lost it. I gripped hard the staring wheel not even wanting to know what was happening. I looked at the mirror to see the back when my eyes fell on a blushing Josephine and an Andrew who was leaving open mouthed kisses on her cheek and jaw.

I cleared my throat not only to cut them off but also to clear my own thoughrs off.

I was almast willing to crash this car just to get rid off him. But I decided against it.

When we reached Andrew's place they stood for a moment looking at each other.

"Jo", he started. "Wanna come to my place for tonight?", he asked.

I gripped the staring wheel harder even though the car was not moving.

"Uhh", Jo trailed off.

She was thinking about it.

I galped and looked at the mirror. She cought my gaze in the mirror with a questioning look like she was asking for permission.

"Sorry no", she blurted out quickly and I let out a sigh of relief. "I just- we're fimling early tomorrow and I need to get ready"

"That's okay maybe another time?"

"Of course"

He got out of the car and she did as well. I though she was going to follow him for a second but the she opened the front door and plopped to the passenger sit.

She sighed in frustration and ran a hand through her hair.

I hardly fought the urge to let my hand do that for her.

She cought my gaze and smiled. I did too.

"What?", she asked.

"What?", I asked back still with a smile.

"You're on your Hardin-love-gaze", she said motioning two fingers up and down.

"I am?", I smirked. "Well, my bad"

I started the car and drove off while she had a confused face.

After a few minutes she broke the silence.

"I'm hungry", she anounced putting a hand on her belly.

"Wanna stop somewhere?", I asked.

"Tacos please"

I laughed at her cuteness and drove to the direction to get tacos.

We ordered three and sat on the car Jo taking immediatelly the bag in her hands.

We sat in silence just eating. I was devouring on a taco, when I heard a click. I turned my head and saw Jo holding her phone and taking a picture of me.

"Aw you're so cute", Jo said looking at the photo zooming in and out with her fingers.

My heart skipped a bit but I tried to ignore the feeling.

I looked at the photo and I saw me eating a taco like my life was depending on it. That photo was definitely not cute at all.

"I'm posting it", she exclaimed.

"What? No!", I yelled and reached to grab the phone from her.

"Come on, Hero! It's probably one of your cutest photos. Give me the joy to share it to the world", she laughed but I tried to grab the phone again.

She put her hands behind her back, the phone with her, and looked at me mishieviously.

"You're so evil"

My hands grabbed her sit, one next to her left hip and the other on the window behind her, and I lifted myself getting closer trying to reach for the phone.

"You're not getting it nah nah nah! I'm posting it!", she said again.

"Come on Jo", I said annoyed but I also laughed a little.

I reached for the phone behind her back but her hold was firm.

It was then when I realised our potition and how close we were. I mean the car didn't have much space. Our noses were almost touching and I could feel how slower her breath had become matching with mine.

She licked her lips and my gaze immediately fell on them.


My whole body shivered like a cold wind had ran through me.

I looked back at her eyes finding her staring at me again.

"Okay I won't post it"


It took me a moment to realise what was she was talking about.

I nodded my head and went back to driving trying to ignore the heavy feeling on my chest and the ache of my heart.


"So today we're filming a Trevor-Tessa-Hardin scene", Anna said.

We were filming the scene were Hardin goes to Seattle to find Tessa with Tevor and then Tessa seduces him into having sex with her.

The scene was ending with a make out and a sex scene and to be honest I was really nervous. I mean I know it's the job and it's all platonic, but it's Jo i'm kissing we're talking about.

I reajusted my -well Hardin's- white shirt and took a deep breath to calm myself.

"And action!"

"Tessa open the fucking door! I know you're in here", the plot and the lines weren't exactly the same as the book but Anna tried to keep it as similar as possible.

Jo opened the door of Tessa's supposed hotel room.

I noticed Trevor behind her and immediately went for him.

"What the fuck are you doing in her room?", I yelled getting into the role of Hardin.

The scene rolled smoothly and before I knew it Tessa and Hardin were yelling at each other.

"Oh my God, Tess", I said frustrated sitting at the bed and running my hands through my hair.

"Answer me honestly", I continued my british accent thicker than usual because of the 'anger'. "Did you fuck him?", Jo acted surprised.


"Did you fuck him?"

"Okay, Hardin maybe I did. What is it to you?", she yelled.

"What did you say to me?'

"Maybe I did fuck him. Right on this bed. And he was running his hands all over my body while-"

"Shut the fuck up! Shut the fuck up now, Tessa"

The fact that I actually started imagining what she was saying didn't help at all and I was getting even more frustrated.

She looked at me with hunger, like Tessa would, and it made my heart start racing.

It's just acting, Hero. Get a grip.

She suddenly came and sat on my lap putting her knees on either side of my hips, like the script said.

I gulped.

She conected her lips to my neck.


I closed my eyes affected.

"Tess, what- what are you doing?"

"You either stay here and fuck me, Hardin, or leave", she said and I couldn't help to notice how pink her cheeks got when she said those words.

She started kissing my neck again. I slightly pushed her away. "You don't want this"

When her toungue touched the sking over my pulse I literally lost it. I closed my eyes titlling my neck to the side trying to give her better access and I let out a deep sigh.

"Tessa, y-you know I-I can't say no to y-you", I stutered my line, showing how affected I was.

It wasn't me who was affected, it was Hardin, right? It's just a role!

She started grinding her hips on me and instead of letting her I put my hands on her hips stopping her movements.

I couldn't take it.

I'd die.

I don't think she knew what she was doing either because she ran her fingers into my locks and I felt her sucking on one particular spot on my skin for a little longer than she should have.

When I felt her teeth bitting my skin for a moment, this was it for me.


The sound escaped my lips quickly without me even realizing it. It was more of a whipmer, but even if it wasn't I think that my pride would be too big for me to admit that it was a moan.

Jo stopped kissing my neck and pulled away to look at me with a smirk on her face and a raised eyerow.

I heard the word "cut" and my face went completely red. I mean, tomato red.

The directors were pretty cool about it but I couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

I had just moaned my co-star's name while filming a kissing scene.

And the fact that Jo was smiling at me teasingly about it, didn't help at all.

We took a one minute break to calm ourselves down a little bit, so we could film the scene again.

I saw Jo taking a water bottle and bringing it to her lips to gulp the liquid down. After she drunk a bit of water she let the tip of the bottle linger a little bit longer on her lips. Just then I noticed how her lips were glistening from the water that was on them and all I could think was how to dry them off with mine.

What the fuck, Hero?

I've never had these kind of thoughts before, escpessially for Jo. What the hell was happening to me? I was starting to freak out.

It's just a phase, it'll go away.

We started re-filming the scene. We ended up on the bed again, Jo,as Tessa kissing my neck firmly and me,as Hardin,trying to pull back from her.

She kissed my jaw, my cheek and then landed a square kiss on my lips.

I kissed back before pulling away again.

"Tessa-", she cut me off by crashing her lips on mine again. I grabbed her head while we both shared an open-mouthed kiss. My fingers ran from her cheek to her hair and ended up holding the back of her neck.

I tried to pull away, like Hardin would do, but I couldn't because she grabbed my neck and placed her lips on mine again.

Well, I wasn't complaining.

Wait, what was my next line again?


The rest of the day went by us filming the same scene over and over again. We were both distracted and couldn't get it right.

In the end of the day we got it and I couldn't help but be more flustered than ever.

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