Wallflower ( BNHA x fem!Reade...

By chidoriedasf

136K 4.6K 6.2K

What happens when Y/N falls into the world of Boku No Hero Academia (My Hero Academia)? She fucks shit up of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 13

3K 131 111
By chidoriedasf

Chapter 13- "A safe place"

Y/N was back at school, having decided to ignore the problem at hand.

She saw this coming months ago. Hell, she even voiced Hitoshi her concerns about something coming for her. Albeit this was a little different from what she had in mind. This felt like psychological torture, like whoever was behind this was trying to make her feel alone and vulnerable. All of the 'attacks' centered around her dreams, and now reality. The dreams spent weeks breaking her down, making her exhausted and jumpy, taking her to a dark place she's never been before. Then when it took on reality, it felt like all of her fears were bought to life, leaving her mind somehow. It felt like her enemy was all in her head—she inhaled sharply at the thought.

All in my head..

What if... what if she was only imagining this? Sure she's never had an overactive imagination, even as a child she was frighteningly realistic. But, this was a strong possibility.

Just think about it.

In all the fanfics she's ever read, when the main character went to another universe, there was always this big reason why. Maybe she was searching so desperately for a reason?

It was true, her mind couldn't grasp the fact that she was in this world. Not being able to know how she got here, why this was happening, it would make any sane person go a little mad.

So is that what was happening to her? Could those dreams be a manifestation of her internal confusion? Could they have somehow made its way to hallucinations?

It is entirely possible. The thought oddly sent a sick comfort to the poor girl. Being delusional seemed to be the better choice than there actually being someone after her.

That has to be it.

There was no way in hell anyone could be after her. She wasn't even special.. was she?

Y/N shook her head. I'm not special. I wasn't before this world, and I am not now.

Sighing heavily, the H/C haired girl made her way into the classroom. Her eyes instantly locking with the fluffy green haired boy.

Her heart faltered for a second. She felt awful. The curly haired girl had been so into whatever was going on in her head, that she completely forgot about the beautiful boy.

Since it was early, she had time to show him that she still liked him a lot and she wasn't going anywhere.

Quickly stumbling over to him, she launched herself into his arms. Midoriya was taken aback by her sudden boost of energy and affection, but he didn't hesitate in returning the embrace, swiftly catching the girl.

Y/N buried her head into his neck, lightly peppering the smooth exposed skin with kissed.

"Mf fo forry." She muffled out, her words clouded by the fabric of his blazer.

A chuckle found its way past the boys lips, his arms tightening around the girl in his arms. His head dipping down to her ears, whispering the cutest phrases to her.

Finally pulling away, Y/N let her feet fall to the ground. The green haired boys hand finding its way to her cheek, the other swiftly pulling her close.

"It's okay, I know you had a lot going on." He smiled softly at her.

I do not deserve such a wonderful human bean.

A wide smile broke out on the girls face, grabbing the tie around the boys neck to pull him in a kiss. Her lips met something other than his own, a shirt?

Confused, Y/N looked down to see a fabric separating the two. Eyes narrowing to find the culprit, she came face to face with the famous Aizawa Shota.

Midoriya was a flustered mess, apologizing vigorously and bowing to a perfect 90 degree. Meanwhile the H/C haired girl stood there with a bored expression and her hand on her hip.

"We will not be having any of that, in class." He replied in a bored tone, catching the other students attention.

Y/N clicked her tongue. She honestly had no idea where this newfound sass was coming from, but she could not stop the words from flying out of her mouth.

"Funny isn't it mute man, you didn't seem to be saying any of that when I saw you in the staff room with H-mmff" Aizawa cut the girl off with his familiar cloth, scowling at the loud mouthed teen.

Although the faint blush did not get past the said teen. With a roll of her eyes, she smirked under the cloth.

"Please be seated you troublesome child." He ordered, releasing Y/N from his hold. Mumbling out something about Hizashi and her being too loud and obnoxious.

Snorting as she plopped down in her seat. She mumbled loud enough for him to hear but not others.

"You seem to like loud and obnoxious, so I fail to see the problem."

Aizawa literally facepalmed, completely done with her bullshit.

After the first half of the day was done, Y/N found herself being lectured by Aizawa about PDA and being obnoxious. Of course the girl brought up how he was a hypocrite because he does the same thing with a certain loud blonde teacher. This resulted in the teacher completely giving up on his scolding and shooing the child off to lunch.

As Y/N walked to the mess hall, she unconsciously decided on taking a slight detour. For some reason she couldn't help but go this way, it was like something was guiding her feet.

Chalking it up to curiosity, she continued on her way, taking a look into the empty classrooms that she passed along the way. Not quite understanding what she was looking for, the girl kept strolling hoping to find whatever it was.

That was until she stumbled into someone, almost falling on the floor from the sudden impact. Expecting to come into contact with the cold hard floor, but instead feeling a firm grip on her waist. The curly haired girl looked up at the person with wide eyes, already preparing to apologize for being so clumsy.

Y/N's wide E/C eyes met sharp grey ones, her heart faltering momentarily.

"You should really be more careful." He spoke, letting his hands fall to his sides once he was sure that she was one her feet properly.

"I- I'm sorry.." She mumbled, looking down to the ground in embarrassment.

His eyes burned into her skin as he stared at her. She felt uncomfortable under his gaze, yet she still couldn't find it in herself to move. This man was absolutely beautiful, and somehow that scared her. It was almost like he was too put together—he kind of reminds her of Kakashi from Naruto. But of course he didn't have a scar—still he could pass for his twin.

The way he looked at her made her feel vulnerable and stupid, a feeling she wasn't accustomed to. While she absolutely hated it, her body still refused to accept her commands and hightail it the fuck out of there.

"I've seen you around here from time to time.." He started to speak again, his voice smooth and bored all at once. "You're in class 1A right?"

Y/N kicked at the ground, nodding slowly. Her eyes still downcast, afraid to meet his own.

He hummed, finger hooking under her chin to raise her face. The H/C haired girl's breath caught in her throat, her eyes screaming uncertainty and slight panic.

"You know L/N F/N, it's rude to avoid eye contact with your superiors while they're speaking to you. You 'ought to be punished for such things." The silver haired man spoke in a tone that made the girl stand up straight. The way his voice and demeanor demanded respect scared her ever so slightly.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean it, er, Mr—"

"Hide." He smirked, seemingly amused by the now flustered girl in front of him.

"Hide.." She added slowly. "Um I should get go—"

"But what about your punishment? Did you think I'd let you off that easily?" He stated boldly.

Y/N felt herself shrink, she has never gotten into trouble before by a teacher. Sure she would get lectured by Aizawa for being sassy, but that was never serious. This felt serious. This felt predatory.

Cautiously taking a step back as he took one forward, she tried to reason.

"I was just surprised is all! I swear I didn't mean to be rude.. Mr. Hide, I promise I will not disrespect you again. I have never been in trouble before and-" A soft gasp left her lips as her back pressed into the cold wall.

His arms trapped her, one on either side of her head. His head dipping towards her ears, small breaths making her knees buckle in fear. He didn't speak at first, it was like he was breathing in her anticipation and fear of being reprimanded.

She knew she shouldn't be afraid of a teacher, they'd never hurt a student, right? But this man, the way he spoke, the way he trapped her. This didn't feel very professional or safe for that matter.

A soft hum emitted from his chest, his head turning to look the poor girl straight in her eyes, a smirk gracing his features.

"Are you afraid?" His voice was soft, but not in a comforting way. It was almost like a predator talking to its prey, trying to get a rise out of them before they finished them off.

"L/N!" A deep voice called out from the opposite end of the hallway. It momentarily caught Hide off guard, enough for Y/N to slip out of his arms and run towards the voice.

Almost crashing into the poor boy, Y/N scrambled behind him, slightly clutching onto his blazer.

His eyebrows furrowed questioningly, wondering why she was running and why she was so scared.

His heterochromatic eyes met the grey eyes of the man that stood at least 20 feet away from him. He narrowed his eyes at the unfamiliar man, taking a step forward in an attempt to go and question him. But, a small tug pulled the bicolored haired boy back.

Turning his head slightly to meet wide E/C eyes. Y/N shook her head rapidly, her eyes pleading with him to just take her and go.

He sighed, turning to take another look at the mysterious man, only to find an empty hallway.

"T-Todoroki.." She whispered out, grabbing his hand and pulling him the opposite way. Y/N was extremely thankful that he came when he did, and all she wanted to do was get the hell away from that area.

Allowing her to pull him away, he found himself wondering about what the hell happened before he got there. Hell, what could've happened if he hadn't.

Once they were far away and almost at the mess hall, Todoroki stopped them from walking.

Y/N refused to look at him, afraid that if she did she would be vulnerable again, and she had enough of that with Hide. So her eyes found comfort in the laces of her dirty shoes.

"L/N," He spoke up calmly, trying his best not to sound too pushy, as he was concerned for his classmate. "I won't force you to tell me what happened. But, just know that you can talk to me, okay? Even if we aren't that close, I promise I will listen."

It was silent for a moment, before she decided that it was best to tell him. He was right, they weren't that close because of his very reserved and closed off nature. But Todoroki was always nice when they did speak, and she knew from the amount of times watching the series that he was extremely caring and kind.

"He just made me feel uncomfortable.. I was a-afraid." She admitted, causing the boy to frown.

"What did he do?" The bicolored hair boy asked softly.

"I had run into him while I was on my way to lunch, and I apologized. But, he just gave me this weird feeling—I don't know how to explain it. Now that I'm saying it out loud, it actually sounds kind of stupid. But the way he looked at me, the way he told me that he was going to punish me for being rude, I just... I got a little freaked out." She sighed, running a hand down her face.

She felt like she was over exaggerating, but she couldn't shake that feeling. He made her feel small. He made her feel like he was hunting her and that he'd finally caught her—his prey.

A hand came to rest on her shoulder comfortingly, causing her to look up.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that, and the way you feel doesn't sound stupid at all. I completely understand." And he did. Todoroki knew better than anyone what it felt like to be under the gaze of a predator. Hell, his father looked at him like that every damn day. He didn't doubt her feelings for a second, because even he felt it from a distance, that man was trouble.

"Oi, icyhot, get your hand off of her." A loud voice suddenly spoke up, making the girl jump.

The girl mentally rolled her eyes. The bicolor haired boy was only trying to make her feel understood, hell he even saved her from whatever the hell happened back there. But leave it to Bakugou to misinterpret the whole situation. Still, even if he was being a knucklehead right this moment, she was happy as hell to hear his voice.

After shooting a reassuring smile and a soft thank you to Todoroki, Y/N took off at full speed. Bakugo's eyes widened, completely caught off guard by her actions yet again.

"Katsuki!" She yelled out ready to jump into his arms.

He immediately opened his arms, bracing himself so he didn't drop her. Like a lightning bolt, she yeeted herself into his arms. He caught her swiftly, not once stumbling. Y/N's arms found their way around his neck, her head tucked under his chin.

Bakugou had no idea what just happened, but from the way she was still slightly shaking and the way she held onto him, he knew something freaked her out.

As much as he hated to admit it, he could read this girl so easily. He knew any and everything that ran through her mind. He could tell when she was scared, sad, tired, doubting herself, lonely, happy, annoyed, upset—you name it. Bakugou had no idea how he knew these things, he just did. And in this moment, he was thankful that he did.

Y/N didn't know why, but a few seconds of being near Katsuki, and she was calm again. She even almost forgot about what happened earlier.

Katsuki's arms tightened around the girl, and she knew. She knew he was aware of how scared she was the moment she made it into his arms. She had no idea how she knew, but she was grateful that all he did was hold her instead of interrogate her.

In a world that was starting to make her feel alone, scares, and confused—he made her feel safe.

And she never wanted to let that go.

A/N, I'm sorry I took so long to update. Kind of trying to figure out how to put things in this story. Also I need to add more moments w my baby Todoroki :,)

Here's the chapter GIF:

Anywhooo, I hope I didn't bore you too much! Thank you for reading! ILY :D


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