Fire Meets Ice

By JonerysStories

158K 3.3K 674

After Daenerys climbed on Drogon narrowly escaping the Sons Of The Harpy, her dragon takes her to castle blac... More

Fire Meets Ice
The Dothraki Sea
Vaes Dothrak
The Unburnt and The Warrior
The Rightful Queen
Under Attack
My Reign Has Just Begun
Hand Of The Queen
Battle For Winterfell
The King
What The Future Promises
Mama's Home
What Did You Just Say?
What You Mean To Me
Boy or Girl?
The Man I love
7 years...
Tell Me A Story
Forget The World
Do You Remember?
A Princesses Love
The Lords And Ladies
Aegon Targaryen
Targaryen Name
Union Of Fire & Ice
The Consummation

Heart Broken

5.9K 102 20
By JonerysStories


After he brought Sansa into his chamber they talked around a fire.

"We never should have left Winterfell" he said staring into the flames.

"I wish I could go back and tell myself to not go" she whispered.

Before Jon could answer that she spoke again.

"I spent a lot of time thinking about what an ass I was to you" She said looking at him, he looked to the floor "I wish I could have changed a lot of things" she whispered.

"We were children" he stated looking back at her.

"I was awful just admit it" she said with a slight smirk

Jon chuckled at that "You were occasionally awful" he said smiling.

"Can you forgive me?" she asked.

"There's nothing to forgive" he replied but she was persistent. "Forgive me" she said smiling "Alright" he laughed a bit "Alright I forgive you" Sansa laughed at that.

"Who's the pretty blonde girl?" she asked smiling.

"Daenerys Targaryen" he answered knowing it would shock her.

Sansa's jaw dropped "The Mother of Dragons is here! Why?"

"Her Dragon brought her here the night I died" he said his tone dropping.

"Well do you know why? Is she staying?" she asked

"I have to ask her that tonight, I have a meeting with her to discuss everything" he said

Sansa smiled "Just Discuss? Don't go falling for her Jon, remember who she is and what her family did to ours" she said coldly

"She should not beholden to her family's sins" he said looking back at the fire.

Sansa studied him "You already have...."

"What?" he said confused.

"You have already fallen for her" she said staring at him.

"I have...not." He said trying to think of something to say.

"Jon just remember who she is and that it won't last. She is a queen In the south she will want to go home soon" she said walking to the door.

"Goodnight" she called as she left "Night" he responded but he was only thinking about her words.

'She will want to go home soon.' Her home was the south, he was a northern man he couldn't be with her. His heart dropped when he realised the truth...


She was excited for her meeting with Jon, she honestly just wanted to talk to him. She wanted him to come back south with her, she couldn't leave him.

She heard a knock on her chamber door. "Come in" she said. 

The red-haired girl walked into the room. "Your Daenerys Targaryen" she said staring at her.

"I am, what can I do for you?" she asked before putting on her furs to walk to Jon's cabin.

"Don't get to close to him" she said looking into her eyes.

"Who?" she asked but she already knew.

"Jon, he doesn't seem to realize that you will want to go home soon and that you are a Southern Queen. A Northman does not belong in the south" she said coldly.

Those words hit her hard, she needed to leave.

"Ok" is all she could say as she walked past her for Jon's chambers.

What if she was right? Why would Jon want to go with her...South? She didn't even know if he felt the same way she felt about him. She made it to his chamber door and knocked. He opened the door and she immediately felt butterflies in her stomach. "Come in" he said, so she did, sitting down near the warm fire.

"Look Dany" she loved the way he said that.

"You are a Southern Queen and you have to return soon to rule you people, so I don't want to get to close to you, for you to then just have to leave."

"Jon, I want you to come with me." She said not able to look at him. He stood up.

When he didn't respond for a while, she stood up and walked up to him. 

"Jon, I don't know what this is or how this happened but I...I have feelings for you I can't explain, and I can't leave here knowing you might have feelings for me too." She said looking into those deep Brown eyes for answers.


He couldn't believe she had just said that. But he knew what he needed to do even if it broke his heart into a million pieces.

"Just go Dany, I am sorry, but I don't have those same feelings for you." He said saw the look of complete heart break and pain in her eyes.

He immediately felt guilty, but he knew it was right. She had to back south and Jon had to stay in the North and take back his home.

"oh...ok" she said stepping back from him. His soul was demanding him to step closer to her, but he was fighting it off.

"I will leave in the morning then" she whispered as she walked out the door. When she was gone, he let go of a breath he didn't know he was holding and fell to one knee.

'I am an idiot! How could I do that? What is wrong with me? I have a chance at happiness with her and I am rejecting it for what? Warm weather?' He realised what he did was wrong, he stood up and walked to his door. He couldn't let her go.


She almost ran out of his room; she was crying she couldn't even remember the last time she cried was. She ran into her chamber and slammed the door behind her. She jumped onto her bed and cried into the soft pillow. She was angry, Jon had tricked her into thinking he had feelings for her.

'I guess I was wrong, he doesn't feel for me, I am an idiot of course he doesn't want to go South with me, why would he? He is a Northern man and he is loyal to his home.' Her heart had been shattered.

 She offered her heart and he broke it. She stood up and poured some wine. She sculled all of it and poured herself another and was going to scull that one but a knock on the door stopped her.

It was probably Sansa saying I told you so. She walked over at pulled the door open with force "What!" she yelled before seeing who it was. 

Jon was standing there looking at her she backed up into her room. "Go away Jon" she said trying not to cry. 

He stepped closer following her "Dany...I am so-"

"DON'T!" she yelled, she didn't want to hear an apology.

He stepped forward and a tear that she tried to hold in rolled down her cheek. He stepped forward again slowly closing the gape between them, this caused her to step back and bump into the wall behind her. Jon quickly closed the gap between them. 

He smelt like burning wood and ale...

"Dany, I lied...I do have feelings for you, I just thought it would have been better I you had gone home and forgotten about me." He said keeping eye contact with her.

She had heard enough she didn't want to let him any closer.

"Go away Jon" she said still crying, she hated being this weak, it made her mad that he made her this weak.

"No" he replied stepping even closer, she tried to back up, but the wall was still there.

"Leave me" She demanded.

"No" he replied again. Dany couldn't let him do this to her she wouldn't be played with.

"LEAVE JON!" She screamed tears rolling down her face, she closed her eyes and felt hands around her cheeks and thumbs wiping her fallen tears. 

Jon's face was now millimeters away from hers.

"No" he whispered and brought his lips to hers.

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