Life With Superman (Completed)

By iam_adrianaj

66.4K 2.3K 233


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 7

2K 81 3
By iam_adrianaj

sorry for any mistakes

Cash's POV

I stood there for a second watching Crystal walk away from me. I knew that what she seen gave her a different thought of what it really was. I didn't even want to walk back into Wing Stop because I didn't want to hear old girl's mouth. I had two situations on me but the one that I really needed to be focused about was with Dominique, the girl I came with. I walked back in and sat down at the table. I couldn't even touch my food. All I could do was look out the window and think about Crystal.

"So that's your other chick?" Dominique asked?

"No," I answered.

"So why did she run out?"

"Doesn't matter. Can you stop asking questions about her?"

"Okay. Well since she's not your other chick, I was thinking we should make it work," Dominique said making me look at her upside her head.

"Look we're here to celebrate me and you being first time parents. Not here to get back together and make things work out."

"So you're wanting to work things out with that girl that you ran after?" Dominique questioned with her full attention on me.

"What me and Crystal got going is none of your business until my child is born. When he or she is born then ask me about Crystal."

"You know what this was a waste of my time. I'm leaving."

I chunked the deuces at Dominique and watched her go to her car. I didn't want to be with her at all. She played my ass hard and she really thought that because she's having my child that I was going to go back with her. I didn't care about her like that. I cared about her as the mother of my child. That's all. One situation was out of the way. Now all I had to do was deal with Crystal. She's the one I want to work things out with.

I started my car once I got in and began to head to Chaz's crib. I knew Crystal probably didn't want to see me but I refuse to leave without talking to her. Chaz and Casey were out. The boys were in the game room playing around with Saige and Jasmine. That only meant that Crystal was in her room watching movies and eating cookies and cream ice cream. I didn't knock on the door. I just walked in and I was right. Crystal was watching The Best Man Holiday and eating cookies and cream ice cream. I knew my baby. Well soon to be baby hopefully.

"Can I come in?" I asked.

"You're already inside," She said with an attitude.

"Look I know what it might have looked like but its not that. Dominique is my baby mama. I just found out a couple of days ago. I only care about her as the mother of my child. Nothing more," I said making my way to the side of Crystal's bed.

"Cash I really don't want to talk,"

"So you're going to stay mad at me for no reason?"

"I don't care about your baby's mother. I'm pissed cause you didn't tell me from the jump and on top of that you've been ignoring me," She said taking a long breath afterwards as if she was holding something back.

"What else is on your mind cause a girl just don't get mad at stuff like that if she's just a friend?" I asked taking my shoes off then getting under the covers with her.

"Do you see me as just a friend?" She asked with her head down. I thought for a second then answered her question by lifting her head up and saying," I see you as my girl. I don't want to rush anything but I do want you to be mine. I'm sorry for making you feel the way you felt today and I do want to make it up to you and show you that I do want you. Not only sexually but mentally."

Crystal looked at me with her mouth widened a little bit. I smirked at her then licked my lips before giving her a long passionate kiss. She let her hands roam over my head pulling me closer to her. I positioned myself on top of her and began to suck on her neck making her moan softly. I started getting hot so I took my shirt off. Crystal's eyes got big as they roamed my body. Something about her just made me want her.

"Why are you staring at me?" Crystal asked.

"You're staring at me," I answered while taking both her shorts and panties off.

"I'm sorry and what are you doing?"

"Don't be sorry and don't worry I'm not going that far with you tonight but I am going somewhere," I said before diving in. Crystal began moaning real loud as I played around. She couldn't be still for nothing which was funny cause she couldn't take my tongue. I wanted to make love to her but I wanted to wait until she made the first move or gave me confirmation that she wanted to go that far. It didn't matter how long we waited for that. I played around for a few more minutes and then she finally came. I kissed it then kissed her body all the way up until I made it to her lips. I looked at her as she looked at me then we just laughed. I laid down beside her. She got on top of me and laid her head on my chest. I kissed her forehead and we just laid there not saying a word until we fell asleep. This was definitly the girl I wanted to have something special with and I was going to make that happen.

Dominique's POV

"So what happened?" My friend asked me.

"He turned me down," I said sitting down slowly.

"So what's your next move?"

"I got something in mind," I said.

"I hope don't no one get hurt cause you know your ass is beyond crazy."

I was extremely pissed that Cash turned me down for some bitch that probably ain't shit. I know he's still hurt that I cheated on him but he can't replace what we have for something that is nothing. Cash was my baby and still is my baby and I will do anything to get him back. That's why I told him that this baby is his even though I really don't know. I got pregnant around the time that I cheated on him. Cash I had sex a couple days before I had sex with the other dude. I didn't know how much I loved Cash until he left me and when he did leave, I was heartbroken. Everyone makes mistakes and I believe everyone deserves a second chance. This Crystal girl was just going to have to move to the side and give me back what's mine which is Cash. I knew exactly who she was. Her sister was married to the biggest drug dealer in Georgia. There's was no way I was going to let the bitch win. All I had to do was make a call and have her taken out or get her to do something that will make Cash leave her just like he left me. Cash and I are soon to be a happy family.

*phone call*

"Hello," my cousin, Rod answered.

"Hey cousin. I need a favor," I said.

"Wassup? Anything for you,"

"You know Chaz right? The dealer,"


"Well he has this sister in law and I want her taken out asap," I said.

"No problem. Hopefully Chaz will bow down once it's done,"

"Thank you. See you tomorrow,"

I hung up the phone and smiled. I always got what I wanted. My family knew I was a bitch and whatever I asked for I better get it or else it was going to be hell on Earth and that was a promise. Crystal might as well spend time with all the people she love because in the next forty-eight hours, she's going to be meeting her maker and Cash was going to be mine again.

A little short but comment and vote. Tell me what you guys think :)

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