Trapped in His Web

By Universal_Love97

187 2 0

Peter Parker was a normal high school student, except for being Spider-man, looking for a part-time job. Find... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 15

9 0 0
By Universal_Love97

Tying his tie, Peter looked at himself in the mirror. It was the night of the dance in Central Park. Luckily, he had a few more hours until it started but wanted to be dressed so he could leave right away with M.J. Setting down on my bed, I picked up a framed picture from my nightstand. He sighed sadly looking at the picture. "You probably would have loved something like this. I wish you could be here... I miss you so much." Hearing his phone go off, he set the picture down and answered it. "Hello?"

"Hey, tiger. Are you ready yet? The guys want us to meet them there early."

"Yeah. Just... can we stop somewhere before we go? It's really important."

"Peter... you can't keep going there all the time. It's not healthy."

"I don't go there all the time."

"Bullshit. I talked to Aunt May already to see how your mental health was. She said that you go there almost every day. Do you really think she'd want that from you? You visiting her grave so much that it tears you apart? I don't think she does. I know I sound like a bitch but it's the truth. I'll be there in ten minutes... be ready."


Everyone was gathered in the beautifully decorated Central Park. Beautiful dresses and well-made suits were worn, everyone hoping to catch the eye of someone special. Even Wade was there, but not as himself.

"Well actually in a way I am myself. Don't let the author try and fool you. I just snuck one of those cool watches from S.H.E.I.L.D. that lets you look like someone else. I put in what I looked like before Francis fucked up my heavenly face."

"Wade Wilson. Are you breaking the fourth wall again?"

"Speaking of heavenly faces." Smirking a bit, Wade turned to see a surprised Peter. "Baby boy! Look at you all dressed up in a fancy suit."

"W-what... you look..."



"Yeah. This is what I used to look like before that bag of dick tips turned me into... yeah, that."

"You don't need some watch. I think you look per- "

"Peter!" Jumping into the conversation, Johnny smiled and slung an arm around Peter. "I didn't know you'd be here. I'm glad you are you thought. We need to spend some more time together. I'll save a dance just for you."

"Thanks, but no thanks, Johnny. I was in the middle of a conversation."

"Who could be more important to talk to then me?" Looking up at Wade, his eyes went wide. "...Hey, Peter, can I get that dance now?"

"No. Don't you have some girls to go make swoon? I want to hang out with my friend."

"I thought we were friends."

"I have no idea what we are!"

"Well Storm, you heard him. Now, why don't you go and start a campfire or something?" Wade said, now getting annoyed with the egotistic teenager.

"Excuse you? I'd watch your mouth if I were you, Wilson. Yeah, you didn't think anyone would notice, did you? Wear that watch and pretend to be normal all you want. It's not going to change the fact that you're- "

"Hey! Would you two knock it off? Especially you Johnny. What you're saying is completely uncalled for."

"Whatever. I'm gonna go hang out with Sue. If you want me, you know where to find me."

Watching him walk off, Peter sighed out. "I'm sorry about him Wade." Turning to face the merc, he was surprised and a bit scared to see that he wasn't there. "Wade?" Walking around for a few minutes, hoping to find him, Peter breathed a sigh of relief when he saw him just ahead of where he was standing. "Wade!"

Looking over, he gave a small wave before going over. "Hey, Pete. Sorry about running off I just..."

"No. No, it's okay. I understand. And don't mind Johnny, he's just a jerk sometimes, most of the time. Especially when he's jealous. So... why did you pick this place to run off to?"

"Oh. No reason. Okay, there is a reason. My daughter Ellie is meeting me here tonight. I told her that I'd be here and that I'd dance with her."

"You have a daughter?"

"Yes. Her name is Eleanor but I call her Ellie. She is so beautiful. She gets it from her mother there's no doubt."

"Come on. She has to get something from you."

"Nope. Not a thing. She looks just like her mother. Her tan skin, brown eyes, and dark hair. But oh boy does she act like me. Expect for the nerd stuff."

"What do you mean? You are a nerd. I think the word you're looking for is a geek. Which I am."

"No, you're a nerd."

"Nerds and geeks are two different things Wilson, which I am both of. And before you try and argue it, yes you can be both."

"Look here, Parker. You're lucky that you're cute or else."

"Or else what?"

"Oh my god, could you two stop flirting? I don't like the sight of it. I barely like the idea of it. Then again, I'm really not one for sharing." Tony piped up now in front of the two, drink in hand. Looking them over, he rose an eyebrow. "Isn't the- "

"Hey, would you look at the time. Welp, I should go and see what's keeping Ellie. I'll see you later tonight baby boy." Making a quick escape, Wade felt bad for leaving Peter there with the flirty and handsome rich guy but didn't need the watch taken away just yet.

"Goddammit, Wade. I swear. So, Tony, I wouldn't have expected you to be at such a small party like this one. I mean, the only thing to do here is dance with every little drinks that are to your liking."

"I came prepared, don't you worry about me." Finishing whatever was in the cup he set it down. "Speaking of dancing, care to join me?"

"You want me to slow dance with you?"


"I don't think so. I'm not very good at it. I might end up stepping on your foot or something."

"I'm sure it'll be worth it."

"You're not going to let me get out of it, are you?"

"No, no I'm not."


For the next few hours, Peter danced with different people and had started to enjoy himself. When he was slow dancing with Tony, Johnny had stepped in and that began a competition on who could pull the cheesiest and flirtiest dance moves on him until Wade stepped in and stole him for a normal dance that just consisted of the two bantering and laughing. Dancing with Clint and Natasha was interesting. They pulled him over to dance with them when Gangnam Style came on. He and Clint couldn't do the moves right and ended up tripping over each other's feet and watching from the ground as the Russian did it perfectly in her heels.

Spending time with Bruce was just talking about science stuff, which Peter wasn't complaining about, especially when they were joined by Tony and Reed. Their conversation turning into a promise of new ideas and amazing inventions. MJ spent most of her time with Natasha, and as much as he wanted to hang out with her, he enjoyed the break from her lecturing him. The only person he didn't get any time with was Steve. He hadn't been able to find him all night.

"You know, if you're looking for Steve he's over by the pond."

Jumping a bit, he whipped around to see a smiling Pepper Potts. "I-I wasn't..."

"You don't have to lie to me, Peter. Now go on before he moves locations again. I'm sure he'd love your company."

"Thanks..." Smiling in thanks, he made his way over to the pond and saw the soldier standing there and staring at the sky. "Hey. Steve." Going over next to him, he lightly put a hand on his shoulder, making the older look at him. "I finally found you."

"You were looking for me?"

"Yeah. What are you doing over here all by yourself?"

"Looking at the stars. Thinking. I'm not... really in a dancing mood."

"How come?" After the question left his mouth, Peter's eyes went wide at the next song that played. Tears slid down his cheeks as it played, bringing up sad memories. It being too much, he had to leave. To get out of there. To get away from the awful reminder.

"Peter?" Watching him, Steve started to get worried. "Peter. You okay?"

"I-I'm sorry. I have t-to go."



Sitting on top of the clock tower, Peter didn't hold the tears back and let him flow freely. "I'm so sorry Gwen. I tried. I tried so hard... I can't do it anymore. I can't be strong. I'm so tired... MJ's right. It's not healthy for me to be doing this. I can't keep coming here but where else am I supposed to go?" Looking out at the night, he ran his fingers through his hair to try and calm himself down. "I heard the song."

"Peter... there you are!" Running in, Steve stopped in his tracks at what he saw. Peter had red and puffy eyes, tear-stained cheeks. He looked like someone had just broken his heart. "Peter. Why did you run off? H-how did you even get up here?"

"I could ask you the same question..."

"Come on. I can't help you if you don't give me any answers."

"...I wasn't doing too good today. I didn't even want to go to the ball thing they were doing but I had promised MJ. My girlfriend, Gwen Stacy, had died here at this clock tower and it was my fault. The song they had played there happened to be the song I heard the night she had died. It... triggered something in me and I-I had to leave."

"Peter..." Taking a few steps closer, Steve tried to make sure he wouldn't upset him more or scare him off.

"I come here a lot. I shouldn't but... I can't help it."

It was silent between the two before Steve spoke up. "I didn't want to go there either. I wanted to run back to the tower once I saw all those people slow dancing. All it did was remind me that I didn't get my special dance with my special gal. I got offers to dance but... I wouldn't be the same. It felt like I was betraying her and our promise. If I do give my first dance to someone else, I want it to be with someone just as special as her." The two looked at each other, staring into each other's eyes. "Peter... will you dance with me?"

Speechless, Peter let Steve take his hand and watched him mess with his phone before setting it down, music began to play. He watched Steve place his hand on his shoulder, and put his own hand on his waist. "I-I... I'm not very good at this." His voice cracked as he tried to get the words out, his voice was broken from crying.

"It's okay. I'm not either." Guiding him, Steve kept his eyes locked on him as they danced, Flightless Bird, American Mouth filling the empty space. "You're doing good." Smiling, he brought him a bit closer.

"I don't understand. Why would you want to dance with me? I'm not..."

"Yes, you are. Even if you don't think so, or if no one else does, I think you are." Stopping them, Steve slowly leaned in giving him time to move away and placed a light kiss on his lips. Bringing his hands up, he gently caressed Peter's cheeks.

Pulling back from the kiss, Peter looked up at the wonderful man in front of him. "Steve."


Opening his mouth to speak, Peter was cut off by his phone ringing, causing him to groan. "Seriously?" Taking it out, he looked at it and opened the message. "What could be so important that..."

"Peter? What is it? What's wrong?"

"We have to get to the tower. Now."

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