Aizawa Izuku


864K 23.9K 15.8K

this is just another dadzawa fanfic, I don't own BNHA, but I love love love love love love it!!!!!!!!! Izuku... More

cha 1: the fire
Cha 2: The night Before
Cha 3: adjusting to new life and quirk
Cha 4: Erasure Heads Reaction
Cha 5: Out the Window and Almight
Cha 6: The Exam and a new Power
Cha 7: the surprise and new quirk
Cha 8: Fear, Quirk Assessment, new friends
Cha 9: Combat Training
Cha 10: Coming To Terms
Cha 11: A promise between old friends
Cha 12: The successor
Cha 13: Declaration of War
Cha 14: Dads encouragement
Cha 15: USJ
Cha 16: Son of Erasure Head
Cha 17: Almight and Nomu
Cha 18: Crush
Cha 19: Cousins and Iida's help
Cha 20: Sports Festival
Cha 21: Cavalry Battle
Cha 22: one on one fights begin
Cha 23: Battle Continues
Cha 24: I can do it
Cha 25: Its your Damn Power
Cha 26: The Matches Continue
SPECIAL: Different Versions
Cha 27: Award ceremony and After
Cha 28: Hero Names
Cha 29: My mentors Teacher
Cha 30: Gran Torino
Cha 31: Nomus, Stain and Revenge
Cha 33: Aftermath
Cha 34: Back to school
Cha 35: Number Names
Cha 36: Exams from Hell
Cha 37: Teacher's little Helper
Cha 38: Mutual Enemies and Rivals
Cha 39: Unexpected
Cha 40: Secret Life Of Deku
Cha 41: Underground Meeting
Cha 42: New Classmate & Grocery shopping
Cha 43: Eri
Cha 44: Little sister
Cha 45: Dream
Cha 46: Villains Rising
Cha 47: Dad away from home
Cha 48: Pool Training
Cha 49: Summer Camp
A/N: Theory
Cha 50: Camp
Cha 51: What Kind Of Hell Did we Sign up For?!
Cha 52: Temporal Alliance

Cha 32: Stain vs Deku

8.2K 260 29

Todoroki had just sent his location to everyone. And not only that but it was exactly where Iida was.

Izuku wasted no time. He ran to where the two were at the mercy of the hero killer. Izuku turned the corner and his widened in fear and shock.

Iida was down on his stomach as was Todoroki. Stain above Iida holding his sword, seconds away from sending the boy to the after life.

Izuku pulled out his guns and fired multiple times. All aimed for stain. The villain reacted quickly. Jumping and holding onto a fire escape.

Deku powered and charged. Stain knew about the boy from Shigaraki. He avoided all contact. He managed to nick him and devoured his blood. Nothing happened. This was going to be a challenge and he knew it

"Todoroki, how the hell did you get here!!!" Deku shouted.

Todoroki, Iida and the pro that was with them were shocked about the boys sudden appearance.

"I saw Iida walk run this place and followed"

"Iida your lucky Todoroki was around!" Deku scolded

Deku was fully equipped. Mask on, guns in hand. He almost looked like a black ops solider.

"Another kid tonight" stain snarled

"No matter I'll kill you all!!" Stain launched but Deku fired once more with his guns keeping him back.

Stain threw his blades and knocked the guns out his hand. He launched once more but the clang blades came. Deku pulled out his knives.

The two jumped back. The three injured were behind him. Deku activated erase and looked at stain. The others began to move. Deku tried to capture stain with his gear but the man dodged.

The three were now standing. Deku deactivated his quirk and the three instantly dropped once more, paralyzed.

"It looks like you guys have to sit this out"

"Ai-" Iida began

"Deku" Deku told him

"I'm going to be an underground hero, I don't want anybody to know my real name. The public will slowly forget me from the sports festival... so as I am now, I'm Deku" he told them

"But you can't take this guy down on your own" the pro hero native told him

"Why don't you just grab your friends and get out of here"

"A hero doesn't leave anyone behind!" The boy clad in black shouted as he charged after the villain

"A hero will jump headfirst into a burning building to save those still alive!"

Iida watched his friend battle against the villain. Blades clashing and sparks igniting. Guilt began to weigh down on him. All he had been doing was pushing his friends away.

"A hero smiles so that he can show that there is nothing worry about!"

"That's the type of hero I'm going to be and am!"

Todoroki felt he could move. He thought he was imagining things. He went down long after the pro and Iida. But he moved

Deku got kicked in the gut and sent back. Quirk suppressor were in the man's boots like Gran Torino.

The blade came down on Deku. Deku shifted his hand into blades.

"It's true" the man said as he backed up

"You have more than one quirk" the two circled each other.

"So this is the reason your grandfather wants you" the man said

Izuku was taken aback. What was he talking about he wondered. Even Todorki and Iida were taken aback by the words

"Being able to develop new quirks. Hope your mind is strong enough. Power corrupts you know. Just like how the pros are corrupted. The power they have, all of it makes them fakes.... only Almight. Only he has the right to be called a true hero"

"I don't know what your deal is, or whose grandfather your talking about... Power you say, well I was quite happy with the one I inherited from my father"

The man chuckled at the boy playing hero "do you even know of your lineage.... you boy hold more power than you think"

Stain threw a blade. It made its home in Deku's shoulder. The man took his chance and launched. A barrage of ice came at him. The man jumped back and turned to see Todoroki standing

Izuku noticed the dual boy was losing blood. A lot of it.

Iida felt he could move. He had been down for so long he felt stiff.

Stain launched at the defenseless Todoroki he looked like he was about to pass out. Deku pulled out the blade and launched his gear but he couldn't stop the blade.

The blade was mere centimeters away from the dual haired boy. Iida jumped in the last second and flipped breaking the sword and saving the boys life.

Deku's gear caught Stain and wrapped him up. Izuku pulled him and gave a blow to the gut, brute strength plus one for all made the man spit out blood. Deku held him down and took away his quirk.

Stain was still conscious. Deku tied him up with the scarf and left like that. The man was slowly drifting into unconsciousness. Deku had broken a couple of ribs with that single punch. Any movement and the chances of having his broken rib bones piercing his lung were high

"His going to escape if you leave him like that" Native said in surprise

"No blade can cut that thing" Deku said as he began working. From his utility belt he pulled out bandages and more. Todoroki fought hard and lost a lot of blood. Iida didn't look to be in any better shape

"This is all my fault" the boy said looking down

Todoroki was already out. Deku looked up to Iida and pulled down his mask. Izuku, even though injured was able to throw Todoroki over other shoulder

"You can say that" the boy began. Native was taken aback. He wanted to respond but Iida who he was helping to stand shook his head.

Izuku was both carrying Todoroki and pulling stain.

He sighed and looked back up to him. "Take this as a lesson. As a hero there will always be casualties. One must learn that he can't save everyone but must always try"

"I was like you.... No probably still am... But I'm not letting that cloud my judgment. Not anymore. Not after USJ"

"Spoken like a true hero" Stain snickered

Native glared at the man. Iida looked down. Izuku just sighed.

Next thing he knows his getting a boot to the face.

"Don't you know what you have done boy" Gran Torino shouted

"Don't worry, I knew this was going to happen so I got permission from dad"

"Your father is a pro?" Native asked as he and Iida gave a confused look

"Underground" was all Izuku said to the man. Stain narrowed his eyes at the boy.

He snickered once more. Having the blood of a hero run through as well as that of a villain. He wondered how shock he would be

"How did you know..." Iida asked

"I already said I was like you" Izuku pointed out once more

More pros began to show up. The heroin that he saved as well. She must have brought them here. Izuku did run in a panic in front of her.

"Shouto!" Endeavour's voice came

"What happened!!!" He shouted in anger. Izuku had to look twice to see it. He thought he was imagining things.

The number two pro was worried. Not for his tool but for his son. There was genuine worry in the man's eyes. He almost jaw dropped.

He gave the man his son and the hulking man held his boy like he was the most precious thing in the world.

There was a sudden screech, in the blink of an eye a Nomu came flying. The beats picked up the boy before anybody could react...

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