Call Me Dirty Minded

By RebelleMysteries

784K 31.6K 12.8K

Highest Rank #5 in Humour - Skye Einstein isn't your particular girl, even if she's the great grandchild of A... More

All Rights Reserved
1. Amazeberries
2. What to Do & What Not to Do (New Kid's List)
3. Mr. Goddess or Mr. God?
4. Hit My Humerous
5. Ass Fetish
6. Paint Me Wet
7. Drool Over the Artist
8. Call My Family Eccentric
9. Ms. Coffee & Mr Delicious Italian Teacher
10. Perks of Showering Naked
11. Suffocate in Squeezes
12. Le Butt Clutcher
13. Wet White T'shirts
14. Dirty Brownies
15. Surprises
16. Erotic Morning Voices
17. She's Excited He's Not
18. Girls Know How to Control the Balls
20. The Dirty Girl Got Me Whipped
21. My Anaconda Don't!
22. The Definition of a Real Man
23. Naughty Boys Always Have to Pay
24. Lights? Nah, Cookies and Batman!
25. The Smart, Strong, Horny, Naughty, Dirty-Minded and the Sexy
26. Sleeping Doritos
27. Beauty or the Beast
28. The Heart of Life
29. That is Zit!
30. The Fallen Angel
31. Kiss Me Slowly
32. Hello Badboy Bestfriend Awkward Hello Mr Goddess
33. You Chose the Right One
34. Cookie Thief
35. Borrowed Undies & A Road Trip
36. Dying a Virgin
37. F*ckbewb
38. C'est La Vie
39. Wicked Wolf and Little Red
40. Skye's Delicious Addiction
41. Soaked Mattresses & Mistresses
42. Entire Student Body Eating His Baked Goodies
43. Moans of Ecstasy
44. Hitting Hard Balls
45. Purchasing Diks & Dikheads
46. Upgraded Biters//Reduced Balls
47. Shrek is Loved in Cumberland
48. Wet Dreams
49. Goldilocks
50. Slipped Inside
51. Hits Runs & Regrets
52. Underneath the Erotic Fabrication Called Dustin
53. Dustin's Bulge
54. The Absent Truth
55. Dr Penny Trait
56. Buttered Her Muffin
57. Tattooed Heads
58. Twiddling Lips
59. Jiggling and Giggling
60. Oral Presentation
61. Period.
62. Fuzzy Holes
63. Jace Daddy
64. How to Cure a Hang Over

19. Boys in Lingerie

12.3K 584 192
By RebelleMysteries

Chapter 19

Boys in Lingerie

Relient K - Don't Blink


"And.... another STRIKE! BISHES! muahahahha" I yell out loud laughing.

"You are somehow cheating" Julian utters.

"You totally are!" Brooklyn grumbles.

"Babygirl, you're killing me!" Jace groans.

"You are .... holy sh*t" Dustin adds staring at me gobsmacked. Bowing I blow them all a kiss, "That's right! Take that!" I laugh sitting back down.

"Hey what are you doing?" Dustin asks raising a brow leaning a little closer. "Sitting" I beam raising an eyebrow back. He then scoffed nodding his head to his lap. I got what he meant, but remember I'm not easy. "Something wrong with your legs?" I look with concern around his legs then back up.

"Yes, it's cold" Dustin wails.

"Awh... get a blanket then." I answer then turn around looking uninterested and watch Brooklyn leaning over to bowl. I swear a boob is on the edge of falling out. "Hey!" Turning my head I look at him with his hand on my chin, he then smiles. "You can warm them"

"Nah, ask Julian?" I nod then turn back around to watch Brooklyn's moves.

"Nope I want you..." Dustin whines grabbing my waist and pulling me on his lap. "Hey!" I shout as he just replies, "Hi" and flashes his chin dimple smile. Bruh... why you gotta smile like that?

I immediately melt by his smile like goo. "HA HA YOU CAN'T BOWL!" Julian screams out laughing like a maniac. I briskly turn around to find Brooklyn pulling a kid bowling ball ramp to help her, I instantly roar with laughter.

Jace begins clutching his stomach from too much laughing as well as Dustin. Eventually the other guys turn and see what we're looking at and all contaminate in fits of laughter. Brooklyn turned bright red as she put the ramp in place, turning around she scowls at Julian "Watch your D*ck later, I will rip it offer with my teeth!"

I laugh nodding, "She's dead serious dude." His face immediately turns white, he stares down and keeps quiet.

Brooklyn made the "Ugh!" sound as she pushes the ball off the ramp like it was heaviest thing in the world. It then went straight to the gutter, again... charming.

Time passed by quick as the scores and rounds added it up, I was neck-a-neck with Dustin. Who would've thought Mr Goddess would be so damn good? Last round left and he was up, both our scores being, 212-116. Can you believe that? If he were to get 3 strikes in a row on the last round and I didn't, he'd win. As much as a sexy artistic guy he is, no one is beating me in this.

He got up giving me a little bite lip and a wink, okay it was sexy but I need to keep focus. He got his navy blue ball and walked to the line, he leant a bit with his leg bent back, swaying his right arm back he threw it in a good amount of speed, bowling nicely in a straight line down the middle.


Muther of God... please not another, please not another. I chant to myself crossing my fingers for dear life.


OH MY FORKING GOD! Stahp! I shut my eyes tightly scared for him to win another. Dustin turns giving a little cheeky smirk, he quickly walks up to me kissing me softly in surprise. "For good luck .." he whispers, winking. Damn you little ... Grr!


I smiled to myself as the fail attempt of winning a strike succeeded, my kisses are definitely deathly. Dustin's overall score was 252 points, I needed 27 or more points to beat his ass, and I'm sure I'm able to nail that.

It was my turn up as I got my lucky turquoise ball in hand and walk to its line, I crouched and leaned my right hand back. Just as I was about to throw I felt two fingers poke me in the ribs making me nearly drop the ball and fail the strike. I turn to find Dustin poking out his tongue then mumbling, "Oh f*ck, you still have the ball". I glare leaning up to his tall figure.

"Yeah I do" I whisper, then bite his neck hard making him groan in pain. The others start laughing at his agony. I lean back winking and wiping off my mouth as if there was blood. "Yum, now shuu future loser, by the way... I hate cheaters" I smirk as he sits back down all gloomy. I face back to the pins and resume my previous position. Leaning back I kiss my 'Amazeberries Fruitilicious" ring with the little diamond beside it for luck, Jace got it made for me when we were 9. I bite my lip a little and under arm my throw, I stand up straight and watch the ball go in a good speed right down the middle.

STRIKE! --------- STRIKE!

Two strikes are said out loud by the animated man with a party hat on screen making him dance, I turn to Alexis who was smiling widely at both our wins. "Yaaas! Girl Power!" I shout out laughing as we both high-five and smirk at the others. All the guys complain as we get our ball again to throw our next round.

STRIKE! --------- STRIKE!

We both get again, laughing in harmony at our amazeberriness.

It was my last bowl, determining if I'm the winner or Dustin is and I sure as hell was not letting him. Jace stood up quickly and pulled me by the elbow gently whispering, "goodluck baby girl, remember if you lose, you still get the prize. I love you". I smiled at his words and gave him a kiss on the cheek. I turned back around to finally do my last bowl. I excitedly bent a little and threw the ball in speed with the last words in mind "I love you" from Jace. I smiled and felt a little fuzzy in the tummy when he said that, that's a first. The ball hits the first few then effectively hit all the others like dominoes making me scream out.

"STRIKEEEE!" I shout loudly head banging to the background music of, Boom Clap? My friggen theme song now. Dustin laments standing up and spins me around. "I guess you beat me Ms Amazeberries"

"Guess I did" I replied cockily kissing his cheek. Julian then got up giving me a bear hug, "God damn Einstein, that was great. Need to teach me some time" Julian smiles giving me a little nudge. Brooklyn waddles her way here in her heels giving me a big smoochy kiss on the cheek. I bet there's a huge lip stain now. "Fabulous Skye! Girl Power! yeah!" She laughs walking back as she seems some guy walk into the place.

Jace then came back handing me my cookie bag smiling, "Winner again Cookie Crumble, well done". I brightly smiled hugging him tight. I closed my eyes savouring this sweet hug as I sniffed his heavenly cologne. This hug felt so damn good, touching him felt so damn good. This is getting weird. I lean back and walk to the others as Alexis was on her last bowl, I sit down beside Ryan as we stare in awe as she swings her last bowl.


I scream like a sociopath tackling her in a hug as we chant, "WE WON! WE WON! WE WON!" After a couple of minutes of repeating we finally stop and adjust ourselves to look decent and normal, pssh... weirdness is cool okay? Everyone crowded us laughing at our craziness and talent on bowling, who would've thought Ms Coffee and Ms Cookie would beat everyone's ass? well... we knew.

After finishing 'thankyou's' and 'we'll be here a couple of Saturday's', I stood up on the lounge with Alexis and looked over everyone.

"Okay losers! We'll be your masters for the day and as you know, you can't back down from this!" I deckare watching the dread fill they're eyes.

"And!" Alexis starts, "if you were to fool out like chickens, consequences acquire"

"Mhm like.. Peter bow down to me!" I smirk looking down at him.

"What the f*ck? No way"

"Sorry what was that?" I ask.

"No way Einstein!" Peter shouts. I smirk and nod to Jace as he holds him back. Alexis jumps down and gets out eggplant from her bag, shoving one in his mouth. Everyone watches him gag the nasty food, Jace then made him swallow it. He finally digested the revolting thing with a couple of tears down his eyes.

"You think that was hard guys? You haven't seen nothing yet, so obey!" I smile sweetly at them all then walk out of the bowling place, arm in arm with Alexis.

"OH MY GOD SKYE! I am so not wearing this!" Dustin screams out of the lingerie room.

"I agree, this is too far even for you!" Ryan adds. I could hear the other guys groaning trying to fit in their costumes that Alexis and I personally chose.

We both stood there leant against the wall, waiting for our masterpiece to come out.

"Ready boys?" Alexis asks.

"Ugh! I don't wanna wear the tutu!" Peter cries out, as he probably tries to adjust it. "Oh.. Really? Sorry, I'll get you a better one then, just hold on sweet pea!" I kindly say.

So much damn sarcasm.

Alexis mouths "what are you doing?"

"Just you watch" I mouth back getting a †hong that was a furry horse as the guy thing, matching with two n!pple clippers with horse faces. We held in our laughs as I passed it over to Peter. "Enjoy it! Can't wear anything else, so enjoy!" I say with the most sweet, sarcasm I could give to this jerk.

I resumed back to my spot beside Alexis as we patiently waited for these hunka dunks to come out.

"Ready now boys?" I ask, in return I hear about 6 yes's. One is still missing...

"Peter how is it?"

"F*cking horrible"

"Good! Now out you go boys!!!"

At the same time all the boys open their doors coming out in their each individual boy lingerie. Alexis and I leaned back crossing our arms in satisfaction and admiration of our masterpieces. Plus the view was great, the lingerie really showed out their muscular toned... Bodies.

Contain yourself Einstein, contain it!

"Okay first up is Julian!" Alexis announces as he walks out to us in whole redness. His nice toned body that was slightly pale shook in his lingerie of blue tight sparkly shorts and a cowboy hat that matched it. Coming in he modelled for us as we took pictures, he shyly smiled at me when I checked out his butt. He got a good booty. Walking out he bowed his hat and winked making me nearly jizz myself. Alexis looked hella flustered herself.

"Next is Allan!" I smile radiantly. I hope he feels better plus Brooklyn isn't here, I made her go to Starbucks to get us all Frappucinos which was in the other side of Westfield. I'm such a good friend.

Allan shyly came out in a simple silky black boxers with a red cape coming off him like a superhero. He bashfully turned around to model as we took pictures. My eyes wandered down his butt, wow he got a good ass too. He looked down as a dimple came visible giving a genuine smile. He must've been loving this, see this isn't torture! It's fun, well mainly for Alexis and I.

I smiled biting my lip, he looked very handsome, they all do, and hot.. But I don't know, the way he smiled was adorable. Shaking my head I looked around as Alexis announced, "Dustin!"

My eyes bulge at the sight, Dustin was draped in literally a woman's lingerie. A soft pink laced bit covered underwear that connected a high legging, and let's not forget the matching bra. He intently smirked at me as I felt myself getting timid and hot. "I didn't g-get that f-for you..." I stutter as I stared him down.

"Oh I know, I just wanted to make this more fun and sexy" he says winking. His v line very visible and those thighs, oh my god. He walked in the middle placing his hands on the top of his head, flexing. He then walked right up to me "Like what you see?" He whispers for only me to hear. "Mmm.. Mhm" I was out of words, he looked like an idiot but a forking hot idiot. He softly rubbed my waist then was interrupted by large coughs from Jace and Ryan. I quickly redden and look down as Dustin walks back to his changing room smiling. I leaned back as Alexis fanned me laughing at my reaction, just.. Wow.

"N-next is Ryan" I notify still trying to calm myself.

Ryan comes out in leathered shorts that had leather belts coming across his torso that connected with a metal circle in the middle. My brother looked like one of those Master Seductors. I began laughing as he winks at Alexis and starts doing all kind of modelling poses. I attentively observe as Alexis and Ryan stare at each other the entire time, his lips quiver in a smug smirk making her face redden with desire.

"Likey muffin?" He asks as she wipes her forehead blinking a few times in response, unable to respond vocally.


Why does that sound so famili-

Oh my forking God! I knew it all along! Well no! But .. Oh my god, oh my... No wonder there was tension in the car. I should've seen this coming! Ryan mentioned she loved coffees, Alexis always instantly blushes when I mention Ryan or becomes remotely quiet. Oh god! Skye you idiot!

I stare at their intensified and powerful chemistry as my brother pretty much sexually arouses her. The immense emotion these two felt for each other was so damn strong. And that's when I realised, she's inlove with him too...

This was like watching a chick flick of a couple descending and weakening by each other's love, nonetheless their lust and exaggerate flare builds up which ends in a lot of sex.

Oh god, don't think of that between your brother and Coffee buddy.

I grin at the view even though the nasty image of my brother swaying in a sexy manner made me gag. Ryan then held Alexis's hand and kissed it smiling like a fool, she immediately smiles in return. As the romance filled the air, we still had a few more boys to get to so Ryan retreated back in his changing room. I lightly squeezed Alexis's shoulder and whispered, "I know". Her eyes bulged with a worried look defeating her composure. I softly smiled, "it's okay, we'll talk about it later plus..." I lean in close, "he feels the same way, so don't doubt yourself" leaning back I gave a little wink.

"Next is Peter!"

Peter leisurely comes out with one hand over his butt and the other over his hanging, hardly covered horse.

"Dayum, neeeeh to you!" Julian chuckles as the other guys whistled and asked which corner Peter works at. Alexis and I immediately uncontrollably laugh at his unpleasant aspect, at least he had a great torso. Shaking my head I realised he wasn't wearing the matching horse ears. I slow pace towards him and tap his horse n!pple clips making him wail. "Where's the ears?"

Peter pouted then walked to the changing room and back out with the horse ears.

"Sah hawt!"

"Whats your number bae?"

"Look at that ass wabble!"

*whistles* "Hot stuff, I love horses. Can I ride you?"

All the guys howl as his face reddens that held the most embarrassment one could hold a millennium.

"Haha.. Okay that's enough, back you go in your stable" I snicker then turn to my phone and check out the last few photos.

"Last and none least is Jace!" Alexis notifies making me steadily look up.


I just can't right now.


I can't.

Jace's piercing grey green eyes stared back into mine as his dimple smile revealed. Jace wore a simple short underwear that hung low off his V-line, Fluro yellow suspenders connected off it and around his bulky defined shoulders. Combing his hair back I then realised his nerd glasses which completed the replete seductive nerd look. I couldn't tear my eyes off my best friend, he was .. F*cking beautiful. I heard Alexis snap pictures while I dreamily gazed at him, flexing, holding the suspenders and smiling cheekily, holding down his glasses and winking, every damn thing about him was screaming out 'sex', I want that, I want him.

I promptly look away realising what I was thinking. What's wrong with me? That's my best friend I'm thinking about, the guy that I let eat my cookies sometimes. I've never felt like this since 8, I guess I did once have a crush on him but I repeatedly told myself to get over it, that it was silly because he wouldn't like me back. I mean back then he was already sharing chocolates and candies with girls, holding their hands, kissing their cheeks. More than 3 at a time, he was a friggen womaniser. I knew he'd never feel the same I mean, I was goofy loud dirty minded Skye...

Why are you even thinking about this?

Shut up Skye.

I mentally head butt myself and look up smiling at them all trying to stop the thoughts, flashbacks and fantasies of Jace run through my mind.

"Now guys, you think that was it? Well nope... You'll be wearing it for the rest of the day sweet cheeks"

They all in conformity complain that this was exceeding limits. Maybe it was... Oh well.

Alexis hooked my arms while we skipped out of the store, waiting for the boys to buy their costumes, lingerie, underwear... Well whatever you call it.

We sat down laughing and discussing about each of their clothes. I wasn't going to bring up about Ryan, not now. Better later, because I was gonna give an immense coffee to cookie talk.

"I finally found you guys! Oh my god ugh!" Brooklyn whines as she struggles to hold 9 frappucinos in her hands. Poor thing. I quickly get up as well as Alexis taking three off her. "Oooh cookies and cream!" I shout instantly drinking it.

The boys came out with bags in hand of their original clothes, all still in their lingerie. Random people walking past stared in shock and adoration, especially other girls who were getting a sense of pleasure out of this. Brooklyn spits out her leftover frappucino in her mouth, and then unexpectedly let out the worse thing I heard since Mr Sack slid down a sharp ruler down the chalkboard.

An ear pitching scream that could make the harbour bridge break down and every glass break in history. Her golden locks slightly moved from her screaming. We all covered our ears as much as we could. I could feel the blood soon trickle out of my ears if she continued this for another minute.

And then after what felt like an eternity, she did.

We all sighed in relief as she stopped, and then Brooklyn began stepping consistently on the floor making tap sounds. Oh god.... shut up.

"I can't believe it, this is the best day of my life! Oh my f*cking God!" She shouts out again.

"ERM MAH GOODNESS, LIKE UHHH!" Brookyn screams bouncing up and down clapping the frappucinos together.

"Seriously shut up woman, you're making me hearing-impaired!" Allan shouts making her go quiet. I stared in shock at his outburst but was damn impressed. He looked over at me shocked by his words too but then returned the smile. He did good. The other guys snorted a laugh at her dismissed face.

"Well whatever, you guys all look f*cking hot and I get to show off all those hoes who has them! That mwah does!" She winked, feeling up Jace's arm. Jace uncomfortably shook her off and stood by me as her face was altered with rejection. She then shook it off and went to Mr Desperate, Peter and began rubbing his waist. He moaned softly making us all shudder and walk off the other direction.

"Ready for your next troubled doing?" Alexis asked making all the guys groan and shake their heads, all extremely red as strangers walk by and stare at they're nearly complete nudeness.

"What could be worse than this?" Dustin grumbles and just in that moment, Allan pulled back the bra strap making a whack sound. "Ouch! sh*t ow!" Dustin cries out in pain, holding the back of his shoulder.

"That could be worse" Jace adds chuckling, he then slided his hand in mine interwining our fingers.

An electric shock went through my hand that made feel this tingle of heat. I've never felt that before... but it felt good.

I smirked to myself realizing I was dragging these boys nearly completely nude behind me.

Now that is called, good slavery.


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