Goodbye Solitude

By hurlingturtles

192K 6.1K 7K

Bakugo has always had a secret fascination with Kirishima's teeth. One day, a drunken bite turns Bakugo's fas... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 8

13.7K 401 488
By hurlingturtles

"Ummm, Bakugo... stay right here for a minute, okay?" Kirishima helped tuck his dick back into his pants while Bakugo leaned against the table, trying to catch his breath, and then he tucked his own still-hard dick back into his pants. "Don't move, ok? I'll be right back!" Then he was off, running back down the alleyway.

Dazed, Bakugo just stared after him. "Huh?" He looked down, seeing the cum all over his hero costume and was shocked back to Earth. "Kirishima!" he roared angrily, but Kirishima had already turned a corner, gone.

He still had half a shift left and he was covered in cum! What did he let Kirishima.... seduce him into? Fuck, he sounded like someone from one of those romance novels with Lords and shit.. not that he'd ever actually read one of them, of course. Looking around him he scrambled to find something to wipe it off before it dried. Why was this patio area so damn clean?? There wasn't a single scrap of garbage or weed in sight.

A minute later, Kirishima came running back to Bakugo holding a bottle of water and a stack of napkins. His breathing was slightly labored as he opened the bottle and poured water on a few napkins, trying to clean up the mess they left behind. "Sorry about this," he muttered sheepishly.

"This better come out of my shirt," he snapped, trying to smother the embarrassment suddenly surging through him. "I can't work with cum stains all over me, Kirishima."

"I know, I know. I got it," he said calmly. "It'll be ok. It's too bad your hero costume isn't more like mine." He smiled ruefully.

Bakugo glanced at his bare, sculpted chest. "Well, I'm not planning on making this a habit. In fact, this was a big mistake. My rule was no biting or sexual stuff 'during our shift', and while we're not technically on the clock, I think it still counts as being during our shift."

Kirishima frowned. "Debatable but I'll back off if you let me come to your apartment or you come to mine every day after work."

"Every day?" he protested.

"It was part of our rule, remember? If either of us wants to meet up, then we meet up. If we can't do anything during our lunch then after work it is." Kirishima shoved the soggy napkins into a pants pocket. "I think I got it all, but you're going to have to air-dry before I can see for sure."

"Still, every day is a lot!"

Kirishima shrugged. "If I have limited time with you then I'm going to take advantage of the situation as much as possible while I can."

Bakugo patted his uncomfortably damp shirt. "Fine, starting tomorrow, though, since we already did.... stuff today."

"Sure, sure," he said amiably.

Bakugo felt a hand patting his butt and he stiffened in shock. "Kirishima!"

"What?" he said innocently. "You had dust on it from the table."

They went back to patrolling, walking along the sidewalk and past the boring office buildings. Kirishima was annoyingly chipper, chatting about everything. The worst part was how often he seemed to touch Bakugo now. He swore that he was doing it on purpose to drive Bakugo crazy. Kirishima touched his arm repeatedly to get his attention about any stupid minor thing. He patted his back when he made a horribly cheesy joke.

The last straw was when Kirishima brushed a finger across his cheek. "Fucking hell, Kirishima!" He stopped walking to yell at him, his heart thumping in his chest.

"You had an eyelash!" He showed him a tiny eyelash on his index finger.

"I don't give a shit about a fucking eyelash!"

"Sorry, it was super distracting."

"Uh huh. Just how pent up are you?"

Kirishima's eyes widened and his face turned red. "Uhh...."

"Nevermind, I don't want to know." He looked at the time on his phone. "We should start heading toward the shuttle."

As they sat on the shuttle, Bakugo thought about the day, fluctuating from embarrassed about jerking off with Kirishima and frustrated with the lack of any real herowork being done that day. Quadrant three was the worst. But on the upside, they didn't have any paperwork to fill out for the day, only a timecard, which was all online through the app. They parted in the locker room. Bakugo left his gauntlets and everything in his locker but decided to take home his pants and shirt to give them a real wash.

As he left the Home Office a voice called out, "Hey," behind him, making him jump. It was Kirishima, already dressed in his street clothes, his hair down and soaking went from an obviously rushed shower.

"Idiot," Bakugo sighed. "You're going to get a cold." He reached up and tried to dry Kirishima's hair with the back of his hero shirt, since it was still relatively clean.

Kirishima chuckled. "Cute," he murmured underneath the black shirt.

He stopped and pulled away, embarrassed. "Whatever. What do you want?"

"Nothing much. I just wanted to see you off."

Bakugo stared at him in confusion. "Okay..." Heading to his car, he was acutely aware of Kirishima following him closely. He felt like prey being stalked by a ravenous predator. He unlocked his car with his remoted and then impatiently turned around to face Kirishima. "This wasn't a date, you know."

Kirishima shrugged with a smile. "I know, I'm just being greedy." He cupped Bakugo's waist and leaned toward him.

Bakugo's eyes widened and he looked around the parking lot. The only other people around were pretty far away, by the entrance to the Home Office. It wasn't too late, though, so other heroes could exit the building any minute now.

"What the hell-"

Kirishima silenced him with a quick hungry kiss, devouring his lips with bruising passion, before parting. "Just a little something to tide me over until tomorrow," he said breathlessly. Then he turned around, heading toward his train station.

Sucking in a calming breath, Bakugo climbed into his car and thumped his forehead against in steering wheel. He barely remembered getting home, driving mostly on autopilot as he recalled everything that had happened that day for the millionth time, it felt like. He spent most of the evening cleaning obsessively to kill the knot of anxiety in his gut, wondering what would happen tomorrow.

Their shift the next day was in Quadrant One, the busiest of the shopping districts. More people meant more crime. They stopped a fist fight between civilians, helped the police rein in a shoplifter that turned violent when he got caught, and helped lost child find his mother. All before their lunch break. They were so busy Kirishima didn't have time to fool around and tease Bakugo with his deceptively innocent touches. Every time Kirishima stood closer than normal to Bakugo, he couldn't help but to tense in anticipation, pretending like his stomach didn't sink slightly in disappointment when nothing happened.

Finally, the day ended and they headed back to the Home Office on the shuttle. Bakugo could feel Kirishima's eyes on him for several minutes before he finally spoke up. "What a day, huh?"

"Right? No major villains but it felt like there was just one thing after another." Bakugo sighed.

"We're going to have more paperwork than usual tonight," Kirishima said and Bakugo nodded. "Wait for me in the parking lot."

Bakugo tensed. "Fine," he said brusquely, trying to act casual, like he wasn't worried about tonight, like he hadn't been anticipating it all damn day.

After filling out paperwork, as Bakugo stripped out of his hero costume for the day, he contemplated taking a quick shower. It'd been a busy day and he felt sweatier than usual. Also, he didn't want to stink if things got physical between Kirishima and him. He hung up his gauntlets, trying not to feel anything from the thought. The longer he stood there, the more his sweat bothered him, until he finally caved in. He slung one of his rarely-used towels around his waist, and headed to the locker room showers. They were individual stalls, separated by tiled walls with thick beige curtains. Each stall had a dispenser filled with a 3-in-one shampoo/conditioner/bodywash. The scent was pretty mild, which he approved of, but his thick blonde hair usually needed more intense conditioning. He preferred his hair products at home but the idea of showering while Kirishima was home made him feel supremely self-conscious.

As Bakugo reached for one of the shower curtains, the curtain flew open and Kirishima stepped out of the shower. His hair was dark with from water, droplets trickling down his cheeks, onto his collar bones, and down his heavily muscled chest. Kirishima froze, the hand holding his towel around his waist clenching tightly as he stared at Bakugo in surprise. Suddenly Bakugo became acutely aware of how naked they both were under their towels. The surprised expression on Kirishima's face was replaced by eyes that stared down at him in hot interest.

"Need any help?" Kirishima teased after a moment.

Bakugo straightened in indignation. "I'm gonna be gone in like 5 minutes so you better be ready, shitty hair." He brushed past Kirishima and then pushed him out of the way so he could close the curtain.

"I'll be waiting for you," Kirishima replied on the other side of the curtain and Bakugo watched as his feet disappeared.

Sighing in relief, Bakugo turned on the water and took the fastest shower of his life. Soaping himself down from head to toes mechanically. His hair was still very wet, but he managed to be out at his car in 5 minutes. Kirishima was already standing by the passenger side door, grinning at him with those jagged teeth of his. Bakugo's feet faltered for a second and he looked away.

Focus. He wasn't doing this for shits and giggles. He had a goal. To end his fascination with Kirishima's teeth once and for all. Ideally, without losing all control, like he had in that alley yesterday.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Bakugo climbed into his car and Kirishima followed suit. "So," he said neutrally. "You hungry?"

Kirishima perked up in interest. "Sure, what do you have in mind?"

"Hmmm, maybe curry?"

"Hell yeah, your curry is the best! Don't tell my mom I said that." He laughed. "Do we need to stop at a store?"

"Nope, I have everything. I've been wanting to cook curry again for a while."

"Awesome!" He all but beamed with excitement. It was stupidly cute.

When they got upstairs, and in his apartment, Bakugo started cooking immediately. As he cleaned and chopped the vegetables Kirishima chatted about everything. Between Kirishima's happy yammering and the repetitive thunk of his knife hitting the cutting board, Bakugo felt himself relax and his nerves settle. As the curry simmered and the rice cooked, he took a couple beers out of the fridge and slid one across the dining table to Kirishima.

"Beer before food? Are you trying to get me drunk?" Kirishima wagged his eyebrows suggestively.

Bakugo snorted. "Food will be done in twenty minutes, dork."

"It smells amazing already." He took a deep breath and sighed happily.

"You'll eat anything, I swear."

"Not true! I do like food, but it's been ages since I've had a homecooked meal."

Bakugo nodded and sat down at the table across from Kirishima. "We have to eat out way too damn much for work."

"I'm a terrible cook so I eat out for dinner too, more often than not," he admitted.

"What the fuck, man. You really do need someone to take care of you." Bakugo frowned deeply.

A red eyebrow arched. "I'm taking applications," he joked.

Bakugo rolled his eyes. "Seriously though, it's not good to eat out so much. While we're partners no fried food for lunch!"

Kirishima groaned and then his eyes brightened. "Oh! Speaking of work, I heard that we're going to have a temporary transfer soon!"

"What? Why?"

"Geez, you really don't pay attention to things, do you? Because of Iida getting married! He started his vacation yesterday to go on his honeymoon and we need someone to cover his patrols. Having you partner up with me made us already short one person as it is."

"Please don't say it's Deku."

"I don't know who it is yet, all I've heard is that they're starting super soon. Maybe tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

"Well, anyone's better than Deku so whatever, I guess." Bakugo shrugged.

"I really doubt it's him. He's way to busy where he's stationed."

"You still keeping in touch with him?

"We text sometimes. He's a good guy."

"You like everyone," retorted Bakugo.

Kirishima grinned, his white teeth practically gleaming under the kitchen's halogen lights. "But you're my favorite."

"Of course I am. As I should be," he said with over-the-top arrogance, wondering if Kirishima was trying to flirt with him.

They gave each other shit until the timer on the rice cooker beeped and Bakugo got up to check on the food. "It's done! Grab a plate and help yourself!" he called out, starting to load up his own plate.

Kirishima stood up and started shoveling rice on a place, humming happily. Bakguo watched him out of the corner of his eye, struck by how.... homey his apartment suddenly felt. It was kind of nice cooking for someone, especially someone as enthusiastic as Kirishima. He furtively glanced at Kirishima as he ate. The more Kirishima ate, the more he relaxed; and the more Bakugo ate, the more his tension returned.

Finally, Kirishima slid his empty plate away and slumped down in his chair, patting his tummy contentedly. "That was great, Bakugo," he sighed.

"Thanks, I guess." He stood up and grabbed their plates to put them in the sink. While he was putting away leftovers Kirishima started scrubbing their plates and loading them into the dishwasher. That sense of homey domestication should've returned but Bakugo's nerves were strung tight.

His time to strike was imminent.

"Go relax on the couch, dumbass, I'll take care of the rest of the dishes."

"But I like helping!" Kirishima protested.

"That's nice and shit, but I got it."

"Well, I guess." He reluctantly walked over to the couch.

Bakugo took his sweet-ass time with the last of the dishes. In fact, he took way longer than necessary. He might've scrubbed the same pan three times before putting it in the dishwasher. By the time he finished the dishes, started up the dishwasher, and joined Kirishima on the couch Kirishima was looking pretty glassy-eyed.

He turned to Bakugo, blinking sleepily. His full belly was making him slip slowly into a food coma. "Hey, man," he greeted, stifling a yawn.

"Hey." Bakugo rubbed his sweaty palms against his knees. "Tired, huh."

"Nah, I'm totally fine!" A bold-faced lie if he ever heard one.

"Maybe you should just crash on the couch for the night."

"Wait, I'm good-"

Bakugo continued hurriedly, "But before you pass out, could you bite me?" Holding his breath, he looked at Kirishima.

Kirishima's eyes were wide now, looking like he'd never felt sleepy to begin with. Shit. This wasn't how it was supposed to be. Mission abort, Mission abort. Kirishima was supposed to be so full that he was too sleepy to do much other than nibble on his neck a little. Bakugo severely underestimated his libido.

"On second thought, it's getting late, don't worry about it. I'll see you tomorrow." He stood up only to have Kirishima yank him back down to the couch by the wrist.

"No, wait. I'll do it!"

Bakugo sat back down on the couch and, as Kirishima snaked his arm around his waist, he frantically worked on improvising a new plan. A new way of having more control.

Kirishima scooted closer to Bakugo and something in him snapped. "Hold the fuck up," he turned to glare up at Kirishima. Tall fucking bastard. He swung around, launching himself onto Kirishima's lap. Sitting on his lap, Bakugo was finally at eye-level with him again, and satisfaction surged through him at the redhead's surprise.

Red eyes skimmed the bandage on his neck. "Can I see it?"

Bakugo shrugged and ripped it off his neck in one smooth motion, tossing the gauze on the coffee table. The marks where scabbed over. It was healed over enough to not need to be covered, but unfortunately, it didn't look anything like a knife wound. He watched Kirishima's eyes dilate and his heart thumped in his chest.

"You like it, don't you?" he demanded smugly.

Kirishima's cheeks pinkened and he looked away guiltily. "That's crazy."

"Oh really?" Bakugo snickered and grabbed Kirishima by the chin. He forced him to look at the mark closer. "You did this to me. It's like I'm carrying around a little bit of you all the time." They sat so closely Bakguo could hear Kirishima's breath come out in bursts now. "Want to see how your mark looks on more of my skin?"

Kirishima licked his bottom lip, the tips of his teeth peeking out for a brief second. "Where do you want me to bite you?"

Tilting his head thoughtfully, Bakugo said, "Somewhere that people can't see. Somewhere private." Kirishima's pupils were blown out now and a thrill of triumph raced through Bakugo. He pulled off his shirt and Kirishima reverently cupped the flare of Bakugo's hips.

"You're stunning," Kirishima breathed in awe.

A light blush darkened Bakugo's cheeks. "Shut the fuck up, acting like you haven't seen a man's chest."

"You're not just any man, though." Kirishima's hands slid up his chest, his thumb rubbing along his ribcage. "You're so fit and manly." He leaning forward to teasingly lick Bakugo's left nipple, making him gasp. "It's super sexy."

"Too much talking, not enough biting," the blonde reminded him roughly.

Kirishima laughed, all of his teeth on glorious display, and a rush of pure heat shot straight to Bakugo's groin. Fucking hell. He reached out to comb his fingers through Kirishima's red hair, pulling it roughly to bring Kirishima's head back to his chest. The grin on his face mellowed and his red eyes darkened as he looked down at the tiny bead that was Bakugo's nipple. Puffs of breath against his sensitive skin made Bakugo shudder. Finally, Kirishima lapped slowly over the nipple, agonizingly slowly. In one smooth motion he sucked his nipple into his mouth, the tips of his teeth lightly grazing around it.

"Shit," Bakugo rasped, his hips bucking involuntarily. His dick strained inside his pants. Every pull of Kirishima's mouth had him panting and tugging at his hair.

Dimly, he felt pulling at his waist as Kirishima unsnapped and unzipped his pants. His dick sprang free, twitching eagerly in Kirishima's palm. His warm, rough hand closed around his dick, pumping it in time with every suck on his nipple.

As Bakugo teetered on the edge, cum leaking from his dick, he snarled like a wild animal. Demanding.

Teeth pricked around his areola, at first gently but then with a jerk, piercing his skin viciously. "Ah!" he cried out, cum shooting onto Kirishima's shirt as blood trickled out of the corner of his mouth.

Bakugo slumped limply in Kirishima's arms. "Mmm, thanks, shitty hair." His voice slurred in satisfaction.

"You're bleeding," Kirishima's brows furrowed in concern.

Bakugo shrugged languidly. "'S okay." He rubbed a bit of blood off Kirishima's lips, licking it off his thumb, tasting iron on his tongue. "It's hot, isn't it?"

Kirishima's eyes widened, taking in the sight of Bakugo tasting his own blood with his half-hard dick dripping with cum, and teeth marks on his chest. It was the sexiest thing he'd ever seen in his whole life.

Bakugo yawned, the post-orgasm glow making him sleepy. Kirishima lightly nipped on the muscle of his right pec, startling Bakugo awake. "What do you think you're doing?" His eyes narrowed at him threateningly, but at the same time twinkling with laughter. "I'm not done with you yet."

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