Saving Arthur Morgan | rdr2

By thatredheadxo

61.2K 2.1K 482

Isabella Monroe is a college student who is struggling to make ends meet. She works constantly and college is... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chaptef 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Christmas with the Morgans
Thank you!
Undead Nighmare

Chapter 14

1.5K 59 7
By thatredheadxo

TRIGGER WARNING!!!!!! If you're uncomfortable with sexual assault or abuse please DO NOT READ! This is NOT apart of rdr2, although there is an assault that is in the game if triggered, this chapter is solely to show how disgusting the O'Driscoll gang is, it was mentioned in the game how they did things such as this. You're warned.

After the initial shock of Arthur's death, my carelessness opened my eyes. My guard was very much up now, I've basically followed Arthur from a I don't intervene. We can't have another death. Only 4 more chances.

I stood by the bank of the water near Clemen's Point, the night drew near and the gang was slowly tiring down for the dreaded night. Arthur went to bed about an hour ago, my guard was down slightly and my heart was sad.
I haven't heard from Lindsay for..weeks it feels like. I'm sure she's lying on the couch, eating popcorn as she watches my loneliness and mess ups..

"John! Damn you." Abigail yelled in the background of my thoughts. The night has finally fallen now so I know I'm completely alone, the dark conceals my pain.. what am I doing?

"Silly man." A mumble and curse behind me. "Oh!" Abigail looked up at me, startled. "What the Sam Hill are you doin out here?" She demanded.

I shook my head, eyes falling to my boots. "I'm not sure." I whisper.

" better stay close to camp, if you was taken we'd never have known." She crosses her arms, face softening. "If you don't mind me askin... is it Arthur?" She settled beside me, both of us staring out onto the waters.

"Um..sort of." My heart aches.

"Well...if he would quit that Mary.. the man infuriates me." She scoffed, a smile lifting her lips. "Hosea taught me that word when he was reading to Jack." She giggled childishly. I smiled despite myself. "But it's a perfect word for him ain't it?" She laughed, I nodded with a smile.

"Are you and John arguing?" I ask to change the subject.

"Hah! When ain't we arguin.." she basically growls. "He needs to be a..daddy! But no. That's too much to ask for! If it weren't for Jack.." she trails off.

"I understand Abigail..completely. My father wasn't around much either and it..killed my mother. But we turned out fine." I smile at her, she meets my eyes but looks lost.

"How many brothers and sisters you got?"

"I...have cousins we took in. My sister..she-she passed away.."

"Say no more. I can tell it pains you. I don't mean to pry." She gently rubbed my shoulder closest to her, a sad smile on her lips. "Don't worry about Arthur honey, he can take care of himself and...can I give ya some advice?"  I nod, her face goes serious. "Don't fall for an outlaw..and don't fall pregnant either!"

"Noted." I swallowed hard at the thought.

"Well goodnight." She walks off, waving a hand with her back still turned as she trotted off.

"Goodnight." I call, following shortly after she disappeared.

I settled into my tent, closing the flaps slightly leaving just enough to see Arthur's cot. His sleeping form was silent and still, back turned this way. I prayed for him and myself.. of course I know this is a game but...I'm falling so deep and far.. what more can I do?

Just as I started to close my eyes Sean catches my attention, he sprints over to Arthur. "Hey Arthur!" He calls then shakes him slightly.

"W-What the hell?" Arthur mumbles, sitting up slowly.

"we got business to attend to." I groan at the words, of course! No rest for the wicked I suppose. I sit up, crawling to the crack to watch them.

I quickly dress, waiting for them to leave. Arthur dresses, throwing his gun belt on. They rush off towards the horses.

I casually sneak out towards Pearson's station, watching as they climb into a wagon.

I hurry to Misty as they drive off into the night.


They're heading back to the dreaded Caliga Hall. Arthur has quickly hid in the back of the wagon while Sean smooth talked the guards.. now I'm in for it. Damn!

As they ride on towards the manor, I basically shit myself. How am I gonna get up with them!?

Then it dawns on's a foggy night. I could easily sneak in.

Just as I was about to jump off misty..a sharp pain hits me..and I hit the ground, staring at three ugly faces as they close in...everything goes black.


"we'll have real fun with this little chit." Deep chuckles wake me. A sharp pain strikes her temple.

"Arthur." I groan, trying to scream but failing.

"Ah. Look who's awake." An Irish brogue sang and swam in my head.

"They'd pay a pretty penny for you back..or ol' Morgan will." He laughed, it rang in my ears, my vision started to focus but blur around the edges.

A dark haired man danced before my eyes...or he looked to be dancing. His long black hair is stringy and unkept. He was staring at me with a sinister grin as I lie on the cold ground. My body aches with every move I try to make.

"Who..Who are you?" I grumble.

"Why..I'm Colm O'Driscoll pretty gal." He laughed merrily but it sounded more devilish than happy.

"You bastard-" the words were slapped out of my mouth by a man who suddenly appeared above me.

"That ain't a way to be speakin', tsk tsk." I shook my head trying to clear my vision and mind but it stayed blurry and increasingly is getting worse. "Blind fold her, looks like she's takin another nap." More laughter surrounded me as the darkness took over.


I awoke coughing, coughing harder than I've ever done.. I slowly opened my eyes and realized I'm tied upside now. Blood dribbled out of my mouth and landed in little droplets on the dirt floor..

I could hear men talking in the distance, the room very dark and damp. The only light was a singular candle beside me.. it illuminated the stairs in front of me...a cellar..

My vision was so poor now.. red tinges and grey, but I have to fight through this..
I looked over to see a pair of scissors on the desk beside of me.. I gained the strength to try and swing, failing twice and finally grabbing them.

I reached up for my ankle, the rope groaned at the weight and the wooden arch I hung from moaned from age.. I muster up the strength managing to throw myself up, trying my best to be quiet as my the unbearable pains try to overcome me..I thought of Arthur and Lindsay..I have to do it.

I reached up, sawing the rope with the dull scissors. My body cried out but I pushed through.. then I was falling and landed with an abrupt thud..but soon after a terrible pain struck a cord in my side. The scissors were literally through my side! I bit the scream that threatened to escape, biting my lips so hard I'm sure they'll bleed. I pulled myself up with the desk leg, squeezing my eyes and praying that this will be over soon..

I heard shuffling above and the voice quieted... "aye, what was that?" A man above called out.

"Looks like a lone rider. Take care of him." Another demanded.

"Hey you!" The voice rang out, sounding more distant now.

I slowly gripped the handles of the scissors steadily, taking a deep ragged breath, and yanking as hard as I could. The pain was...excruciating and before I could stop myself I screamed out..

As my scream escaped me, shots rang out and chaos hit above. I swallowed the pain, scurrying to the stairs.

"Get the girl!" I heard above, then two men came bounding down the stairs..I still had the scissors thankfully. It's all I got.

They ran past, not even seeing me. Until one turns on me, shouting god awful words. He lunged for me, I sliced at his hands and arms causing him to scurry back with a curse. "You bitch!"

The other came at me, grabbing around my waist. I stuck the scissors in his neck as he tackled me down to the dirt. He kept fighting though.

"Dumb bitch, don't ya know who we are!" He laughed darkly, blood poured out of his thick neck still. But he kept going.

I fought but I was too weak, he held me down with one meaty hand as he unbuckled his pants, laughing. He stopped, jerked out the scissors like they were nothing, I barely maimed him.. I screamed knowing what was next when his eyes turned dark.. I shut my eyes because...I don't know what else to do.. until more shots rang out but inside the cramped dark cellar..and the man collapsed on top of me.

"Son of a bitch." I heard a familiar voice.. I slowly opened my weak eyes to see a disgusted Arthur. "I'm glad I came when I did." His face turned into a angry scowl.

He pulled the nasty brute off me. Looking at me with sad yet angry eyes. "Did he-"

"No Arthur, you came right on time." He pulled me up, dusting me off and giving me support to limp up the stairs.

"Damn O'Driscolls..nasty bastards." He growled, helping me towards his horse. " deranged, wait 'till Dutch hears this-"

"No..this is too humiliating." I stopped him.

"He wasn't wanting you, He was wanting one us.. hes workin with the Pinkertons now..luckily I found you before they got here and to camp." He helped me mount, jumping up behind me. "You're safe now. I ain't gonna let no one hurt ya again." He promised as he urged Persephone on..

I dozed off willingly in Arthur's arms. I finally felt safe.

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